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Serious Pottengers Cats Study explains your inceldom



Most men die at 27 — We just bury them at 72
Jun 2, 2024
TLDR - goy slop is killing you and made you incel. Here's some studies proving it. Also, my opinion on what the right diet is as well as the being hope that you can reverse the degeneration.

View: https://youtu.be/wGlSK39ZnCw?si=K3GsPsFpJCR3EvXW

I was suprised to see no one has brought this video up yet. I would have figured @wasted12years would have done it by now :feelskek:

The video explains it 100x better than I ever could, so just watch it on 2x speed for a 7mim explanation as to why you are incel.

If 7mins is still too much for you brain rot cels, I'll write a tl:dw

Feral cats were brought into a study. They were split into 3 groups with specific nutritional guidelines. Those fed Westernized cooked and processed diets degenerated completely by the 3rd generation. These cats are clearly incels, as they show the facial development differences in the video.

The cats fed raw meat, milk and natural food were healthy and active. The chads and Stacie's of the litter JFL

Here's a bit of optimism :

In the video, the sick degenerated cats were given the healthy diet and they actually recovered a bit, and their offspring was back to normal after 2 to 3 generations. So this degeneration can be reversed. It may not have just been your Genetics, but you were given the wrong food to grow your bones correctly, making you subhuman.

I can already tell what you're typing,

" Those are cats dumbfuck. We don't eat raw meat. We aren't cavemen, we cook! "

You probably have already heard this claim, that humans are basically carnivores. I agree.

Inb4 eye rolling and "liver king faggot" ....

I and @wasted12years (hope you don't mind me bringing you into this brocel JFL) both eat a raw primal style diet. It isn't all carnivore, but it's close. Aajonus vonderplanitz has done immense research and has an insane back catalog of lectures you can read here -

This link brings you to an AI search through all of his 35 years of research https://healthfully.ai/

This link is a beginners guide that answers a lot of questions

This site is similar to the above one. Just another resource

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vpi33xXUU_4

Here's a good starter video for his stuff. It's a three part lecture that explains basically everything you need to know about bacteria and whatnot.

View: https://youtu.be/_ti3xNltlsM?si=W3zP1T-qxCV8nsX4

Here's a video from Weston A Price. A dentist set out in 1910 to interview and study the last remaining tribesman on their diets. Here, he noticed stark physical development differences in modernized diet eaters and primitive diet eaters. Even some cases of brothers expressing different genetics by eating different foods. (One ate primitive diet, one ate the modern diet).

Westernized slop was introduced to these primitive people's and their health declined rapidly, just like the cats in Pottengers study.
Yes, they eat bread, and a little grain, but mostly animal based. Like I said, pottenger preached for atleast 70% raw food.

People all over eat raw meat dishes. Steak tartar in Germany for example is a very 'high class' meal. Again, we peasants get the grain, while the royalty get the meat and milk.

As for us incels, idk it's a lost cause already, there's no undoing what has been done to our bodies through food warfare. But, aajonus offers a beacon of hope to undo the damage with diligent adherence to his diet. You can atleast feel good in your body. I thought I would share this info to maybe help a few cels.


Here's some iridology. Call it woo woo or retarded, idrc. But, it is at least interesting that after a substantial time on this diet, eye color changes. Iridology proponents say the eyes show where toxins are in the body. So, going from brown to blue would mean toxic shit from vaccines and slop chemical foods etc etc have exited the body.

Here's a guy with ALS. His eyes cleared up after ten years and his symptoms improved following aajonus's diet.


This is aajonus's eyes after getting a few injections. Top was before, following the diet for 25+ years. Bottom is after the vaccines. Look at the brown spots as well as the greying of his iris. It's water to discuss vaccine and toxins in the food here so I'll spare you Goys

Screenshot 20240702 144602
Here is my eye after 3 years on the diet. I don't have any good before pictures, so you'll just have to take my word for it. My iris used to be SHIT BROWN. Now, the brown is changing to a greenish blue. The pic doesn't do it justice. In the sunlight it really looks blue on the outter corners.

