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Blackpill Response To: "You're Not Entitled To Sex"

1. Nobody is entitled to anything

Entitlements are a figment of imagination, they exist only in the minds of humans, and function only within societies where they are allowed to function, and are facilitated (usually through tax collection to fund said "entitlement programmes")

Pension, welfare, clean water, education, nobody is really entitled to any of it if were being objective and honest.

2. Incels don't feel entitled to sex, they simply WANT sex

I keep seeing the "entitlement" argument repeated everywhere and it is literally just a strawman argument, propping up a stance so absurd that you can't help but be right being against it, heck even I agree with being against it, because its egotistical and illogical for anyone to think they literally DESERVE anything, a normies reasoning for being against it would likely be more emotionally based though, more like - "women are people too, this is so misogynistic, its so hurtful, etc, etc".

Are there a few incels actually going around saying and believing that they "deserve" sex and are entitled to it, yes, but those men are idiots, they are outliers, any logical person knows full well nobody "deserves" anything. Most incels adhere to the "black pill philosophy", and a key "tenant" of that is basing ones life choices and interpretation of observations, on cold hard logic, so I doubt most incels (or even 5% of incels) actually believe they DESERVE sex

Incels simply just want, just like every other human on this planet that wants, to try and paint incels as this collective of egotistical males, that all think they are entitled to sex (women's bodies) is a falsehood that is often peddled by the media and society at large.

You see because its much easier to simply create a false narrative that can be argued against, than to argue against the actual thing. Paint incels as malicious and egotistical instead of frustrated and suicidal, and its much easier to demonize incels and garner support against them.

3. Disenfranchised Males = Self Destructive Males

There's this african proverb that I think perfectly describes whats taking place between modern society and average/below average males.

"If the young are not initiated in the tribe, they will burn down the village just to feel its warmth."

Modern society is extremely sexualized, there is no escape from sex as a man in these times, which is why it feels like you're being trolled whenever people say the all too cliche phrase "sex isn't the most important thing in life", nice strawman argument, now simply wanting sex because its being shoved down your throat at every waking moment, is equal to thinking its the most important thing in the world. Statements like that are nothing but dismissive shaming and silencing tactics.

Sex is in the news papers, magazines, tv, movies, video games, its in advertisements, bill boards, the internet, etc. People need to try and understand how "dystopian" of a reality this would all seem to a man who is unable to acquire sex due to unrealistic and unfair female standards that only exist due to various societal changes that resulted from feminism. Its like a sick joke were forced to live through. Everyone is telling us to just "get over it" while ironically enjoying sex lives themselves and boasting/talking about it at every waking moment.

Imagine if you woke up and basically everyone on the planet had an expensive sports car, all you see are people around you driving it, everyone with a sports car gets treated differently than those who don't, they have higher social status, etc. For some reason you can't get one no matter how much you adhere to the advice suggested by sports car owners. Everytime you complain about the biased system that keeps you from getting one, someone tells you - "there are more important things in life than sports cars", they then later proceed to talk with their friends about all the awesome sports cars they drove, post about the current sports car they have leased, and make instagram and other media posts about how great their sports car driving life is and how great they are at driving sports cars.

Quite obviously these people are being disingenuous, they know your complaints are legitimate, they don't actually follow their own words and they glorify sports cars and ownership of it ad nauseum, really they just want people without sports cars to STFU and deal with it, live without having a sports car and stop ruining the experience for the rest of them. Its really fucked up but that is societys mindset towards men who can't get sex, they know that argument is BS, they know they are lying and sex is of the utmost importance to every human (its not the most important thing, but its really really up there on the list, some might argue 2nd or 3rd place). They only repeat this BS because its really just about shaming and silencing men for daring to make society even feel a tad bit guilty or responsible for our current state of being disenfranchised. They really just expect incels to "STFU and take one for the team".

Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence, a man doesn't even "become a man" in a sense within society until he has sex, in essence a lot of men have not undergone their "right of passage" to become part of the "tribe" that is modern human civilization.

This is why all of these mass shootings are taking place, its started to branch off into other things like the "Thot Audit", more and more things like this are going to keep happening until society finally acknowledges this problem and begins to make changes.

So as it stands we now have a significant and growing pool of sexually starved men, who due to this are angry, violent, irritable and suicidal, seriously how does society expect this to play out, the most dangerous animal is the one backed into a corner with nothing to lose, when someone doesn't care if they die, worse yet they want to die just so their sad existence can end, there is no reasoning with that person, they are on a "war path", you either kill them, give that person what they want, or you get out of their way as they proceed to claim what they want.

