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Blackpill Questions/Points for IncelTears and anti-Incels (read all before replying inceltears)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
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Deleted member 5861

Deleted member 5861

Blackpill Scientist
Apr 18, 2018
1) Why do you people think that hating on harmless virgins who make posts online in some obscure forum makes you heroes? It is not for those "mean" posts we make, oh hell no it is not. We are hated because we are incels (supposed to be, so many here aren't even virgins, fakecels.me) and we aren't happy about it. Just look at what happened to Goutham Sundaram just because he complained about his lack of success with white girls in his college. It was all over the news for being "sexist," he got kicked out of the tennis team, and a large portion of the audience (especially women) angrily stormed out of the building because of him simply being honest about his pain of being rejected by women. The closest thing that signifies him being "entitled" is him saying Ghandi didn't starve himself so that he lacks success with girl. I don't see why saying that would justify hating someone, it just makes him pitiful, if you have a soul. Also why is there nothing like ISISTears? Probably because you lack the guts to attack anything that is dangerous at all. Maybe 1 in every million incels go on a mass shooting rampage. There are plenty of pro-ISIS comments on the internet that you can attack, but no hate on the virgins.

2) How are women oppressed when the entire goddamn western world AND all of mainstream media kiss their ass and treat them like Goddesses 24/7? How is there a "rape culture" when there is a whole separate "sex offender" registry? When being accused of rape/sexual crime can essentially end a mans life? Just look at Harvey Weinstein, lost his job and can't go out in public without attracting mobs of haters. I can already see "but muh Trump" but he is actually an example of my point. Just a tape of him making a hyperbole of how being a star will let him be sexual with any woman got more hate than Satan ever got because of 5 words. Lots of guys are scared to talk of women BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO SCARED TO OFFEND HER! Shyness levels have never been higher, men are scared to be sexual with women because everything is sexual harassment. And as another poster said, "Isn't it a paradox that men are constantly shamed for living in a patriarchal, toxic, rape-culture? A rape-culture wouldn't blast #metoo all over the news, gathering unanimous support from all but fringe hate groups (like us). I think women get treated like fucking heroes simply for living in such a 'sexist society'. There is nothing worse than being called a rapist." Also if you are a rapist then you are treated with special disdain in prison, you could kill countless people including children and you wouldn't be targeted, but be a rapist and many of the prisoners will try to rape you everyday. Rape is considered the ultimate crime, for godsake "rape culture" is the most retarded thing someone can believe. I remembered a girl said that her mom wanting the daughter to wear modest clothing to school because 3 guys were (falsely) accused of rape was proof that rape culture is real. Because her mom went to irrational lengths to have her daughter protected from the mean world, that is proof. Meanwhile boys have to learn to fight or they deserve it when they get bullied. Meanwhile nobody walks alone in the ghetto at night because...they want to stay safe. It is common sense all you retards. Groups who are truly oppressed are the ones who you DON'T hear about, at least not in a positive light. Take short men for instance, it is socially acceptable to bully them, discriminate against them, and dismiss them because of their height. The media does not go anal about how this is bad, they actually encourage it. Talking about how this is bad would actually get you more hated on, Napoleon complex anyone? There are also quotas where you have to hire women and it is illegal to under pay them. AKA there is no wage gap, just income gap because surgeons make more money than nurses. Lastly, about the cases where judges give rapists low sentences, people take the situation out of context. There are many cases in America where very petty crimes can get you 10 years in prison (even if white) and the same judge will give a murderer a 6 year sentence (even if black). The media picking out a few cases and saying "this is the norm" is very disingenuous. The average sentence for rape is 8 years for 2009 in UK, LONGER THAN AVERAGE OF MANSLAUGHTER, which is also a country feminists say has a rape culture. Rape in US often have 15+ year sentences, even life imprisonment. Aggravated assault often gets only a few years.

3) This goes along to question 2, but what most low sexual crimes are is simply an unattractive man hitting on a woman. Serious, I could show images of #metoo where its just women complaining about a guy talking to them. Hell, sometimes you don't even have to be sexual for it to be sexual harassment! I've seen and heard cases of men getting fired for hitting on a woman. Even arrests. Videos showcasing the horror of being a woman and all the "catcalling" they go through is bunch of men saying "hi," "good morning," and "you got beautiful hair girl." France is about to make that horrifying "catcalling" illegal and fine men from 130$-1110$ for breaking it. I wish people were that nice to me, instead people call me ugly and gangs roaming around my area literally attack me sometimes. I would trade places with a girl in a heartbeat, you females will see what true mistreatment is. Can't even go to a store without seeing a female cashier smiling and flirting with a chad then the moment I come up she starts frowning and having an attitude with me. Legitimately treated like a subhuman. Not like some special Goddess who being associated with serves as a prize for men. Before you go "muh too persistent" that is often not even the case. The first sentence and the women will scream sexual harassment. Besides, lots of women do "shit tests" for normie men to see if "they have balls"...to see if they're gonna risk committing a crime to be with them. Also sometimes "sexual harassment/assault" is simply a man being too autistic. Since men have to make the first move lots of them who are less than socially savvy just go and touch them sexually as an attempt to flirt. Chad gets away with this all the time, its him being "confident," incels get a sexual assault charge/gets the girl on a frenzy. Then incels get very insecure from the humiliation. Then Chad tells him "just be confident bro," which usually makes the incel very angry. That is a major factor in all the hate here.