What the fuck happened to the brown? What was that shit? If my eyes really were blue all along, and my body was just super toxic from my mom having me injected, is that why I'm incel? I'm 5'6 with shit frame. Recessed maxilla, crooked teeth, the whole nine yards. What if I was given the proper food? Avoided all the toxic shots?

For all it's worth, I feel great. Better than I did 3 years ago.

Screenshot 20240707 143925

Here's a blurry screenshot of one of his clients before and after just one year later
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Nice thread.

"according to Dr. Frances Pottenger and Edward Howell, toxins are often transferred to new cells for up to 5 generations. That means that they could remain in humans for as little as 40 years in people who eat a diet rich in raw fats and proteins, or a lifetime in those who eat poor diets."

It's either detox for 40 years or die in 40 years, jfl.

I like Pottengers cats experiment. I've shown it to normies many times but they just brush it off their shoulders. It's hard for most people to give up cooked food i guess. I don't miss it one bit.

Salt is also very addicting for most cooked fooders i've noticed, but they don't realize how bad it is for their health. I haven't had table salt in 7 years and i rarely get headaches anymore. There's already bioavailable salt in raw foods.

Of course there are Chads who eat goyslop and still mog, but if they continue eating slop and give their children slop and their children and so on, then eventually they will become incel-tier after some generations. The malnutrition can't continue on forever.

Although for eyes I’m not really sure, some kids have brown eyes at 3 yo vs others have blue eyes so there’s definitely some genetics in there as well
Notice that zoomers are aging really badly
Of course there are Chads who eat goyslop and still mog, but if they continue eating slop and give their children slop and their children and so on, then eventually they will become incel-tier after some generations. The malnutrition can't continue on forever.
Haha FINALLY. Someone said it. This is what Im talking about when I say that genes can deteriorate with time
Notice that zoomers are aging really badly
Of course they are. They go to the gym decreasing their lifespan while lifting metal and chains like slaves, they eat plant based goyslop and think its food, they sit in school or go to work while listening to authorities again like slaves. Modern lifestyle is shit but unfortunately most of us are unable to survive in nature anymore because of how much we deteriorated. I wish I was born in some tribe in Africa or Polynesia honestly
It's not just diet. There are a lot of things that civilized men can learn from the old ways. When I went to primary school in Australia it was common enough to attend school barefoot. Something that would seem preposterous today. One thing I noticed about the classmates who did that is they all developed excellent gaits/posture, which they've kept to this day.
TLDR - goy slop is killing you and made you incel. Here's some studies proving it. Also, my opinion on what the right diet is as well as the being hope that you can reverse the degeneration.

View: https://youtu.be/wGlSK39ZnCw?si=K3GsPsFpJCR3EvXW

I was suprised to see no one has brought this video up yet. I would have figured @wasted12years would have done it by now :feelskek:

The video explains it 100x better than I ever could, so just watch it on 2x speed for a 7mim explanation as to why you are incel.

If 7mins is still too much for you brain rot cels, I'll write a tl:dw

Feral cats were brought into a study. They were split into 3 groups with specific nutritional guidelines. Those fed Westernized cooked and processed diets degenerated completely by the 3rd generation. These cats are clearly incels, as they show the facial development differences in the video.

The cats fed raw meat, milk and natural food were healthy and active. The chads and Stacie's of the litter JFL

Here's a bit of optimism :

In the video, the sick degenerated cats were given the healthy diet and they actually recovered a bit, and their offspring was back to normal after 2 to 3 generations. So this degeneration can be reversed. It may not have just been your Genetics, but you were given the wrong food to grow your bones correctly, making you subhuman.

I can already tell what you're typing,

" Those are cats dumbfuck. We don't eat raw meat. We aren't cavemen, we cook! "

You probably have already heard this claim, that humans are basically carnivores. I agree.