Society expects us not to burn the village down when it won't initiate us into the tribe, that's whats truly outrageous, not the violence of disenfranchised men, but the fact that society actually expects us to just remain docile and accept this reality that has been forced upon us.

4. Women aren't entitled to safety

People don't seem to understand the danger of looking the collective male populace in they eyes, and telling them they aren't entitled to something that not too long ago they would just taking by force as a norm.

Men reformed themselves and created societies with laws and codes of conduct because it benefited the collective, especially the collective male populace, this was the function of "patriarchal societies". To manage a safe and fair distribution of resources, and that includes sexual and reproductive resources.

Virginity was a prerequisite for a woman to be "marriage material" because men wanted to be sure that when they married a woman she would be less likely to cheat, as she'd be more likely to be satisfied sexually with her partner due to lack of "sexual experience". It also ensured that your investment would be worth it as you aren't footing the bill for "used goods", that may sound cruel but men have to basically invest a lot into a woman's very being, even more so today, get divorced once and half of your wealth goes to another person, and these days the women aren't even virgins, marriage is truly a raw deal in this modern era.

Marriage as an institution existed for various reasons, it was used to create familial ties, for political reasons, etc, but most importantly to give a sense of assurance to men that the children their wives gave birth do were indeed theirs (hence virginity being the key defining trait of "marriage material"), and they could pass down their name and wealth to their children.

For the same reason Female Promiscuity was shamed and led to social ostracization. Womens hypergamy had to be kept in check otherwise the relationship dynamics between men and women would fall apart and so would the "family unit" which is basically the "building block" of society.

Crimes like Rape were especially frowned upon because it made a woman unfit for marriage and ruined her entire life, it also went against the civility agreement between men who as a collective all wanted their respective women in their lives to be safe and remain "their women" and not be "tarnished" by another man.

I hope people get the point here, the purpose of these laws and societal norms were to ensure a code of conduct amongst men, so that we would as a collective agree to allow each other to pursue and court women in a safe and organized manner, unimpeded by other men in an "unfair" manner, we all had a fair chance. There was a "social contract" at play here.

In these modern times the social contract is no longer functioning, expecting men not to regress and go back to the days of rape and violence when the contract is no longer being enforced and/or adhered to, is what is truly outrageous, and not the acts themselves. Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either, they never were entitled to it and they never will be, it was a "provision" offered by men to women for co-operating with men to facilitate the social contract. The safety resided within the rule set of the social contract, which is no longer at play here, so a significant and increasing number of males are seeing no reason to function as "civil" men, there's no logical reason too, why be civil when you essentially are not even part of civilization, civility its no longer to our benefit. Women's actions have thrown the entire system out of order, and the violent responses of men today are retaliatory. Society is basically trying to make average/below average males into somewhat of a "slave class" that offers their labor and utility, contributes to society, all while being barred from enjoying a basic pleasure that all the female citizens get to enjoy despite contributing less and having to risk their lives less.

Ask yourself who are really the crazy ones, the men who go out committing acts of violence or "opt out" of society, or the society that expected these men not to do this, despite significantly ruining the quality of life for the collective male populace, and having the gall to ask them to keep up their end of the social contract and be "good little boys and contribute to society as upstanding citizens" :feelskek:. Are you fucking serious, no wonder men are opting out of society, no wonder men are going out on murder rampages.


There's no real motivation to bother trying, to be a "hard worker", to be "civilized", when your reward at the end of the day is to get married to used goods who is likely only settling for you because she's aged past her prime and has a ton of baggage, to top it off with no fault divorce laws she can easily just leave with half of your wealth, and modern society actually celebrates and endorses female promiscuity and cheating on men, so that great investment you made isn't even guaranteed to be solely yours to enjoy JFL. Men have literally no motivation to be "good people", anyone who thinks people should be "good" for the sake of "being good" is an illogical idiot that doesn't get how reality actually works.

In the bible there's heaven and hell, in human laws there are cash rewards for helping law enforcement with certain tasks, and there are fines and jail time for committing crimes or breaking minor laws.

GOOD AND EVIL CAN ONLY BE TRULY (OBJECTIVELY) DEFINED BY THE FACT THAT THERE ARE REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS ASSOCIATED RESPECTIVELY, that is how we truly distinguish a good act from a bad one, if we rely on subjective opinion based criteria then anyone and everyone is both right and wrong, good and bad, based on their own personal reasonings and whims. If the bible said that no matter what you do everyone goes to heaven, but "please still don't sin" nobody would give a fuck about the rules, most every Christian would be sinning without any restraint or repentance, rules mean nothing without a reward and punishment system in place.

