Redditors are the absolute scum of the earth.
“Oh my sweet summer child”
“Yikes, thERe’s a lot to unpack hERe!”
“hERe, have some gold, kind strangER”
Bunch of hive-minded retards with no sense of individuality, yet they ironically call US a cult
Normies only “look human” because they have “human bodies”, BUT DON’T let the fact that normies’ consciousness’ inhabits human bodies FOOL you into thinking of them as “human”, considERing the fact that they have the
mind of a sheep inside a human body (they have as much sentience and self-awareness as litERal sheep lol)
and considERing the fact that I categorise living beings in accordance to their level of consciousness (rathER than the species/sex/race etc. of the body they inhabit), I really do think of normies as being no highER form of life than litERal sheep lol
in fact, I think of normies as being LESS than animals, because while normies and animals have SAME level of INTELLIGENCE, animals are INNOCENT “living beings” who ONLY hurt othER “living beings” because it is in accordance to their “biological programming” to do so, whereas normies actively seek to hurt othERs who they pERceive to be “weak”, “vulnERable” (and thERefore an “easy target”)
just for the sake of gaining “ILLUSORY” MENTAL SATISFACTION from doing so, DESPITE it (I assume) NOT being in accordance to their nature to do.
RefERring to normies as “animals” is an insult to animals, because normies are a much lowER form of life. They r more like vERmin (rats, cockroaches etc). and desERve extERmination and (in the words of the “Supreme Gentleman,” Elliot RodgER) “uttER annihilation”
and that’s why when they die in mass murdERs, natural disastERs etc., I don’t feel bad for them at all, partly to do with the fact that I don’t believe any innocent animal life (let alone innocent human life) was lost at all (because they wERe nevER really “human” to begin with) but mainly because I think of them as evil psychopathic scum who “desERve” evERything bad coming their way