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JFL Psychology Today: Rise Of Single Lonely Men.



Feb 11, 2021

Oh look, it's another pro woman anti male hit piece, who could of ever seen this coming? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Yes, women or female sexual dating standards are definitely increasing, no doubt. Calling that overall healthy however is the lamest shit I've ever seen but is what you would expect in a totalitarian politically correct system that exemplifies all things female as being unquestionable and immune to criticism all the while diminishing everything male. We here would say women's standards are too high, unreasonable, and unrealistic, concerning unrealistic standards or demands they're anything but healthy where you would expect people with doctorates in mental psychology to understand that, yet apparently not. :feelsEhh:
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"healthy relationshios standards" is what aiming for chad and the white cockru is called by them
Ah yes, “healthy relationship standards” meaning dump a guy every time he doesn’t do what you want. God I fucking hate that somehow it’s never the womens fault
"healthy relationship standards" Oh, is that what they call getting with abusive Chad or thug Tyrone? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Ah yes, “healthy relationship standards” meaning dump a guy every time he doesn’t do what you want.
Always remember this, when today's propaganda experts describe something as being healthy know what is being presented is inverted in all actuality being the direct opposite of what they say it is. :feelsEhh::yes:
"healthy relationships standards" is vague. They need to define this.
"healthy relationships standards" is vague. They need to define this.
I believe in today's environment they would describe a woman constantly emasculating or humiliating a man where she wears a dildo riding up his ass reducing him to a cuckhold as perfectly within the bounds of being healthy. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:
so are women willing to date sexless and dateless men in their late 20's and beyond? because we're heading down this path. are women willing to lower their standards and expectations? or is the onus is entirely on the men? plenty of men are willing to date women with children and high body counts. their standards are rock bottom. healthy relationships standards is not a one way street.
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Ban dating apps or riot
so are women willing to date sexless and dateless men in their late 20's and beyond? because we're heading down this path. are women willing to lower their standards and expectations? or is the onus is entirely on the men? plenty of men are willing to date women with children and high body counts. their standards are rock bottom. healthy relationships standards is not a one way street.
I think what we've learned from this failed experiment of modern western feminized industrial society is that as society becomes more unequal in virtually all segments of the whole women's sexual proclivities become completely unequal as well simultaneously even though ironically they clamor equality for themselves only. :feelsEhh:
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Ah yes, “healthy relationship standards” meaning dump a guy every time he doesn’t do what you want. God I fucking hate that somehow it’s never the womens fault
Jfl exactly. Also, the article is by definition admitting to hypergamy and monkey branching by stating its only single MEN that are on the rise because of these new relationship standards, why is there not an equal and adjacent pool of single WOMEN as a result of this cultural shift, Psychology Today, you misandrist hacks?
Fuck these hoes skull emoji skull emoji middle finger emoji
Jfl exactly. Also, the article is by definition admitting to hypergamy and monkey branching by stating its only single MEN that are on the rise because of these new relationship standards, why is there not an equal and adjacent pool of single WOMEN as a result of this cultural shift, Psychology Today, you misandrist hacks?
There is lol, a lot more dog moms and “career focused” women out there now.
There is lol, a lot more dog moms and “career focused” women out there now.
:feelsseriously: Are you implying the loneliness epidemic is equally affecting women as it is men?
:feelsseriously: Are you implying the loneliness epidemic is equally affecting women as it is men?
Yes :feelshmm:
For foids it’s of the own making because they’d rather be dog moms than be with an average man. Also they’re most likely not going without sex but being pumped and dumped by men that won’t commit or they fuck their female friends
Men need to address skills deficits to meet healthier relationship expectations.

HOLY SHIT why do these foids expect us to do everything for them while all they have to do is sit on their asses and not be landwhales to get chad :feelsree::feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsping::feelsping:

Screenshot 20220811 220933

Chad settles for landwhales too. Even Chad is struggling in the dating market for anything beyond a ONS. Sub-5's get "don't fucking exist"-zoned, Normies get friendzoned, and Chad gets fuckzoned. Every toilet can replace Chad with another Chad within 2 minutes if she is bored with him or finds even a minor fault, even if she's a landwhale and he's a top Giga-Chad.