To address another cliche statement - "where have all the good men gone", I ask "by what objective criteria are you ascribing the label "good" ". Reinstate a sufficient "rewards system" for males and you'll see all those men come running back.
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"Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either"

Sounds like your justifying rape. I dont give a shit if asses bleed but ill say this. If you think raping a women is ok, how would it feel if a man rapped you? Or if a ugly and fat woman you dont like raped you? Not so good now would it? Also there were hookers to address the incels back in the western times. It gave incel men the pleasure, and built towns and other shit people needed for survival because how money worked at these times.
"Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either"

Sounds like your justifying rape. I dont give a shit if asses bleed but ill say this. If you think raping a women is ok, how would it feel if a man rapped you? Or if a ugly and fat woman you dont like raped you? Not so good now would it? Also there were hookers to address the incels back in the western times. It gave incel men the pleasure, and built towns and other shit people needed for survival because how money worked at these times.
Great post. I’ve been saying this for so long.

“You’re not entitled to sex” is a fake buzzphrase meant to shut down any actual discussion of the incel problem. Of course we’re not “entitled” to sex, but we want it. And when we don’t get it, based largely on genetic factors determined from conception, and when we’re even hated for those factors our whole lives, why wouldn’t some of us feel the need to resort to violence or misogyny?
Me neither bro. This is insane that were born like this we can't do shit about it. diealone
"Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either"

Sounds like your justifying rape. I dont give a shit if asses bleed but ill say this. If you think raping a women is ok, how would it feel if a man rapped you? Or if a ugly and fat woman you dont like raped you? Not so good now would it? Also there were hookers to address the incels back in the western times. It gave incel men the pleasure, and built towns and other shit people needed for survival because how money worked at these times.
Men already live with the understanding that we're not entitled to safety. Most gun enthusiasts are men for that reason. It's women that live under the false veil of safety that society provides.
[UWSL]Sounds like your justifying rape. I dont give a shit if asses bleed but ill say this. If you think raping a women is ok, how would it feel if a man rapped you? Or if a ugly and fat woman you dont like raped you? Not so good now would it? Also there were hookers to address the incels back in the western times. It gave incel men the pleasure, and built towns and other shit people needed for survival because how money worked at these times.[/UWSL]
Fuck off you faggot cuck. All women deserve to be brutally raped by my incel prick and then strangulated afterwards.
Sounds like your justifying rape.
Don't misinterpret my position. I don't care about justifications, reality is what it is. Only people who believe in morality care about justifying things. I'm a nihilist, the way I look at reality I'm just going to do what I want because it pleases me, I spend not one second trying to justify a thought or action.

I dont give a shit if asses bleed but ill say this. If you think raping a women is ok, how would it feel if a man rapped you?
False comparison:

Or if a ugly and fat woman you dont like raped you? Not so good now would it?
I'd get over it in a week, and I'd probably just stalk her and rape her back. Maybe I can hold her in a basement for a few months and starve her down to a good weight :feelskek:. Also I don't need to look at a woman's face to fuck her, she would have to have a REALLY ugly body in order for me to not consider fucking her.

You see the problem here is that you are making false comparisons (like you did above), because you are pretending as if men and women are the same. Our lives aren't the same, our desires aren't the same, etc.

If I got raped by a fat woman, I'd just consider it "free sex", it's something that I would never get anyways, it just isn't as "palatable" as I'd want it to be.

It's like a starving homeless man being given a sandwich for free by a pedestrian, but he doesn't like pickles and there's some in the sandwich. Do you really think he's going to throw away the sandwich while he's hungry?.

It's ridiculous to try and compare male and female sexuality like that, because most men are the starving homeless man, while most women are the rich real estate mogul.

They treat rape as this extreme thing because they've always lived life in excess and never had to do without. But for someone who has always had to do without, it's just you getting what you always wanted in a less palatable way, but atleast you are still getting something.

A woman would have to be REALLY ugly to LEGITIMATELY rape me, because if she's even a 4/10, that "rape" attempt is going to get a quick reversal in the middle of it lol.