Inb4 eye rolling and "liver king faggot" ....

I and @wasted12years (hope you don't mind me bringing you into this brocel JFL) both eat a raw primal style diet. It isn't all carnivore, but it's close. Aajonus vonderplanitz has done immense research and has an insane back catalog of lectures you can read here -

This link brings you to an AI search through all of his 35 years of research https://healthfully.ai/

This link is a beginners guide that answers a lot of questions

This site is similar to the above one. Just another resource

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vpi33xXUU_4

Here's a good starter video for his stuff. It's a three part lecture that explains basically everything you need to know about bacteria and whatnot.

View: https://youtu.be/_ti3xNltlsM?si=W3zP1T-qxCV8nsX4

Here's a video from Weston A Price. A dentist set out in 1910 to interview and study the last remaining tribesman on their diets. Here, he noticed stark physical development differences in modernized diet eaters and primitive diet eaters. Even some cases of brothers expressing different genetics by eating different foods. (One ate primitive diet, one ate the modern diet).

Westernized slop was introduced to these primitive people's and their health declined rapidly, just like the cats in Pottengers study.
Yes, they eat bread, and a little grain, but mostly animal based. Like I said, pottenger preached for atleast 70% raw food.

People all over eat raw meat dishes. Steak tartar in Germany for example is a very 'high class' meal. Again, we peasants get the grain, while the royalty get the meat and milk.

As for us incels, idk it's a lost cause already, there's no undoing what has been done to our bodies through food warfare. But, aajonus offers a beacon of hope to undo the damage with diligent adherence to his diet. You can atleast feel good in your body. I thought I would share this info to maybe help a few cels.


Here's some iridology. Call it woo woo or retarded, idrc. But, it is at least interesting that after a substantial time on this diet, eye color changes. Iridology proponents say the eyes show where toxins are in the body. So, going from brown to blue would mean toxic shit from vaccines and slop chemical foods etc etc have exited the body.

View attachment 1194128
Here's a guy with ALS. His eyes cleared up after ten years and his symptoms improved following aajonus's diet.

View attachment 1194129

This is aajonus's eyes after getting a few injections. Top was before, following the diet for 25+ years. Bottom is after the vaccines. Look at the brown spots as well as the greying of his iris. It's water to discuss vaccine and toxins in the food here so I'll spare you Goys

View attachment 1194138
Here is my eye after 3 years on the diet. I don't have any good before pictures, so you'll just have to take my word for it. My iris used to be SHIT BROWN. Now, the brown is changing to a greenish blue. The pic doesn't do it justice. In the sunlight it really looks blue on the outter corners.

What the fuck happened to the brown? What was that shit? If my eyes really were blue all along, and my body was just super toxic from my mom having me injected, is that why I'm incel? I'm 5'6 with shit frame. Recessed maxilla, crooked teeth, the whole nine yards. What if I was given the proper food? Avoided all the toxic shots?

For all it's worth, I feel great. Better than I did 3 years ago.

View attachment 1194137

Here's a blurry screenshot of one of his clients before and after just one year later

You do raise some important questions, and the skepticism of modern diet is on point.

Your academic research approach however is disastrously flawed, and the main conclusions you come to on this and the post where we first met are logically and factually unreliable and not supported enough to be trusted as true
You do raise some important questions, and the skepticism of modern diet is on point.

Your academic research approach however is disastrously flawed, and the main conclusions you come to on this and the post where we first met are logically and factually unreliable and not supported enough to be trusted as true
You live your life the way you see fit. I look at a majority of academics and see how sickly they are. 40+ years ago, Marlboro was being promoted by cardiovascular doctors. 20+ years ago, margarine and seed oils were all the rage. Lead paint used to be the norm. DDT was sprayed on kids in a commercial in the 60s to show it's safety.

