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LifeFuel prostitutes are our allies

  • Thread starter Deleted member 15101
  • Start date
Deleted member 15101

Deleted member 15101

Oct 12, 2018
get over your ego
prostitutes saved my life..when no girl would ever give me a chance, prostitutes let me have sex with them
and sex is never just sex, it always means something, even if its a prostitute doing it for the money
on one level your ego might see this as a humiliating transaction, paying someone to have sex

in reality, having sex with someone is just that, money is just a piece of paper, it has no true meaning,
you are literally giving a piece of paper to a girl and she will let you in, so what is really going on
just as in ant colonies every ant has a role, in society prostitutes have this role and you may think girls gravitate towards this out of force of circumstances
but there are plenty of accounts of women who this job willingly and who enjoy it, point is there are women out there that are willing to be active with men sexually
regardless of their social status, their looks, this is huge and it is in fact pure human love, the prostitutes are the real life disney princesses

your ego will tell you they're only forced to do this for money, I can tell you if they really wanted to theyd find other ways to make money, women do not only chose this job because its easy money, they chose this because they have a disposition to accept men unconditionally, and this is something that is important to understand

we are living in a society where sex is somewhat taboo yet its running everything because as we know this contradiction is going on because part of the collective is playing a dark game where the so called chads and powerful men are getting all the female sexual attention, this a dark collective unconscious to most people social structure that is leaving out most of men in the desert

ideally we would be heading towards a society that embraces sexuality, where there is no shame around sex, which means that involuntary sexlessness would be adressed and understood to be a serious societal issue, in a society where sex is fully embraced and understood to be an essential element in human growth and well being, with zero taboo there would be both male and female volunteers who would have sexual relationships with people who lack them, these could be seen as futuristic sexual firefighters, and these functions would be respected and they would be treated as heroes just as the current police and firefighters are regarded, in a society that truly understand how essential its sexual flow to its growth, these people would be seen as heroes and celebrated and I can tell you many would sign up, both men and women, all thats stopping us now is huge shame and guilt around sex which powerful institutions like the church and others have pressured onto people to keep them oppressed
a sexual revolution also ,means a conscious revolution as you can see during the hippie movement where free love was its main concept, these people would in no world listen to the government and agree to insane wars, once man and women are truly happy with each other, and sharing each other in abundance, the concept of conflict makes no sense

the tribes where sexuality is the most repressed are the most violent ones, as we can see in nations like the middle east where islam represses the women, and in china where only recently there has been a westernization but where culturally sex has been seen as absolute taboo and is barely mentioned or addressed in its culture,

compare it to japan where sex is literally part of kids cartoons, japan is a very peaceful nation now, although we do know that japanese men are still suffering from the dark sexual social structure which is affecting the entire world, the current sexual revolution has lead to more peace but it was and is still far too small of a revolution
as we can see that still most of humanity's sexual energy is still flowing towards the ''powerful and aggressive'' chads and the rich

the women that are prostitutes right now are the same kind of women who would volunteer in the future to have sex with people who have not been able to find it naturally, they are heroines, and because right now we are living in a time where sex is still surrounded by a lot of shame and tabboo most of these women live with huge stigmas and insecurities, the women who chose this line of work in this day and age of humanity are not only heroes they are legends,

in the beginning when I started visiting prostitutes I felt ashamed of myself, now I have nothing more then huge respect for them, these are the women that are willing to accept me when all other women have rejected and left me to die in the desert without looking back, I was abandoned socially, no one gave a shit, no 'normal' woman looked my way, I was trailing behind year by year as my peers accumulated social experience, sexual growth,..I was a kid left behind, I hadn't even kissed a girl yet

thats when I visited my first prostitute, and it was tough, but it was the best thing I ever did, I was rescued, allowed a way back in, I grew from that experience even though she kinda treated me in an odd way but how could she have done so, sexually I was literally a kid, now I feel more like a man, thanks to these women who let me in, for what? a piece of paper? its a miracle when you truly understand the meaning of women accepting you, its priceless, no piece of paper does it justice and thus it is truly a gift from her to me

I used to go to prostitutes thinking my money was being extracted from me, you think a prostitute can have sex with anyone and just let anyone in? ive rejection with prostitutes too, they're human, and sex still means something, they have to accept fundamentally at some level and this is some real shit,
now I go to prostitutes and im grateful and respectfull both life and god still has given me a way to be human, to be accepted by my female counterpart in some way, the collective of humanity still has let a way open, because at its heart humanity wants to do good and wants to grow abundantly and healthily and happy, humanity wants to thrive with all of its members so I know the future for incels will be good and perhaps where'll be at a point where relationships between men and women are so connected the term will never be used again

all I can say get over that ego guys, heaven awaits
A lot of people don’t wanna just loose their virginity they want actual love.
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OP just wrote a bible to say he paid for sex, nice
I don't think they enjoy it. I fact, sexworkers subreddit they said that they have never had an orgasm with a client.

You only know that they enjoy them if:
1. They lubricate natural (aroussal)
2. They have a vaginal discharge natural (aroussal)
3. They look at your eyes(intimacy)
4. They have sex flush(orgasm).
5. They don't charge you extras when you kiss them, lick their pussy and maje condomless sex with you.
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Only exploited rotten cheap ones
prostitutes are available for us, but women aren't our allies under any circumstance.
OP is a cucked loser who should shut the fuck up
all this fucking cuck bullshit, get over your fucking egoes, you dont like sharing your toys with your brothers?

you want a girl to love you and only you and never have slept with anyone?
this kind of competition mindset is exactly why things are the way they are
no one wants to share shit thus only the biggest assholes who aren't willing to share get everything because everyone wants to play the fucking game of having ''his'' and not giving a shit about others, thus girls flock to the biggest assholes who hoard everything

if you want to be a twat that doesnt share his toys you're supporting the current sexual competitive climate

its literally this kind of mindset why humanity is fucked up and we have billionaires sitting on their money while people are starving, because hey why would you share your money?or your girlfriend, its every man for himself?
if there's no cooperation between men the girls will chose the biggest assholes thats about it because how else would they survive if men aren't cooperating?

this mindset is exactly part of the problem, stigmatizing sexual relationships

and even more its fucking dumb bro, if you're willing to share your girl with others everyone wins, both men and women like sex its literally win win
that doesnt mean there cant be traditional family units,

if you were living in a society where sexlessness would be adressed, imagine you have a girlfriend, a magnificent relationship and she's the love of your life,would you be willing to let your girlfriend go and help the incels of society by having volunteer sex with one? or would you try to stop her for some reason?
do you think your beliefs truly serve you?
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The poster of this thread is a cuck and a disgrace. Sex workers only care about money. Nothing else. Accept the reality of the world.
all this fucking cuck bullshit, get over your fucking egoes, you dont like sharing your toys with your brothers?

you want a girl to love you and only you and never have slept with anyone?
this kind of competition mindset is exactly why things are the way they are
no one wants to share shit thus only the biggest assholes who aren't willing to share get everything because everyone wants to play the fucking game of having ''his'' and not giving a shit about others, thus girls flock to the biggest assholes who hoard everything

if you want to be a twat that doesnt share his toys you're supporting the current sexual competitive climate

its literally this kind of mindset why humanity is fucked up and we have billionaires sitting on their money while people are starving, because hey why would you share your money?or your girlfriend, its every man for himself?
if there's no cooperation between men the girls will chose the biggest assholes thats about it because how else would they survive if men aren't cooperating?

this mindset is exactly part of the problem, stigmatizing sexual relationships

and even more its fucking dumb bro, if you're willing to share your girl with others everyone wins, both men and women like sex its literally win win
that doesnt mean there cant be traditional family units,

if you were living in a society where sexlessness would be adressed, imagine you have a girlfriend, a magnificent relationship and she's the love of your life,would you be willing to let your girlfriend go and help the incels of society by having volunteer sex with one? or would you try to stop her for some reason?
This is true. Even Chad uses used whores. The difference is that is for free.
Incels who refuse to pay for sex are delusional idiots as peoplw to refuse to buy food or a house because other people get those thinga for free.
They claim to be blackpillled but are at the end they put foids in the pedestal because desire their love.
I agree tbh. @Zac thoughts?
- Criticizing foids by calling them whores
- Praising literal whores

