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Ram temple built in India. Jai Shee Ram.

when life is shitty people go into religion to cope. Lie, false hope for the poor.

Religion is the discipline that kept Civilization together for all of history. When people become affluent like in the West, they can afford to disobey the rules of God, but it doesn't mean that they should; most of the time, this freedom is misused. In regards to sex, people start indulging in sins like faggotry, bestiality, other kinky shit, and finally hypergamy. This is why inceldom is so prevalent in secular societies and why the West is falling.
If people have to fear some imaginary man from the book to behave correctly then they're just dumb apes.
Yes, but any religious laws in general. They are all hostile to sexual liberalism.
Hinduism has zero religious laws in it's current perform aside from not eating meat. It's just 'offer prayer and worship at temples and hope God hears it' tbh
Hinduism has zero religious laws in it's current perform aside from not eating meat. It's just 'offer prayer and worship at temples and hope God hears it' tbh
Hindus DO eat meat I am getting sick and tired of the rhetoric that Hindus are all vegetarians just cause brahmincels are afraid of meat
when life is shitty people go into religion to cope. Lie, false hope for the poor.

There are plenty of developed nations that still have religious populations. This episode is just a typical example of misplaced priorities.
Hindus are dirty niggers lel
Yes, but any religious laws in general. They are all hostile to sexual liberalism.
Check out Unwin, anthropologist who studied societies and tribes across the world. He came to conclusion that when females are let to their natural desires societies start to crumble.
this is all nice and dandy but most religious countries are shitholes. For all your defending of religious Pajeetland I don't see u moving there do I ? Nor have I ever met anyone in my life who wants to move to shitholes like Pajeetland/Africa/Middle East even though these countries are the most religious in the world.
Religion is the discipline that kept Civilization together for all of history. When people become affluent like in the West, they can afford to disobey the rules of God, but it doesn't mean that they should; most of the time, this freedom is misused. In regards to sex, people start indulging in sins like faggotry, bestiality, other kinky shit, and finally hypergamy. This is why inceldom is so prevalent in secular societies and why the West is falling.
this map probably calls those north indians who eat veg one day a week as vegetarians bare in mind fish is considered vegetarian to some hindus as well apparently 70% of the country eats non veg and south indians are a minority out of all Indians
Dude do you even live in Curryland ?Curries hate people who eat meat and consider them dirty. I myself have been a victim of these anti meat hatred. Northern Curries feel squeamish at the sight of meat or blood. A Northern curry in my college saw a Chicken being cut and prepared for being sold in a market and immediately started feeling ill.

In UP Yogi Adityanath is legit talking about nationwide banning of consumping and selling of meat, fish and alcohol products.
Dude do you even live in Curryland ?Curries hate people who eat meat and consider them dirty. I myself have been a victim of these anti meat hatred. Northern Curries feel squeamish at the sight of meat or blood. A Northern curry in my college saw a Chicken being cut and prepared for being sold in a market and immediately started feeling ill.

In UP Yogi Adityanath is legit talking about nationwide banning of consumping and selling of meat, fish and alcohol products.
are u sure he isn't just a gujarati? it is literally gujaratis who are extremely vegetarian? UP yogi Adityanath banning non veg in UP is just a new thing due to Hindutva
are u sure he isn't just a gujarati? it is literally gujaratis who are extremely vegetarian? UP yogi Adityanath banning non veg in UP is just a new thing due to Hindutva
Kek he was a indeed gujarati:feelshaha:

My point stands regardless. Manusmriti, Vedas, Mahabharata and all Hindu religious texts villify eating meat. I wanted to a devout Hindu gymcel but unfortunately I was brought up in a meat eating household(not that I regret it though, most Chadpreets I know are also meat eaters). Reading the Manusmriti made me realize Hinduism wasn't for me.

Veg curries also try to impose their veganism on non veg curries for some reason by calling us false Hindus, accusing us of eating beef(even as an irreligious person I have never eaten beef only Chicken, Lamb, Fish and Pork) and proclaiming that eating meat pollutes body and mind(ignoring the whites they lust after are hardcore meat consumers).

