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Blackpill Reminder: The Greatest Political Leader Who Could Have Prevented Our Dystopian Future (Messiah of the Incels)



Dec 9, 2020
He is the man that our adversaries detest. That one man that IT cucks fearfully cower or burst into rage upon the hearing of his name : Adolf Hitler. If you're an incel and you don't worship this legendary man then there is something wrong with you. Those on the Left will argue that he wanted world domination, to conquer the East for living-space, that his economy was a vampiric one based on the lack of resources or something and the lies continue. Read Hitler's Revolution for those that are interested in this man's ideology that has its roots in Germanic Socialism, Monarchy, Nationalism, the previous German empire, Christian religion and industriousness. The West continues to lie about his foreign policy being aggressive and they use his ideology as a justification to dismiss Ultra-Conservatism, racial science, eugenics, Social-Darwinism, racial Socialism. Essentially, to ensure that we suffer as low-status males in a society that Hitler would and was trying to prevent.


Although we blame femoids for the root cause of our personal suffering as well as simps, it is men like Hitler who attempted to liberate us from Feminism, a matriarchal Judeo-Neo Liberal ideology that has chained us to a life of misery and misfortune. Look up ''Feminism by Religion'' as proof that he was right about the inherent sinister nature of the Jewcels. This is why Jewcels are banned from joining our black-pill community because their schizophrenic, anti-Christian and anti-European mentality has contributed to the downfall of the West. Jews are always on the Left side of the spectrum, hence the over-representation of them in the first provisional government of the Soviet Union (Genrikh Yagoda, Ilya Ehrenburg, Vladmir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich and many others). Jewcels rarely take responsibility for the war-crimes committed by individuals of their ethnic-religious group. Until the Jewcels apologise for being the most subhuman of the incels and creating this Marxist-Leninist-Democratic Capitalistic sympathising nightmare, then I will not call them brocels. They've made everything worse for the goyim/gentile incels of society while they're guaranteed a Jew wife as promised by their Abrahamic religion.


The Holocaust is bullshit Judeocentric-Soviet-Allied propaganda meant to steer us away from the correctness of Hitler's ideology and from implementing a variant of National Socialism. Even if it happened with all the soap bars from Jew fat and Jew sausages made from their flesh, why should I care? It's like with the Holodomor that Marxists refer to as a ''bad famine'' JFL. I don't care about the Holocaust or the Holodomor. I want society to be Ultra-Conservative the way Hitler envisioned it to be. The Furher even spoke once of praising a stay-at-home foid with 4 kids and a hard-working husband than a lawyer foid who is single and childless. Hitler was based as fuck and there is no denial of that.



For all of you praising that Elliot Rodger autistic failed normietard, just know this. He was nothing compared to the might, will and determination of Adolf Hitler. The Third Reich would have liberated us from inceldom with training to make us as strong as steel and to block women from being like men. If you ever read the SS manual training book, you'd see how based as fuck the Reich was. I don't care if Hitler wanted Danzig-Corridor by force in Poland because the Polish were stubborn, arrogant motherfuckers with an anti-German Polish dictator Rydz Smigly. If we had joined forces with Hitler's Germany, you and I wouldn't on this platform complaining about female nature. Anyone who isn't an incel and far-right is just an actual retard that needs to do more research on WW2. This historical event is actually the sole reason why you're an incel, not femoids, simps, or whatever. Hitler could have stopped inceldom for a thousand years but here it is in full force.
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Not for me (for obvious reasons)
You trying to get on IT?
truly, the racial majority on this forum cannot help but agree with your thesis :feelslala:
Hitler would not have liked incels, just like he didn't like the unemployed
He is the man that our adversaries detest. That one man that IT cucks fearfully cower or burst into rage upon the hearing of his name : Adolf Hitler. If you're an incel and you don't worship this legendary man then there is something wrong with you. Those on the Left will argue that he wanted world domination, to conquer the East for living-space, that his economy was a vampiric one based on the lack of resources or something and the lies continue. Read Hitler's Revolution for those that are interested in this man's ideology that has its roots in Germanic Socialism, Monarchy, Nationalism, the previous German empire, Christian religion and industriousness. The West continues to lie about his foreign policy being aggressive and they use his ideology as a justification to dismiss Ultra-Conservatism, racial science, eugenics, Social-Darwinism, racial Socialism. Essentially, to ensure that we suffer as low-status males in a society that Hitler would and was trying to prevent.


