Also the race pill isn't just about white women preferring white men, I don't know why the fuck every white person who reads any theory involving the race pill believes that's all we're talking about.
The race pill dictates that
everyone prefers white men. If it were just white women then that would be fine, i'd have no reason to bitch if it were just white women who thought like this because then us ethnics could just stay within our own race or fuck other ethnic races.
But multiple studies show that it isn't just whites dating within themselves, everyone holds white people up to some higher status making it substantially more difficult to date as an ethnic male.
Scientific study and online dating data both show this to be true again and again and again.
Note how white men had a higher reply rate among all races than any other race of men.
Note how white men got a positive score from everyone except for black women, even white women didn't get positive scores across the board.
Note how once again, white men had very high probability of getting replies compared to other races, specifically this time from women of other races more than their own, but white women were still only interested in white men in these stats.
That is the one key and consistent trait in all of these studies, white men are desired universally.
I'm gonna start copy and pasting this shit everytime I have to run into you idiots denying the race pill and JBW.