Of you still have faith in academic research, then I am speechless. We can be our own scientists. We can do our own experiments. I'm working on my own hypothesis daily. I don't look to authority for my answers. These scientists aren't any different than you or me. All they did was read a book, that YOU can also read and come to your own conclusions.
You need to actually live out in the wild and not be stuck in a sedentary worker drone lifestyle to reap the full benefits of a change in diet imo
You live your life the way you see fit. I look at a majority of academics and see how sickly they are. 40+ years ago, Marlboro was being promoted by cardiovascular doctors. 20+ years ago, margarine and seed oils were all the rage. Lead paint used to be the norm. DDT was sprayed on kids in a commercial in the 60s to show it's safety.

Of you still have faith in academic research, then I am speechless. We can be our own scientists. We can do our own experiments. I'm working on my own hypothesis daily. I don't look to authority for my answers. These scientists aren't any different than you or me. All they did was read a book, that YOU can also read and come to your own conclusions.
Hence why i said you should check who is funding the research. Taking cigarettes as an example is a reach, since we are talking pre-ww2 era, which was a whole other dimension for science. You also point out your own fallacy in your words - "promoted by cardiovascular doctors". Yes, promoted, not researched and peer reviewed. If you are going to make a case study on why science should be distrusted based on historical misconduct, please do also take note that the research you bring up was financed by Marlboro themselves.

Margarine and seed oils being the rage, doesn't mean they were scientifically supported as healthy alternatives. A quick google scholar search will pop you this research https://doi.org/10.1164/ajrccm.163.1.2006004 pointing out margarine is not as healthy. and i didnt even bother looking for more. And yes, the research is from 2000.

You have to understand, we are not even debating the topic at this point. We are only trying to clear up why you have fundamental flaws in your information gathering and reasoning.

You keep mixing up marketing and science. The instances of marlboro and margarine were the results of marketing not science. Sure, the former did have a bit of corruption mixed in, but hence I said, look who funded the research lol.

And the bottom line of the whole discussion - scientific or not, you dont have any evidence what you speak is true. For all we know, the person in the comparison pictures could have done god knows what to make that difference. There was no one to control that he only stuck to the diet you preach.

Anyone believing what you say with these glass arguments- i feel sorry for them
I look at a majority of academics and see how sickly they are
Majority of academics dont study food, nutrition and fitness, so there's your answer.

But since you are also resorting to empirical evidence - have you been to a gym, or anywhere athletes work out to see how healthy everyone is? How is this not a viable evidence but your observation of mostly irrelevant sample is viable evidence?

I also see most of people experimenting with food (vegetarians, vegans, keto, etc. etc.) how quite sickly too. How come?
But since you are also resorting to empirical evidence - have you been to a gym, or anywhere athletes work out to see how healthy everyone is? How is this not a viable evidence but your observation of mostly irrelevant sample is viable evidence?
As far as the gym stuff goes, I have something to say about it. Idk if OP has been to the gym but I have and most people who go to the gym aren't exactly healthy. The big muscles men and women gain there are not natural, you need to go everyday and its also important to remember that such exercise lifts your hearth rate up which has already been proven to decrease your lifespan. Think with your own head, there is are reason the government is pushing the gym culture and plant based diets aswell. @wasted12years Im sure you can word this better. I would like to hear your thoughts
I also see most of people experimenting with food (vegetarians, vegans, keto, etc. etc.) how quite sickly too. How come?
That is because most of those made up diets aren't natural. Every animal only has one diet amd for humans that is animal foods and fruit combined with maybe some plants but much much less than the so called "nutritional experts" recommend nowadays
I suppose that this
faith in academic research
was referring to this
Your academic research approach however is disastrously flawed,
And you cant differentiate the two. While i do make mention of academic papers, i mostly focus on your flawed methodology.

When we talk about papers, we talk about hte resutls others have concluded following a set of methodology. When we talk about approach/methodology we talk about the steps one takes when conducting research to ensure reliable and relevant information.