Although we blame femoids for the root cause of our personal suffering as well as simps, it is men like Hitler who attempted to liberate us from Feminism, a matriarchal Judeo-Neo Liberal ideology that has chained us to a life of misery and misfortune. Look up ''Feminism by Religion'' as proof that he was right about the inherent sinister nature of the Jewcels. This is why Jewcels are banned from joining our black-pill community because their schizophrenic, anti-Christian and anti-European mentality has contributed to the downfall of the West. Jews are always on the Left side of the spectrum, hence the over-representation of them in the first provisional government of the Soviet Union (Genrikh Yagoda, Ilya Ehrenburg, Vladmir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich and many others). Jewcels rarely take responsibility for the war-crimes committed by individuals of their ethnic-religious group. Until the Jewcels apologise for being the most subhuman of the incels and creating this Marxist-Leninist-Democratic Capitalistic sympathising nightmare, then I will not call them brocels. They've made everything worse for the goyim/gentile incels of society while they're guaranteed a Jew wife as promised by their Abrahamic religion.


The Holocaust is bullshit Judeocentric-Soviet-Allied propaganda meant to steer us away from the correctness of Hitler's ideology and from implementing a variant of National Socialism. Even if it happened with all the soap bars from Jew fat and Jew sausages made from their flesh, why should I care? It's like with the Holodomor that Marxists refer to as a ''bad famine'' JFL. I don't care about the Holocaust or the Holodomor. I want society to be Ultra-Conservative the way Hitler envisioned it to be. The Furher even spoke once of praising a stay-at-home foid with 4 kids and a hard-working husband than a lawyer foid who is single and childless. Hitler was based as fuck and there is no denial of that.



For all of you praising that Elliot Rodger autistic failed normietard, just know this. He was nothing compared to the might, will and determination of Adolf Hitler. The Third Reich would have liberated us from inceldom with training to make us as strong as steel and to block women from being like men. If you ever read the SS manual training book, you'd see how based as fuck the Reich was. I don't care if Hitler wanted Danzig-Corridor by force in Poland because the Polish were stubborn, arrogant motherfuckers with an anti-German Polish dictator Rydz Smigly. If we had joined forces with Hitler's Germany, you and I wouldn't on this platform complaining about female nature. Anyone who isn't an incel and far-right is just an actual retard that needs to do more research on WW2. This historical event is actually the sole reason why you're an incel, not femoids, simps, or whatever. Hitler could have stopped inceldom for a thousand years but here it is in full force.
Welcome to the forum, Hitlercel
Hitler would not have liked incels, just like he didn't like the unemployed
Not true at all. The Nazi leaders were obvious trucels, if you actually read mein kampf there's no mistaking it.


  • seehesincel.png
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Read Hitler's Revolution for those that are interested in this man's ideology that has its roots in Germanic Socialism, Monarchy, Nationalism, the previous German empire, Christian religion and industriousness. The West continues to lie about his foreign policy being aggressive and they use his ideology as a justification to dismiss Ultra-Conservatism, racial science, eugenics, Social-Darwinism, racial Socialism. Essentially, to ensure that we suffer as low-status males in a society that Hitler would and was trying to prevent.
Gonna need more than that tbh.
As far as I know Hitler was a chad worshiper and supported eugenics based on looks.
Hitler would not have liked incels, just like he didn't like the unemployed
This, Hitler detested genetic inferiority of any kind, whether it be in appearance or aptitude.

