Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Reminder that 99% of users are a kiss or blowjob away from being back on the plantation.


Evil Genius

Nov 7, 2017
Just face it, if any one of you got kissed by a girl you would turn into a bluepilled cuck for her faster than France surrendering in WW2. You will feel all giddy inside and buy her anything she wants and be her slave.

Only the truest blackpilled users would be able to resist such urges and temptation and retain control.
nah if you are truly blackpilled none of those things would make you turn bluepill again. much less buy her things like a cuck.
Just face it, if any one of you got kissed by a girl you would turn into a bluepilled cuck for her faster than France surrendering in WW2. You will feel all giddy inside and buy her anything she wants and be her slave.

Only the truest blackpilled users would be able to resist such urges and temptation and retain control.

Sadly there are very few vantablacked people left.
When/if I get a gf I am outta here tbh. NgL.
So, I'm curious. As blackpill what's your endgame? You voluntarily remain celibate until you rope?
if i insert my penis in a vagina then i will become a slave/ leave this board and anything like it forever... a kiss isnt good enough
I will not buy shit for my gf, if I have one.
That's probably true for most members

Sexual success usually alters the psyche of men completely. I knew a guy who went from extreme misogyny and far right politics to philogyny and liberalism in the two weeks after he found love.
Just face it, if any one of you got kissed by a girl you would turn into a bluepilled cuck for her faster than France surrendering in WW2. You will feel all giddy inside and buy her anything she wants and be her slave.

Only the truest blackpilled users would be able to resist such urges and temptation and retain control.
I'm g2g after a smile.
You don't say? This is not MGTOW.
So, I'm curious. As blackpill what's your endgame? You voluntarily remain celibate until you rope?

my point is that we say all these things, but if a stacy even smiled at us, I think for a lot of people all defence mechanisms would just break apart and they would turn into a completely different person.

I'm not personally interested in finding some life long companion, I just want to have sex with girls but I cba with ever putting in effort to date them long term. I think a lot of users don't think it's worth the effort either, I would probably get cucked and cheated on anyway.
I'd never become bluepilled but I will leave this place if I get a girlfriend
not me. I hate bitches with a passion
thinking you can leave the plantation is cope
Probably but that will never happen as long as I am ugly.
if i insert my penis in a vagina then i will become a slave/ leave this board and anything like it forever... a kiss isnt good enough

I wouldn't blame you, but being a slave to a girl means you will get cucked anyway unless you ascend to Chad.
I'm not NT enough to feel all "giddy giddy" over a female.
nah if you are truly blackpilled none of those things would make you turn bluepill again. much less buy her things like a cuck.
i mean any time a user on here has received attention from a woman they've folded pretty quickly
That's probably true for most members

Sexual success usually alters the psyche of men completely. I knew a guy who went from extreme misogyny and far right politics to philogyny and liberalism in the two weeks after he found love.
yes exactly. I think validation from females changes most people unless you are chad. Only Chad can be misogynist in public and be universally liked lol
I wouldn't blame you, but being a slave to a girl means you will get cucked anyway unless you ascend to Chad.
Fuck it man i wanna know what it feels like once..... then i will leave women alone
nah if you are truly blackpilled none of those things would make you turn bluepill again. much less buy her things like a cuck.

Do you honestly think most people here are blackpilled lmao?

For most, the blackpill is a coping mechanism. Like MGTOW is for men sent their own way.
Of course I would, if a girl kissed me I would do anything for them but that'll never happen since women are repulsed by me.
Haha jokes on you no girls are attracted to me
If you aren't doing everything you can to get laid, are you really an Incel? Sorry, but as long as you're getting sex then it's worth it. Now if you're becoming a sexless betabux or orbiter it's time to leave, but if you're getting sex it's ridiculous to think you have to turn that down to be blackpilled.
Sad but true. This board is full of spineless faggots.
Fuck no. Any femoid showing interest in me wants either my money or a favor of some kind. Plus I hate women with burning passion.
If you aren't doing everything you can to get laid, are you really an Incel? Sorry, but as long as you're getting sex then it's worth it. Now if you're becoming a sexless betabux or orbiter it's time to leave, but if you're getting sex it's ridiculous to think you have to turn that down to be blackpilled.

So you think beta providing is fine as long as you get sex?

Kek I'd much rather run sugar Daddy game in that case. Being a beta provider to some roastie to have sex with her past her prime pussy, is the lowest form of existence. I rank these people lower than inceltears scum.
So you think beta providing is fine as long as you get sex?

Kek I'd much rather run sugar Daddy game in that case. Being a beta provider to some roastie to have sex with her past her prime pussy, is the lowest form of existence. I rank these people lower than inceltears scum.

If the female is not cucking you with other men, is this really such a bad outcome?

As ugly men, do we have better options? This is assuming any female would even be so hard up that she'd turn to one of US to be a beta provider or sugar daddy.

Being a beta provider is NOT a preferable outcome, but it is better than being incel. HOWEVER, we can't get too cocky... We wouldn't even be desired as a beta provider.
Having sex doesn't mean you automatically become bluepilled. Nothing about the blackpill says you have to abstain from sex.

However it's a fact most would drop all their views about women and lookism the second they even got a kiss. They'd be on cucktears saying how they finally found love and changed their personality.
A foid? Nah. I would beat up a woman if she cooks my eggs wrong. A qt boi? Absolutely. Cute boys need love and protection...
I don't know how to properly interact with female, and that isn't changing anytime soon.
If a girl showed interest in me i would ignore her, that blackpill show's that girl's arent even worth the time of day.
I've kissed girls and gotten blown before and I still lay down and rot by smoking weed and drinking heavily each day while I shitpost on the internet.

Delete your thread.
Thank you for reminding me that this site is full of fakecels.:kys:
I've kissed girls and gotten blown before and I still lay down and rot by smoking weed and drinking heavily each day while I shitpost on the internet.

Delete your thread.

humblebrag fakecel gtfo
However it's a fact most would drop all their views about women and lookism the second they even got a kiss. They'd be on cucktears saying how they finally found love and changed their personality.
I'd drop it for a blowjob, but not a kiss.
Thank you for reminding me that this site is full of fakecels.:kys:
no I'm a truecel because I am ethnic and also eat my own semen after jerking off.
You can't prove me wrong.
If a girl showed interest in me i would ignore her, that blackpill show's that girl's arent even worth the time of day.
will you really? can you really resist the urge of vagina or are you lying to yourself?

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