Escortcels in a nutshell
A lot of people don’t wanna just loose their virginity they want actual love.
what's more loving then a girl literally letting you have sex with her?
dont let yourself be brainwashed by hollywood and disney, even if youre paying her, it is still very loving from a prostitute to literally accept you as you are, she had no idea how you looked, how your personality is and she still accepts you to the level of letting you inside her body, this is love on a fundamentally humanistic level, this is real love on some level,im not saying its the same as having a girlfriend, but its worth it just as much, at most what a prostitute asks from you is politeness and being able to treat her with respect, its a very human interaction

its not one we're used to seeing, prostitutes have been depicted by society as shamefull dirty, hollywood did its propaganda, religion has done its propaganda,
visiting a prostitute can be a very respectful and honest human interaction, one that is not seen or depicted anywhere
its a different form of exploring human relationships and it's very intimate

it is about love because for the experience to be authentic you have to humanistic yourself, if you see the prostitute as a dirty sex dealer then of course you cant see where the love is, I see prostitute as unique individuals, I dont judge them in any way for their work, and when you can truly appreciate and accept a girl you've never seen before, you dont how how she is, there is an acceptation from both sides, and when a prostitute feels you truly accept her as a human she will open up too and it can be a loving moment, it might not look like the movies but it is real and it does feel good on a human level
what's more loving then a girl literally letting you have sex with her?
dont let yourself be brainwashed by hollywood and disney, even if youre paying her, it is still very loving from a prostitute to literally accept you as you are, she had no idea how you looked, how your personality is and she still accepts you to the level of letting you inside her body, this is love on a fundamentally humanistic level, this is real love on some level,im not saying its the same as having a girlfriend, but its worth it just as much, at most what a prostitute asks from you is politeness and being able to treat her with respect, its a very human interaction

its not one we're used to seeing, prostitutes have been depicted by society as shamefull dirty, hollywood did its propaganda, religion has done its propaganda,
visiting a prostitute can be a very respectful and honest human interaction, one that is not seen or depicted anywhere
its a different form of exploring human relationships and it's very intimate

it is about love because for the experience to be authentic you have to humanistic yourself, if you see the prostitute as a dirty sex dealer then of course you cant see where the love is, I see prostitute as unique individuals, I dont judge them in any way for their work, and when you can truly appreciate and accept a girl you've never seen before, you dont how how she is, there is an acceptation from both sides, and when a prostitute feels you truly accept her as a human she will open up too and it can be a loving moment, it might not look like the movies but it is real and it does feel good on a human level
Nigga stfu. You just replied with a whole novel to me twice. hope you know I’m not reading all that shit.
You know, I think it's just a larp.
When the book coming out.
It's just another cope dude, nothing special about it. It's a quick path to becoming a simp tho, even more so for affection starved people like us. Beware.
I don't think they enjoy it. I fact, sexworkers subreddit they said that they have never had an orgasm with a client.

You only know that they enjoy them if:
1. They lubricate natural (aroussal)
2. They have a vaginal discharge natural (aroussal)
3. They look at your eyes(intimacy)
4. They have sex flush(orgasm).
5. They don't charge you extras when you kiss them, lick their pussy and maje condomless sex with you.
This pretty much disproves OP's entire theory cope
Escorts are foids too. The transactions with them are simpler, that's it. You want warmth from an escort, get this:
i`d visit prostitutes regularly and even had my favourite ones if i`d earn more money and it was legal in my country
Jfl if you think prostitutes are attracted to an ugly guys. They do it for money but inside they may think that you're a pathetic loser.
They only have sex with you for the money, sorry, man.
get over your ego
prostitutes saved my life..when no girl would ever give me a chance, prostitutes let me have sex with them
and sex is never just sex, it always means something, even if its a prostitute doing it for the money
on one level your ego might see this as a humiliating transaction, paying someone to have sex

in reality, having sex with someone is just that, money is just a piece of paper, it has no true meaning,
you are literally giving a piece of paper to a girl and she will let you in, so what is really going on
just as in ant colonies every ant has a role, in society prostitutes have this role and you may think girls gravitate towards this out of force of circumstances
but there are plenty of accounts of women who this job willingly and who enjoy it, point is there are women out there that are willing to be active with men sexually
regardless of their social status, their looks, this is huge and it is in fact pure human love, the prostitutes are the real life disney princesses

your ego will tell you they're only forced to do this for money, I can tell you if they really wanted to theyd find other ways to make money, women do not only chose this job because its easy money, they chose this because they have a disposition to accept men unconditionally, and this is something that is important to understand

we are living in a society where sex is somewhat taboo yet its running everything because as we know this contradiction is going on because part of the collective is playing a dark game where the so called chads and powerful men are getting all the female sexual attention, this a dark collective unconscious to most people social structure that is leaving out most of men in the desert

ideally we would be heading towards a society that embraces sexuality, where there is no shame around sex, which means that involuntary sexlessness would be adressed and understood to be a serious societal issue, in a society where sex is fully embraced and understood to be an essential element in human growth and well being, with zero taboo there would be both male and female volunteers who would have sexual relationships with people who lack them, these could be seen as futuristic sexual firefighters, and these functions would be respected and they would be treated as heroes just as the current police and firefighters are regarded, in a society that truly understand how essential its sexual flow to its growth, these people would be seen as heroes and celebrated and I can tell you many would sign up, both men and women, all thats stopping us now is huge shame and guilt around sex which powerful institutions like the church and others have pressured onto people to keep them oppressed
a sexual revolution also ,means a conscious revolution as you can see during the hippie movement where free love was its main concept, these people would in no world listen to the government and agree to insane wars, once man and women are truly happy with each other, and sharing each other in abundance, the concept of conflict makes no sense

the tribes where sexuality is the most repressed are the most violent ones, as we can see in nations like the middle east where islam represses the women, and in china where only recently there has been a westernization but where culturally sex has been seen as absolute taboo and is barely mentioned or addressed in its culture,

compare it to japan where sex is literally part of kids cartoons, japan is a very peaceful nation now, although we do know that japanese men are still suffering from the dark sexual social structure which is affecting the entire world, the current sexual revolution has lead to more peace but it was and is still far too small of a revolution
as we can see that still most of humanity's sexual energy is still flowing towards the ''powerful and aggressive'' chads and the rich

the women that are prostitutes right now are the same kind of women who would volunteer in the future to have sex with people who have not been able to find it naturally, they are heroines, and because right now we are living in a time where sex is still surrounded by a lot of shame and tabboo most of these women live with huge stigmas and insecurities, the women who chose this line of work in this day and age of humanity are not only heroes they are legends,

in the beginning when I started visiting prostitutes I felt ashamed of myself, now I have nothing more then huge respect for them, these are the women that are willing to accept me when all other women have rejected and left me to die in the desert without looking back, I was abandoned socially, no one gave a shit, no 'normal' woman looked my way, I was trailing behind year by year as my peers accumulated social experience, sexual growth,..I was a kid left behind, I hadn't even kissed a girl yet

thats when I visited my first prostitute, and it was tough, but it was the best thing I ever did, I was rescued, allowed a way back in, I grew from that experience even though she kinda treated me in an odd way but how could she have done so, sexually I was literally a kid, now I feel more like a man, thanks to these women who let me in, for what? a piece of paper? its a miracle when you truly understand the meaning of women accepting you, its priceless, no piece of paper does it justice and thus it is truly a gift from her to me

I used to go to prostitutes thinking my money was being extracted from me, you think a prostitute can have sex with anyone and just let anyone in? ive rejection with prostitutes too, they're human, and sex still means something, they have to accept fundamentally at some level and this is some real shit,
now I go to prostitutes and im grateful and respectfull both life and god still has given me a way to be human, to be accepted by my female counterpart in some way, the collective of humanity still has let a way open, because at its heart humanity wants to do good and wants to grow abundantly and healthily and happy, humanity wants to thrive with all of its members so I know the future for incels will be good and perhaps where'll be at a point where relationships between men and women are so connected the term will never be used again

all I can say get over that ego guys, heaven awaits
I didn’t fucking read any of that
These young incels can only think of them in PERSONAL terms -- i.e "I won't be able to find satisfaction with a prostitute and she will not provide the validation I am looking for since I have to pay for her services." It's fair to feel that way -- and it's fair to find their services useful -- but consider the MACRO view. Legal prostitution = less male thirst = less overall simping = reduction of Beckys in socio-sexual status. An environent with legal, non-stigmatized prostitution is an environment better for IncelKind.
These young incels can only think of them in PERSONAL terms -- i.e "I won't be able to find satisfaction with a prostitute and she will not provide the validation I am looking for since I have to pay for her services." It's fair to feel that way -- and it's fair to find their services useful -- but consider the MACRO view. Legal prostitution = less male thirst = less overall simping = reduction of Beckys in socio-sexual status. An environent with legal, non-stigmatized prostitution is an environment better for IncelKind.