As such, you need an objective (you have one, gj), then you do preliminary research - to check what is already known on the topic ( something you proved that you did not do, and your knowledge on the topic is founded on marketing endeavors, bad job), then you check the sources you have for quality and relevancy ( a dentist talking about teeth, is irrelevant to muscles; Feline's digestive system response to cooked food is utterly irrelevant since we are talking about homo sapiens; Selective empirical research is a major flaw. Horrible job overall).
And once you've gone over these steps, you can talk about your conclusions.

That is because most of those made up diets aren't natural. Every animal only has one diet amd for humans that is animal foods and fruit combined with maybe some plants but much much less than the so called "nutritional experts" recommend nowadays
I dont know what nutritional experts yall are reading but mine are saying the exact same.
Again, make sure you talk about academic research, not a paper paid for by a giga corp and then advertised in theguardian.com

Huuuuge difference
I suppose that this

was referring to this

And you cant differentiate the two. While i do make mention of academic papers, i mostly focus on your flawed methodology.

When we talk about papers, we talk about hte resutls others have concluded following a set of methodology. When we talk about approach/methodology we talk about the steps one takes when conducting research to ensure reliable and relevant information.

As such, you need an objective (you have one, gj), then you do preliminary research - to check what is already known on the topic ( something you proved that you did not do, and your knowledge on the topic is founded on marketing endeavors, bad job), then you check the sources you have for quality and relevancy ( a dentist talking about teeth, is irrelevant to muscles; Feline's digestive system response to cooked food is utterly irrelevant since we are talking about homo sapiens; Selective empirical research is a major flaw. Horrible job overall).
And once you've gone over these steps, you can talk about your conclusions.

We understand and we basically agree on everything. What annoys me about you though is that you are trying to act like a smartass. Don't get me wrong, Im not attacking you Im just saying what I think basically
As far as the gym stuff goes, I have something to say about it. Idk if OP has been to the gym but I have and most people who go to the gym aren't exactly healthy. The big muscles men and women gain there are not natural, you need to go everyday and its also important to remember that such exercise lifts your hearth rate up which has already been proven to decrease your lifespan. Think with your own head, there is are reason the government is pushing the gym culture and plant based diets aswell. @wasted12years Im sure you can word this better. I would like to hear your thoughts
Ooof. Think with my head? Alright bet, but you join me.

We are hunter gatherers correct? by nature, we are supposed to be able to run for 2-3 hours in order to hunt. That would squeeze the living sh#t out of your heart if gym is bad for your heart. How come then?

Most of the issues with gym are unnatural supplements, like steroids. But that is completely other category.

I also mentioned athletes in the exact same sentence you quoted, or does that not fit the point you are trying to make so you discard it? Find me an athete pre-2020 that has had heart issues. DO me a favor and look at soccer players especially, who run for 1 1/2 hours per match, and exercise liek what, 8 hours a day?
We understand and we basically agree on everything. What annoys me about you though is that you are trying to act like a smartass. Don't get me wrong, Im not attacking you Im just saying what I think basically
I am not trying to act anythinig. And if you and me agree, you can see that I was quoting @ONION BURPS in the sentence you quoted

But what is more dangerous, me acting as a smart ass for 2 hours, or someone biting @ONION BURPS 's nutritional rope and cause health issues to themselves while trying to ascend? Not much of a moral dillema, is it?

In addition, if he picks up on the flaws in his reasoning, he will be able to fix other areas in his life too.
In addition, if he picks up on the flaws in his reasoning, he will be able to fix other areas in his life too.
I agree but its not like you can even fix much if you are an incel. Yes you could get some surgeries and eat healthier but everyone has a genetic limit at the end of the day. When its over, its over
I agree but its not like you can even fix much if you are an incel. Yes you could get some surgeries and eat healthier but everyone has a genetic limit at the end of the day. When its over, its over
Agreed. But if you gonna rope, rope properly is what i would say

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