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Blackpill Reminder for not fully blackpilled brocels



Rαpe all cunnies
Mar 24, 2024
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
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Well said. Foids are no more than animals that are bound to their animalistic instincts and desires.

Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's necessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
mods pin this @Fat Link @proudweeb
The foid operates a simple algorithm:
1. Fuck the alpha male.
2. Exploit the beta male.
3. Avoid the omega males.

They only repeat these 3 steps.

Anything a foid does fits these 3 steps.
Actually I'd like these Stacies and 5+ foids to see when I am fucking them.
I also want them to feel please while having to look at my face in desgust.

I want them to be conflicted at all times, when I fuck em raw.
Never betabux, any redpill fag that tells u get money bro is trying to ruin you, if you betabux, YOU WILL REGRET IT.
The foid operates a simple algorithm:
1. Fuck the alpha male.
2. Exploit the beta male.
3. Avoid the omega males.

They only repeat these 3 steps.

Anything a foid does fits these 3 steps.
Correct, although replace these redpill phrases with chad and nonchad
Foids are the worst psychos of all and they’re only lead by their worst instincts of all:feelsjuice::feelsree:
The foid operates a simple algorithm:
1. Fuck the alpha male.
2. Exploit the beta male.
3. Avoid the omega males.

They only repeat these 3 steps.

Anything a foid does fits these 3 steps.
Well said. Foids are no more than animals that are bound to their animalistic instincts and desires.

Tldr? Foids being such what they are, animals.
I can't comprehend how a man subjugates to those cunts :feelsUnreal:

I think is a programm on males brain which attach them to foids in order to foids to survive :feelshaha:
That's metal af.
Never betabux, any redpill fag that tells u get money bro is trying to ruin you, if you betabux, YOU WILL REGRET IT.
Nonchad can never win, unless he lives under marxism-rodgerism
I think is a programm on males brain which attach them to foids in order to foids to survive :feelshaha:
Cope, morality isn't inherent part of a man, but a societal construct, although it's very deeply rooted in our minds due to christianity based moral indoctrination from young age.
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Cope, morality isn't inherent part of a man, but a societal construct, although it's very deeply rooted in our minds due to christianity based moral indoctrination from young age.
I see it from a logic point of view foids need what they cannot have to survive. Men has the strenght and intelligence to surpass any foid but it's weak for his instincts.

Morality is a limitation to ourselves but also a scale as reference to measure the level of degenerancy on which society has fell down. I have my own mental constructs and 'ethic compass'
Religion is part of me but I take my own decisions based on my criteria, what is good and bad, what causes less damage to others

Foids can't be saints or enlighted cuz they are inferior mentally and spiritually talking, I don't even care for the salvation of them, I don't want them to be dominated.

I only want to foids to dissapear and get erased from earth :feelsautistic:
You should include soy boys, cucks, and white knights. Mild disagreements on particular details but agree overall. These simp ass mothERfuckers GOTTA GO.
Foids can't be saints or enlighted cuz they are inferior mentally and spiritually talking, I don't even care for the salvation of them
I only want to foids to dissapear and get erased from earth :feelsautistic:
I don't think erasing them will be possible in any near future, I crave for a realistic solution, a system in Minecraft in which these subhumans are completely broken, both physically and mentally to the point, where they seek death as their salvation, but are incapable of even moving most of their muscles nor eyes (since in blackpillism they won't have them). The state will manage this human shaped cattle as I wrote earlier, so everybody will get a one foid. Central planning don't work you would say and you would be partially right. Under it everybody will surely get his part, since it's relatively easy to keep a animal alive, but conditions in which foids will be kept won't be any good. Is this a bad thing? No. Let the state make their filthy existence a living hell.
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I don't think erasing them will be possible in any near future, I crave for a realistic solution, a system in Minecraft in which these subhumans are completely broken, both physically and mentally to the point, where they seek death as their salvation, but are incapable of even moving most of their muscles nor eyes (since in blackpillism they won't have them). The state will manage this human shaped cattle as I wrote earlier, so everybody will get a one foid. Central planning don't work you would say and you would be partially right. Under it everybody will surely get his part, since it's relatively easy to keep a animal alive, but conditions in which foids will be kept won't be any good. Is this a bad thing? No. Let the state make their filthy existence a living hell.
Like the National Socialism said in the entrance of a special place "Arbeit macht frei" foids will work and be used as tools in order to help the progress of the state, until they aren't useful anymore. I honestly ain't interested on possessing a specimen such as a foid for myself. The more away foids and what they represent are for me the better.
I can't stand those stupid, aberrant and abject animals. They aren't worth a peaceful life.