A logical assumption, but disproven when you look at 1st world countries that have legalized prostitution. They are still incredibly gynocentric and possess large populations of incels.
A logical assumption, but disproven when you look at 1st world countries that have legalized prostitution. They are still incredibly gynocentric and possess large populations of incels.

That's because those countries have limited sorts of prostitution wherein the practice is still discouraged through soft means -- making the hoes register, excessive regulation, etc. Every female should be able to rent herself out through an app like an owner can rent out rooms in their home via Airbnb. After all, "her body, her choice" right? Sexual liberty for all. :feelsLSD:
ideally we would be heading towards a society that embraces sexuality, where there is no shame around sex, which means that involuntary sexlessness would be adressed and understood to be a serious societal issue, in a society where sex is fully embraced and understood to be an essential element in human growth and well being, with zero taboo
Male sexuality shouldn't be shamed, but you can't have a decent society without controlling female sexuality.

Female promiscuity and polygyny produce leftover males, men who cannot be paired or have sex. In other words, incels.

You can see this in Mormon fundamentalism, but also in the 1960s free love communes where people tried experimental living. This included free love, abandoning fidelity, marriage and strict hierarchies. All work was shared between the members equally and the women were encouraged to give out as much sex as possible.

However, what happened was that a small percentage of attractive men monopolised most of the women. The "spare men" left because they couldn't get any sex and the communes collapsed. Even men who would have been able to betabuxx in mainstream society couldn't do so in free love communes where everyone had equal socioeconomic status. There still are a few communes but they generally all reject free love.

"Studies of communes in the 1960s and 70s (Zablocki 1980; Martin and Fuller 2004) found that the longevity of the commune was inversely related to its sexual openness. Communes that strictly banned sex (especially religious communes) or communes composed of married or monogamous cohabiting partners lasted longest. Communes that had a policy of free love-- anyone can have sex with anyone, no questions asked-- were the most volatile. Why? In part, because their idealistic rule overlooked the sexual market and sexual attractiveness. " (source)

there would be both male and female volunteers who would have sexual relationships with people who lack them, these could be seen as futuristic sexual firefighters, and these functions would be respected and they would be treated as heroes just as the current police and firefighters are regarded, in a society that truly understand how essential its sexual flow to its growth

Women will never volunteer to sleep with unattractive men. What women instinctively want is for unattractive men to leave them alone, buzz off, drop dead—while the one to whom they feel attracted makes all their sexual dreams come true. One of the keys to deciphering female speech is that the term “men” signifies for them only the very restricted number of men they find sexually attractive. All the dirty articles in Cosmo about “giving him the sex he craves” and “taking care of his needs” concerns this man of her dreams, who by some amazing coincidence usually turns out to be the man of many other women's dreams as well.

In Babylonia, it was a religious obligation for all women to give sex to a complete stranger at least once in their lives. Any man, even homeless beggars, could enter the temple of Mylitta and have sex with a woman, any day any time. They only had to pay a symbolic amount, like 1 cent. It was basically free sex. Practices like this are only possible in societies where women are subservient to men. In feminist societies, women will always deny sex to unattractive men.
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A logical assumption, but disproven when you look at 1st world countries that have legalized prostitution. They are still incredibly gynocentric and possess large populations of incels.

When you make the sale of something illegal, you raise its price. This should be clear in the case of sex and prostitution where the effort that men go through to get casual sex where prostitution is illegal is often worth considerably more than the price of a prostitute where it is legal.

In an ideal society, most women are chaste until marriage, some women are prostitutes, and no women are sluts. In a purely evil society, few women are chaste, most women are sluts, and few women are prostitutes.

Long gone are the days when even poor men could afford to regularly visit prostitutes. Even in gynocentric countries where prostitution is legal, it's expensive. Prostitution is much more expensive today than it was before femoids' liberation, even accounting for inflation.

This is because because women today have many other career options that don't involve sleeping with unattractive men. There are too many sluts and not enough prostitutes. In the olden days, all women fell into three categories: prostitutes, wives, and nuns, and they weren't allowed to become worthless slut chad chasing sluts. Women who wanted to live a degenerate lifestyle became prostitutes rather than sluts.
Male sexuality shouldn't be shamed, but you can't have a decent society without controlling female sexuality.

Female promiscuity and polygyny produce leftover males, men who cannot be paired or have sex. In other words, incels.

You can see this in Mormon fundamentalism, but also in the 1960s free love communes where people tried experimental living. This included free love, abandoning fidelity, marriage and strict hierarchies. All work was shared between the members equally and the women were encouraged to give out as much sex as possible.

However, what happened was that a small percentage of attractive men monopolised most of the women. The "spare men" left because they couldn't get any sex and the communes collapsed. Even men who would have been able to betabuxx in mainstream society couldn't do so in free love communes where everyone had equal socioeconomic status. There still are a few communes but they generally all reject free love.

"Studies of communes in the 1960s and 70s (Zablocki 1980; Martin and Fuller 2004) found that the longevity of the commune was inversely related to its sexual openness. Communes that strictly banned sex (especially religious communes) or communes composed of married or monogamous cohabiting partners lasted longest. Communes that had a policy of free love-- anyone can have sex with anyone, no questions asked-- were the most volatile. Why? In part, because their idealistic rule overlooked the sexual market and sexual attractiveness. " (source)
well yeah we're talking about side-micro societies, these are people that fucked off the main society and hurried to form primitive groupings
idealistically, in a modern world sexlessness would be recognized as a serious issue and it would be part of the social talk

I doubt the hippies were considering the ramifications of that, the movement onto itself was counter-culture and extremely dynamic, there was no preparation to it, its wild aspect of course did not consider sexual dynamics and their outcomes, free love also means looking out for all members of society

a commune of hippies living off the land is not the same as a global society, sexlessness would be ''financed'' and invested into both in terms of resources as culture and this can only happen when sex is not taboo
right now we're in a small sexual liberation which means women are free to act but the repercussions of their actions are not being discussed because there is still sexual repression
as soon as women are free they are fucking in droves to a minority of what they consider dominant males but because sex is still taboo in some way the discussion of the consequences of that is not taking place, women like to align socially with what's best for the society, but if its not discussed this behaviour cannot be corrected

going back in time towards more female sexual repression only nets the same kind of outcome as women without free choice become exchangeable resources, the men who are powerful and dominant get the most women, the men who have the highest rank or the highest amount of money, which you can argue may inspire men to make something out of their life but ultimately this kind of competition leads to warfare as men who dont make the cut will fight other men,and men who have made it will fight to keep other men out to not lose their place

there is innate drive in humanity to cooperate and to share, it truly forms the base of society and it is truly what we stand on
we give money to people who lost their jobs, we give healthcare to people who need it, we give social housing, social schooling, ...there is an innate drive to include as much people as possible in the abundance, be it physically, mentally, and ultimately this can extend to be sexually if the taboos are lifted

the sexual taboo weighing on humanity is made of
glorifying certain sexual qualities and shaming others
the ''sanctity'' of monogamy

as you can see people in this thread calling me a cuck, the same shaming for females used to be sluts, shaming any form of sexual interaction which deviates from the ''ideal sanctual marriage'' which is monogamy

the same reason why girls flock to chads and tycoon is the same reason why im being called a cuck,current culture views sexual qualities like this
the ''ideal'' girl has a strong feminine sexual quality which is purity,innocence, chasteness
the ''bad'' girl has a shameful sexual quality, sleeping around
the ''ideal'' man has a strong sexual quality of being powerful, be it in physical power or resources
the ''bad'' man is the men who derive from the accepted norm

