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Theory My Theory on Teens

My theory on teens is that teen girls are the easiest to get with a good strategy in certain contexts when geomaxxing and moneymaxxing is applied. I typed this out today based on all my knowledge on the topic. It's lengthy but contains good information on my Teen Theory. It's informative and combined things I use to post about elsewhere until most places shutdown my posts because they were too controversial. I decided to post more about this subject after I learned ITcucks posted about me. No one on the internet is as much of an expert on why teen girls are the best and this analysis will give a brief insight into what I call Teen Theory.

First, I analyzed why teens are better:
1. More idealistic
2. More hopeful
3. More fun
4. Can't earn money
5. Gifts mean a lot more
6. Things are new
7. Higher probability they will be virgins
8. Easier to moneymaxx a teen
9. Geomaxx provides access to some different rules and conditions
10. Relationships are more special when a girl is a teenager

Contrast that with an adult female:
1. Cynical
2. Less trusting
3. Not fun
4. Earns money, often times more than men, and their hypergamy requires them to seek a man who earns more, and many times is rich. Rich Chad>Chad>RIch Betabuxx Cuck
5. Sluts and sexually experienced
6. Gifts don't mean anything to her but are expected because she expects the "princess treatment" because she's a female
7. If she's a college girl, then she is the most difficult. I'll explain later why college girls are the most difficult to get based on my theory.
8. It's impossible to moneymaxx an adult female. Ideal adult females marry young or are Chad only and have expectations most guys will never meet
9. Sex will not be enjoyable for a slut who already experienced it unless she gets men who are equal or similar to her "best" partners because she's a slut
10. Relationships with adult females are meaningless. Most are formed because they're people who settle for a less than ideal partner, they don't genuinely love each other or respect each other, they have a child or multiple, then it eventually fails because they never really loved or respected each other, etc, etc.

Here is the social contexts:
1. Most relationships are transactional. People need to provide something of value to the other person in order to work. Maybe with time, it can become less transactional and more dedication or more devotion, but this requires the correct starting conditions (such as female virginity, female youth, etc).
2. Equality doesn't exist. One person will always have more power than another in any relationship. This means in friendship, romance, or business, someone will be the leader and another the follower. True equality doesn't exist and creates conflict.
3. Independence. If a girl is completely independent then it becomes increasingly more difficult to get a girl for a relationship. She can earn her money and do anything alone. Also, with the Sexual Revolution, girls can have sex with any number of guys and cucks and simps still try to compete for it. These independent slutty girls don't respect men anymore and only want the hottest guys because in the end.
4. Competition. Certain categories of girls will receive more competition than others.
5. Social engineering. In some nations like the United States and other Western hellholes where sluts, feminists, and cucks dominate society and determine the national values, they have created an idea among young females that men who want to date youthful and teenage females are creeps, pervs, or pedos. This distorts the traditional mechanisms that allowed civilization to function because all females are sluts and independent, and lose all respect for men and are impossible to have a loving relationship because sluts are sluts. The saying "You can't turn a whore into a housewife" should be common sense but most people have no common sense.

Competition is a very significant variable. Almost all men automatically exclude themselves from competing for teenage girls under age 18. Normies, cucks, and simps all think that just because a girl is 18 then she has magically become the first age possible to compete. Well, thank you normies, cucks, and simps because I'm happy you all just excluded yourself from being my competition. This fact is why college girls are more challenging to get than any other group. There's more which I'll get into later.

To use a fictional example.

Imagine a population where there are equal numbers of people.
Girls ages 14-17 and Guys ages 14-17 both have populations of 500,000
The population of girls and guys ages 18-22 both have populations of 500,000
Both guys and females 23-60 number 20,000,000

To keep this basic, if 99.5% of adult men remove themselves from the competition, and ignoring any complicated variables such as lesbianism among females and men who are actually gay who don't compete for girls, this means only 100,000 adult men will be potential competition for teen girls.

This means 100,000 adult guys+500,000 teen guys create a population of 600,000 guys competing for teen girls.
Compare that to the 18-22 category where if 50% of men ages 23+ are unmarried, plus 500,000 men of the college age range compete for girls ages 18-22. This means 10,500,000 men would be competing for an 18-22 year old girl.

This is purely based on numbers alone and ignoring all other variables. These numbers are brutal.

Next, analyze the previously mentioned variables of how when a girl becomes a slut, she destroys her chances. There are statistics that show even if a girl has had only one previous sexual partner, the chances of divorce become 45%. A girl that marries her first partner has an 85% chance of remaining together with him. That's one reason of many why virginity is important for starting a relationship.

