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Blackpill Reminder for not fully blackpilled brocels

Blackpill is composed by other concepts such as antinatalism, consumism, social discrimination even religious phylosophies like gnosticism.
That's not true. Blackpill itself is just a objective summary how of foids work, not more, not less.
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Be patient my friend, I'm currently writing a grand treatise of blackpillist pollitical philosophy. I finished almost half, when it's done it will be something like 40 A4 pages long. In less than a year I probably would finish writing it. Blackpillism shall be a unified ideology then.
I would be glad and blessed if you let me read your work, would be a pleasure to read your thoughts about this. Blackpill as a philosophy is based and what we all here must be followed.
Great user here
That's not true. Blackpill itself is just a objective summary how of foids work, not more, not less.
Foids, religion and government I would say.

I am at war with those three entities, all of them are twisted with the sole purpose to break modern men and turn them into drones.

Foids are a lost cause, a tool used against men subtly. Marriage it's the ultimate castration of a man.
Religion promotes it saying the "duty" of a christian it's creating a family. Jesus never said such idioticy in fact he was against families, 'son against father and daughter against mother...'. Jesuschrist is more than a church, it's the spirit and foids haven't that, they are by nature evil and the opposite of goodness, their acts say so.

Government uses tactics of social engineering to make look single men as losers and of course gives socioeconomic support to those new couples to have more children which they are in ultimate instance the cannon fodder and the base of pyramid.

I truly despise this world and it's simplification to breeding, blackpill is righteously the result from the foid's behaviour but also how the state and religion join together to be a sort of hydra which infects and undermines all aspects in a man's life.
I would be glad and blessed if you let me read your work, would be a pleasure to read your thoughts about this. Blackpill as a philosophy is based and what we all here must be followed.
When I finish then sure. Although, like I wrote, it will take me a long time.
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Actually I'd like these Stacies and 5+ foids to see when I am fucking them.
I also want them to feel please while having to look at my face in desgust.

I want them to be conflicted at all times, when I fuck em raw.
Based ngl
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
foids always date up
@manletcel1488 yet what I wrote is just a logical conclusion of this set of facts
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
I feel like being truely 100% blackpilled is almost impossible when you are young 18-25, there will always be a small sliver of hope in your mind that you are a latebloomer (cope)
I feel like being truely 100% blackpilled is almost impossible when you are young 18-25, there will always be a small sliver of hope in your mind that you are a latebloomer (cope)
It's possible, but acknowledging it can indeed be hard for many.
:feelsokman: marxism-rodgerism is only real solution to end inkwelldom permanently
Foids, religion and government I would say
They're made to comfort foids, it ultimately boils down to the foid question. For if the state would answer the foid question, the rest of its issues on these grounds would've become much less harsh or nonexistent. Foids are the cancer decaying state.
They're made to comfort foids, it ultimately boils down to the foid question. For if the state would answer the foid question, the rest of its issues on these grounds would've become much less harsh or nonexistent. Foids are the cancer decaying state.
Pretty accord with the truth we live in a gynocentristic state. Masked as patriachy, lies to tiring the insurgent forces (us) trying to deviate the attention and focus from real problem. Foids.

By the way, I haven't finish reading your paper man, I have been reading few paragraphs to analize it and studying it and not just reading it mindlessly.

So far so good stuff.
Yep, I like the way you express the ideas. The kind of diction I am more used to apply myself :feelsokman:
I thought it will end up not well in this aspect, since english isn't first language of mine. But if you say so, then I'm glad :feelsokman:
I thought it will end up not well in this aspect, since english isn't first language of mine. But if you say so, then I'm glad :feelsokman:
Maybe cuz english is neither my mother language I can comprehend it quite well, yeah no issues about it fella :feelsLightsaber:
Every young teen male MUST be blackpilled or else they will turn into a deranged bluepilled simp and betabuxxer
Society would have a lot less simps and white knights if more young males became blackpilled.
Every young teen male MUST be blackpilled or else they will turn into a deranged bluepilled simp and betabuxxer
The funny thing is that even if all what had been said on blackpill would get completely erased, it would still appear after some time, since it's just description of foids nature and consequences of it. Blackpill is inevitable, thus it will win.
The funny thing is that even if all what had been said on blackpill would get completely erased, it would still appear after some time, since it's just description of foids nature and consequences of it. Blackpill is inevitable, thus it will win.
I have been reading few paragraphs to analize it and studying it and not just reading it mindlessly.
How long does it take to read it that way? I can't say by myself, since obviously I understand what I've wrote.
How long does it take to read it that way? I can't say by myself, since obviously I understand what I've wrote.
I read a lot everyday my own stuff, yours and basically all books I have to study others subjects
If I would only focus on yours maybe 2 to 3 weeks would be enough :feelsokman:

I once spent reading half year to studied a book of astrophysics :feelskek:
I read a lot everyday my own stuff, yours and basically all books I have to study others subjects
If I would only focus on yours maybe 2 to 3 weeks would be enough :feelsokman:

I once spent reading half year to studied a book of astrophysics :feelskek:
I'm asking cuz it would be nice if one day it would be published as a ideological base for blackpillists, as the Bible was to puritans; as the Rousseau's Social Contract was to jacobins; as the Mao's red book was to chinese communists.
I'm asking cuz it would be nice if one day it would be published as a ideological base for blackpillists, as the Bible was to puritans; as the Rousseau's Social Contract was to jacobins; as the Mao's red book was to chinese communists.
Do it man, the more men become fundamental blackpillers the better, foids structure will crumble a lil more.
Do it man, the more men become fundamental blackpillers the better, foids structure will crumble a lil more.
I didn't finished yet, there is, along with some minor changes to what I've already wrote, book 4, which I want to be something similiar to Lenin's Что дѣлать. Btw, did you read chapters 24+? They're the ones wherein a blackpillist system itself is described.
Do it man, the more men become fundamental blackpillers the better, foids structure will crumble a lil more.
Also I will firstly post it here publicly. Blackpill lacks a consistent philosophical and ideological thought and with this I hope to change it. Just like before arrival of Marx, entire communism was inconsistent, foggy idea. With his writings came universal basis for communists. I intend to do same for blackpilism.
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This thread shall live as long as there are nonblackpilled brocels on this forum.
We are all animals men included but women are on a lower level of consciousness. They have no drive or ambition (much like incels, lol) but unlike even incels they do not partake in humor or camaraderie, they can only engage in the most petty subtle forms of warfare against others. Nobody hates women like other women.
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
Well said brocel
Blackpill is recognizing how women act, and knowing the reasons why.

I'm not going to tell anybody else how they should feel, but all that hating sounds exhausting ngl.

I fell down my stairs last year. It fucken hurt. Took a bit of physio to get my knee right. I don't hate gravity, just my situation.
The foid operates a simple algorithm:
1. Fuck the alpha male.
2. Exploit the beta male.
3. Avoid the omega males.

They only repeat these 3 steps.

Anything a foid does fits these 3 steps.
Spot-on !
I fell down my stairs last year. It fucken hurt. Took a bit of physio to get my knee right. I don't hate gravity, just my situation.
So when a mad dog tries to bite you, you just accept it instead of breaking its neck? Stoicism at its finest :forcedsmile:
So when a mad dog tries to bite you, you just accept it instead of breaking its neck? Stoicism at its finest :forcedsmile:

I've had to chase away an uncontrolled dog or two over the years.

It hasn't stopped me from loving my dog :feelsEhh:
Correct, although replace these redpill phrases with chad and nonchad
1. Fuck the Chad.
2. Exploit the Normie.
3. Avoid the Incel.

There, fixed it for you.

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