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LifeFuel race> height for most foids



Nov 30, 2023
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
There’s an enormous difference between 5’7 and 5’10
I'm 172 cm (a real manlet in my country where the average height is at least 180 cm) and it hasn't been an issue when I was SpiccMaxxing. The issue was I'm poor
There’s an enormous difference between 5’7 and 5’10
:yes: wearing more than an inch lifters is obvious as fuck, you look disproportionate and walk like on high heels. People will make fun of you behind your back.
Height and dick size are the most important. Humans in general respect and value the size above everything else. Have you ever heard that parents brag about their 5'5 son or woman praising her husband's 5 inches?

Height draws them, dick keeps them.
Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget
Awalt, shorter foids are the worst. Its better to be an actual midget to attract some freak whore than a manlet. Every guy under 5'9 is completely asexual for 90% of foids even if shes 5'1.
i pass as indan as a turk.
>sees that thread is just another generic ass X vs height thread

No race for your face
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
Really ? Even a 6'5 Curry would get less preferred than a 5'5 White Guy assuming both are same facially ? Did you ever see proof of this ?
i gotta disagree with you bro. I have seen way way way too many Roasties lusting after tall men of all races to believe this.
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
you are a fucking retard. Women are excellent at estimating height accurately. You know why??? BECAUSE THEY FUCK 6' tall niggers, so all they have to do is remember how short your 5'7" ass is in comparison to the Chad that dumped her ass to see that you are a liar
All foids care about height, the only ones who overlook it are subhuman ethnic whores because they desire white genetics real bad, but if they gain access to a taller white guy make no mistake, they WILL dump the white manlet
Water it's over for ethnic men never really began for most
Ethnic men aren't capable of being truly loved
Height and dick size are the most important. Humans in general respect and value the size above everything else. Have you ever heard that parents brag about their 5'5 son or woman praising her husband's 5 inches?

Height draws them, dick keeps them.

Awalt, shorter foids are the worst. Its better to be an actual midget to attract some freak whore than a manlet. Every guy under 5'9 is completely asexual for 90% of foids even if shes 5'1.
Do u think ethnic men living in the west are gonna go extinct? We're such a sexless group of ppl, best case scenario is becoming a betabuxxer in ur 30s to some self-hating ethni-whore who rode the CC he entire youth and fucked nothing but white faggots.
Height and face > race
this thread made me lose at least 5 IQ points
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
Face>everything else
Water it's over for ethnic men never really began for most
Fucking retards man, one of the most popular people at my hs was an NT 6'3-4 horsefaced beancel. The main fucking reason whites are preferred is because of height and face, that's all it boils down to not to mention the importance of phenotype. EVERYWHERE I go I see height being way more important than race, whether its work or school. Height beats race if you aren't trying to date out every step of the way unless you look like a dravidian abo.
False, height is everything.
False, height is everything.
i agree

i'm full white and I can't get shit because of my height, meanwhile any 511" ugly ethnic can get anything

Height is 80%
Face is 15%
Race is 5%
i agree

i'm full white and I can't get shit because of my height, meanwhile any 511" ugly ethnic can get anything