the more men want a girl to be pure and innocent, the more girls will demand for men to be powerful and dominant, its the same shit mirrored, and as you can see even if the incel community guys are dreaming over their perfect girl and have disgust towards prostitutes,
the same disgust towards prostitutes is the disgust women have towards incels

the disgust is socially constructed, ''you don't fit the accepted social narrative'' ''you don't fit the sanctious monogamous archetype''
men say ''you're not pure''
women say ''you're not powerful'''
this archetype has been an oppression of religion handled by dark dominant men which has been forever waging war against sexuality
they will seek to divide humanity more and more to make us weak
by diving tribes into couples suddenly its become important to have your own child, whereas before children were raised by the entire village, in certain tribes that were liberated sexually it was unclear who's child is who, and unnecessary as all the children were raised together,the question of being ''cucked'' made no sense, which meant there was no need to mateguard

by locking people into lifelong relationships sex becomes a survival resource because who you do it with will define your entire life, if you make sex so serious, it becomes seriously ill,
the truth is humanity is and will always be a tribe, not a bunch of couples, and I know we were all raised by couples but at the heart we are a tribe

the second you want a special someone and you want her to be yours only you are being competitive and you're excluding other people
if we are to be free of ''monogamous sanctity'''
the ideal man would be a man ,
the ideal woman would be a woman,
no value in any form assigned to either gender

a prostitute is simply a woman, an incel, is simply a man, if there was no sexual taboo, men would go to prostitutes in droves and many women would become prostitutes or even sexual volunteers if they could live life without the shame,
women do love to openly service all kinds of men sexually, if the disgust you guys think women have towards ''men who are not chad'' is actually really and not socially fueled, there would next to no prostitutes and especially not in the usa where women can have any job they want as easy, where most of the population in college is women and STILL the usa is filled with all kinds of prostitutes from the motels to the stripclubs, to the escorts, to the onlyfans to twitchtv, you guys think its about easy money only,YOU ARE DELUDED
no, women love to make money and money is needed in our society yeah, but they love even more to be ''sluts'' and if you can embrace you'll find they want to service even you, if you can look past your ''value'' judgement
if women had true disgust towards the average male they wouldnt do any of this and prostitution would only exist in poor countries

who are the women servicing in prostitution? ALL MEN, no restriction, this is the true female nature
slutiness is a quality, it means the willingness to engage with all men

just the way when you browse ^porn do you always look for the hottest young women?at some point you want to see something new,be it a mature lady or one with a less perfect body...

this instinct to explore the exotic, is part of the deep well of sexuality
chad might be popular but chad is not ALL MEN

you guys think female slutiness only extends to chad because you dont understand how deep it goes, the solution is not to repress it but to UNLEASH it, women have fantasies like being gangbanged by hundreds of guys, fantasies like being taken by ''old dirty dudes''
women's sexuality is very diversifed and much more lewd then incel community gives its credit for, women are sluts yes, real sluts, that would love to take an incels virginity if it wasnt such a social taboo, imagine if there was a community sex place where incels could post their story and their demand for sexual help, how many cougars let alone young women would jump at the oppurtunity to initiate a young men?

you guys think women only care about chad? chad is NOT ENOUGH to satiate female sexual desire
repressing female sexuality to survival mode within a lifelong marriage only helps men in good social positions, which is still serving dominant men, women used to fuck the nobility and marry for survival
nowadays female sexuality is less repressed to the point where it flows to chad and the men in good social positions
chad is new because chad can be poor, and thats a good sign, its not longer about survival, its about sexual taste but as the society is still somewhat structured and better put divided in monogamous forms traits like dominance are sought because a couple must survive
sex for women in our society is still seen as shamefull and only good with a partner that can provide and that is respected,while there seems to be a free sexual market going on, the social pressures are influencing it
if the social pressure of a monogamous relationship that must survive, who will women explore their liberated sexuality with? chad of course, because while a woman wants sex she's still obligated to look for a couple, there seems to be a free sexual market going on but women are still OBLIGATED to look for a monogamous partner as that is the only form that is socially accepted, so while women want sex they still have to maintain the ''purity'' charade to survive socially, thus they must seek within men the ''approved'' sexual quality of power be it physical or in resources, they explore their sexual liberty but still for the sake of a monogamous coupling

true female sexual liberation has never been experienced,a real free sexual market place
the moment a women does not have to be tied to you in any way or shape or form, she does not have to be in a couple with any men,
what will chad give her? Nothing more then any other men,what women pursue with chad is still a RELATIONSHIP,a social STATUS
once all chad can offer a woman is sex like any other men, chad will come and go as he does but there is nothing stopping the women to go see ALL kinds of men, she knows she wont be judged for sleeping around

chad will be just that, those men that are very attractive and rightly so attract more attention, they will not be a status symbol or the key to an ideal lifelong ''monogamous relationship''

all chad is is a men that is attractive above average, but if a women is forced to couple down with a men for her whole life which is the current accepted social model forced onto us by religion, chad seems to be the only option
but if women are allowed to explore all men without any judgement, chad is just one man of many many
I wouldn't go as far as saying they're our allies, but they are statistically the only foids willing to fuck you so at least hate them less than Chad only regular whores.
All foids are prostitutes. And they're not my ally,they are my enemy.
When you make the sale of something illegal, you raise its price. This should be clear in the case of sex and prostitution where the effort that men go through to get casual sex where prostitution is illegal is often worth considerably more than the price of a prostitute where it is legal.

In an ideal society, most women are chaste until marriage, some women are prostitutes, and no women are sluts. In a purely evil society, few women are chaste, most women are sluts, and few women are prostitutes.

Long gone are the days when even poor men could afford to regularly visit prostitutes. Even in gynocentric countries where prostitution is legal, it's expensive. Prostitution is much more expensive today than it was before femoids' liberation, even accounting for inflation.

This is because because women today have many other career options that don't involve sleeping with unattractive men. There are too many sluts and not enough prostitutes. In the olden days, all women fell into three categories: prostitutes, wives, and nuns, and they weren't allowed to become worthless slut chad chasing sluts. Women who wanted to live a degenerate lifestyle became prostitutes rather than sluts.
Quoted for basedness
Prostitutes and their incel client enablers should unite

yes this should happen
well yeah we're talking about side-micro societies, these are people that fucked off the main society and hurried to form primitive groupings
idealistically, in a modern world sexlessness would be recognized as a serious issue and it would be part of the social talk

I doubt the hippies were considering the ramifications of that, the movement onto itself was counter-culture and extremely dynamic, there was no preparation to it, its wild aspect of course did not consider sexual dynamics and their outcomes

They knew that sexual deprivation is harmful. Hippie ideologues like Wilhelm Reich, who was an iconic figure during the counterculture movement of the 1960s, believed that denying sex leads to neurotic behavior and that male sexual frustration causes and exacerbates all kinds of social problems. What they failed to understand, however, is that liberating female sexuality, even in the context of a highly egalitarian community where everyone is supposed to care for each other, makes it harder, rather than easier, for most men to get sex.

Incels have been around in significant amounts in every era that doesn't enforce monogamy and punish female promiscuity. In the kingdom of Dahomey in the nineteenth century, it was difficult to find a single man borne from anyone but the king and his relatives - most men were made celibate thanks to polygyny. The same thing happens informally in most hoe cultures, because there, women are the providers, and the men end up physically competing with one another for multiple women. As a result, the Bateman gradient is massive. When the Bateman gradient is large, you have lots of incels.

free love also means looking out for all members of society
That's...not what that term means.

Definition of free love

1: living openly with a sexual partner without marriage
2: sexual relations with no commitments by either partner

Free love has nothing to do with sexual redistributionism/socialism (free sex), which is something that women have always been viciously opposed to. Women only want to give free sex to attractive men.

a commune of hippies living off the land is not the same as a global society, sexlessness would be ''financed'' and invested into both in terms of resources as culture and this can only happen when sex is not taboo
right now we're in a small sexual liberation which means women are free to act but the repercussions of their actions are not being discussed because there is still sexual repression

That's not sexual repression, that's feminist repression. Women don't want anyone to acknowledge that there are negative social consequences to women's behavior.

There is no taboo on female sexuality in mainstream American society. Women have made out, fucked and sucked off men for the dumbest, wildest reasons imaginable, there are literally a million of links, it's hard to even name all of them.

