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Cope Psychiatrist tries to explain "Gamers" lack of confidence and the friendzone ie: UGLY MANLETS



May 12, 2019
Please watch this Cope: He is talking about "Gamers" as being a video game addict makes you not confident and therefore makes you get into the friendzone, but in reality he is just talking about what "gamers" tend to be, ie: not attractive, not tall, beta, cucks, soys, etc etc.

So basically as someone whose not use to the real world, playing games, not being judged for your looks, etc then you go out into the real world and start getting judged for your looks, and then you do things (like being a cuck) in order to try and make up for your lack of looks by trying to give stuff to foids (help them, do shit for them etc) and thats why you get into the friendzone.

So according to Curry Doctor here, you're put in the friendzone not because of your LOOKS, but because you tried being too nice, and did to much stuff for the foids. Yeah, totally not your looks bro. The reality is if the ugly gamer cuck doesn't do anything (like be a nice guy to the foid) he gets IGNORED COMPLETELY, the gamer beta can't pull off the Chad approach of not giving a fuck and not being nice and doing shit for the foid, because if he does that, he gets nothing.

At best all the "Gamer" can hope for is the friendzone, cus he aint getting shit if hes ugly/manlet which tends to be most gamers. The "Gamer" ugly guy knows hes fucked, and his only hope of ever having a relationship is one where he has to do EVERYTHING for the foid, and has to be on a leash for the foid like that soyboy meme where his screeching "incel" while on a dog leash.

SO YES DR CURRY, UGLY/MANLETS HAVE TO GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE to have a 0.000000001% CHANCE of getting SLOPPY 200th's of a foids CUNT, what else do you expect an ugly/manlet to do? LMAO

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Not a single second
this guy screams turbocuck

If you are a healthy gamer then you are normalscum
Explained by a curry that's 100% in the friendzone

Alright XD i'll watch it lol XD rofl lmao, i'm about to click on it right after i post this reply, haha, ded srs, aight imma hed out, to the youtube video of course lol XD
Alright XD i'll watch it lol XD rofl lmao, i'm about to click on it right after i post this reply, haha, ded srs, aight imma hed out, to the youtube video of course lol XD
Friendzone leads to lack of confidence, currycel has causality backward.

As children we were all oblivious overconfident sorry bluepills who believed in romance and thought girls would love us for our merits.

It was the complete lack of fulfillment of that (friendzone or worse) which shattered that initial confidence.

I realize it's something that loops in on itself and somewhat chicken/egg in nature, but the "just be confident" cope is bullshit.

Confidence doesn't work in a vacuum. You also need affirmation of that confidence by the people around you. If you're just confident but people are laughing at you or not affirming that praise, you're fucked, because foids assess multiple cues not just their boyfriend's mannerism.

The only working kind of confidence is genuine confidence, which is very hard to get. You won't get it just by losing virginity and getting dick wet if you do it by swimming through garbage.
Confidence doesn't work in a vacuum. You also need affirmation of that confidence by the people around you. If you're just confident but people are laughing at you or not affirming that praise, you're fucked, because foids assess multiple cues not just their boyfriend's mannerism.

This single dose of blackpill completely shatters the redpill delusion.
Is "confidence in a vacuum" necessarily what the redpill is about though? That sounds more like a parody of redpill.

I think a big part of stuff like "lift bro" or "make friends bro" or "talk to lots of women bro" isn't just about building confidence, but also in building a network to support that image of confidence.

If white+red = pink then what is black+red = ?
Please watch this Cope: He is talking about "Gamers" as being a video game addict makes you not confident and therefore makes you get into the friendzone, but in reality he is just talking about what "gamers" tend to be, ie: not attractive, not tall, beta, cucks, soys, etc etc.

So basically as someone whose not use to the real world, playing games, not being judged for your looks, etc then you go out into the real world and start getting judged for your looks, and then you do things (like being a cuck) in order to try and make up for your lack of looks by trying to give stuff to foids (help them, do shit for them etc) and thats why you get into the friendzone.

So according to Curry Doctor here, you're put in the friendzone not because of your LOOKS, but because you tried being too nice, and did to much stuff for the foids. Yeah, totally not your looks bro. The reality is if the ugly gamer cuck doesn't do anything (like be a nice guy to the foid) he gets IGNORED COMPLETELY, the gamer beta can't pull off the Chad approach of not giving a fuck and not being nice and doing shit for the foid, because if he does that, he gets nothing.

At best all the "Gamer" can hope for is the friendzone, cus he aint getting shit if hes ugly/manlet which tends to be most gamers. The "Gamer" ugly guy knows hes fucked, and his only hope of ever having a relationship is one where he has to do EVERYTHING for the foid, and has to be on a leash for the foid like that soyboy meme where his screeching "incel" while on a dog leash.

SO YES DR CURRY, UGLY/MANLETS HAVE TO GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE to have a 0.000000001% CHANCE of getting SLOPPY 200th's of a foids CUNT, what else do you expect an ugly/manlet to do? LMAO

A curry is the last person that should be giving life advice about bitches unless it's on raping a ho then throwing one off the bus.
Curry in the thumbnail looks incel.
I genuinely think "incels" are the obstacle between the blackpill going mainstream. People associate logical observation with "crazy incels" rather than looking at both objectively.