Also there were hookers to address the incels back in the western times. It gave incel men the pleasure, and built towns and other shit people needed for survival because how money worked at these times.
Seems like you didn't read my thread, I said they would have to legalize prostition, but they won't, they want men to remain starved and to "do without", so whatever happens, happens.
“You’re not entitled to sex” Then why else are you here? Toilets are biologically made to pleasure men, so if you’re not serving your purpose piss off :feelsUgh:
too low iq and too long to read to
In several European countries they are talking about providing disables people one hooker a month because sex is a human right.
In several European countries they are talking about providing disables people one hooker a month because sex is a human right.
Yep, read about that too. But their assumption is that every non-disabled man can get laid, when in actuality the average woman views the average man as being disabled with the realm of physical attractiveness. At some point they are going to acknowledge that (that's decades from now), and then prostitution will be fully legalized.
BRUH WHOAAA WHAT IS THIS formatting??!?!? :feelskek::feelskek:
In all honestly I used to own a latex vagina it felt 80 % as good as an Asian hooker I ever banged.
I find it insulting being told "you're not entitled to sex" meanwhile normies are able to and do fuck a wide variety of average attractiveness girls which I obviously would be very happy to sleep with; but; I can't sleep with them - the average girls won't sleep with me.
We should have an annual purge, or have a revolution of some sort.

I disagree that changes can't happen in our life time. The arab spring took place recently, and there was a study that said the only thing needed for radical change was for 3.5% of the population to protest.

Now with that said, doing things within or outside of the confines of the law is kind of irrelevant if it acheives our common end goal.

One idea I have had recently is that all incels could coordinate bank runs by withdrawing all our money, or we could pull some gamestop ape type of shit by shorting stocks or whatever the fuck it was.

Now outside the law... we could have a purge day in video games of course, where we all set fires everywhere lmfao and do basically everything we want in video games.

Also, if we were to all stop paying taxes and actively resist and retaliate any attempt to stop us from doing so would be another great idea.
Every time an IT tranny tells me I’m not entitled to sex, I say that they’re not entitled to HRT :lul:
Considering I pay for the reprocussions of sex with my tax dollars I will say im entitled to what im paying for otherwise a refund on a significant part of my taxes and an exemption from a fair bit of them going forward.
Broo taxes are for your own welfare and safety, what does that have to do with woman. Like no one owes you anything. Chill
Non chad men benefit nothing from paying taxes, it's actually bad for us to pay them, because they go to cucked cops who enforce cucked laws on non chad men, and prisons also for men, and wars to kill men. Anyone who supports taxes to the government is a cuck.
If you refuse to contribute to society then that's your own choice. But if soo then dont expect free health care, paved roads, retirement money ect
I don't expect any of that shit, I rather deal with that myself than get robbed by the government.
Great post. I’ve been saying this for so long.

“You’re not entitled to sex” is a fake buzzphrase meant to shut down any actual discussion of the incel problem. Of course we’re not “entitled” to sex, but we want it. And when we don’t get it, based largely on genetic factors determined from conception, and when we’re even hated for those factors our whole lives, why wouldn’t some of us feel the need to resort to violence or misogyny?
How did you do so many posts in 48 minutes??? :feelsjuice:
Not being able to get a beautiful girl is so painfully agonizing.
1. Nobody is entitled to anything

Entitlements are a figment of imagination, they exist only in the minds of humans, and function only within societies where they are allowed to function, and are facilitated (usually through tax collection to fund said "entitlement programmes")

Pension, welfare, clean water, education, nobody is really entitled to any of it if were being objective and honest.

2. Incels don't feel entitled to sex, they simply WANT sex

I keep seeing the "entitlement" argument repeated everywhere and it is literally just a strawman argument, propping up a stance so absurd that you can't help but be right being against it, heck even I agree with being against it, because its egotistical and illogical for anyone to think they literally DESERVE anything, a normies reasoning for being against it would likely be more emotionally based though, more like - "women are people too, this is so misogynistic, its so hurtful, etc, etc".

Are there a few incels actually going around saying and believing that they "deserve" sex and are entitled to it, yes, but those men are idiots, they are outliers, any logical person knows full well nobody "deserves" anything. Most incels adhere to the "black pill philosophy", and a key "tenant" of that is basing ones life choices and interpretation of observations, on cold hard logic, so I doubt most incels (or even 5% of incels) actually believe they DESERVE sex

Incels simply just want, just like every other human on this planet that wants, to try and paint incels as this collective of egotistical males, that all think they are entitled to sex (women's bodies) is a falsehood that is often peddled by the media and society at large.