If you're female there is no limit to your options.

People often underestimate what "infinite SMV" truly means and what it implies. Even a man with an SMV score of a billion has infinitely less options than even the lowest toilet. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

Even Chad cannot afford to be picky these days. Even Chad gets ghosted regularly. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Jfl exactly. Also, the article is by definition admitting to hypergamy and monkey branching by stating its only single MEN that are on the rise because of these new relationship standards, why is there not an equal and adjacent pool of single WOMEN as a result of this cultural shift, Psychology Today, you misandrist hacks?
Virtually everything they come out with anymore only reaffirms sexual hypergamy and vaginal monetary sexual capitalism that is woman, it's pretty fucking hilarious for those of us in the know observing. Their $$pussies$$ are just commodities of human financial commerce and men just aren't trying hard enough to $$buy$$ into. :feelsEhh::yes::lul::lul::lul:
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Men need to address skills deficits to meet healthier relationship expectations.

HOLY SHIT why do these foids expect us to do everything for them while all they have to do is sit on their asses and not be landwhales to get chad :feelsree::feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsping::feelsping:
Here in the United States almost 70% of men four decades ago were working class, but then what happened?

They outsourced all the good paying jobs, what they didn't outsource they automated or made obsolete. This of course is what we call planned obsolescence of 70% of the male population where now you get to work at a Jack In The Box for minimum wage barely able to afford a cockroach or bed bug ridden shitty hole in the wall apartment as a single working man, but yeah, men really need to work on their skills deficit! [Simultaneously in the last four decades as men's living standards are heavily reduced women make up the bulk of 80% college graduates as they're granted all kinds of free passes to many things which men are not.]

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there's a massive demographic imbalance, this is probably what will ultimately collapse soyciety, this shit right here:

forget about WW3 or nuclear war, this is what will lead to some sort of end.
The many consequences across all spectrums of society concerning demographic population collapse is a fascinating topic that very few are even scarcely aware of. :feelsjuice:
Ah yes, “healthy relationship standards” meaning dump a guy every time he doesn’t do what you want. God I fucking hate that somehow it’s never the womens fault
yeah something as basic as demographic change is being swept under the radar, while normies are coping with shitty politics, soyciety is collapsing right in front of our eyes from within, this is the slow silent killer.
It's slow at first, but it will speed up quickly soon enough. :feelsjuice:
It'll get to a breaking point eventually, it'll be slow until it all tumbles downward rapidly.
It's been going on since the 1970s, we're past the slow burn phase now, what comes next very soon is the fast burn through all segments of society. :feelsjuice:
Psychology today is basically a glorified buzzfeed at this point
I know not everyone here will agree with me but i think the problem goes deeper than them having too high standards. I think its because of the simple fact women just dont have to anymore. 100 years ago, a woman couldn't survive on her own so she had to marry. She had to stay clean and she had to be trad. I am sure there were outliers but we all know there is a huge difference from women back then and thots today. Its all fucked.

I also find it really depressing that this the time period we have to live through, there is nothing after this. We wont have a second chance
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I know not everyone here will agree with me but i think the problem goes deeper than them having too high standards. I think its because of the simple fact women just dont have to anymore. 100 years ago, a woman couldn't survive on her own so she had to marry. She had to stay clean and she had to be trad. I am sure there were outliers but we all know there is a huge difference from women back then and thots today. Its all fucked.