OP is coping by trying to think of himself as part of the master race, to give himself a illusionary feeling of superiority.
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Not for me (for obvious reasons)
tbh the fact that most people agree with you shows that most of the people here on the forum consider themselves aryan ubermensch, therefore, fakecels.
tbh the fact that most people agree with you shows that most of the people here on the forum consider themselves aryan ubermensch, therefore, fakecels.
I wanted to tag you but you alrdy found this kekfuel thread :lul:
tbh the fact that most people agree with you shows that most of the people here on the forum consider themselves aryan ubermensch, therefore, fakecels.
yeah people forgoet that hitler wanted subhumans dead, not just Jews
Based and reichpilled :feelsSS:

tbh the fact that most people agree with you shows that most of the people here on the forum consider themselves aryan ubermensch, therefore, fakecels.

I wouldn't mind having never been born.
He is the man that our adversaries detest. That one man that IT cucks fearfully cower or burst into rage upon the hearing of his name : Adolf Hitler. If you're an incel and you don't worship this legendary man then there is something wrong with you. Those on the Left will argue that he wanted world domination, to conquer the East for living-space, that his economy was a vampiric one based on the lack of resources or something and the lies continue. Read Hitler's Revolution for those that are interested in this man's ideology that has its roots in Germanic Socialism, Monarchy, Nationalism, the previous German empire, Christian religion and industriousness. The West continues to lie about his foreign policy being aggressive and they use his ideology as a justification to dismiss Ultra-Conservatism, racial science, eugenics, Social-Darwinism, racial Socialism. Essentially, to ensure that we suffer as low-status males in a society that Hitler would and was trying to prevent.


Although we blame femoids for the root cause of our personal suffering as well as simps, it is men like Hitler who attempted to liberate us from Feminism, a matriarchal Judeo-Neo Liberal ideology that has chained us to a life of misery and misfortune. Look up ''Feminism by Religion'' as proof that he was right about the inherent sinister nature of the Jewcels. This is why Jewcels are banned from joining our black-pill community because their schizophrenic, anti-Christian and anti-European mentality has contributed to the downfall of the West. Jews are always on the Left side of the spectrum, hence the over-representation of them in the first provisional government of the Soviet Union (Genrikh Yagoda, Ilya Ehrenburg, Vladmir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich and many others). Jewcels rarely take responsibility for the war-crimes committed by individuals of their ethnic-religious group. Until the Jewcels apologise for being the most subhuman of the incels and creating this Marxist-Leninist-Democratic Capitalistic sympathising nightmare, then I will not call them brocels. They've made everything worse for the goyim/gentile incels of society while they're guaranteed a Jew wife as promised by their Abrahamic religion.


The Holocaust is bullshit Judeocentric-Soviet-Allied propaganda meant to steer us away from the correctness of Hitler's ideology and from implementing a variant of National Socialism. Even if it happened with all the soap bars from Jew fat and Jew sausages made from their flesh, why should I care? It's like with the Holodomor that Marxists refer to as a ''bad famine'' JFL. I don't care about the Holocaust or the Holodomor. I want society to be Ultra-Conservative the way Hitler envisioned it to be. The Furher even spoke once of praising a stay-at-home foid with 4 kids and a hard-working husband than a lawyer foid who is single and childless. Hitler was based as fuck and there is no denial of that.



For all of you praising that Elliot Rodger autistic failed normietard, just know this. He was nothing compared to the might, will and determination of Adolf Hitler. The Third Reich would have liberated us from inceldom with training to make us as strong as steel and to block women from being like men. If you ever read the SS manual training book, you'd see how based as fuck the Reich was. I don't care if Hitler wanted Danzig-Corridor by force in Poland because the Polish were stubborn, arrogant motherfuckers with an anti-German Polish dictator Rydz Smigly. If we had joined forces with Hitler's Germany, you and I wouldn't on this platform complaining about female nature. Anyone who isn't an incel and far-right is just an actual retard that needs to do more research on WW2. This historical event is actually the sole reason why you're an incel, not femoids, simps, or whatever. Hitler could have stopped inceldom for a thousand years but here it is in full force.
Hitler wasn't some sort of Incel profet. He was just the standard politician that tap to the masses desires to persuit his authoritarian agenda.