You see because its much easier to simply create a false narrative that can be argued against, than to argue against the actual thing. Paint incels as malicious and egotistical instead of frustrated and suicidal, and its much easier to demonize incels and garner support against them.

3. Disenfranchised Males = Self Destructive Males

There's this african proverb that I think perfectly describes whats taking place between modern society and average/below average males.

"If the young are not initiated in the tribe, they will burn down the village just to feel its warmth."

Modern society is extremely sexualized, there is no escape from sex as a man in these times, which is why it feels like you're being trolled whenever people say the all too cliche phrase "sex isn't the most important thing in life", nice strawman argument, now simply wanting sex because its being shoved down your throat at every waking moment, is equal to thinking its the most important thing in the world. Statements like that are nothing but dismissive shaming and silencing tactics.

Sex is in the news papers, magazines, tv, movies, video games, its in advertisements, bill boards, the internet, etc. People need to try and understand how "dystopian" of a reality this would all seem to a man who is unable to acquire sex due to unrealistic and unfair female standards that only exist due to various societal changes that resulted from feminism. Its like a sick joke were forced to live through. Everyone is telling us to just "get over it" while ironically enjoying sex lives themselves and boasting/talking about it at every waking moment.

Imagine if you woke up and basically everyone on the planet had an expensive sports car, all you see are people around you driving it, everyone with a sports car gets treated differently than those who don't, they have higher social status, etc. For some reason you can't get one no matter how much you adhere to the advice suggested by sports car owners. Everytime you complain about the biased system that keeps you from getting one, someone tells you - "there are more important things in life than sports cars", they then later proceed to talk with their friends about all the awesome sports cars they drove, post about the current sports car they have leased, and make instagram and other media posts about how great their sports car driving life is and how great they are at driving sports cars.

Quite obviously these people are being disingenuous, they know your complaints are legitimate, they don't actually follow their own words and they glorify sports cars and ownership of it ad nauseum, really they just want people without sports cars to STFU and deal with it, live without having a sports car and stop ruining the experience for the rest of them. Its really fucked up but that is societys mindset towards men who can't get sex, they know that argument is BS, they know they are lying and sex is of the utmost importance to every human (its not the most important thing, but its really really up there on the list, some might argue 2nd or 3rd place). They only repeat this BS because its really just about shaming and silencing men for daring to make society even feel a tad bit guilty or responsible for our current state of being disenfranchised. They really just expect incels to "STFU and take one for the team".

Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence, a man doesn't even "become a man" in a sense within society until he has sex, in essence a lot of men have not undergone their "right of passage" to become part of the "tribe" that is modern human civilization.

This is why all of these mass shootings are taking place, its started to branch off into other things like the "Thot Audit", more and more things like this are going to keep happening until society finally acknowledges this problem and begins to make changes.

So as it stands we now have a significant and growing pool of sexually starved men, who due to this are angry, violent, irritable and suicidal, seriously how does society expect this to play out, the most dangerous animal is the one backed into a corner with nothing to lose, when someone doesn't care if they die, worse yet they want to die just so their sad existence can end, there is no reasoning with that person, they are on a "war path", you either kill them, give that person what they want, or you get out of their way as they proceed to claim what they want.

Society expects us not to burn the village down when it won't initiate us into the tribe, that's whats truly outrageous, not the violence of disenfranchised men, but the fact that society actually expects us to just remain docile and accept this reality that has been forced upon us.

4. Women aren't entitled to safety

People don't seem to understand the danger of looking the collective male populace in they eyes, and telling them they aren't entitled to something that not too long ago they would just taking by force as a norm.

Men reformed themselves and created societies with laws and codes of conduct because it benefited the collective, especially the collective male populace, this was the function of "patriarchal societies". To manage a safe and fair distribution of resources, and that includes sexual and reproductive resources.

Virginity was a prerequisite for a woman to be "marriage material" because men wanted to be sure that when they married a woman she would be less likely to cheat, as she'd be more likely to be satisfied sexually with her partner due to lack of "sexual experience". It also ensured that your investment would be worth it as you aren't footing the bill for "used goods", that may sound cruel but men have to basically invest a lot into a woman's very being, even more so today, get divorced once and half of your wealth goes to another person, and these days the women aren't even virgins, marriage is truly a raw deal in this modern era.

Marriage as an institution existed for various reasons, it was used to create familial ties, for political reasons, etc, but most importantly to give a sense of assurance to men that the children their wives gave birth do were indeed theirs (hence virginity being the key defining trait of "marriage material"), and they could pass down their name and wealth to their children.