Hindutva is Hinduism now. Hating on Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and basically anyone who dares to deviate from Northern Gangu curry culture is a central part of Hindu identity now.
Rather than focusing on real problems, Indians retarded government is making temples to imaginary gods. India is fucked if Hindus keep running the country.
Hindus all around the world do care. This temple will be the hub of spiritual travelers all around the world.
Indian doesn't need temples but universities and social programs and tell me how many people would've been lift up from poverty rather than building that temple
Rat temple mogs

No need for temples, India needs to cash on it's ancient temples rather than building new ones.

This temple was rebuilt because it was destroyed by muslim invaders. This temple has reignited the flame in Hindus around the world. I never seen Hindus so united before all around the world.
This temple was rebuilt because it was destroyed by muslim invaders. This temple has reignited the flame in Hindus around the world. I never seen Hindus so united before all around the world.
Have you rebuilt all the Buddhist stupas destroyed by brahmins?
Have you rebuilt all the Buddhist stupas destroyed by brahmins?
Bro, spewing venom is job of snakes why are you doing it. The largest buddist king Ashoka killed many jains and Ajivikas. Ajivikas literally went extinct because of this. Even after that buddist are not demonized. Only bhramins who were less than 5% and who are prohibited from participating in war are blamed.

Here are the crimes of ashoka

It happened.

Cause Buddhist aren't materialist.

Those countries are from north east of Indian subcontinent. The stupas destroyed by brahmins were in mainland Indian subcontinent and built by those Buddhists. Not north eastern people.
Why don't you speak of sand niggers destruction of nalanda university in Bihar which is main cause of decline of Buddhism in India
Why don't you speak of sand niggers destruction of nalanda university in Bihar which is main cause of decline of Buddhism in India
Bro you are all over the place, write a response of what your ideology is so I can reply. Stop playing the blame game
Cause Buddhist aren't materialist.
Stop white washing history. Every community was supremacist towards others. No one can claim to be clothed in this hamam. We sanathanis realized that by fighting with each other in the end we will destroy all the Dharamic Religions. All the sects used to be divided like five finger.

Now we have joined like a fist
Bro you are all over the place, write a response of what your ideology is so I can reply. Stop playing the blame game
My ideology is bhramins have always been a small and powerless community. If anything the kshatriyas are to blamed for treated of dalits. Other OBC are also castist towards bhramins and dalists. Buddhism is not some kind of perfect religion. It had violent followers too. All of the Dharamic Religions like Jains, Buddhists, Vedas belivers and other miscellaneous sects must come together to revive a united civilization that is Bharatiya civilization.
My ideology is bhramins have always been a small and powerless community.
Brahmins were the priests caste they told everyone what to do, Kshatriyas only followed their orders. Brahmins are like kikes.
If anything the kshatriyas are to blamed for treated of dalits. Other OBC are also castist towards bhramins and dalists.
Literally less than 1%.
Buddhism is not some kind of perfect religion. It had violent followers too.
Who said Buddhism is perfect, yes I know. Stop playing the blame game. It doesn't make it any right what brahmins did.
All of the Dharamic Religions like Jains, Buddhists, Vedas belivers and other miscellaneous sects must come together to revive a united civilization that is Bharatiya civilization.
No, again religion ≠ culture. How similar is the culture of Indian, Arab and African muslims or European and Indian christians. Stop saying that, India have a same culture throughout the whole country just because they believe in same religion.
Brahmins were the priests caste they told everyone what to do, Kshatriyas only followed their orders. Brahmins are like kikes.
Bullshit all the constitutions of Hinduism were written by Kshatriyas mainly both in mythology and history. Bhramins only adviced on foriegn affair and rituals matters
Literally less than 1%.
Bhramins (5%) Not allowed to engage in combat. Not allowed to own more property than he requires.
Kshatriyas (20%) Had governance in their hands. Used to gatekeep people into occupations of their vernas both in history and mythology
Who said Buddhism is perfect, yes I know. Stop playing the blame game. It doesn't make it any right what brahmins did.
Bhramins did not do anything wrong. Not because the did not want to, but because they can't. Even today they are pathetic class of people who live in glory of their past. If you met Bhramins preists and families irl you would understand. Majority of Hindus don't even respect them.
No, again religion ≠ culture. How similar is the culture of Indian, Arab and African muslims or European and Indian christians. Stop saying that, India have a same culture throughout the whole country just because they believe in same religion.