College girls are often overworked, slutty, are at the peak of their competition from men, engage in destructive behaviors like binge drinking and hookups, and many can earn more money alone or with other girls doing lesbian content on OnlyFans and Chaturbate so they don't need to do anything. When girls start college, they become really slutty and often total degenerates. Society tries to force men into accepting sluts because the Jews and their collaborators at the top of most nations know that destroying the values of a society start with destroying the females and their ability to be good relationship partners for a guy. Since traditional relationships failed and females were turned into sluts, the degeneracy has caused a destruction of society and birthrates and loneliness. Maybe in some countries college girls aren't as slutty but they're still almost unlikely to be virgins and will be overworked and have less time for a relationship.

Adult female are total sluts who have been with 10+ men, probably had threesomes, maybe created sex tapes with exes, maybe got gangbanged, and did everything. They are "settling down" literally because she's now a washed up slut with declining men interested in her the older she gets, if she wants a baby or a few then her time is running out, and she's going to settle for a guy she might not otherwise want. There's no way a slut will respect a betabuxx. Betabuxx is effectively paying a whore and committing to a whore, who is at the very end of her biological clock and the last fading years of any beauty if she even has any. This is the sort of thing that many nations now try to force onto men, especially the ones who couldn't get the best relationships as teenagers.

Then, in societies where even thin females are uncommon, the trait of thinness which should be natural and is common among people in a healthy society, inflates the values of thin females. The United States for example has an obesity crisis. 40%-70% of females are overweigh or obese depending on their age. This means that the ones who aren't have twice or triple the value compared to thin girls in countries where it's more common to be thin. Add in the common workday and lack of time to eat healthy or exercise, most females in nations like the United States might increase their weight as their free time declines and their metabolism reduces and stress levels rise. Stress is one of the greatest contributors to weight gain, along with anti-depressants which shouldn't even be used, and unhealthy diets. In the United States, at least 25% women are on anti-depressants.

Also, in the US, about 50% of adult females 18+ have had at least one STD. This is a sign of the sluttiness of adult females.

Therefore, with all these variables and more, we can see that teens are already the best. However, it's common sense that trying to get a teen in the West is both virtually impossible and not worth attempting considering the legal risks and in many nations teens don't have independence. When teens rely on parents to drive them places then there's no way to romance a teen in an early phase of the relationship.

However, in certain nations of the world, the age of consent is lower, or the law enforcement will overlook it if no one really makes any trouble, and most people are unlikely to have SJW meltdowns because the meltdowns about seeing an adult man with a teen girl is something only people in Anglo Nations like the US and Canada would call the police about.

This means geomaxx a teen girl adds viability.
1. Teen girls are often thin
2. Teen girls are at the peak of health and fertility
3. Teen girls can be cute or hot
4. Teen girls are more impressionable
5. Using social or psychological tricks is easier. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
6. Everything is new to them so a teen girl would seriously enjoy going on dates and restaurants
7. Western currencies like the dollar, euro, and pound go much further in some countries
8. Teen girls can use the subway stations or a tram or trolley or a bus system that is very advanced
9. Some countries including in EE have enough teen girls who would be willing to date an adult man
10. In some countries, while girls might still be very selective, IRL, it might be possible that they might be more forgiving. Also, a language barrier can help minimize awkwardness and gaps in the conversation can be shrugged off easier as being a fact of the language barrier and cultural differences

Add in moneymaxx.
1. Teen girls are unlikely to ask what a guy does for work
2. Teen girls wouldn't discriminate on whether a guy owns a car or not
3. Teen girls who get clothes, gifts, and restaurant dates with a guy are getting things teen boys can't provide. Teen boys can't compete on money. Normies and Cucks would say "This is grooming! You're a pedo!" but no, it's traditional. Giving a gift to a girl who can't get it on her own, whose parents don't have the money to get them things, and can't work because they're too young is something that will work to create more of a bond and a sense of need in a teen girl. The more a girl needs a guy, the more she'll be likely to stay with him.

