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Blackpill Reminder for not fully blackpilled brocels

Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
Basest of instincts truly working for statistical majority in a sense.
But THERE WILL BE NO BLACKPILL REVOLUTION WITHOUT A SIGNIFICANT MAJORITY TRULY COMPREHENDING THIS.Also The Status Quo holders are way powerful using the very use of technology in it's advanced stage as tools for massive reverse psychology.
It's just over.
I don't blame foids for their nature to be hypergamous, men would do the same if they could, I only blame those who don't rise above it the base instincts and women don't until it's too late for them and become bitter and twisted
The social and Biological dynamics are not in favour as collaborated by statistical evidences of men.That's maybe once and not now and obviously getting shitty landwhales or some deranged ones is more and as the family unit is mostly now in a state of just "Exists for the sake of being",not in a sense of morality nor neccessity for most of bluepilled society and redpillers promoting shitfuckery,well that's just as it happends for time being,to sell purpose for people who lost in the grand indifferent universe of probability.
I'm asking cuz it would be nice if one day it would be published as a ideological base for blackpillists, as the Bible was to puritans; as the Rousseau's Social Contract was to jacobins; as the Mao's red book was to chinese communists.
Probably writing a better Science text book on Blackpill Social Dynamics can be a better loaded weapon.
Basest of instincts truly working for statistical majority in a sense.
But THERE WILL BE NO BLACKPILL REVOLUTION WITHOUT A SIGNIFICANT MAJORITY TRULY COMPREHENDING THIS.Also The Status Quo holders are way powerful using the very use of technology in it's advanced stage as tools for massive reverse psychology.
It's just over.
Blackpillist system established by revolution is a historical necessity, it's inevitable.
Blackpillist system established by revolution is a historical necessity, it's inevitable.
Yes but in a realistic strategical change it can't be easily predicted nor if it looks like what we want to steer,but it has a way.Idk man but a Communist-esque and Marxist Philosophical base is sure sounded a good ideal but skewed results are always what the Susciety will try to influence from all sides.
Probably writing a better Science text book on Blackpill Social Dynamics can be a better loaded weapon.
:feelswhat: without political theory there won't be a solution for the foid problem. Mere facts are worthless if they don't serve as a basis for philosophy; just as Marx introduced description of the world to establish his system on it, the blackpill shall serve as basis for the blackpillist system.
Violent revolution need to be backed by a equally violent precedence immediately before(like Opposite action will have a opposite reaction in the social dynamics and Realpolitik manipulation of Power brokers)
Yes but in a realistic strategical change it can't be easily predicted nor if it looks like what we want to steer,but it has a way.Idk man but a Communist-esque and Marxist Philosophical base is sure sounded a good ideal but skewed results are always what the Susciety will try to influence from all sides.
historical materialism is young again boyo
:feelswhat: without political theory there won't be a solution for the foid problem. Mere facts are worthless if they don't serve as a basis for philosophy; just as Marx introduced description of the world to establish his system on it, the blackpill shall serve as basis for the blackpillist system.
Violent revolution need to be backed by a equally violent precedence immediately before(like Opposite action will have a opposite reaction in the social dynamics and Realpolitik manipulation of Power brokers)
Not necessarily, in french revolution just a casus belli was enough for the crowd waiting under Bastille, since they were sick of absolutism (or they were told they're). Same with blackpill, when enough nonchads are blackpilled and sick of hypergamy it will spark naturally
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Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
OP when he redacted this post:

Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
Kind of off topic, but I like your username and profile pic. Do you know Latin?
Pretty accord with the truth we live in a gynocentristic state. Masked as patriachy, lies to tiring the insurgent forces (us) trying to deviate the attention and focus from real problem. Foids.
It´s true.
No, but I thought about learning the basics
I've been learning for over a year now, it's very much worth it. Over 1800 years of literature were all written in Latin. Learning the language is kinda like unlocking a key to all the great philosophical and theological works published throughout antiquity and the medieval period.
The foid operates a simple algorithm:
1. Fuck the alpha male.
2. Exploit the beta male.
3. Avoid the omega males.

They only repeat these 3 steps.

Anything a foid does fits these 3 steps.

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