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Blackpill Race and face are most important



Lonely virgin
Mar 20, 2018
If you can't win Tinder game, it's because your race and face.
You can fake your height, frame and penis size on Tinder.
Race > face > height > frame > penis size.
Nah. Face is everything.
Nah, race is more important than face. See; Tellem-T and PrinceofCope's tinder experiments.
I think looks matter above race hands down without a doubt
face is definitely more important
Face is most important, race is a non-factor unless you're ugly.
I'm starting to see that Race is most important but a half breed will never make it in high white society.
Cope, face is most important.
penis size is pretty important for blacks, i promise you bbc hoes wont fuck tyrone if hes not atleast avg
Face is most important, race is a non-factor unless you're ugly.
thank you
face >

chad is still tyrone

ugly white is still ugly black
im new here mind telling me what a maycel is?
and here in miami this dude would do well, im practically a spic and i get results with a few matches despite looking less attractive than him and way way less physically fit. i definitely think online location also matters, more access to potential lays will help, i THINK (i may be wrong) that thats the law of averages. but as i stated earlier in a different thread tinder is a lot harder because women are the more valued sex, a fat chick can have hundreds of matches while men will struggle more even if he has a higher sexual market value that she does
A maycel is you because you joined in May.
height > everything has already been proved right twice just wait for the just be tall theory part 3
height > everything has already been proved right twice just wait for the just be tall theory part 3
you think this dude is banging those hot girls?
A maycel is you because you joined in May.
god i got so much shit to learn, i appreciate the reply man. (no sarcasm btw if it looks that way)
i see the word cel added behind a lot of things so im not sure which are the real important ones and which arent


  • weird_bad_ugly_thin_thinest_man_male_boys_guys_skinny_models_pics_images_photo_pictures_5.jpg
    38.6 KB · Views: 147
im new here mind telling me what a maycel is?
Jesus, @SergeantIncel why did you let my grandma join Incels.me?

and here in miami this dude would do well, im practically a spic and i get results with a few matches despite looking less attractive than him and way way less physically fit
Everyone thinks their city is a special exception that allows for interracial relations that somehow defies all stats and date behind the race pill, when in reality your city is no different in terms of race relations than the ones the race pill has been observed in.

People said London was so multi-cultural that any black man could get laid there. A user did a Tinder experiment with @PrinceOfCope in London, who is a 8/10 looking blackcel, and he got nothing. Pic for reference:

People said Toronto was a liberalism hellhole where there were nothing but interracial couples and that all you need to do is be ethnic there to get laid. As I linked above, someone did an experiment with Tellem-T there and got one single like.

You're a maycel, so i'll give you a pass on being completely ignorant of the race pill, but it is undeniable FACT. Some required reading:

What Is JBW Theory: https://incels.is/threads/lets-break-down-just-be-white-theory.40897/
Being ethnic is as bad as being 5'4'' according to studies (Racepill Part 2): https://incels.is/threads/being-ethnic-is-as-bad-as-being-54-according-to-studies.46469/
Education Matters Far Less In Dating Than Race (Racepill Part 3): https://incels.is/threads/racepill-part-3-ethnics-enter-at-your-own-risk.39413/
Race Pill Part 4: https://incels.is/threads/racepill-part-4-bbc-meme-debunked.40085/
again but what if i stated that i was an uglier person than this guy you posted a picture of, was a broke spic and claimed that ive fucked 30+ girls between 2017 and 2018, would that make me an outlier? suppose i had a disability and suppose i had very little going for me compared to my age?
hypotheticals im posing and im genuinely thankful for your long detailed reply.
but dont underestimate the access to pussy man, again thanks for the discussion and for clarifying maycels

and again as a guy whos lived the miami night life and have friends
Jesus, @SergeantIncel why did you let my grandma join Incels.me?

Everyone thinks their city is a special exception that allows for interracial relations that somehow defies all stats and date behind the race pill, when in reality your city is no different in terms of race relations than the ones the race pill has been observed in.

People said London was so multi-cultural that any black man could get laid there. A user did a Tinder experiment with @PrinceOfCope in London, who is a 8/10 looking blackcel, and he got nothing. Pic for reference:View attachment 17339

People said Toronto was a liberalism hellhole where there were nothing but interracial couples and that all you need to do is be ethnic there to get laid. As I linked above, someone did an experiment with Tellem-T there and got one single like.

