Ok, sure.
When I was 18, I met a 14 year old jb in an online game. I didn't pursue her and did not know she was a girl at first, we just swapped email addresses.
Sent her my pic and she sent me hers. She thought I was super hot for some reason. Saw her on cam (no pedo shit, lol), so she wasn't frauding.
She wanted to come to my country (she lived in the country next door) and have sex with me. I told her she was too young and she shouldn't be talking to older guys on the internet about sexual stuff, and that I only wanted to be her friend (fuck my life). It was summer vacation, so she could have easily made the trip and I wouldn't have been a virgin today, but I was too afraid to get raped in prison and I also had high morals.
Looked her up on Facebook a few years ago. She is now a fat feminist and looks like utter shit.