Just visit places like /r/Stupidslutsclub or /r/gonewildstories or /r/rapekink or even /r/sex and TrollX itself. Women fuck guys just to lose their virginity, make out with guys just to make someone jealous, "hate-sex", prestige sex, sorority dare sex, being the third girl in a threesome who just licks the other girl's vagina in some drunken Ibiza party with a guy who doesn't even know anything about them, fucking guys of certain races just to try it, fucking guys in a certain setting to fulfill a BDSM fantasy, actively admitting to fucking bad boys, fucking a random dude off tinder to relieve stress, I could sit here all day describing the scenarios.

They will say that sex is 'not a big deal' and that casual sex is just another form of 'mutual fun' like any other, in addition to telling incels that nothing is wrong with their looks. Ask them if they could merely kiss you to know what it's like, something they've done a thousand times for a thousand different reasons, many of which involve *no emotional connection* or extended familiarity, especially in their youth, and they'll all tell you that they'd never even do it to save your life. Sluts are hypocritical scum.

going back in time towards more female sexual repression only nets the same kind of outcome as women without free choice become exchangeable resources, the men who are powerful and dominant get the most women, the men who have the highest rank or the highest amount of money, which you can argue may inspire men to make something out of their life but ultimately this kind of competition leads to warfare as men who dont make the cut will fight other men,and men who have made it will fight to keep other men out to not lose their place.

There is much less repression of female sexuality today than there was in the 1950s. Has this resulted in there being fewer incels? No! In fact, the exact opposite has happened.

This study uses the General Social Survey to examine how the portion of sexually inactive (defined as having had no sexual partners since your 18th birthday) among young adults (age 20-24) that were born from 1990-1994 compares to cohorts that were born in previous decades.

The 1930s cohort that came of age in the 1940s and 1950s had the most sex. Every single generation after that has seen a decline. The portion of sexually inactive jumps from 6.31% among those born from 1965-1969 to ~11.5% among those born from 1970-1979, remains steady for those born from 1980-1989, and jumps again to 15.17% for those born from 1990-1994.

Hypergamy used to be mitigated with obligatory monogamy. Now that this is no longer the case, we are reverting to our most natural state, in which more and more men are forgotten. This is only "bad" for women and society if these men become violent or aggressive. But they are pacified with video games, porn, and medications, so this rarely happens..

the sexual taboo weighing on humanity is made of
glorifying certain sexual qualities and shaming others
the ''sanctity'' of monogamy
Sluts don't care about the "sanctity" of monogamy they still don't want to sleep with incels.

The problem with female promiscuity is that it causes sexual inequality among men. In other words, a small fraction of the men monopolize all the women causing misery for the rest of the men, and in many cases incels, some of whom snap and some of whom go on rampages as a result. Monogamy with premarital chastity causes sexual equality, meaning that everyone gets roughly the same amount of sex.

In civilized patriarchal cultures, men get sex from prostitutes and their wives, and sluts are enslaved, raped, or burned at the stake.

the same reason why girls flock to chads and tycoon is the same reason why im being called a cuck,current culture views sexual qualities like this
the ''ideal'' girl has a strong feminine sexual quality which is purity,innocence, chasteness
Lots of men actually prefer sluts over virgins. 33% of men say they wouldn't date a woman who is a virgin. Most men are cucks who'd gladly marry pornstars and prostitutes.

the more men want a girl to be pure and innocent, the more girls will demand for men to be powerful and dominant, its the same shit mirrored, and as you can see even if the incel community guys are dreaming over their perfect girl and have disgust towards prostitutes,
In the free love communes of the 1960s, there were no pure and innocent girls, but there were lots of sexless men, and lots of vile sluts sharing the same dominant and attractive men with one another.
the same disgust towards prostitutes is the disgust women have towards incels
It's not the same at all. Most incels would visit prostitutes if they could easily afford their services; most women would never sleep with incels. Some incels feel disgust towards prostitutes because prostitutes have been defiled by lots of men and because they're more likely to carry STDs. This has nothing to do with the irrational disgust that women instinctively feel towards low status and unattractive men.
the disgust is socially constructed, ''you don't fit the accepted social narrative'' ''you don't fit the sanctious monogamous archetype''
men say ''you're not pure''
women say ''you're not powerful'''
Sexual disgust serves as a quality control in mate choice, and women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. If it were socially constructed, then men would be just as prone to sexual disgust as women are, if not much more prone, because the idea of a woman who has taken the bodily fluids of many men is more "dirty" than the idea of a man who is humble and non-powerful.

by locking people into lifelong relationships sex becomes a survival resource because who you do it with will define your entire life, if you make sex so serious, it becomes seriously ill,
Most people have many relationships before they settle down and get married, and most marriages don't last a lifetime. What you're describing is not a characteristic of America in 2021.
women do love to openly service all kinds of men sexually,
Prostitutes love to service all kinds of men sexually in exchange for money. They are not representative of the vast majority of women. They are not representative of the vast majority of sluts either. Sluts are sexually selective, and just as disgusted by unattractive men as virginal women are.

if the disgust you guys think women have towards ''men who are not chad'' is actually really and not socially fueled, there would next to no prostitutes and especially not in the usa where women can have any job they want as easy, where most of the population in college is women and STILL the usa is filled with all kinds of prostitutes from the motels to the stripclubs, to the escorts, to the onlyfans to twitchtv, you guys think its about easy money only,YOU ARE DELUDED
They do it for the money. It's a very high paying job, and because the types of women who become prostitutes aren't very prone to sexual disgust, it's also an easy job for them. Go ask anyone on r/sexworkers why they do what they do. Some of them might enjoy their job, but money is the main reason why they do it.

The vast majority of prostitutes will never have non-transactional sex with an unattractive man.

no, women love to make money and money is needed in our society yeah, but they love even more to be ''sluts'' and if you can embrace you'll find they want to service even you, if you can look past your ''value'' judgement
if women had true disgust towards the average male they wouldnt do any of this and prostitution would only exist in poor countries
Prostitutes are women who were born with an abnormally low disgust propensity. That's why they will fuck ugly and old men for money. Regular women often believe that most prostitutes and porn stars are being sex trafficked and forced to do what they do. Why do they believe that? Because they can't even imagine that any woman would voluntarily sleep with "disgusting" men.
who are the women servicing in prostitution? ALL MEN, no restriction, this is the true female nature
As I've already explained, prostitutes are the exception, not the rule. The rule is that women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. Most women would never voluntarily become prostitutes.

slutiness is a quality, it means the willingness to engage with all men

That's your bluepilled fantasy. In the real world, sluts gravitate towards the top 20% of men and refuse to engage with unattractive men. Just look at Tinder, which is the most popular hookup app.

you guys think female slutiness only extends to chad because you dont understand how deep it goes, the solution is not to repress it but to UNLEASH it, women have fantasies like being gangbanged by hundreds of guys, fantasies like being taken by ''old dirty dudes''
Those fantasies usually involve monetary compensation. Even porn companies require the non-pornstar guys who participate in gangbangs to pay them.

women's sexuality is very diversifed and much more lewd then incel community gives its credit for, women are sluts yes, real sluts, that would love to take an incels virginity if it wasnt such a social taboo,
Women take men's virginity all the time. That's not a social taboo at all. Women don't want to sleep with incels because they instinctively despise men who have unattractive genes.

imagine if there was a community sex place where incels could post their story and their demand for sexual help, how many cougars let alone young women would jump at the oppurtunity to initiate a young men?
Zero. There is a subreddit called r/virginityexchange where men can ask women to take their virginity, and as far as I know, no incel has ever been successful there.
you guys think women only care about chad? chad is NOT ENOUGH to satiate female sexual desire

Women prefer chads for casual sex. The primary factor determining orgasm frequency in women is their partners’ physical attractiveness and masculinity. Less attractive men are less likely to sexually satisfy them.

Women have a far lower sex drive on average than men and are twice as likely to be asexual. Lesbian couples have much less sex than gay or straight couples.