I also find it really depressing that this the time period we have to live through, there is nothing after this. We wont have a second chance
This is true to some extent, but just as quickly as men built civilization laboring everyday keeping it together, men can also violently abandon civilization as well leaving it into total disrepair ruin should women demand too much offering nothing themselves in return. I have a feeling this something modern women will get to relearn all over again. :feelsjuice:
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Psychology today is basically a glorified buzzfeed at this point
There is no sciences once they become either politicized or propagandized. Science is supposed to be objective and neutral. :feelsjuice:
well what i'm really worried about is that I believe people will be complacent, i mean look at the past few years with the whole covid pandemic, and then the mandates and lockdowns, this is all manufactured to accelerate a controlled society and docile population. This all ties in with the WEF 1 world order and this stuff isn't a conspiracy, this is what they are going to do, this will affect everyone and everything, it'll make things 100x worse than it is now including inceldom and affect the individual. You know, I don't believe there will be a civil war or anything like that- and that's the scary part, it'll be a slow to rapid painful change, no revolution or what people think.
iq plummeting
men being feminized
gender bending
matriarchy, and by the we are already a matriarchy -hence all the women politicians and high influential positions
Yep. ive came to the same conclusion.
well what i'm really worried about is that I believe people will be complacent, i mean look at the past few years with the whole covid pandemic, and then the mandates and lockdowns, this is all manufactured to accelerate a controlled society and docile population. This all ties in with the WEF 1 world order and this stuff isn't a conspiracy, this is what they are going to do, this will affect everyone and everything, it'll make things 100x worse than it is now including inceldom and affect the individual. You know, I don't believe there will be a civil war or anything like that- and that's the scary part, it'll be a slow to rapid painful change, no revolution or what people think.
iq plummeting
men being feminized
gender bending
matriarchy, and by the we are already a matriarchy -hence all the women politicians and high influential positions
For me I see an unsustainable industrial technological society past its peak where we'll see either economic collapse, world war, civil war, and even dare I say it eventually energy scarcity which will shut down everything.

[Maybe even a combination of all that simultaneously.]

Before covid the general rule was if you were good sheople you were rewarded for your obedience to the system, but as the future progresses I think it will be the nonconformists with a distrust of institutional authority who will ultimately prevail. Covid has shown that the powers that be are preparing to annihilate conformist and nonconformist alike. :feelsjuice:
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you're 100% correct though. men and women were more connected with each other when they got married in the past, there was no division between the two sexes, people had families and that's really all they could do to find purpose, the female knew her place and made herself presentable and kind hearted to attract the masculine male who could love her enough and have a strong relationship with, gave him the drive to provide for her and the children they would have. The problem now a days is the tribalism and division, lack of basic respect for people, your family was your tribe and that's that. women weren't tribalistic to other women, but to whom they knew and had personal relationships with, and more or so to her family and husband. People were socially more connected but still maintained a more individualistic outlook; I'll respect you and you'll respect me, if you're in need then I'll give you a hand, but we'll still respect our boundaries and space. Neighbors said hello to each other, the husband kissed his beautiful wife, and hugged his children while leaving to work. People back then were more logical objective than what we have now where it's more emotional and subjective.
You know it would take generations to fix the damage right? Tiktok, instagram, tinder ect... That is even saying that if there is even change at all
Written by a foid, you know it's worthless
Sadly it's only going to increase
I know not everyone here will agree with me but i think the problem goes deeper than them having too high standards. I think its because of the simple fact women just dont have to anymore. 100 years ago, a woman couldn't survive on her own so she had to marry. She had to stay clean and she had to be trad. I am sure there were outliers but we all know there is a huge difference from women back then and thots today. Its all fucked.

