1. Wrath- I've been known for some fits of rage, usually with medium to severe damage to objects (or persons, sorry), mostly in my childhood. Probably why I enjoy anything militaristic.
2. Sloth- Highly unmotivated, putting zero effort into anything. This didn't hinder my academics, since intelligence is the only positive quality I hold.
3. Envy- Like everyone, I envy normies for their social skill, physical fitness, etc. However, I also envy anyone who surpassed my intellect, as they have rendered me obsolete.
4. Gluttony- I eat when I'm bored, ranging from fruits to chips. It put me to the point of near obesity, but I reigned it in later in my life.
5. Pride- I exert an overbearing exaggeration as a personality, which is used as a shield against chads. Since I act like an alpha, they just leave me alone. I'm somewhat lenient when in a calm mood, but will hold my ground if basic principles are brought up. This sometimes leads back to wrath, which turns ugly.
6. Lust- I'm not much for sexual desires, so this doesn't really apply to me.
7. Greed- Surprisingly, I volunteer for charities with my spare time. While I do sometimes wish for materialistic properties, I always manage my money correctly. It becomes awkward when female volunteers stare at me, looking horrified. I usually respond with a stare back, signalling them to bugger off.