Then there's other factors.
1. Teen girls are happier and feel emotions more deeply and have an excitement about them. They're also easier to please.
2. Teen girls are raging with hormones and will have intense sexual desire. People in historic times knew this which is why many teen girls were married young at 14-16, and if not, girls were closely guarded so they would still be virgins so a respectable guy would marry them. Most men for most of history would never marry a girl if she wasn't a virgin. Such a thing would be a dishonor for a man and the family
3. Teen girls can form the best pair bonds. They will be unlikely to leave the first guy who deflowers them if the guy is an adult and keeps her around. Most teen girls lose relationships because the teen guy is immature or breaks it off if the teen guy is a Chad who wants other girls. This doesn't happen with a teen girl in a relationship with an adult. Therefore, it's likely the teen girl will stay with the adult man
4. Teen girls aren't that skilled at scamming or lying. This means it is easier to read teen girls and teen girls will be more of an open book. Many adult females in some countries might intentionally scam guys or try to because most adult females are too hypergamous that they won't give most men a chance.
5. Teen girls have a more predictable behavior pattern and are more emotional, so it's easier to adjust to them.
6. Teen girls will have school during the day, so if she has English classes, it's possible to also help her with English. This means another way to create another reason she needs to remain in a relationship
7. Teen girls are more likely to want to maintain a relationship. Most girls always remember their first and view it as something special. There's nothing special about being second or last, so guys who are never with a virgin will always be a loser on a significant level. This means that both a teen girl and an adult guy are going to gain things. The girl will be be more likely to stay and as I mentioned, a teen girl isn't likely to breakup with an older guy who took her virginity
8. Being a foreigner with geomaxxing automatically adds more amount of interest and possible conversation topics for her to start. Even if life is boring and there's no much to really talk about, adding foreigner status boosts the number of possible conversation topics
9. Some girls are more likely to want a more mature guy in some cultures
10. The less integrated with the West and less Americanized means that there's more of a possibility of getting a teen girl. An American can't go to Germany or Italy and expect to get a teen girl. That's because they're too Americanized when it comes to relationships. While both Germany and Italy have an age of consent of 14, there's really no chance of getting a teen in those countries even with geomaxxing and moneymaxxing. The best option is to go to places like the former Soviet Union minus the Baltic States, South America, or Asia for the best combination of civilization, moneymaxxing, and safety.

Another reason why it's easier to get a teen girl is because the most desirable girls but also any girl is almost always going to be taken and in a relationship beginning when she first enters her first relationship as a teenager. Then it's almost impossible for guys who are left out to get one.

Throughout history, there has always been an excess of males born relative to the number of females born. Often times war would kill the excess or the excess would take females from other places during raids or in the aftermath of battles such as during the Roman Empire or the Vikings. In more peaceful times, the excess men would have first selection of the younger females, so men who couldn't get a girl would always have first selection of younger girls. This was the nature of civilization and the honest view that relationships are transactional.

Now, people seek to deny everything and think relationships are purely about "two people who love each other and nothing else is important" (unless it's important to the female, then the male must offer it, because modern society doesn't allow males to view anything as important in a relationship. Most people think men are shallow or misogynist for expecting certain things, but if women expect certain things then they have standards and are selective. This is a total trash civilization now with trash social norms, and hypocrisy).

That's why I will only accept a teen virgin. My entire purpose in life is getting a teen girlfriend if I can ever manage to geomaxx and moneymaxx.

What this means is that the highest probability of getting a relationship is with a teen girl in certain areas of the world using geomaxxing and moneymaxxing combined with the psychology, sociology, and Maslow's Hierarchy using demographic information, socioeconomic variables, and cultural variations to create the maximum odds possible of getting a virgin teenager. I won't specify how I would go up to one because that's part of my plan to eventually win and achieve the ultimate victory.

To end this analysis, I will include a photo of the famous model Emily Ratajowski.

Her photo on the left was when she was 14 and on the right was when she was about 30 years old. See the difference. Agecucks will say "14 is a child! You're a pedo!" but looking at that picture, 14 year old Emily Ratajowski is a physically developed matured biological adult, not a child. She's more developed at 14 than some adult females at age 24. It's irrational and illogical and insane that agecucks and normies hate on men who want a teen girl. Look at how much better she looks at 14. She's in her prime, has more beauty, and is glowing. 30 year old Emily Ratajowski might look better than most females at her age but compared to when she was a teenager, she lost a lot of her beauty. A female's youth really makes a difference in her beauty and also her relationship success. There's no comparison between a 14 year old and 30 year old. A 14 year old female always wins against a 30 year old female. That's what agecuck and normies want someone like me to miss out on in life and that's not happening. I'll only accept a teen, nothing else, and even if I never get a female, my position is that I will have a teen girlfriend or nothing at all. Nothing can stop me except death or failure to ever have enough money to moneymaxx.
you better hurry bc it's won't be supported if the age gap is way to high

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