some odd game which was second installment in a series in which a (failed) concept of "virtual actress" was introduced (they came up with single blonde woman MC and wanted to use her in several unrelated videogames as if she was an actress that is starring in various productions, imagine the waifuism today if it would caught on) - it was very similar to the Thing in themes (action taking place in snowy middle of nowhere, people bursting and mutating into weird creatures etc.)
1. ^Whatever this game is, I can't even find it on google, I know that there was at least a single walkthrough on youtube.
Amorphous plus, one of the best flash minigames that I have played, pinball-tier godly timekiller.
Rules are simple - there are blobs coming from all directions and you have giant knife that you have to kill them with, 1 swing is enough to instakill most of them.
However, as round goes on weirder and harder to kill subtypes of these blobs appear - there are about 30 of them - some explode, some leave pool of acid or sticky goo, some devour everything around them, some are boss-like enemies etc.
Best thing is, they all interact with each other - some predatory blob accidentaly lunging onto acid one will cause him to pop and spill acid onto himself and other blobs (or you). There is also various gear that you can unlock for completing achievements, most of it can be as dangerous to you as it is to enemies if you aren't careful - you can blow yourself up with your own grenade for example.
Because of this, game is unpredictable and board often erupts into complete chaos.
Flash is unfortunately dead but you can still play it on flashpoint, give it a try:
A community effort to preserve games and animations from the web.
(^I just noticed, nigga in this video has end game secret sword that makes him instakill everything, normally it's 200% harder than this)
Also, I love soundtrack of this game