For the same reason Female Promiscuity was shamed and led to social ostracization. Womens hypergamy had to be kept in check otherwise the relationship dynamics between men and women would fall apart and so would the "family unit" which is basically the "building block" of society.

Crimes like Rape were especially frowned upon because it made a woman unfit for marriage and ruined her entire life, it also went against the civility agreement between men who as a collective all wanted their respective women in their lives to be safe and remain "their women" and not be "tarnished" by another man.

I hope people get the point here, the purpose of these laws and societal norms were to ensure a code of conduct amongst men, so that we would as a collective agree to allow each other to pursue and court women in a safe and organized manner, unimpeded by other men in an "unfair" manner, we all had a fair chance. There was a "social contract" at play here.

In these modern times the social contract is no longer functioning, expecting men not to regress and go back to the days of rape and violence when the contract is no longer being enforced and/or adhered to, is what is truly outrageous, and not the acts themselves. Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either, they never were entitled to it and they never will be, it was a "provision" offered by men to women for co-operating with men to facilitate the social contract. The safety resided within the rule set of the social contract, which is no longer at play here, so a significant and increasing number of males are seeing no reason to function as "civil" men, there's no logical reason too, why be civil when you essentially are not even part of civilization, civility its no longer to our benefit. Women's actions have thrown the entire system out of order, and the violent responses of men today are retaliatory. Society is basically trying to make average/below average males into somewhat of a "slave class" that offers their labor and utility, contributes to society, all while being barred from enjoying a basic pleasure that all the female citizens get to enjoy despite contributing less and having to risk their lives less.

Ask yourself who are really the crazy ones, the men who go out committing acts of violence or "opt out" of society, or the society that expected these men not to do this, despite significantly ruining the quality of life for the collective male populace, and having the gall to ask them to keep up their end of the social contract and be "good little boys and contribute to society as upstanding citizens" :feelskek:. Are you fucking serious, no wonder men are opting out of society, no wonder men are going out on murder rampages.


There's no real motivation to bother trying, to be a "hard worker", to be "civilized", when your reward at the end of the day is to get married to used goods who is likely only settling for you because she's aged past her prime and has a ton of baggage, to top it off with no fault divorce laws she can easily just leave with half of your wealth, and modern society actually celebrates and endorses female promiscuity and cheating on men, so that great investment you made isn't even guaranteed to be solely yours to enjoy JFL. Men have literally no motivation to be "good people", anyone who thinks people should be "good" for the sake of "being good" is an illogical idiot that doesn't get how reality actually works.

In the bible there's heaven and hell, in human laws there are cash rewards for helping law enforcement with certain tasks, and there are fines and jail time for committing crimes or breaking minor laws.

GOOD AND EVIL CAN ONLY BE TRULY (OBJECTIVELY) DEFINED BY THE FACT THAT THERE ARE REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS ASSOCIATED RESPECTIVELY, that is how we truly distinguish a good act from a bad one, if we rely on subjective opinion based criteria then anyone and everyone is both right and wrong, good and bad, based on their own personal reasonings and whims. If the bible said that no matter what you do everyone goes to heaven, but "please still don't sin" nobody would give a fuck about the rules, most every Christian would be sinning without any restraint or repentance, rules mean nothing without a reward and punishment system in place.

To address another cliche statement - "where have all the good men gone", I ask "by what objective criteria are you ascribing the label "good" ". Reinstate a sufficient "rewards system" for males and you'll see all those men come running back.
The solution is to call sex what it is - degeneracy. It should be eradicated entirely from culture to the point that nobody even knows about it. Best to go ahead and get rid of women along with it.
The solution is to call sex what it is - degeneracy. It should be eradicated entirely from culture to the point that nobody even knows about it. Best to go ahead and get rid of women along with it.
While science-backed incel studies are deleted from YouTube, stuff like this still propagates that place

View: https://youtu.be/0Hl3nIDBlGE
While science-backed incel studies are deleted from YouTube, stuff like this still propagates that place

