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JFL Pretentious jewtuber "anti prophet" reveals himself to be a shill for Israel and the military industrial complex

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vYuE4-dhpWc

He makes a neoconservative conspiracy theory here typical of the likes of Nikki Haley and says that TikTok is "manipulating muh algorithm" to boost anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian content as part of an effort by the Chinese government to destabilize Western society :feelshaha: :feelstastyman:

His assumption is that since young people are roughly 50/50 split on whether they support Palestine or Israel, this should mean that TikTok content for each side gets represented equally.

However, this doesn't factor into account that opinions =/= passions. Case in point: there has been a study done by a JEWISH ORGANIZATION which found that an overwhelming majority of street demonstrations regarding the War in Gaza have been pro-Palestinian. This is an easily observable fact which demonstrates that the pro-Palestinian cause is simply more passionate to people, thus inspiring a greater desire to organize and make content.

Why is this? Because atrocities are being committed in Gaza by the Israelis everyday, including human organ harvesting/trafficking, which people who support Palestine can easily point to in outrage. Meanwhile, those who support Israel can only continue to talk about what allegedly happened during the initial Palestinian attack on October 7th, which is old news by now, and make odd psychological projections about killing babies and about people wanting to ethnically cleanse Jews while the IDF actively engages in the baby killing and ethnic cleansing :lul:

Also, he doesn't mention that what's remarkable about young people being 50/50 split on the issue of Israel vs. Palestine is how it significantly differs from the much stronger support that older people have for Israel. Boomers almost ubiquitously support Israel in statistics, whereas young people are incredibly more pro-Palestinian. This goes to show that the trend among the young is to become increasingly pro-Palestinian despite the pro-Israel status quo, which would naturally be reflected in the media that they make and consume.

And finally, does he make an implicit admission at the end of the video that America is controlled by Jews? Because how else would spreading anti-Israeli content even destabilize American society? JFL :feelshmm:
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He's 100% right. I myself as a semi pro isreal supporter, see none if barely any pro isreali content.
I hate that guy. Self righteous self proclaimed chad that defends foids on every turn.
He's 100% right. I myself as a semi pro isreal supporter, see none if barely any pro isreali content.
Turn on Fox News or other networks that are watched by octogenarians and you'll find it.

If you're on social media or other places frequented by young people, however, you'll find those who are standing up against the Zionist status quo that is upheld by boomers.
Turn on Fox News or other networks that are watched by octogenarians and you'll find it.

If you're on social media or other places frequented by young people, however, you'll find those who are standing up against the Zionist status quo that is upheld by boomers.
It's only fox news tho and even they wrongly reported on the al shifa hospital bombing.
Oh my god I hate redpillers cuckservatives, ending apartheid state of Israel won't affect the west just fear mongering low iq zoomer retards
It's only fox news tho and even they wrongly reported on the al shifa hospital bombing.
No, it's not only Fox News. Have you noticed that the American president is a liberal Democrat who is staunchly pro-Israel? I have seen very pro-Israel content on CNN, which has a plethora of Jewish anchors, by the way.

Also, I simply do not believe that the bombing at Al Shifa was done by the Palestinians. Israel has a history of blaming Palestinians for bombing themselves. In one instance, they had to later recant this propaganda and admit that they did the bombing after all, and their scapegoat had been the exact same group that they now blame for Al Shifa: Islamic Jihad :lul:
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Brutal out of touchpill
Oh my god I hate redpillers cuckservatives, ending apartheid state of Israel won't affect the west just fear mongering low iq zoomer retards
These cuckservatives are really just living vicariously in Israel. Vicariously like the cucks they are! Watching the IDF commit ethnic cleansing on brown people and wishing that was them :feelskek:

It's not like Israel's existence is integral to preserving the racial/national order in America or Europe. If anything, just the opposite, insofar as Israel's existence is based upon the "Holocaust" which stigmatizes and de-legitimizes nationalism/racism in the West, while ironically justifying and upholding it in Israel.
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Stopped reading tbh

It's not a matter of belief, it's a fact.
Just like weapons of mass destruction and beheaded babies? :feelshaha:
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@Mortis read this, you shill:

A huge explosion in a public garden in northern Gaza killed eight children and two adults, and wounded 40 others, Palestinian medics said on Monday.

Locals blamed the blast on an Israeli air strike, but Israel denied responsibility, saying it was a misfire by a rocket launched by Hamas militants.

At roughly the same time, another blast shook the grounds of Gaza’s main Shifa hospital, without causing any casualties. Israel, which has previously accused Hamas militants of hiding in the hospital, again blamed an errant missile.

This is from 2014.

It's tired, old IDF propaganda to continually claim that every rocket that hits civilian infrastructure in Gaza is a Palestinian misfire. The fact that you got the US Pentagon to sponsor it means nothing, since this agency is known for being untrustworthy and spreading propaganda like WMDs.

Especially considering the fact that the IDF since undertook a ground assault on the hospital during this war, it's pretty fucking obvious that they bombed it :lul:
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@Mortis read this, you shill:

This is from 2014.

It's tired, old IDF propaganda to continually claim that every rocket that hits civilian infrastructure in Gaza is a misfire. The fact that you got the US Pentagon to sponsor it means nothing, since this agency is known for being untrustworthy and spreading propaganda like WMDs.

Especially considering that the IDF since undertook a ground assault on the hospital during this war, it's pretty fucking obvious that they bombed it :lul:
Even third part orgs have confirmed it at this point.
Even third part orgs have confirmed it at this point.
Even if true, which is highly dubious, then it hardly makes a dent in the other 20,000 deaths of mostly civilians that Israel has purposefully caused in this war.