I also find it really depressing that this the time period we have to live through, there is nothing after this. We wont have a second chance
on point. the reason why foids don't have to worry about survival anymore - they can rely on daddy government for resources while they go fuck any chad they please
on point. the reason why foids don't have to worry about survival anymore - they can rely on daddy government for resources while they go fuck any chad they please
Only works when a government or political body is economically and financially solvent, not so much when it is financially bankrupted in the stages of total economic collapse. Just like when the Venezuelan economy collapsed several times there's going to be thousands of new street hookers added everywhere every single day. :feelsEhh::yes:
Men's fault again is it? Smh.
I think something has to happen and then there has to be some sort of uprising of new values and ideas that people will take in, but I even doubt that'll happen.
The black pill counts right? As more men are struggling in the dating market, more men will take the black pill. They will realize that foids aren't some equal or superior humans who deserve rights, but base animals who will only fuck top guys if they have enough resources. It will disincentivize a lot of men from supporting welfare programs or just working to better their country in general when they realize it is against their sexual imperative.
Haven’t seen ya since ya quit tobacco it’s like nice to like see you
Went out in the wild to "get myself out there" and had the black pill confirmed 10 times over.....
Shits fucked.
Chadish friend over 10 bitches in the last year or so, me going along the entire time being even more extroverted, yada, yada, got nothing but used with nothing to show for it. Never again. Got into the stimulant drug scene and everything, you'd think dopehoes would be different still all :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

Life experiences black pills us the hardest people dont WANT to understand that

Back to shaman/monk tripping, moneymaxxing i presume.
Given all the chronic health issues associated with loneliness and social isolation, how are these new dating standards "healthy" if they're leaving huge swathes of the male population perpetually single? Complete ragefuel. Our problems don't even fucking register. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
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"Healthy relationship standards" = darktriadmaxxed chad only
View attachment 646996

Oh look, it's another pro woman anti male hit piece, who could of ever seen this coming? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Yes, women or female sexual dating standards are definitely increasing, no doubt. Calling that overall healthy however is the lamest shit I've ever seen but is what you would expect in a totalitarian politically correct system that exemplifies all things female as being unquestionable and immune to criticism all the while diminishing everything male. We here would say women's standards are too high, unreasonable, and unrealistic, concerning unrealistic standards or demands they're anything but healthy where you would expect people with doctorates in mental psychology to understand that, yet apparently not. :feelsEhh:
It's "Psychology Today"... Of course...no surprise, they always produce these. I even know one soy cuck who writes for them and she is sort of like extended family and generally dislikes me because all these people know at any moment I could say something radically honest that embarrasses all of them. It reminds them that they are assholes and not virtuous people. They are annoying AS FUCK. No amount of rationality will teach them, because they are not looking for a rational argument they are basicaly getting a high off of "we have women at our side and you don't so however we got them isn't important WohMan WohMan WohMan"

The last 35 years of college education in almost EVERY field has been merely a set up for this.
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It's a lost battle btw.

Women have been granted first class citizen pass, where they control society by taking advantage of male basic needs. Soon they'll also gather political power enough too, since they get SIMPathy from many.

Males are just disposable and will become more disposable in the future.
Men's fault again is it? Smh.
Feminism: "Everything that is at fault in the world is because of men, women can do no wrong." - Ideology for mental midgets, basic bitches, and retarded simpletons. :feelsjuice:
The black pill counts right? As more men are struggling in the dating market, more men will take the black pill. They will realize that foids aren't some equal or superior humans who deserve rights, but base animals who will only fuck top guys if they have enough resources. It will disincentivize a lot of men from supporting welfare programs or just working to better their country in general when they realize it is against their sexual imperative.
When the majority of men are left to ruin over a period of time they will abandon society altogether, and eventually they will want to destroy civilization itself seeing it as that which robs them of all life, independence, or pleasure. :feelsjuice:
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Went out in the wild to "get myself out there" and had the black pill confirmed 10 times over.....
Shits fucked.
Chadish friend over 10 bitches in the last year or so, me going along the entire time being even more extroverted, yada, yada, got nothing but used with nothing to show for it. Never again. Got into the stimulant drug scene and everything, you'd think dopehoes would be different still all :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

Life experiences black pills us the hardest people dont WANT to understand that

Back to shaman/monk tripping, moneymaxxing i presume.
Dope hoes while they typically like drugs very obviously will still only go for doped up Chads. It's amazing that even the lowest common denominator of a street whore will still nonetheless have a set of their own unrealistic demands. Shit is unreal bro everywhere you go. :feelsjuice:

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