View: https://youtu.be/0Hl3nIDBlGE



The 1st few seconds of that were more than enough for me, I was getting ready for lunch, well not anymore, not hungry now.
Western society is over, total lunacy and degeneracy...
Not being able to get a beautiful girl is so painfully agonizing.
It really makes my life hell, I'm 26 KHHV, regret never having had possibility of young love, never will get a 6/10 or above, my life feels like I'm in jail bc I'm not free. I'm a 2/10 (literally) and 5'4" short, I get treated like shit by society bc of how I look I'm also autistic so very low EQ... non-existence would be 100x better all I do is work, sleep eat, never have fun or feel any joy
Not being able to get a beautiful girl is so painfully agonizing.
man I can't get over your comment :feelsbadman: . it's so true. only bc of my face and my height, I also don't know how to behave socially but that's only bc im so insecure bc of my face, I have an ok dick, sex-escort is not what I want tbh (she's been fucked so many times, and I want real love :cryfeels:). My life is like a life in jail, I'm not free or happy, my life is a punishment. I'm in prison and that's a really good metaphor. I can imagine you feel the same
Considering I pay for the reprocussions of sex with my tax dollars I will say im entitled to what im paying for otherwise a refund on a significant part of my taxes and an exemption from a fair bit of them going forward.
Tbh why engage in a system that doesn´t fulfill one of the most basic instincts ? The act to reproduce.
It really makes my life hell, I'm 26 KHHV, regret never having had possibility of young love, never will get a 6/10 or above, my life feels like I'm in jail bc I'm not free. I'm a 2/10 (literally) and 5'4" short, I get treated like shit by society bc of how I look I'm also autistic so very low EQ... non-existence would be 100x better all I do is work, sleep eat, never have fun or feel any joy
I imagine committing murder (in video game) feels infinitely better than having sex. It's cooler too.
I imagine committing murder (in video game) feels infinitely better than having sex. It's cooler too.
I don’t agree bc it’s morally wrong IMO and will make your life worse

I want love from a cute woman and sex. That’s the only thing I want. Her looking at me with love, laughing with her, making love, traveling with her. I literally feel sick now as this will never happen :cryfeels: :feelspuke:
I don’t agree bc it’s morally wrong IMO and will make your life worse

I want love from a cute woman and sex. That’s the only thing I want. Her looking at me with love, laughing with her, making love, traveling with her. I literally feel sick now as this will never happen :cryfeels: :feelspuke:
It's an illusion. It's like wanting to jump from a cliff and wish you could land without shattering every bone in your body. You need to put your impossible, unhealthy wish out of your mind. It will hurt you.

Depends on who's getting murdered (in video game). If they're a piece of shit and deserve it (in minecraft) like most people then it'll feel better than any orgasm.
It's an illusion. It's like wanting to jump from a cliff and wish you could land without shattering every bone in your body. You need to put your impossible, unhealthy wish out of your mind. It will hurt you.

Depends on who's getting murdered (in video game). If they're a piece of shit and deserve it (in minecraft) like most people then it'll feel better than any orgasm.
Your first part: my mom’s trying to do that. She knows I will never get (I’m KHHV, 26). So she tries to manipulate me so that I forget (“relationships suck”, “there are so few women who are above a 5/10 out there, they’re impossible to find”.) shit like that.
You described that good.

Second part: I agree with you (in video game). I’m always laughed about and talked about (behind my back) by strangers. I’m so ugly they react negatively to me and don’t even hide it. Let’s just say i wish them “hell” cough cough (in video game)
It's an illusion. It's like wanting to jump from a cliff and wish you could land without shattering every bone in your body. You need to put your impossible, unhealthy wish out of your mind. It will hurt you.

Depends on who's getting murdered (in video game). If they're a piece of shit and deserve it (in minecraft) like most people then it'll feel better than any orgasm.
… but it still hurts so much. My neighbour is 40 will die of cancer soon why can’t it be me. I’m sure she’d love to trade places, she has son and daughter
Your first part: my mom’s trying to do that. She knows I will never get (I’m KHHV, 26). So she tries to manipulate me so that I forget (“relationships suck”, “there are so few women who are above a 5/10 out there, they’re impossible to find”.) shit like that.
You described that good.

Second part: I agree with you (in video game). I’m always laughed about and talked about (behind my back) by strangers. I’m so ugly they react negatively to me and don’t even hide it. Let’s just say i wish them “hell” cough cough (in video game)
A woman's children are probably the only people she's capable of truly loving. Your mother is right, except that there are still a tiny few good women, ugly or pretty. There are none.

Glad you understand me on the second part.
… but it still hurts so much. My neighbour is 40 will die of cancer soon why can’t it be me. I’m sure she’d love to trade places, she has son and daughter
There's always the noose. Not even saying this out of hatred. You never asked to live so you shouldn't be expected to. You have the right to die.
A woman's children are probably the only people she's capable of truly loving. Your mother is right, except that there are still a tiny few good women, ugly or pretty. There are none.