Lesbian couples are expected to seek sex less frequently than heterosexual or gay male couples.[17] Scholar Waguih William IsHak stated that although lesbian bed death lacks scientific evidence, empirical data has suggested "that women ha[ve] less sexual desire than men and are more submissive in sexual interactions".[3]

The only reason why straight couples have more sex than lesbian couples is because men who are in relationships are always horny and seeking out sex, even when the foid isn't really in the mood for it Testosterone is a large part of what makes men want sex so much more than women, and men with high testosterone levels have higher sex drives than men with low testosterone levels. Castrated males probably desire sex and intimacy as much or more than the average woman.
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that was pretty cucked

whores are not our allies, I'd agree if they were offering free sex but they're rather taking advantaged of our basic needs as a way to earn (mad) money, they're just leeching

which doesn't mean prostitution isn't a good thing for the few of us who want to live and cope with their situation, even though it won't bring you the love, validation and intimacy you want, it's better than not having any human touch at all.
Male sexuality shouldn't be shamed, but you can't have a decent society without controlling female sexuality.

Female promiscuity and polygyny produce leftover males, men who cannot be paired or have sex. In other words, incels.

You can see this in Mormon fundamentalism, but also in the 1960s free love communes where people tried experimental living. This included free love, abandoning fidelity, marriage and strict hierarchies. All work was shared between the members equally and the women were encouraged to give out as much sex as possible.

However, what happened was that a small percentage of attractive men monopolised most of the women. The "spare men" left because they couldn't get any sex and the communes collapsed. Even men who would have been able to betabuxx in mainstream society couldn't do so in free love communes where everyone had equal socioeconomic status. There still are a few communes but they generally all reject free love.

"Studies of communes in the 1960s and 70s (Zablocki 1980; Martin and Fuller 2004) found that the longevity of the commune was inversely related to its sexual openness. Communes that strictly banned sex (especially religious communes) or communes composed of married or monogamous cohabiting partners lasted longest. Communes that had a policy of free love-- anyone can have sex with anyone, no questions asked-- were the most volatile. Why? In part, because their idealistic rule overlooked the sexual market and sexual attractiveness. " (source)

Women will never volunteer to sleep with unattractive men. What women instinctively want is for unattractive men to leave them alone, buzz off, drop dead—while the one to whom they feel attracted makes all their sexual dreams come true. One of the keys to deciphering female speech is that the term “men” signifies for them only the very restricted number of men they find sexually attractive. All the dirty articles in Cosmo about “giving him the sex he craves” and “taking care of his needs” concerns this man of her dreams, who by some amazing coincidence usually turns out to be the man of many other women's dreams as well.

In Babylonia, it was a religious obligation for all women to give sex to a complete stranger at least once in their lives. Any man, even homeless beggars, could enter the temple of Mylitta and have sex with a woman, any day any time. They only had to pay a symbolic amount, like 1 cent. It was basically free sex. Practices like this are only possible in societies where women are subservient to men. In feminist societies, women will always deny sex to unattractive men.
Really interesting stuff you found here: should be a stand-alone thread that gets pinned tbh.:feelsokman:
I think, Maybe only solution is to try prostitutes
They knew that sexual deprivation is harmful. Hippie ideologues like Wilhelm Reich, who was an iconic figure during the counterculture movement of the 1960s, believed that denying sex leads to neurotic behavior and that male sexual frustration causes and exacerbates all kinds of social problems. What they failed to understand, however, is that liberating female sexuality, even in the context of a highly egalitarian community where everyone is supposed to care for each other, makes it harder, rather than easier, for most men to get sex.

Incels have been around in significant amounts in every era that doesn't enforce monogamy and punish female promiscuity. In the kingdom of Dahomey in the nineteenth century, it was difficult to find a single man borne from anyone but the king and his relatives - most men were made celibate thanks to polygyny. The same thing happens informally in most hoe cultures, because there, women are the providers, and the men end up physically competing with one another for multiple women. As a result, the Bateman gradient is massive. When the Bateman gradient is large, you have lots of incels.

That's...not what that term means.

Free love has nothing to do with sexual redistributionism/socialism (free sex), which is something that women have always been viciously opposed to. Women only want to give free sex to attractive men.

That's not sexual repression, that's feminist repression. Women don't want anyone to acknowledge that there are negative social consequences to women's behavior.

There is no taboo on female sexuality in mainstream American society. Women have made out, fucked and sucked off men for the dumbest, wildest reasons imaginable, there are literally a million of links, it's hard to even name all of them.

Just visit places like /r/Stupidslutsclub or /r/gonewildstories or /r/rapekink or even /r/sex and TrollX itself. Women fuck guys just to lose their virginity, make out with guys just to make someone jealous, "hate-sex", prestige sex, sorority dare sex, being the third girl in a threesome who just licks the other girl's vagina in some drunken Ibiza party with a guy who doesn't even know anything about them, fucking guys of certain races just to try it, fucking guys in a certain setting to fulfill a BDSM fantasy, actively admitting to fucking bad boys, fucking a random dude off tinder to relieve stress, I could sit here all day describing the scenarios.

They will say that sex is 'not a big deal' and that casual sex is just another form of 'mutual fun' like any other, in addition to telling incels that nothing is wrong with their looks. Ask them if they could merely kiss you to know what it's like, something they've done a thousand times for a thousand different reasons, many of which involve *no emotional connection* or extended familiarity, especially in their youth, and they'll all tell you that they'd never even do it to save your life. Sluts are hypocritical scum.

There is much less repression of female sexuality today than there was in the 1950s. Has this resulted in there being fewer incels? No! In fact, the exact opposite has happened.

This study uses the General Social Survey to examine how the portion of sexually inactive (defined as having had no sexual partners since your 18th birthday) among young adults (age 20-24) that were born from 1990-1994 compares to cohorts that were born in previous decades.

The 1930s cohort that came of age in the 1940s and 1950s had the most sex. Every single generation after that has seen a decline. The portion of sexually inactive jumps from 6.31% among those born from 1965-1969 to ~11.5% among those born from 1970-1979, remains steady for those born from 1980-1989, and jumps again to 15.17% for those born from 1990-1994.

Hypergamy used to be mitigated with obligatory monogamy. Now that this is no longer the case, we are reverting to our most natural state, in which more and more men are forgotten. This is only "bad" for women and society if these men become violent or aggressive. But they are pacified with video games, porn, and medications, so this rarely happens..

Sluts don't care about the "sanctity" of monogamy they still don't want to sleep with incels.

The problem with female promiscuity is that it causes sexual inequality among men. In other words, a small fraction of the men monopolize all the women causing misery for the rest of the men, and in many cases incels, some of whom snap and some of whom go on rampages as a result. Monogamy with premarital chastity causes sexual equality, meaning that everyone gets roughly the same amount of sex.

In civilized patriarchal cultures, men get sex from prostitutes and their wives, and sluts are enslaved, raped, or burned at the stake.

Lots of men actually prefer sluts over virgins. 33% of men say they wouldn't date a woman who is a virgin. Most men are cucks who'd gladly marry pornstars and prostitutes.

In the free love communes of the 1960s, there were no pure and innocent girls, but there were lots of sexless men, and lots of vile sluts sharing the same dominant and attractive men with one another.

It's not the same at all. Most incels would visit prostitutes if they could easily afford their services; most women would never sleep with incels. Some incels feel disgust towards prostitutes because prostitutes have been defiled by lots of men and because they're more likely to carry STDs. This has nothing to do with the irrational disgust that women instinctively feel towards low status and unattractive men.

Sexual disgust serves as a quality control in mate choice, and women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. If it were socially constructed, then men would be just as prone to sexual disgust as women are, if not much more prone, because the idea of a woman who has taken the bodily fluids of many men is more "dirty" than the idea of a man who is humble and non-powerful.

Most people have many relationships before they settle down and get married, and most marriages don't last a lifetime. What you're describing is not a characteristic of America in 2021.

Prostitutes love to service all kinds of men sexually in exchange for money. They are not representative of the vast majority of women. They are not representative of the vast majority of sluts either. Sluts are sexually selective, and just as disgusted by unattractive men as virginal women are.

They do it for the money. It's a very high paying job, and because the types of women who become prostitutes aren't very prone to sexual disgust, it's also an easy job for them. Go ask anyone on r/sexworkers why they do what they do. Some of them might enjoy their job, but money is the main reason why they do it.

The vast majority of prostitutes will never have non-transactional sex with an unattractive man.

Prostitutes are women who were born with an abnormally low disgust propensity. That's why they will fuck ugly and old men for money. Regular women often believe that most prostitutes and porn stars are being sex trafficked and forced to do what they do. Why do they believe that? Because they can't even imagine that any woman would voluntarily sleep with "disgusting" men.