If you look at Dharamic Religions through Abrahamic mindset and mind-frame you are doing a disservice to them.
Dharamic Religions are about Dharama and culture first and subsequently God are attached to represent these cultures as Protectors.
No one cares about some stupid pajeet temple.
All the Hindus do. Entire Hindu community united for this cause. My street celebrated this event for 1 week straight. All of them participated in it. This was the first event in 1000 years in which all Hindu communities united for a cause.
All the Hindus do. Entire Hindu community united for this cause. My street celebrated this event for 1 week straight. All of them participated in it. This was the first event in 1000 years in which all Hindu communities united for a cause.
Third worlders subhumans tbh.
Bullshit all the constitutions of Hinduism were written by Kshatriyas mainly both in mythology and history. Bhramins only adviced on foriegn affair and rituals matters
My god you are stupid and so far in your Hindu copes. Brahmins formed the Hindu laws and Kshatriyas carried them out.
Bhramins (5%) Not allowed to engage in combat. Not allowed to own more property than he requires.
Kshatriyas (20%) Had governance in their hands. Used to gatekeep people into occupations of their vernas both in history and mythology
On the order of brahmins
Bhramins did not do anything wrong. Not because the did not want to, but because they can't.
They did
Even today they are pathetic class of people who live in glory of their past. If you met Bhramins preists and families irl you would understand. Majority of Hindus don't even respect them.
Good they shouldn't be respected.
If you look at Dharamic Religions through Abrahamic mindset and mind-frame you are doing a disservice to them.
Dharamic Religions are about Dharama and culture first and subsequently God are attached to represent these cultures as Protectors.
Nope, stop coping there is no cultural continuity throughout India even though all of them are Hindus.
My god you are stupid and so far in your Hindu copes. Brahmins formed the Hindu laws and Kshatriyas carried them out.
Manusmrithi, laws and punishment for Hindu society was written by Manu a Kshatriyas. Manusmrithi prohibits bhramins to own any property and they live on diksha ideally.
Proof? When the NCERT was asked this question they could not answer and accpeted they fabricated facts.

View: https://twitter.com/Vivekpandey21/status/1754060887302738327
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My god you are stupid and so far in your Hindu copes. Brahmins formed the Hindu laws and Kshatriyas carried them out.

On the order of brahmins

They did

Good they shouldn't be respected.

Nope, stop coping there is no cultural continuity throughout India even though all of them are Hindus.
Now you provide primary evidence of bhramins being responsible when they did not write the scriptures

Also see this

View: https://youtu.be/yCJPDktbwJA
My god you are stupid and so far in your Hindu copes. Brahmins formed the Hindu laws and Kshatriyas carried them out.

On the order of brahmins

They did

Good they shouldn't be respected.

Nope, stop coping there is no cultural continuity throughout India even though all of them are Hindus.
Anyway what kind are you? Sepoy or pommy redcoat.
Why are you doing snakes job of spewing venom?
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Answer bro, provide me proof? By the way I am not even Hindu. I just want to see a decolonized India where sang niggers are rightly blamed for the invasions and persecution of dalits, remove colonial hangover from Indian institutions like Indian Judiciary which was established by the British.
Answer bro, provide me proof? By the way I am not even Hindu.
So you are saying brahmins were all good and just.
I just want to see a decolonized India where sang niggers are rightly blamed for the invasions and persecution of dalits,
You they invaded India no one is denying that. Dalits were persecuted by brahmins
remove colonial hangover from Indian institutions like Indian Judiciary which was established by the British.
Yeah I agree with it.
I am a rationalist.
For every point you make I can counter you. Because I used to have similar mindset as you, until I learn the hidden and whitewashed crimes of sand niggers.

To whitewash sandnigger bhramins were used as a scapegoat by commies Marxist "Historians" , who admit fabricating facts for nation building

watch this

View: https://youtu.be/yCJPDktbwJA

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