Not to mention that the "evidence" Israel showed for there being a Hamas command center in the hospital after their ground assault on it was largely bogus, like a laptop with an IDF foid soldier background and Hebrew keyboard being presented as a Palestinian militant's :feelskek:
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I hate that guy. Self righteous self proclaimed chad that defends foids on every turn.
He is posturing as an "enlightened centrist" type figure, cautioning people not to become radical. A literal de-radicalizer!

He criticizes Andrew Tate's "extremism" on this basis, who ironically is much more reasonable than him on Palestine/Israel given that he's a Muslim and can thus view the issue with humanity instead of as part of some abstract political game somehow involving the neocon boogeyman of China :feelshaha:

If you claim to study the Palestine/Israel issue like Anti Prophet and come out spouting neoconservative propaganda about "the Chinese communist party" and "the rise of antisemitism," then it's clear you're a shill tbh
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Kike and Anglo parasites are losing propaganda war. People have woken up.
Even if true, which is highly dubious, then it hardly makes a dent in the other 20,000 deaths of mostly civilians that Israel has purposefully caused in this war.

Not to mention that the "evidence" Israel showed for there being a Hamas command center in the hospital after their ground assault on it was largely bogus, like a laptop with an IDF foid soldier background and Hebrew keyboard being presented as a Palestinian militant's :feelskek:

View: https://voca.ro/1lSlv6EKlE6K
I hope he gets his skull caved in
I hope he gets his skull caved in
He needs to be doxed. He mentions what country he's an expat in, and it shouldn't be too difficult to find him.

It would be very funny if he was ugly behind that mask :lul:
no water for the Jew. I am glad that the opinion of americans regarding the jews is changing.
He's 100% right. I myself as a semi pro isreal supporter, see none if barely any pro isreali content.
that just means everything you watch is based. You need to watch FOX or giga normie shit and youll see them shilling hard for the JEWS
uneducated idiot
i love israel because i used to live there, in bat yam, as a kid
it was very very hot all the time, i never saw snow until i moved to canada
there was some kind of holiday in israel where for a day there was no cars, and all the kids rode bikes. i remember playing there with the other kids, doing stuff like seeing how high we can climb on various street structures and chasing cats and birds, etc
i used to speak hebrew fluently but i forgot it... lol, im worthless like that, haha

i remember we used to have these huge bonfires in the 90's, and visiting the beach at night was really magical

tbh i couldnt care less about this war one way or another. all i know if i would never fight in it, and that its a massive waste of time fighting for it
i think political issues or caring about left vs right is such a massive waste of time, honestly. hard for me to imagine a more worthless topic
He's 100% right. I myself as a semi pro isreal supporter, see none if barely any pro isreali content.
You filthy gentile give every $ to support Israel and protect the Jewish people or I’ll report you antisemite!
This is hilarious considering Meta was just accused of censoring pro Palestinian posts by the HRW. Zogbots are astounded people aren’t enthused enough by Israel’s consistent war crimes and hypocrisy to support them en masse online. The same poll he’s referencing(Harvard/Harris), also suggests most 18-29 people think Israel is committing genocide and that Israel should be handed over to Hamas jfl
Ok after browsing through his content, this guy is clearly Jewish. He’s just another Jew realizing the anti-Christian, anti-Western golem they have created has turned against them. Makes me harden my anti-Israel stance even further
I get what he means but FUCK JEWS. Everyone has an agenda now, YouTube, Facebook, News they are all biased and no different than Tiktok. I couldn't care less about Jews and Arabs tbh. I hope they fight tooth and nail and a bunch of them on both sides die (in videogame ofc)
I don’t care about Jews and Muslims I hope they blow themselves up
No, it's not only Fox News. Have you noticed that the American president is a liberal Democrat who is staunchly pro-Israel? I have seen very pro-Israel content on CNN, which has a plethora of Jewish anchors, by the way.

Also, I simply do not believe that the bombing at Al Shifa was done by the Palestinians. Israel has a history of blaming Palestinians for bombing themselves. In one instance, they had to later recant this propaganda and admit that they did the bombing after all, and their scapegoat had been the exact same group that they now blame for Al Shifa: Islamic Jihad :lul:
Oy vey
I get what he means but FUCK JEWS. Everyone has an agenda now, YouTube, Facebook, News they are all biased and no different than Tiktok. I couldn't care less about Jews and Arabs tbh. I hope they fight tooth and nail and a bunch of them on both sides die (in videogame ofc)
I’ll never let you experienced a free pussy
I hate that guy. Self righteous self proclaimed chad that defends foids on every turn.
He falls into that category of people like Tate or Hamza who mascaraed as being "le based," but actually worship foids or the status quo.
He's 100% right. I myself as a semi pro isreal supporter, see none if barely any pro isreali content.
Palestinian are extremely good at propaganda. While Israeli sucks at making propaganda
Palestinian are extremely good at propaganda. While Israeli sucks at making propaganda
Palestinians are "good at propaganda" in the sense that all they need to do is show the aftermath of indiscriminate Israeli bombings of densely populated cities in Gaza and people with naturally sympathize with them. Israel delivers the Palestinians their propaganda on a silver platter :lul:

Meanwhile, Jews literally control the US media, congress, and state department (e.g., Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a literal kike). If Zionist Jews are still losing the propaganda war despite having such power and affluence, then they really bit off more than they could chew this time :feelskek:

And banning TikTok won't be enough to save (((them))), tbh
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These cuckservatives are really just living vicariously in Israel. Vicariously like the cucks they are! Watching the IDF commit ethnic cleansing on brown people and wishing that was them :feelskek:

It's not like Israel's existence is integral to preserving the racial/national order in America or Europe. If anything, just the opposite, insofar as Israel's existence is based upon the "Holocaust" which stigmatizes and de-legitimizes nationalism/racism in the West, while ironically justifying and upholding it in Israel.
this is exactly it

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