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reminder that whitecels are poor/vol/locationcels and cannot be incel

hehe xd

hehe xd

Jan 4, 2018
white=at least natural olive skin, light eyes and hair (sorry mutts)

there are billions of asian girls who were brainwashed to worship the slightest caucasian features, all it takes is a couple hundred euros to fly to thailand and slay gook pussy even if ur face is sub4
i hope you realize that this is anime/porn bs. the only puss you're gonna get in Thailand is paid.

they dont' find you attractive. they think "white = rich". Not "white = hot".

source: phillipino and thai immigrant friends
cyborgglory said:
i hope you realize that this is anime/porn bs. the only puss you're gonna get in Thailand is paid.

they dont' find you attractive. they think "white = rich". Not "white = hot".

source: phillipino and thai immigrant friends
cyborgglory said:
i hope you realize that this is anime/porn bs. the only puss you're gonna get in Thailand is paid.

they dont' find you attractive. they think "white = rich". Not "white = hot".

source: phillipino and thai immigrant friends

free sex is free sex

dont fall the "women are physically unable to love nongigachads" cope meme

and the immigrant gooks are the succesful gooks (compared to avg gook) so their opinion is irrelevant and insecure

i have a couple sand nigger looking friends who are like avg face wise and 170~cm who slayed in thailand because they looked south european jfl@gooks
Stupidity at its finest.
Just imagine the offspring of two subhumans (gook+whitecel) xd
Anonymous said:
Just imagine the offspring of two subhumans (gook+whitecel) xd

We don't have to unfortunately.
hehe xd said:
free sex is free sex
i didn't fall for that meme

but you're falling for the Asian meme pretty hard. women wont' swarm you trying to fuck you. women will swarm you and use their looks to manipulate money from you
source: been the the phillipines..
cyborgglory said:
i didn't fall for that meme

but you're falling for the Asian meme pretty hard. women wont' swarm you trying to fuck you. women will swarm you and use their looks to manipulate money from you
source: been the the phillipines..

classic mutt cope jfl
cyborgglory said:
i hope you realize that this is anime/porn bs. the only puss you're gonna get in Thailand is paid.

they dont' find you attractive. they think "white = rich". Not "white = hot".

source: phillipino and thai immigrant friends
iiiTeMpeR said:
"whites can't be incel" = ethnic cope

t. ethnicel

only muttcels (im fuckin' white!), coping whitecels(wahh wahh why cant i get prime germanic stacy as a basement dweller?) or insecure ethnicels

hehe xd said:
t. ethnicel

only muttcels (im fuckin' white!), coping whitecels(wahh wahh why cant i get prime germanic stacy as a basement dweller?) or insecure ethnicels

deny the truth (in the op)*

sorry am high forgot to finish
Just lol thinking that traveling to a dictatorial 3rd world shithole to fuck cheap hookers means escaping inceldom.
Angry_runt said:
Just lol thinking that traveling to a dictatorial 3rd world shithole to fuck cheap hookers means escaping inceldom.


ethnicels dont get his luxury

u can always pump n dump or help her migrate
aut said:

read the op retard

blackop2cel isnt white, hes a clear triracial mutt trash

its literally in the op, "light eyes/hair"

Cynistic said:

cringe, u dont even know if hes incel, and he doesnt pass as real white

low iq comment chain
hehe xd said:
aut said:
read the op retard
blackop2cel isnt white, hes a clear triracial mutt trash
its literally in the op, "light eyes/hair"

Cynistic said:
cringe, u dont even know if hes incel, and he doesnt pass as real white
low iq comment chain

Lemme guess 100% whites are all Chads?
Cynistic said:
Lemme guess 100% whites are all Chads?

100% of germanic descendants who carry the blonde/blue eyes phenotype arent incels because of asians, that is correct
hehe xd said:
Cynistic said:
Lemme guess 100% whites are all Chads?
100% of germanic descendants who carry the blonde/blue eyes phenotype arent incels because of asians, that is correct

Not all 100% germanic whites have blue eyes and blone hair, how fkin retarded are you?
whites will never know true pain. i wish i was white so much, i would be fucking a hot ethnic girl like the one in my avi right now
Cynistic said:
Not all 100% germanic whites have blue eyes and blone hair, how fkin retarded are you?

>w[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ho carry the blonde/blue eyes phenotype[/font]

wow the ethnic low iq really is showing lmao !!
hehe xd said:
white=at least natural olive skin, light eyes and hair (sorry mutts)
there are billions of asian girls who were brainwashed to worship the slightest caucasian features, all it takes is a couple hundred euros to fly to thailand and slay gook pussy even if ur face is sub4

hehe xd said:
Cynistic said:
Not all 100% germanic whites have blue eyes and blone hair, how fkin retarded are you?
>w[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ho carry the blonde/blue eyes phenotype[/font]
wow the ethnic low iq really is showing lmao !!