Let the state make their filthy existence a living hell.
That's the reason why civilization is collapsing, foids with free rights is the root of all evil.
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Like the National Socialism said in the entrance of a special place "Arbeit macht frei" foids will work and be used as tools in order to help the progress of the state, until they aren't useful anymore. I honestly ain't interested on possessing a specimen such as a foid for myself. The more away foids and what they represent are for me the better. I can't stand those stupid, aberrant and abject animals. They aren't worth a peaceful life.
They're born with original sin (crime against the state) of hypergamy they cannot get rid of, thus the only penance they can and must have is serving the state (so us, since the state will manage them) for rest of their worthless, parasitic lives. Frauentiere, paraphrasing Himmler.

That's the reason why civilization is collapsing, foids with free rights is the root of all evil.
Indeed, foids are the root of all evil. Their race need to get as much mutilated in Minecraft as it's possible, so they won't ever have any control over anything, not even themselves (they aren't owed anything, so also bodies they use aren't their property jfl).
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They're born with original sin (crime against the state) of hypergamy they cannot get rid of, thus the only penance they can and must have is serving the state (so us, since the state will manage them) for rest of their worthless, parasitic lives. Frauentiere, paraphrasing Himmler.

Indeed, foids are the root of all evil. Their race need to get as much mutilated in Minecraft as it's possible, so they won't ever have any control over anything, not even themselves (they aren't owed anything, so also bodies they use aren't their property jfl).

Observing foids from a logical instance are useless, other than breed. This humanity is collapsed and we don't need more humans.
So foids are not necessary anymore, they should be put in some isolated camp and live there for the rest of their lifes.

We men can do everything they do and better, screw those parasites.
Sadly reality is otherwise brother, foids are getting in control and having more rights.
I truly despite them with all my will and hope somebody realizes foidlets are destroying society and must cease to exist.
We men can do everything they do and better, screw those parasites.
Sadly reality is otherwise brother, foids are getting in control and having more rights.
I truly despite them with all my will and hope somebody realizes foidlets are destroying society and must cease to exist.
There will come a day, when enough nonchads will acknowledged the blackpill and realize their numbers. The day, when proletariat shall establish a system of redistribution of foids among them. The future is bright, more and more nonchads are blackpilled, bourgeoisie was yesterday htns-chads, now every sub9 is an inkwell (counting betabuxxes of course). Proletariat is growing rapidly, you can't deny that. Do you think they will just wait patinetly podespite a rightful hatred they've for foids? This powder keg needs just a spark, its own stroming of Bastile, to explode.
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There will come a day, when enough nonchads will acknowledged the blackpill and realize their numbers. The day, when proletariat shall establish a system of redistribution of foids among them. The future is bright, more and more nonchads are blackpilled, bourgeoisie was yesterday htns-chads, now every sub9 is an inkwell (counting betabuxxes of course). Proletariat is growing rapidly, you can't deny that. Do you think they will just wait patinetly podespite a rightful hatred they've for foids? This powder keg needs just a spark, its own stroming of Bastile, to explode.
A matter of numbers at the end. Thing is we live in a society where double morals are the status quo, the more ignorant the mass is more controlable.