Its so obvious that its looks. If it were true than how do you explain the hundreds of millions of gamers who DO have girlfriends....umm Chad plays the same fucking vidya.

Cliffs: Idiocy
I genuinely think "incels" are the obstacle between the blackpill going mainstream. People associate logical observation with "crazy incels" rather than looking at both objectively.

Its so obvious that its looks. If it were true than how do you explain the hundreds of millions of gamers who DO have girlfriends....umm Chad plays the same fucking vidya.

Cliffs: Idiocy
Everyone knows looks matter. They just aren't aware of the degree to which they matter, and more importantly, the degree to which everything else doesn't matter.
Please watch this Cope: He is talking about "Gamers" as being a video game addict makes you not confident and therefore makes you get into the friendzone, but in reality he is just talking about what "gamers" tend to be, ie: not attractive, not tall, beta, cucks, soys, etc etc.

So basically as someone whose not use to the real world, playing games, not being judged for your looks, etc then you go out into the real world and start getting judged for your looks, and then you do things (like being a cuck) in order to try and make up for your lack of looks by trying to give stuff to foids (help them, do shit for them etc) and thats why you get into the friendzone.

So according to Curry Doctor here, you're put in the friendzone not because of your LOOKS, but because you tried being too nice, and did to much stuff for the foids. Yeah, totally not your looks bro. The reality is if the ugly gamer cuck doesn't do anything (like be a nice guy to the foid) he gets IGNORED COMPLETELY, the gamer beta can't pull off the Chad approach of not giving a fuck and not being nice and doing shit for the foid, because if he does that, he gets nothing.

At best all the "Gamer" can hope for is the friendzone, cus he aint getting shit if hes ugly/manlet which tends to be most gamers. The "Gamer" ugly guy knows hes fucked, and his only hope of ever having a relationship is one where he has to do EVERYTHING for the foid, and has to be on a leash for the foid like that soyboy meme where his screeching "incel" while on a dog leash.

SO YES DR CURRY, UGLY/MANLETS HAVE TO GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE to have a 0.000000001% CHANCE of getting SLOPPY 200th's of a foids CUNT, what else do you expect an ugly/manlet to do? LMAO

All his degrees and prestige, yet still dumb as a brown log I busted out of my asshole and into the toilet.

Also feminists would find his views on the friend-zone problematic :soy:. Who is his audience?
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confidence means jack shit if she doesnt see you as physically attractive. Sure you may end up friends or whatever but shes not gonna fuck you
They just aren't aware of the degree to which they matter, and more importantly, the degree to which everything else doesn't matter.

Good way to put it. I've been saying doubt looks at your peril but I'm gonna start saying what you wrote.
Been seeing video of this guy lately.
Ugly men are "addicted" to video games the same way Chads are "addicted" to sex and socializing.
Friendzone leads to lack of confidence, currycel has causality backward.
He's got it the wrong way around, people become obsessive gamers because they've been ejected out of society, usually based on looks and thus resort to copes. Very bluepill, wonder if he's an incel in denial.
All his degrees and prestige, yet still dumb as a brown log I busted out of my asshole and into the toilet.
confidence means jack shit if she doesnt see you as physically attractive. Sure you may end up friends or whatever but shes not gonna fuck you
where do people get this idea that you can replace good looks with confidence? they are not equivalent in value. what foid has ever said, "hes so ugly but man is he confident. you know what? im going home with him"
It amazes me that people can't understand this.

A lot of normies have causality backwards apparently.

Currently reading "Thinking Fast and Slow" and you can really get the sense that humans are fucking stupid when it comes to understanding causal relationships. And it makes sense, even AI algorithms struggle with this too. The problem is that humans usually jump to false conclusions (false positive) whereas computers will just fail to see a causal link when there is one (false negative).
Being ugly and confident = creepy.

I learned that the hard way.
Didn't watch.
Not one second


where do people get this idea that you can replace good looks with confidence? they are not equivalent in value. what foid has ever said, "hes so ugly but man is he confident. you know what? im going home with him"
Not watching. The last thing I need to hear is bluepilled BS.
This guy has good facial bones. If he looked like this he would be rotting here.
This guy has good facial bones. If he looked like this he would be rotting here.

JFL if you think you need to look like the guy you posted in order to be a currycel. The average looking curry is an incel in the west.

"Nice guys" are always ugly men. Whores never complain when chads are nice to them. As an ugly male, being nice to a foid is totally pointless. Also this has little to do with gaming this guy is a deluded prick.
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JFL if you think you need to look like the guy you posted in order to be a currycel. The average looking curry is an incel in the west.

"Nice guys" are always ugly men. Whores never complain when chads are nice to them. As an ugly male, being nice to a foid is totally pointless. Also this has little to do with gaming this guy is a deluded prick.
My point is that he thinks he's right because he's not ugly, so he was able to get laid.

He has been in a relationship.
My point is that he thinks he's right because he's not ugly, so he was able to get laid.

He has been in a relationship.

Hes a gigasoycuck. We all know how foids treat soys in relationships.
Gamer oppression proceeds

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