4) Why would a girl want a "nice guy" to be her boyfriend rather than her platonic friend? Do you think politeness makes women horny? It is actually the polar opposite, you need to go to my "ThugPill" thread for all the proof there. A man being abusive turns a woman on, that is the real reason why women always date bullies, thugs, and even physically abusive men. Virtually every male serial killer get tons of love letters from female fans. The "nice guys are actually manipulative assholes" meme is simply an excuse for women to not date nice guys. So they want to be treated good and loved as well? HOW DARE HIM! Seriously, if someone was a legit nice person and everyone is mean back to him, do you expect him to enjoy it and just take it? Him wanting to be loved makes him an asshole? Everyone wants to be treated good, that is common sense, except for cucks. I saw those images of "nice guys" being so sexually frustrated that they were attacking the women rejecting them, but that has nothing to do with women not liking nice guys. Those are just a few individual cases of loneliness driving them insane. Do you rather that person abuse and bully everyone so he ends up being liked? Women actually do, as long as he doesn't appear like a little kid playing around or a wannabe. Women want the good looking guys to act like men, like a real, primitive man. Women want ugly and beta men to not be attracted to them, their biological urges and psychological needs are just inconvenient, so women hate those men. Thats why they hate being "hit on all the time," HOW ELSE ARE GUYS SUPPOSED TO GET GIRLS?? Its a sign of Female privilege, you don't have to approach, it is the men who do. Its alot easier to complain that guys are always focused on sex when you don't have to worry about being alone. And Just like I mentioned before, they have attitude with those ugly and beta men and love to laugh at them getting bullied. This is also the reason why women like men who are tall and "confident," because they subconsciously think of them as primitive dangerous men. Remember that whenever you hear "be confident" as advice to get women.

5) If rapists are commonly attractive men successful with girls, then how does that fit in with your assertion that incels don't get girls because they "glorify rape?" Plus how do women tell that we make "misogynist" posts anonymously on the internet when we're out in public? No, its not "a reflection of your attitude." Whenever I go on xbox live, especially in its heyday, other players would often threaten to rape my mother in one sentence then insult me by calling me a virgin in the next sentence. This was in mainstream games, filled with normies and chads. Lots of "you're probably a girl, go back to the kitchen" as well. They get pussy, and they are just as edgy and "misogynistic" as we are. Even rappers are just as bad, referring to women as "bitches" and their "property" in songs and women ADORE them. There are songs about downright torturing women and its the exact same. Those are the chads being "edgy" like us.

6) Are you aware that you're probably at least just as big of a loser as us if you use Reddit? Just search "reddit convention" and look at the group photos. About 90% of reddit users are total social losers, including those who just mock virgins all day and everyday on IncelTears. Notice I didn't say all, so don't say "but I go out every weekend" since I know you people lack reading comprehension. You are not Chads or normies.

7) What is up with this whole "mostly white" and "white supremacist" thing you people have? We are disproportionately ethnic. 50% to be exact, and it might be more so on braincels. It is commonly accepted that whites have an advantage in the sexual market. Have you never seen "Just be White Theory?" Racism is often an (extreme) cope for low value men, just like religion, patriotism, sports, and whiteknighting, so that is a big factor on why its somewhat common here among all races here. Also this forum is not so uptight about rough language at all, so of course you're gonna hear everything under the sun. People being alot more honest about themselves, instead of faux outrage over something on the internet lmao. Wow, such angels you are. You people are mostly far left virgins, the type to orbit women around and let them treat you like trash and even legit cuck you if managed to get in a relationship because you are so progressive (and have to since you lack sexual value). Far right virgins are more likely to be here. That doesn't mean everyone here is far right, though, only 28% identified as far right in my political poll. And no, that doesn't mean half of whites here are far right nazis. Ethnics here are just as often far right (lots of them support ethnic nationalism because they believe race mixing causes ugly people and to eliminate competition from other races). That can apply for the whites as well. Hating their own race but still supporting ethnic nationalism.

8) It is a commonly known fact that women are very selective in who they swipe for on tinder, while men right swipe practically every women. Most actually right swipe ALL women. So don't say women have problems with loneliness like a man does. Women are accepted no matter what their looks are. Don't go on about how they want a LTR or a platonic relationship. They can easily get that. Match for LTR and female friends for platonic, for example.