Centuries of brainwashing has leaded us to this endpoint. We live into a psychological warfare against government and ourselves, foids having rights and feminism it's a plan to undermine society.

Putting foids on power and brainless chads only are a pantomime to cover the real problem. We the people who is outcasted, isolated and segregated are the enemies of the old world order and also the new one incoming.

If there's a society "restart" we will be the less affected cuz we aren't in the system, normfags and foids will crumble and perish.
I can't wait to this world to enter in another worldwide conflict and at the end establish a totalitarian control where foids are used as cattle and without rights.
A matter of numbers at the end. Thing is we live in a society where double morals are the status quo, the more ignorant the mass is more controlable.

Centuries of brainwashing has leaded us to this endpoint. We live into a psychological warfare against government and ourselves, foids having rights and feminism it's a plan to undermine society.

Putting foids on power and brainless chads only are a pantomime to cover the real problem. We the people who is outcasted, isolated and segregated are the enemies of the old world order and also the new one incoming.
But it's theoretically possible to change the status quo through force. If inkwells would en masse go er strictly on foids, they could meaningfully reduce their numbers, what leads to even more inkwells, what leads to more ers on foids etc. Government could do something against nonchads, what would radicalize them even further or accept their statements and establish system of foid redistribution. Win-win. The only thing that's needed is unified and radical ideological core, handbook for them, something what blackpill currently lacks. However I think it's a matter of time for one to be made.
But it's theoretically possible to change the status quo through force. If inkwells would en masse go er strictly on foids, they could meaningfully reduce their numbers, what leads to even more inkwells, what leads to more ers on foids etc. Government could do something against nonchads, what would radicalize them even further or accept their statements and establish system of foid redistribution. Win-win. The only thing that's needed is unified and radical ideological core, handbook for them, something what blackpill currently lacks. However I think it's a matter of time for one to be made.
Some day the bubble may explode and foids and chads will have same fate.
Only foids could have a differentation in order to be distributated equally in their zones.

As long as normfags got still marriage-raped nothing will change so far, it's needed a real unfair law against men in general to ignite the fire.

Perception sharia law has upon foids is what I consider right and how women should behave.
As long as normfags got still marriage-raped nothing will change so far, it's needed a real unfair law against men in general to ignite the fire.
Marriage rate is crumbling due to social programs for foids in many countries, less and less normies can even betabuxx. There will be a braking point no matter if the laws you're talking about will be passed or not.
Marriage rate is crumbling due to social programs for foids in many countries, less and less normies can even betabuxx. There will be a braking point no matter if the laws you're talking about will be passed or not.
Indeed, there's gonna be a break point for it. There would be at my reasoning two ways to go, the logic one which is gonna be conformated by men who despite being bluepilled will finally understand the unfair game they were put in.

The other ones would be the defenders of the system, no matter what there is always people who will die for an ideology or a person, foids in this case.

I mean fightning half the world practically it's a titanic task, foids must be systematically subjugated and eliminated or relocated in zones where they are just used as cattle in the Minecraft world of course to avoid riots, simps will defend them so the subtle the war the better. A psychological and mental warfare, foids are stupid so tricking them is easy, making them believing they are "free".
I mean fightning half the world practically it's a titanic task, foids must be systematically subjugated and eliminated or relocated in zones where they are just used as cattle in the Minecraft world of course to avoid riots, simps will defend them so the subtle the war the better. A psychological and mental warfare, foids are stupid so tricking them is easy, making them believing they are "free".
Mind that foids are cattle for childbirth and always will be. They're coddled by the government to encourage them to give birth (at least it's what idiotic rulers think their actions will result in). Without foids aren't any children, am I wrong? And dead foids can't give birth. How many foids can a single ERgoer off? 20? 30? Lets say 20 on average.