Glad you understand me on the second part.
Yup. But she meant there are very few pretty women (if you understood then I'm sorry for explaining it here. she told me "you think there are many pretty ones out there. Most aren't good-looking at all"). She's trying to manipulate me and say, indirectly, "forget it" (she wants me to put the idea out of my head; which is fine, but I still hate being manipulated like that)

Did I understand you correctly, you meant to say there are even less actually good women, as in personality?
There's always the noose. Not even saying this out of hatred. You never asked to live so you shouldn't be expected to. You have the right to die.
Yeah. I could even go to Belgium or Switzerland and get assisted suicide, but it's really hard for depressed people to be accepted. I don't have the guts to KMS, only option would be drowning, funny thing is I read in the newspaper today: scientists discover that "death/dying is beautiful"... drowning, if not painful, would be a beautiful way to go. In summer maybe. I will not sleep for a few nights, then swim out in the middle of a lake. If it does hurt, I know that at least my mental pain will be gone. I can't live alone/lonely much longer
Yup. But she meant there are very few pretty women (if you understood then I'm sorry for explaining it here. she told me "you think there are many pretty ones out there. Most aren't good-looking at all"). She's trying to manipulate me and say, indirectly, "forget it" (she wants me to put the idea out of my head; which is fine, but I still hate being manipulated like that)

Did I understand you correctly, you meant to say there are even less actually good women, as in personality?
Was talking about understanding me on (in video game) murder.

Yeah, there are women who are pretty (pretty as in built in a way that fools the male brain's hardwiring into being attracted to it, not objectively beautiful), but none of them are good. None, zero, zilch. Key is to break free of the illusions created by your brain and see women for what they really are - amoral female apes.
Yeah. I could even go to Belgium or Switzerland and get assisted suicide, but it's really hard for depressed people to be accepted. I don't have the guts to KMS, only option would be drowning, funny thing is I read in the newspaper today: scientists discover that "death/dying is beautiful"... drowning, if not painful, would be a beautiful way to go. In summer maybe. I will not sleep for a few nights, then swim out in the middle of a lake. If it does hurt, I know that at least my mental pain will be gone. I can't live alone/lonely much longer
Drowning is said to be a very unpleasant and painful way to go. That reminds me of a photo another user posted here some time ago. Fortunately I saved it.

Another option would be to buy a bunch of heroin or fentanyl and overdose. Won't just be painless, it'll literally be blissful.


  • Totallynotgonnapostonasuicidewatchwebsite.png
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Was talking about understanding me on (in video game) murder.

Yeah, there are women who are pretty (pretty as in built in a way that fools the male brain's hardwiring into being attracted to it, not objectively beautiful), but none of them are good. None, zero, zilch. Key is to break free of the illusions created by your brain and see women for what they really are - amoral female apes.
I agree with you 100%. Yet my mum tries to tell me there aren't any pretty woman – she wants me to forget the idea of aiming for a pretty one (I'd rather fuck and love a pretty one rated 6+/10, with an ok body but like I said it's just a fantasy movie for me.

What annoys me though is she tells my I'm handsome (believe me, it's just cope). Yet she contradicts herself and says you're better looking than all men out there, and at the same times says, most men here in Germany are ugly. So, she's basically lying and manipulating me. And no, not even that is true, I'm a deformed manlet with autism and physical disability
sorry for the cursive it won't let me change
I agree with you 100%. Yet my mum tries to tell me there aren't any pretty woman – she wants me to forget the idea of aiming for a pretty one (I'd rather fuck and love a pretty one rated 6+/10, with an ok body but like I said it's just a fantasy movie for me.

What annoys me though is she tells my I'm handsome (believe me, it's just cope). Yet she contradicts herself and says you're better looking than all men out there, and at the same times says, most men here in Germany are ugly. So, she's basically lying and manipulating me. And no, not even that is true, I'm a deformed manlet with autism and physical disability
sorry for the cursive it won't let me change
Every mother says their son is handsome. Don't listen to her if your instincts say otherwise. Really though, attractiveness is all in the human brain. Another intelligent species from another planet would more than likely see gigachad himself as just a pathetic, smelly primate like the rest of us.
Some of you may prove me wrong when I would answer that most rape is done by chads, not by incels.
Actually, it's chads who think they're entitled to sex. Incels are too shy to demand such thing. We are depressed that we won't have it.

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