You're a maycel, so i'll give you a pass on being completely ignorant of the race pill, but it is undeniable FACT. Some required reading:

What Is JBW Theory: https://incels.is/threads/lets-break-down-just-be-white-theory.40897/
Being ethnic is as bad as being 5'4'' according to studies (Racepill Part 2): https://incels.is/threads/being-ethnic-is-as-bad-as-being-54-according-to-studies.46469/
Education Matters Far Less In Dating Than Race (Racepill Part 3): https://incels.is/threads/racepill-part-3-ethnics-enter-at-your-own-risk.39413/
Race Pill Part 4: https://incels.is/threads/racepill-part-4-bbc-meme-debunked.40085/
Just lol if you think Prince of Cope is Tyrone-tier. His face is average or a bit below.
Just lol if you think Prince of Cope is Tyrone-tier. His face is average or a bit below.
He is a goofy ass dude. He would look better without his subpar taste in fashion.
He is a goofy ass dude. He would look better without his subpar taste in fashion.
I think this is proof that you're not to be taken seriously when it comes to the race pill.
There has to be some major cognitive dissonance for you to give me the same rating as PrinceofCope, you know full well you're just trying to justify why he matched so badly in London. He's got a 7/10 or 8/10 face and his fashion is more than fine.

Now i'd like to see what you consider a 7/10 or 8/10 Black man's face. You've kind of dug yourself a hole, I wanna see you create a chart of this, somehow justifying how you have me at a 4/10 alongside PrinceofCope, and how there are 6 possible faces that can be better than his. I don't think you can, and that you accidentally proved the race pill, because you won't be able to find any blacks that you can rate above a 7/10 if Prince is your 4/10.

oh shit big daddy eggy coming!
but serious, what if what i stated were the case, for the sake of argument
You would promptly receive a ban first of all.
Second of all, I would dismiss what you're saying as bullshit. Even if you were white and had a decent job but looked worse than PrinceofCope or Tellem-T and had a disability I would call bullshit.

But go ahead and elaborate, your ban is likely incoming anyways, so might as well argue with you while we wait for the inevitable.
if i receive a ban do my posts stay here? i know this community is fond of experiments and i have had a shit life. but what if i had proof of what im stating, would that proof stay here in the forums (regardless of a ban, again i want to post a long detailed post regarding my journey, inceldom, never having female interaction, physical and mental disabilities into where i am now) but i would find it moot to post pictures, a story, my tinder, texts etc if it all gets deleted with the ban
Nope you would be removed, but the ban is coming, so hurry up already. You'll be immortalized in my memory. Not screenshotting blue pill garbage though, and I don't believe this story anyways.
It's face and height. Everyone should know this by now.
Race>>>face definitely. I reckon I at least mog this guy, but he has over 90 matches and I have zero.
if youdont believe it then can i get a 1 day pardon to post these things. proof and all. again i know you dont believe me but why not allow me to post these things, and have them at least stay here after my ban. I stated earlier, insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. i see way better looking guys than me here but their reality view is skewed, i just want to contribute, from a former hardcore case incel into what i am today (again these are all hypotheticals_
Mods aren't gonna let normie blue pill trash stay up, nor should they. You've wasted too much of my time already with this made up nonsense, begone.
I think this is proof that you're not to be taken seriously when it comes to the race pill.
There has to be some major cognitive dissonance for you to give me the same rating as PrinceofCope, you know full well you're just trying to justify why he matched so badly in London. He's got a 7/10 or 8/10 face and his fashion is more than fine.

Now i'd like to see what you consider a 7/10 or 8/10 Black man's face. You've kind of dug yourself a hole, I wanna see you create a chart of this, somehow justifying how you have me at a 4/10 alongside PrinceofCope, and how there are 6 possible faces that can be better than his. I don't think you can, and that you accidentally proved the race pill, because you won't be able to find any blacks that you can rate above a 7/10 if Prince is your 4/10.

You would promptly receive a ban first of all.
Second of all, I would dismiss what you're saying as bullshit. Even if you were white and had a decent job but looked worse than PrinceofCope or Tellem-T and had a disability I would call bullshit.

But go ahead and elaborate, your ban is likely incoming anyways, so might as well argue with you while we wait for the inevitable.
Or you could stop being so self-critical? If you think his taste in fashion is any good, you are beyond deluded and making it understandable why you believe this race pill meme.
who is a 8/10 looking blackcel, and he got nothing. Pic for reference:
good face but whats with the clown hair lol

anyway OP you cant just disregard height like that
saying that height doesnt matter on tinder because you can lie about it is retarded. like yeah you will get matches but if you ever meet up in person that goes out the window. when she expects a 6'1 guy and you walk in as a 5'5 manlet she will instantly walk out on you without even saying a word.
its like saying face doesnt matter because you can just catfish with someone elses face instead lol
Face only matters if you are non-black. If you are black, then you can be ugly, poor etc and still get hot girls.
face>race> everything else
Just lol if you think Prince of Cope is Tyrone-tier. His face is average or a bit below.
LOL. Can you give some examples of non-models better-looking than him? He may not be a tyronelite but he's at least a high tier normie.
good face but whats with the clown hair lol