Me personally kind of agree a little with eugenics but is not a perfect solution, I agree more with Dr Jordan Peterson and his idea of enforcing monogamy.
Hitler just took what foids do to the next level. In stead of simply not letting the inferior breed, he wanted us dead.
The holocaust absolutely happened, there undeniably is tons of proof that it did, for example the holocaust denial laws. If you claim it didn't happen, you will get a prison sentence or a fine in more than 20 countries worldwide. That's how true it is, so never question it again, boyo.

dn rd
suck my cock
Lol. That sucker would have killed us all in order to evolve the german race into becoming the worlds gigachad-gigastacy race. Did I even mention that I am a fucking ethnic?
Lol. That sucker would have killed us all in order to evolve the german race into becoming the worlds gigachad-gigastacy race. Did I even mention that I am a fucking ethnic?
Yes and he gassed 6 billion people with big noses, the nazis also drank childrens blood straight from their skulls and burnt churches ...

what's with all the foid avatars I see on here btw. ... disgusting
Hitler was an übernormie who would have had most of us in the gas chambers before you could say "Wannsee conference".
dalaran said:
The Third Reich would have liberated us from inceldom with training to make us as strong as steel
Actually even better there’d be no training required as due to the implementation of sensible eugenics every boy would be born a Chad and every girl a Stacy.
Yes and he gassed 6 billion people with big noses, the nazis also drank childrens blood straight from their skulls and burnt churches ...

what's with all the foid avatars I see on here btw. ... disgusting
I guess ur ironic.

The extermination camps are facts you can't hide from. The mass murdering of jews, subhuman people and other minorites are also a fact.

It's true that Hitlers policy probably would be better for incels as there would be no hypergamy society with instagram, tinder and other shit. But I am sure he would not let people like us, even germancels, to reproduce.
We would all be dead if Hitler ruled over us today.
I guess ur ironic.

The extermination camps are facts you can't hide from. The mass murdering of jews, subhuman people and other minorites are also a fact.

It's true that Hitlers policy probably would be better for incels as there would be no hypergamy society with instagram, tinder and other shit. But I am sure he would not let people like us, even germancels, to reproduce.
You got it goy, facts straight from the history books and wankerpedia. It's a fact because we have pictures, and we know pictures cannot be edited. :soy: We also have eye witnesses whose grandparents got gassed three times in Auschwitz when they were children.

Now go eat your GMO soy and wank, you've been a good goy.
cope, hitler was right, but his politics had nothing to do with inceldom
I guess ur ironic.

The extermination camps are facts you can't hide from. The mass murdering of jews, subhuman people and other minorites are also a fact.

It's true that Hitlers policy probably would be better for incels as there would be no hypergamy society with instagram, tinder and other shit. But I am sure he would not let people like us, even germancels, to reproduce.
There are only two solutions to lookism.

Society's current solution is to deny the blackpill and tell nonChads "just be confident bro." Be a wageslave for some single mom who wishes she could cuck you with Chad.

Hitler's solution was "If everyone is Chad, then no one is Chad. So only Chad should reproduce."

If any of you have other solutions to stopping the divide between an incel and Chad, I'd love to hear them. Because even centuries ago when society was more conservative, your religious housewife would cuck your unattractive ass instantly for Chad. So Hitler went for the extreme solution. Basically telling people like this to not reproduce because otherwise their son will suffer:

If humans weren't so superficial then Hitler wouldn't have needed to do that. Also inb4 "women will still chase the Chaddest Chads." So what? Chad versus Chadlite is still better than Saint Bagel or Blackops2cel trying to compete with Chad.
The extermination camps are facts you can't hide from. The mass murdering of jews, subhuman people and other minorites are also a fact.
The same people putting out those "facts" also claim incels are a terrorist group like ISIS. To the point where I.N.C.E.L. is a meme. If you believe the official story, then congrats, you were a terrorist this whole time. Those fact dispensers also claim women are oppressed and men are privileged. Do you believe that too? Do you also believe cops killed George Floyd (even though bodycam footage shows him not being able to breathe even before the pigs touched him)? Either way, they put George Floyd in a holocaust museum so I guess the official story about him must be true:


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