As I've already explained, prostitutes are the exception, not the rule. The rule is that women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. Most women would never voluntarily become prostitutes.

That's your bluepilled fantasy. In the real world, sluts gravitate towards the top 20% of men and refuse to engage with unattractive men. Just look at Tinder, which is the most popular hookup app.

Those fantasies usually involve monetary compensation. Even porn companies require the non-pornstar guys who participate in gangbangs to pay them.

Women take men's virginity all the time. That's not a social taboo at all. Women don't want to sleep with incels because they instinctively despise men who have unattractive genes.

Zero. There is a subreddit called r/virginityexchange where men can ask women to take their virginity, and as far as I know, no incel has ever been successful there.

Women prefer chads for casual sex. The primary factor determining orgasm frequency in women is their partners’ physical attractiveness and masculinity. Less attractive men are less likely to sexually satisfy them.

Women have a far lower sex drive on average than men and are twice as likely to be asexual. Lesbian couples have much less sex than gay or straight couples.

Lesbian couples are expected to seek sex less frequently than heterosexual or gay male couples.[17] Scholar Waguih William IsHak stated that although lesbian bed death lacks scientific evidence, empirical data has suggested "that women ha[ve] less sexual desire than men and are more submissive in sexual interactions".[3]

The only reason why straight couples have more sex than lesbian couples is because men who are in relationships are always horny and seeking out sex, even when the foid isn't really in the mood for it Testosterone is a large part of what makes men want sex so much more than women, and men with high testosterone levels have higher sex drives than men with low testosterone levels. Castrated males probably desire sex and intimacy as much or more than the average woman.
allright I get it man, you're speaking facts and you have good observations
you're stating it as it is and as it has been, but ultimately you cannot look into the past to figure out the future
there has never been an age like ours where humanity can truly unite as one

as I said earlier humanity's sexual behaviour is exactly in parallel with humanity's level of care towards all of its members
we still have kids struggling for food or schooling in countries when humanity has the ability to feed all
society has been divided, by religion, by race, by class....to the point where people are terrified of communism
communism which is a failed attempt at distributing resources equally amongst all, people are afraid of their own good and have been pitted by the dark elite against themselves

im not saying the soviet union was an example to follow, i'm saying society can be setup in a way where creativity and inventiveness is dynamized and at the same time resources are being shared in a manner that satisfies everyone

we live in a society where capitalism rules, where companies are destroying the environment for paper, billionaires are walking around, a bunch of nobility and political families are hoarding riches, countries are being hijacked ciovertly

up until now we have never lived in a true age of peace of harmony, female sexuality (not yet done hit the enter, still editing)
We want validated sex
sex with prostitutes is meaningless
it's cucks like you that are the problem, and you are obviously lying to yourself. You don't even understand what sex means to MOST people.

SEX IS ABOUT POWER. There are no altruistic "sexual firefighters" thats the most cucked concept imaginable. SEX IS ABOUT TAKING AND COVETING WHAT'S YOURS. Romantic relationships are merely a form of narcissistic parasitism.

WHORES SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. They should live every second of their life in fear.
all this fucking cuck bullshit, get over your fucking egoes, you dont like sharing your toys with your brothers?

you want a girl to love you and only you and never have slept with anyone?
this kind of competition mindset is exactly why things are the way they are
no one wants to share shit thus only the biggest assholes who aren't willing to share get everything because everyone wants to play the fucking game of having ''his'' and not giving a shit about others, thus girls flock to the biggest assholes who hoard everything

if you want to be a twat that doesnt share his toys you're supporting the current sexual competitive climate

its literally this kind of mindset why humanity is fucked up and we have billionaires sitting on their money while people are starving, because hey why would you share your money?or your girlfriend, its every man for himself?
if there's no cooperation between men the girls will chose the biggest assholes thats about it because how else would they survive if men aren't cooperating?

this mindset is exactly part of the problem, stigmatizing sexual relationships

and even more its fucking dumb bro, if you're willing to share your girl with others everyone wins, both men and women like sex its literally win win
that doesnt mean there cant be traditional family units,

if you were living in a society where sexlessness would be adressed, imagine you have a girlfriend, a magnificent relationship and she's the love of your life,would you be willing to let your girlfriend go and help the incels of society by having volunteer sex with one? or would you try to stop her for some reason?
do you think your beliefs truly serve you?
HOLY FUCK, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE Get the fuck out you are a disgrace:soy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:
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They knew that sexual deprivation is harmful. Hippie ideologues like Wilhelm Reich, who was an iconic figure during the counterculture movement of the 1960s, believed that denying sex leads to neurotic behavior and that male sexual frustration causes and exacerbates all kinds of social problems. What they failed to understand, however, is that liberating female sexuality, even in the context of a highly egalitarian community where everyone is supposed to care for each other, makes it harder, rather than easier, for most men to get sex.

Incels have been around in significant amounts in every era that doesn't enforce monogamy and punish female promiscuity. In the kingdom of Dahomey in the nineteenth century, it was difficult to find a single man borne from anyone but the king and his relatives - most men were made celibate thanks to polygyny. The same thing happens informally in most hoe cultures, because there, women are the providers, and the men end up physically competing with one another for multiple women. As a result, the Bateman gradient is massive. When the Bateman gradient is large, you have lots of incels.

That's...not what that term means.

Free love has nothing to do with sexual redistributionism/socialism (free sex), which is something that women have always been viciously opposed to. Women only want to give free sex to attractive men.

That's not sexual repression, that's feminist repression. Women don't want anyone to acknowledge that there are negative social consequences to women's behavior.

There is no taboo on female sexuality in mainstream American society. Women have made out, fucked and sucked off men for the dumbest, wildest reasons imaginable, there are literally a million of links, it's hard to even name all of them.

Just visit places like /r/Stupidslutsclub or /r/gonewildstories or /r/rapekink or even /r/sex and TrollX itself. Women fuck guys just to lose their virginity, make out with guys just to make someone jealous, "hate-sex", prestige sex, sorority dare sex, being the third girl in a threesome who just licks the other girl's vagina in some drunken Ibiza party with a guy who doesn't even know anything about them, fucking guys of certain races just to try it, fucking guys in a certain setting to fulfill a BDSM fantasy, actively admitting to fucking bad boys, fucking a random dude off tinder to relieve stress, I could sit here all day describing the scenarios.

They will say that sex is 'not a big deal' and that casual sex is just another form of 'mutual fun' like any other, in addition to telling incels that nothing is wrong with their looks. Ask them if they could merely kiss you to know what it's like, something they've done a thousand times for a thousand different reasons, many of which involve *no emotional connection* or extended familiarity, especially in their youth, and they'll all tell you that they'd never even do it to save your life. Sluts are hypocritical scum.

There is much less repression of female sexuality today than there was in the 1950s. Has this resulted in there being fewer incels? No! In fact, the exact opposite has happened.

This study uses the General Social Survey to examine how the portion of sexually inactive (defined as having had no sexual partners since your 18th birthday) among young adults (age 20-24) that were born from 1990-1994 compares to cohorts that were born in previous decades.

The 1930s cohort that came of age in the 1940s and 1950s had the most sex. Every single generation after that has seen a decline. The portion of sexually inactive jumps from 6.31% among those born from 1965-1969 to ~11.5% among those born from 1970-1979, remains steady for those born from 1980-1989, and jumps again to 15.17% for those born from 1990-1994.

Hypergamy used to be mitigated with obligatory monogamy. Now that this is no longer the case, we are reverting to our most natural state, in which more and more men are forgotten. This is only "bad" for women and society if these men become violent or aggressive. But they are pacified with video games, porn, and medications, so this rarely happens..

Sluts don't care about the "sanctity" of monogamy they still don't want to sleep with incels.

The problem with female promiscuity is that it causes sexual inequality among men. In other words, a small fraction of the men monopolize all the women causing misery for the rest of the men, and in many cases incels, some of whom snap and some of whom go on rampages as a result. Monogamy with premarital chastity causes sexual equality, meaning that everyone gets roughly the same amount of sex.

In civilized patriarchal cultures, men get sex from prostitutes and their wives, and sluts are enslaved, raped, or burned at the stake.