You contradict yourself in your post, dumb as fuck KEK.
Cynistic said:
You contradict yourself in your post, dumb as fuck KEK.

please just say u are trolling at this point to save ur dignity brother

i said in the op and in the comments that light eyed/haired whites cant be incel cuz they have asian fangirls, then i proved it giving an example of normie ethnic friends who look caucasian had success in asia just cuz of their 'whiteness' to show that if an avg ethnic slayed there, a full blown white will slay aswell no matter how ugly

ethnic average=not incel
ethnic sub3=incel

white=never incel
hehe xd said:
Cynistic said:
You contradict yourself in your post, dumb as fuck KEK.
please just say u are trolling at this point to save ur dignity brother
i said in the op and in the comments that light eyed/haired whites cant be incel cuz they have asian fangirls, then i proved it giving an example of normie ethnic friends who look caucasian had success in asia just cuz of their 'whiteness' to show that if an avg ethnic slayed there, a full blown white will slay aswell no matter how ugly
ethnic average=not incel
ethnic sub3=incel
white=never incel

This is what im talking about THE BOLDED PART.
Whites idd have it easier, however they still can be incel you shitter, even if they have blonde hair and blue eyes halo.
Cynistic said:
This is what im talking about THE BOLDED PART.
Whites idd have it easier, however they still can be incel you shitter, even if they have blonde hair and blue eyes halo.

they would have to be literally COMICALLY DEFORMED and ridden with acne and scars to not have at LEAST a couple thousand potential asian mates

u under estimate how exotic light eyes are in poor countries, i come from one
hehe xd said:
Cynistic said:
This is what im talking about THE BOLDED PART.
Whites idd have it easier, however they still can be incel you shitter, even if they have blonde hair and blue eyes halo.
they would have to be literally COMICALLY DEFORMED and ridden with acne and scars to not have at LEAST a couple thousand potential asian mates
u under estimate how exotic light eyes are in poor countries, i come from one

Guess we met halfway, gg dude.
This is the best cope for ethnicels.
hehe xd said:
classic mutt cope jfl
I very much doubt you know any of this for certain, brother. You need to put down the speculative bullshit
I am a blonde haired, blue eyed male. Not once was I solicited for legitimate sex. Always prostitutes. All my tinder matches there were hookers/gold diggers

Source: I v e b e e n t h e r e
I used blackops2cel on tinder and he got matched by asian women instantly.
cyborgglory said:
I very much doubt you know any of this for certain, brother. You need to put down the speculative bullshit
I am a blonde haired, blue eyed male. Not once was I solicited for legitimate sex. Always prostitutes. All my tinder matches there were hookers/gold diggers

Source: I v e b e e n t h e r e

Kek pm me pics i setup tinder for u in asia
Come to think, every white guy in uni I've met has a gf. Usually a qt white girl too. Just don't be a fatfuck (even then you can get away with it) and you will get a gf. Blonde/blue eyes is king.
hehe xd said:
read the op retard

blackop2cel isnt white, hes a clear triracial mutt trash

its literally in the op, "light eyes/hair"

Cope, he is white. Even if he had light eyes and hair it would still be over for him.
aut said:
Cope, he is white. Even if he had light eyes and hair it would still be over for him.

he is white, but he doesnt count as an ideal white in the east, which is blue eyes and blonde hair ontop of white caucasian
True. Filipinos and other SEA girls are white worshipers that want want their seed
NeverSubmit said:
True. Filipinos and other SEA girls are white worshipers that want want their seed
Look if Asians would truly fucking any white guy it would be well establish at this point. You don't think any white incel have once talk to a Asian before ?
Zielony4 said:
I used blackops2cel on tinder and he got matched by asian women instantly.

Most likely bots. I mog him to hell, and I still don't believe I'll get legit matches even in Thailand. And by legit matches I mean no traps/bots/trolls/people trying to rob me.
Dekim said:
Most likely bots. I mog him to hell, and I still don't believe I'll get legit matches even in Thailand. And by legit matches I mean no traps/bots/trolls/people trying to rob me.

Have you tried :)
As shitty as this is, the OP is actually correct. White men are incorrectly stereotyped as having status and asian women go crazy for the green card.
What if I have no interest in Asian girls and just want a white girl?
DonkeyPunch said:
What if I have no interest in Asian girls and just want a white girl?

Volcel then buddy boyo.
hehe xd said:
white=at least natural olive skin, light eyes and hair (sorry mutts)

there are billions of asian girls who were brainwashed to worship the slightest caucasian features, all it takes is a couple hundred euros to fly to thailand and slay gook pussy even if ur face is sub4

I don't have even a [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]couple hundred euros[/font]

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