If radical blackpillists will be circa 5% of men, so 2,5% of the population (and it's not even a positive expectation but a minimum that will surely be a fact at some point, since 2,5%*20=50%), they could easily slaughter entirety of foids in certain country in Minecraft if they wanted to, thus dropping the new taxpayer rate, what's against the very need and want that the government have.

What if there would be a statement in Roblox made by blackpillists to the rulers: As long as there's no foid redistribution system, foids will be slaughtered by us en masse? And what if they indeed would keep their word? After all, the blackpillists numbers and determination will be enough for their words to come true. The government would have no option but to accept their statements and establish such system, since it would perish otherwise.
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You should include soy boys, cucks, and white knights. Mild disagreements on particular details but agree overall. These simp ass mothERfuckers GOTTA GO.
Blackpill will collect them as quickly as them being betabuxxes ends, what's already happening due to social programs and jobs for foids.
Mind that foids are cattle for childbirth and always will be. They're coddled by the government to encourage them to give birth (at least it's what idiotic rulers think their actions will result in). Without foids aren't any children, am I wrong? And dead foids can't give birth. How many foids can a single ERgoer off? 20? 30? Lets say 20 on average.

If radical blackpillists will be circa 5% of men, so 2,5% of the population (and it's not even a positive expectation but a minimum that will surely be a fact at some point, since 2,5%*20=50%), they could easily slaughter entirety of foids in certain country in Minecraft if they wanted to, thus dropping the new taxpayer rate, what's against the very need and want that the government have.

What if there would be a statement in Roblox made by blackpillists to the rulers: As long as there's no foid redistribution system, foids will be slaughtered by us en masse? And what if they indeed would keep their word? After all, the blackpillists numbers and determination will be enough for their words to come true. The government would have no option but to accept their statements and establish such system, since it would perish otherwise.
Good analysis, yet it needs to be complementated. I mean it's a reality how the majority of men are betabuxxers bluepilled, the men which have family and even those who only have gfs will oppose the cause. On Earth-616 the minority are us. To execute the purge and coordinate all blackpillers and ERgoers it's needed a centralization of force.

We can't change anything going like lone wolfs like the revolutionary prophets we all know or in small cells like this not even as guerrillas war.
Hope one day we, the men that are sick of soyciety has a place and organization out of gregarian civilization.

Start over, there our plan will be planned and finally executed to purge the Netherealm.
I mean it's a reality how the majority of men are betabuxxers bluepilled, the men which have family and even those who only have gfs will oppose the cause. On Earth-616 the minority are us.
Our numbers are growing rapidly, like I wrote before, in zoomers we're 63%.