Lots of men actually prefer sluts over virgins. 33% of men say they wouldn't date a woman who is a virgin. Most men are cucks who'd gladly marry pornstars and prostitutes.

In the free love communes of the 1960s, there were no pure and innocent girls, but there were lots of sexless men, and lots of vile sluts sharing the same dominant and attractive men with one another.

It's not the same at all. Most incels would visit prostitutes if they could easily afford their services; most women would never sleep with incels. Some incels feel disgust towards prostitutes because prostitutes have been defiled by lots of men and because they're more likely to carry STDs. This has nothing to do with the irrational disgust that women instinctively feel towards low status and unattractive men.

Sexual disgust serves as a quality control in mate choice, and women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. If it were socially constructed, then men would be just as prone to sexual disgust as women are, if not much more prone, because the idea of a woman who has taken the bodily fluids of many men is more "dirty" than the idea of a man who is humble and non-powerful.

Most people have many relationships before they settle down and get married, and most marriages don't last a lifetime. What you're describing is not a characteristic of America in 2021.

Prostitutes love to service all kinds of men sexually in exchange for money. They are not representative of the vast majority of women. They are not representative of the vast majority of sluts either. Sluts are sexually selective, and just as disgusted by unattractive men as virginal women are.

They do it for the money. It's a very high paying job, and because the types of women who become prostitutes aren't very prone to sexual disgust, it's also an easy job for them. Go ask anyone on r/sexworkers why they do what they do. Some of them might enjoy their job, but money is the main reason why they do it.

The vast majority of prostitutes will never have non-transactional sex with an unattractive man.

Prostitutes are women who were born with an abnormally low disgust propensity. That's why they will fuck ugly and old men for money. Regular women often believe that most prostitutes and porn stars are being sex trafficked and forced to do what they do. Why do they believe that? Because they can't even imagine that any woman would voluntarily sleep with "disgusting" men.

As I've already explained, prostitutes are the exception, not the rule. The rule is that women are much more prone to sexual disgust than men. Most women would never voluntarily become prostitutes.

That's your bluepilled fantasy. In the real world, sluts gravitate towards the top 20% of men and refuse to engage with unattractive men. Just look at Tinder, which is the most popular hookup app.

Those fantasies usually involve monetary compensation. Even porn companies require the non-pornstar guys who participate in gangbangs to pay them.

Women take men's virginity all the time. That's not a social taboo at all. Women don't want to sleep with incels because they instinctively despise men who have unattractive genes.

Zero. There is a subreddit called r/virginityexchange where men can ask women to take their virginity, and as far as I know, no incel has ever been successful there.

Women prefer chads for casual sex. The primary factor determining orgasm frequency in women is their partners’ physical attractiveness and masculinity. Less attractive men are less likely to sexually satisfy them.

Women have a far lower sex drive on average than men and are twice as likely to be asexual. Lesbian couples have much less sex than gay or straight couples.

Lesbian couples are expected to seek sex less frequently than heterosexual or gay male couples.[17] Scholar Waguih William IsHak stated that although lesbian bed death lacks scientific evidence, empirical data has suggested "that women ha[ve] less sexual desire than men and are more submissive in sexual interactions".[3]

The only reason why straight couples have more sex than lesbian couples is because men who are in relationships are always horny and seeking out sex, even when the foid isn't really in the mood for it Testosterone is a large part of what makes men want sex so much more than women, and men with high testosterone levels have higher sex drives than men with low testosterone levels. Castrated males probably desire sex and intimacy as much or more than the average woman.
allright I get it man, you're speaking facts and you have good observations
you're stating it as it is and as it has been, but ultimately you cannot look into the past to figure out the future
there has never been an age like ours where humanity can truly unite as one

as I said earlier humanity's sexual behaviour is exactly in parallel with humanity's level of care towards all of its members
we still have kids struggling for food or schooling in countries when humanity has the ability to feed all
society has been divided, by religion, by race, by class....to the point where people are terrified of communism
communism which is a failed attempt at distributing resources equally amongst all, people are afraid of their own good and have been pitted by the dark elite against themselves

im not saying the soviet union was an example to follow, i'm saying society can be setup in a way where creativity and inventiveness is dynamized and at the same time resources are being shared in a manner that satisfies everyone

we live in a society where capitalism rules, where companies are destroying the environment for paper, billionaires are walking around, a bunch of nobility and political families are hoarding riches, countries are being hijacked ciovertly

up until now we have never lived in a true age of peace of harmony,everything we've seen from female sexuality has existed in this sphere of competition warfare and dominant structures

you do not believe in the willingness to share and the kindness of female sexuality because you've never seen it, but at the same time we've never seen it because we haven't seen it on the societal level either, female sexuality has always existed within these societal structures of dominance
when society truly changes for the better, towards care and development for all its members, so will female sexuality

we can ask ourselves here why does all the pussy go to a bunch of men?
well we can also ask ourselves why does all the money go to a bunch of men?
you can say this makes women cruel golddiggers but they're merely following what happening on a societal level,
if men are fighting over resources and leaving scraps to other men,women will do the same in their way, they'll fight to get at the ''top''

some think female sexuality is innately evil, no female sexuality has been expressing itself within the vibration of evil societal structures
you cannot scream about female sexuality and at the same time scream and cheer for capitalism and billionaires, for they are part of the same structure

especially america has been propagandized to extreme length against the concept of socialism which really is just literally at its core the value of looking out of all members of your group
americans have been divided into individuals, im not saying individuality is bad and we should all blend into some uniform group,
but american have been made to be terrified of basic group care, and its america that HAS BEEN LEADING CULTURE shifts globally, with all the movies,shows and music, america has been the leader of the current sexual dynamics,this is important to understand

individuality actually expresses and blooms the best when it is supported by a strong group tribe base
good strong soil makes for beautiful plants flowers and trees
the soil which is the group support, should be strong

the soil which is competitive, where plants and trees have to fight for the best soil, will be just that, a warground where the victors stand and everyone else is down on the ground

you guys think competition is truly human nature?
you guys think our ''copes'' are really pacifying us?
no humans are innately cooperative, if we were really competitive most if not all incels and even normies wouldve gone ER and we'd be living mad max style

if the human being was really competitive there would be no society and whatever the victor would have left after the chaos of war would be next to nothing
humans are innately cooperative and the reason why chads and ceos get so much is because most most are naturelly peaceful which is a good trait,most men are literally upholding society with their values of peace,
the problem is that there are parasites funnelling the resources ''upwards'', resources gained from a peaceful cooperative society

see a man that expresses his natural peaceful and cooperative self is the man that is building society in its core level
just by the fact that most incels are passive shows that we are building society, we are expressing cooperation and no we are not competitive
some who are terrified of socialism would scream ''what right do you have to resources you've done nothing to help gain''

every man that choses to be peaceful and cooperative has done the MOST FUNDAMENTAL thing a man can in his life,HE HAS CHOSEN TO PARTICIPATE AND UPHOLD SOCIETY, this a moral effort and it is the most important a man can do, for it LITERALLY CREATES SOCIETY
so you do have a right to EVERY resource of society

a strong soil makes for strong growth of plants of all kinds
humanity WILL shift to full cooperation while still supporting dynamizing individual expression and creation but where resources flow in a SANE manner that nourishes the world population
when NO ONE will have to worry about food or housing, or having to slave away at some job, the sexual interaction will naturally flow harmoniously

can we blame women for flocking to chads and ceo's when they walk the streets and see people living homeless?
yes we can, but we can understand whats fueling their behaviour
female sexuality is AFRAID and is in SURVIVAL MODE it has ALWAYS BEEN from the days of physical enslavement to the days of financial enslavement
and as we know fear makes you act erratic, selfish, and aggressive, fear is a disease

BELIEVE me that female sexuality in a society that is truly good-willing,peaceful and harmonious, would look entirely different
when a human being is fully present and conscious he or she is EMPATHIC and it becomes impossible to ignore someone's elses pain and not ADDRESS IT; thats the real human being

it becomes impossible to look away at the homeless guy in the street, at the old person struggling, at the men sexually left behind....
these are all symptoms of the same problem, humanity asleep to itself, numbing itself with alcohol and drugs to escape facing a reality of the expression of a FALSE human nature, we are not competitive, we are naturally cooperative

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