9) We know we aren't entitled to sex, because nobody is entitled to anything. Such a stupid argument from IT. Homeless people are not entitled to a house, do you go out of your way to tell them that when they are simply wallowing in misery? There are other posts here that confirms being involuntarily celibate is just as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and worse than being obese. It is a serious issue, many people dismiss it as trivial when it is one of the biggest health hazards there is. Those "gov't should redistribute sex" and other crazy threads are obvious venting posts. Other times it is just new members being trolls. Nobody legitimately believes that, but cucktears lack reading comprehension and they need to have their faux moral outrage to feel morally superior. Remember #5 before making a stupid response. Polygamy is anarcho-capitalism, monogamy is communism. The more polygamous society gets the more unequal the distribution of sex and girlfriends men have. The top 20% of men get 60% of women, just check it out on our blackpill archives. Each year it gets more and more unequal. eventually it will be 20% of men get 80% of women. Females chase those chads during their 20's then they settle for a man with lots of money to hopefully marry later on, lots of times pushing up to their late 30's. Often he doesn't get much sex if any at all because engineers aren't sexy.

10) Why don't you disprove our blackpill archives section filled with scientifically backed posts highlighting how life as an incel is hell? Why don't you have a scientific section? Go ahead, pick one of ours and argue against it.

11) If we are incels because of our "toxic" personalities then why are we often depicted in your cartoons as ugly while the guy getting the girl is much better looking? I will tell you why, halo effect. Here is a quote from me.
How do people react, especially females, to dogs? "Awww how cute! Can I pet it? I want to take it home and raise it and love it for the rest of his life!"
How do people react, especially females, to cockroaches? "Ewww its so ugly! Kill it, kill it, kill it! Ugh I hate roaches. Fuck them I hope they all die.
Why are the reactions different? Dogs are good looking, cockroaches are ugly.
IT members love to spam out pics of low value ugly men with gf's and that disproves our theory. There are also many instances of people surviving being shot in the head with a shotgun. That doesn't mean you should expect to survive it. Everything has an exception. There are even women who love cockroaches. Common sense. Plus it is more than just how your face looks. All the factors that determine a mans chances of getting a date include: height, face, confidence/inhibition, natural social skills/NT, frame, race, money, and status. Add it up and that is a mans sexual market value. And as I mentioned in #8 you have to be at the top to get most of the action. And the range of the top who gets special access is shrinking more and more each year. You only have a limited range to increase your attractiveness as well. The "just take a shower" to get a girl is like telling a poor person to apply for a job.

12) A woman who has had lots of sex is disgusting because her vagina has lots of cum from different men dried up in there and the vagina itself is wrecked. Likely a bunch of STD's as well. That is the prize for the engineer for working hard his whole life while chad got to fuck it when it was so much cleaner for the virtue of being attractive. Assuming the engineer even gets to touch it. Plus having more partners as a woman is highly correlated with her marriage being more unstable and a plethora of other problems.

13) The vast majority of serial killers and mass shooters consist of incel men because of the way society treats incels. Women play the major role in their mistreatment, either through their own direct actions like laughing at them or mistreating them and by dating the bad men as i said in #4. Of course incels here are angry, anybody who isn't cucked would be angry! The slaves at Haiti killed all the slave-owners in their revolution, and I don't blame them. The uncle-toms are a total disgrace to their fellow slaves. A good portion of you IT male cucks are the modern day uncle toms. Lastly, I want to hear your response to this quote, "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African Proverb.

I dare anyone one of you to get pictures of my post and post it on IncelTears.

Sources: http://www.news1130.com/2018/05/22/catcalling-illegal-france-charged-caught/
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High IQ post. Should be pinned.

These IT cucks just offer anectodal evidence and LARPs to apparently "disprove" the blackpill.
Pin this shit. @SergeantIncel plz
Good stuff but you have to condense it.
Forget pinning it. Someone should put this in IT. There is absolutely no defense for Inceltears. They have been BTFO.
When will you fools realize they have no interest in debating us?

You can present them a million sources of evidence, they will never care because we are ugly shit beneath their shoe.
Good stuff but you have to condense it.
Not possible. WAY too much info. I wanted to address all of their arguments and possible rebuttals. Be completely in depth. If anything this is the condensed version, I could write a whole book about it.
This should be some sort of popup every guest sees before entering.
When will you fools realize they have no interest in debating us?

You can present them a million sources of evidence, they will never care because we are ugly shit beneath their shoe.
This. Cucktears doesn't want to debate the blackpill because, deep down, they know it's true.
Cucktears won't read this because its more than a paragraph. You have to remember most are lazy and/or have a low IQ.
Cucktears won't read this because its more than a paragraph. You have to remember most are lazy and/or have a low IQ.
But of course addressing all their retarded arguments and rebuttals is gonna take more than a paragraph. Really can take up a whole book.
didnt read and dont care, but why bother beating a dead horse? they are cucks that refuse to swallow racepill heightpill and facepill despite all the evidence clear as day right in front of them.

Everyone knows women are handed most things on a silver platter. Everyone knows race matters (in everything, not just dating). Everyone knows looks matter. Everyone knows women adore rapists/murderers.

The difference is they cope while we keep it at a minimum.

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