We can't change anything going like lone wolfs like the revolutionary prophets we all know or in small cells like this not even as guerrillas war.
Hope one day we, the men that are sick of soyciety has a place and organization out of gregarian civilization.
It was possible for a single, poor man, Gavrilo Princip to cause a full scale conflict and you think regular foid killings few times in month won't change anything? Few angry veterans marched on Rome and seized the power yet it isn't possible to repeat it? The point these actions would've is not to destroy the government, but to force them to accept the terms blackpillists have. I'm not talking about muttSA but regular countries. I don't support any of this, it's a theoretical situation.
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
i used to have just a subconscious cope in my mind but it eventually faded now i know ill never win no matter what
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
I don't blame foids for their nature to be hypergamous, men would do the same if they could, I only blame those who don't rise above it the base instincts and women don't until it's too late for them and become bitter and twisted
It's not like the majority of men are above women morally in this regard, they just forced into it because of scarcity.
I didn't even mentioned morality you fucking moron, it doesn't change anything. If foids are from nature harmful for the state (and they're, because they're hypergamous from nature and hypergamy cause harm for the state) they need to be subjugated, since every freedom they've lead to hypergamy, what's equal harm to the state. Just like savage dog that's harmful for it need to get its neck broken. I'm not talking about any weird "morality" you're trying to add to this, but what's in best interest of the state, so what the state should do. As simple as it.
Every single foid is led by imperative of hypergamy. What does it mean? They will always pursue it, it's hardwired in their subhuman mind. They, unlike humans, don't have free will, but are animals that are obedient for their instincts and are led entirely by them. Thus they will do anything to achieve the only goal their inferior being is capable of having. They don't have morals nor understanding a thing-in-itself. Therefore they're incapable of loyalty or genuine interest in anything that isn't being hypergamous. They will backstab you without having a doubt for a tiniest chance of it. However, they always try to achieve profits from pretending that they've interest in various things, mainly in a nonchad (so he becomes a betabuxxer/orbiter and generally bluepilled). They don't want anyone to know their true parasitic nature, so they very often virtue signal and bluepill nonchads. That's why they hate blackpill and philosophy. Don't get fooled by their empty words and look on their deeds, that's the quickest way to acknowledge the blackpill. From knowledge of their filthy nature come rightful hatred. Embrance it. Spread the word of blackpill to bluepillers and redpillers. With enough nonchads (proletarians) having class consciousness establishing the blackpillist system will be a matter of time. They were considered human before the creation of modern blackpillism simply because of ignorance we had towards foid scum. Now, knowing they're born with original sin of hypergamy, hatred for nonchads (proletariat) and praise of bourgeoisie, the final solution to the foid problem is total enslavement of this race of devils. Their entire being serves imperative of hypergamy, therefore reducing the means they've to fulfill it is the only answer. If the certain feature of their physicality don't serves the only usage these vermins have, giving birth and pleasure, have to be removed for the sake of the state and the proletariat. Their eyes are unnecessary, they need to have these removed at birth. So are their tongues/vocal cords. Same thing applies for them having pleasure, it's unecessary and even harmful for the state and proletariat, thus their genital mutilation is a valid thing. I also don't think that them having so much muscles will make them more obedient, thus removing most of them should be a part of this process. Then, under Marxism-Rodgerism, they need to be kept in government found breeding facilities, wherein per each human there's given one foid as his part of the public property. This is the final and only solution to the foid question.
It's questionable if we ourselves have freewill
It's questionable if we ourselves have freewill
How so? I can act for the cause other than my instincts knowing it's against them, therefore I have free will. Foids cannot, they will always pursue imperative of hypergamy no matter what, thus they don't have free will.
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Our numbers are growing rapidly, like I wrote before, in zoomers we're 63%.

It was possible for a single, poor man, Gavrilo Princip to cause a full scale conflict and you think regular foid killings few times in month won't change anything? Few angry veterans marched on Rome and seized the power yet it isn't possible to repeat it? The point these actions would've is not to destroy the government, but to force them to accept the terms blackpillists have. I'm not talking about muttSA but regular countries. I don't support any of this, it's a theoretical situation.
It's a different focus, why during XX century all mass killing spree worked? Cuz there was an ideology behind it.
Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong... blackpill ain't an ideology or at least it ain't yet.

Blackpill is composed by other concepts such as antinatalism, consumism, social discrimination even religious phylosophies like gnosticism.

I am openly a mysoginist, I don't hide it. We still fighting our fight alone, some are active like shooters others like me only despise foids and what they represent.

All of us can start a revolution but maybe we need the society even more collapsed to take advantage from it but who knows?

This system has worked since dawn of times, most men appreciate foids more than the hatred towards them even if those men are treated like dirt and abused by foids.
It's a different focus, why during XX century all mass killing spree worked? Cuz there was an ideology behind it.
Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong... blackpill ain't an ideology or at least it ain't yet.

Blackpill is composed by other concepts such as antinatalism, consumism, social discrimination even religious phylosophies like gnosticism.
Be patient my friend, I'm currently writing a grand treatise of blackpillist pollitical philosophy. I finished almost half, when it's done it will be something like 40 A4 pages long. In less than a year I probably would finish writing it. Blackpillism shall be a unified ideology then.

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