Height is 80%
Face is 15%
Race is 5%
wrong. lankycels can cope all they want but face dominates.
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
I'm white with blue eyes brown hair and I'm 5 ft 3 inches. I'm fucked. I get disrespected everywhere and women always think i'm creepy.
Ethnicel cope
based(in reality), good post currybro. also not only ethnic features, your race/nationality reputation plays a big role too
i know an arab guy with the white phenotype/look who got invited to the weekly hangouts by the international group of students at the university. "conveniently" not a single indian,arab or black man was invited to whatever bar/spot they met at. but this arab guy was a 100% conservative muslim, but he just happened to look white and dressed like a european. the only indian/arab/black people who were invited occasionally were the ones that looked like they were in a stock photo where the group looks "diverse" in a sanitized way. when i mentioned this to this arab guy he was in full denial
i feel for all my desibros, 20% of the university was indian students, the airlifted fresh off the boat type ,and they were treated like subhumans.
I have a work colleague, he is like 160-165cm or something, heavily balding, he has the hairline from a 40yo guy but he is 24, crooked yellow teeth.. he has so many flaws but my blood froze in my veins when he said "my girlfriend is picking me up today from work..“ I swear to God, I thought he was 100 percent an incel. I haven't had much to do with him yet, but based on his behavior I would have thought he was still a virgin. So there is hope for all of us still. I actually wanted to slowly but surely talk to him about the incel topic, and then he tells me that he has a girlfriend out of nowhere. I thought he was one of us.
Really ? Even a 6'5 Curry would get less preferred than a 5'5 White Guy assuming both are same facially ? Did you ever see proof of this ?
Depends on his confidence level... Being 6"5, he's bound to have confidence as he's intimidated most of the humans has came across in life.. basically you just can't be 6"5 and incel.. your volcel at that point
I have a work colleague, he is like 160-165cm or something, heavily balding, he has the hairline from a 40yo guy but he is 24, crooked yellow teeth.. he has so many flaws but my blood froze in my veins when he said "my girlfriend is picking me up today from work..“ I swear to God, I thought he was 100 percent an incel. I haven't had much to do with him yet, but based on his behavior I would have thought he was still a virgin. So there is hope for all of us still. I actually wanted to slowly but surely talk to him about the incel topic, and then he tells me that he has a girlfriend out of nowhere. I thought he was one of us.
I had a similar thing happen at my last job. There was this guy I worked with who was probably about 10 years older than me (I was 18 at the time) about my height (166cm), prey eyes, glassescel, had a lisp, and was just a beta male in general. I just assumed he was a fellow incel until one night, when it was just he and I working, he says out of nowhere "fuck, I have to pick my kid up from my ex's tomorrow". I was totally shocked.
I often hear foids (ecspeciallyu ethnic foids) complain that .. "muhhh white, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny is the beauty standards" But in reality, no guy in this universe would ever reject you because you don't have blue or green eyes or blonde hair. No guy gives a shit about that. But foids on the other hand, are muchhh more race selective then men. Foids would secretly be sjw's online and protest against ethnic violence.. But in closed doors, they're the ones who are like
"White cockru only"
"Why are there so many ethnic men hitting on me, why isnt there any white chadin my area"
"i only want a man 6ft+ so that will eliminate 99% of ethnic men"

Also yes height matter in dating, but if you're like 5'10 you could easily larp as 6ft with shoes etc. Even if you're 5'7, you could larp to 5'10 with frauding. Form my experience foids wouldnt really reject a guy for his height unless hes shorter then her. if a foid is attracted to you, she wouldn't care how tall you are unless your shorter than her. And on average Men are 5 inches taller then women in their respective countrys. So it is not rare. In fact, it is very common to see a women shorter than you. Even if you're like 5'7, there will still be a lot of women who are shorter than you and who would not eliminate you based on height. ( bonus if you live in asia as well).

Most of yall give the bullshit bumble height preference study and say "6'6 was the most ideal height to femoids sinnce most femoids preffered a man whos 6'6". That was fucking bullshit :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:... No foid in this entire planet is going to reject you for not being (2m tall)..Foids cant even see height irl.. Remember, most women would already think a 6'2 guy is 6'6 irl.. Foids are really bad at judging height. Plus 6'6 is like less than 1 percent of the male popullation. To even say women prefer men over 6 feet tall is a delusion since irl no femoid even would even care if youre 5'11, 5'10 or 6'0.. As long as your taller then them, they wouldnt care how tall you are.

Yes, there are some foids who care about height a lot and want a man who towers over them (at least 8 inches difference) But thats rare. Foids like that either end up getting played or dumped.. Most women wouldnt give a shit about height as long as your not a midget.. Race matters far more then height, ecspecially if youre curry or rice. Since most women dont find ethnic features attractive. Society is more blackpilled about height than race since no women wants to be accused of a racist. So women are more open about their height prefference than race prefference.
If youre an ethnic living in a western country, it would make your life 10x more difficult. Even if your a tall and good looking ethnic, you would still be incel because of your ethnicity. Most women are not attracted to your race, Ecspecially for curries, since not only are we sub human, we also had a bad public image due to being rapist, stalkers, street shitters etc. Women of every race always desires white men just remember that. Even if youre a good looking, rich , tall, sociable ethnic, your competition is a 5'7 scrawny, broke white boy who lives in his moms basement. Always remember this!!!!
I would rather be a 6'3 chang than be a 5'5 white
Height and dick size are the most important. Humans in general respect and value the size above everything else. Have you ever heard that parents brag about their 5'5 son or woman praising her husband's 5 inches?

Height draws them, dick keeps them
Although the only thing that predicts a woman’s orgasm rate is your looks.
Based on this, looks and height are the most important things.
Height and looks are essential, race is trivial and not universal.
It's not like it'd chose between us, brocel. It'd just stay alone waiting for a chad

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