anyway OP you cant just disregard height like that
saying that height doesnt matter on tinder because you can lie about it is retarded. like yeah you will get matches but if you ever meet up in person that goes out the window. when she expects a 6'1 guy and you walk in as a 5'5 manlet she will instantly walk out on you without even saying a word.
its like saying face doesnt matter because you can just catfish with someone elses face instead lol
His hair really isn't that bad at all, here's another angle of it;
His hair really isn't that bad at all, here's another angle of it;
View attachment 17388
looks super fucking retarded imo
high contrast beard trim line, hair faded on the sides, unkempt mess on top, with some accessoires woven in randomly? faglord supreme lmao
also ear piercings are for gays
Face only matters if you are non-black. If you are black, then you can be ugly, poor etc and still get hot girls.
You see some black guys experience a lot of trouble using tinder, they have 0 matches, so you're incorrect at that point.
You see some black guys experience a lot of trouble using tinder, they have 0 matches, so you're incorrect at that point.

who gives a fuck about tinder
looks super fucking retarded imo
high contrast beard trim line, hair faded on the sides, unkempt mess on top, with some accessoires woven in randomly? faglord supreme lmao
also ear piercings are for gays
Seems very normal to me.

who gives a fuck about tinder
Lmao, this is why race pill deniers are dumb as shit. You just make claims no one can disprove.


In the data set on the left you see variable coefficient for women's race preferences in the red box.
In the data set on the right, you see coefficents for women's preference for men height

As you can notice, regardless of male height, race variables always have a bigger coefficient (meaning it has more impact than height regardless of how short or tall) http://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/guenter.hitsch/papers/Mate-Preferences.pdf



As you can see, 65-70% of white women and a big chunk of women of your own race write you off from the get go if you are not white. When you look at how short is undateable for women, its ranging between 5'2''-5'5'' depending on women height answering the question.

Based on studies, if you are average height ethnic you are as worse off as a 5'3'' white person everything else being equal.

(Credit to @13k )


In the data set on the left you see variable coefficient for women's race preferences in the red box.
In the data set on the right, you see coefficents for women's preference for men height

As you can notice, regardless of male height, race variables always have a bigger coefficient (meaning it has more impact than height regardless of how short or tall) http://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/guenter.hitsch/papers/Mate-Preferences.pdf



As you can see, 65-70% of white women and a big chunk of women of your own race write you off from the get go if you are not white. When you look at how short is undateable for women, its ranging between 5'2''-5'5'' depending on women height answering the question.

Based on studies, if you are average height ethnic you are as worse off as a 5'3'' white person everything else being equal.

(Credit to @13k )

they are more "open" to dating manlets than short or average height ethnics but they will choose an ethnic man over 6ft over any white manlet. if you are over 6ft and ethnic they overlook your race. ive seen it happen many times.
they are more "open" to dating manlets than short or average height ethnics but they will choose an ethnic man over 6ft over any white manlet. if you are over 6ft and ethnic they overlook your race. ive seen it happen many times.
That's purely anecdotal.
The stats don't lie, however. Women were more likely to contact short white men than they were to contact tall ethnic men, there's no one way around that fact.
That's purely anecdotal.
The stats don't lie, however. Women were more likely to contact short white men than they were to contact tall ethnic men, there's no one way around that fact.

do you have any stats to prove foids contacted short white men more than tall ethnic men?
do you have any stats to prove foids contacted short white men more than tall ethnic men?
It's inferred given the coefficients for both stats.
The study also noted that height was only a negative relatively. So shorter female would definitely be more likely to contact a manlet white male than a tall ethnic man, whereas a tall foid would be more likely to contact a taller ethnic than a shorter manlet.
The only women who matter at attractive girls between the ages of 18-24. Blacks and ethnics slay in this demographic. When the girls get older they look for more stable type of males. That's all these stupid dating website statistics show.
The only women who matter at attractive girls between the ages of 18-24. Blacks and ethnics slay in this demographic. When the girls get older they look for more stable type of males. That's all these stupid dating website statistics show.

Source: My Ass
It's inferred given the coefficients for both stats.
The study also noted that height was only a negative relatively. So shorter female would definitely be more likely to contact a manlet white male than a tall ethnic man, whereas a tall foid would be more likely to contact a taller ethnic than a shorter manlet.

are you saying the data infers that tall foids "need" taller men? short foids also require that you are 6ft or above or at least tall enough to fraud 6ft
saying that height doesnt matter on tinder because you can lie about it is retarded. like yeah you will get matches but if you ever meet up in person that goes out the window. when she expects a 6'1 guy and you walk in as a 5'5 manlet she will instantly walk out on you without even saying a word.
If you get 0 matches with 5'5 height on Tinder, you will get 0 matches with 6'6 fake height. It's all about race and face.

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