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Cope Poorcel trait: saying prostitution is cucked



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
I've noticed a lot of people hear saying "prostituion is cucked", this is stupid for many reasons. First of all, the literal definition of a cuck is someone who's wife or girlfriend is cheating on them. Second, the people who donate to twitch thots or camwhores are "simps" because they aren't getting anything in return. But escortcels ARE getting something in return.

"The basis of male-female relations has always been about the female trading access to her vagina (sex) for the labor and utility of the male (gifts or services). "
"The men who the manosphere refers to as simps. In the blue pill world these men are referred to as tools. These simps/tools are the equivalents of female sluts because they give away access to their resources, which is the equivalent of female’s access to sexual intercourse, for next to nothing. Even in the blue pill world they are being shamed for it."

Now, a common saying by anti-escortcels is that "I'm not gonna give my hard earned money to some whore, I work all week and to just blow it all for 30 minutes, no!". The flaw with this mindset is assuming all hookers are super expensive and/or that other people don't have disposable income to purchase hookers. Think about it this way, if you won the lottery, 10 million dollars, would you honestly not spend a cent on hookers? For most, they would be willing to pay hookers, because it wouldn't be a difficult investment. So by calling others "cucked", it's actually a cope that you're "better" than them, when in reality it's simply not easy for you to access these hookers, so you have to insult the ones who do.
I don't think it has anything to do with money. Some people just don't like prostitutes and I'm in that camp. I just wish this topic would go away to be honest.

There are escortcels here who mog or come close to some normies slaycounts and they're still posting here. Quite frankly how many guys that actively have a girlfriend right now are posting here? Really doubt it's many if anyone. Most guys that have had any sexual/romantic success don't feel the need to come here even if they're on a "drystreak."
Truecels can't be escortcels

Escortcels = fakecels
the people who donate to twitch thots or camwhores are "simps" because they aren't getting anything in return
Also if they weren't getting any benefit or anything in return they wouldn't blow their money on this shit. In your subjective opinion they're not getting anything in return, but that's not the case for them. Just like in my opinion escort sex is meaningless.

There are tons of these bluepilled incels paying for this combination of sexual services, a sense of female affection/validation, and to reprieve their loneliness. It even happens to guys in dead bedroom marriages.

If a guy pays a women to hug him is he now not a simp/cuck because there was a physical act that took place and it wasn't over webcam?
Also if they weren't getting any benefit or anything in return they wouldn't blow their money on this shit. In your subjective opinion they're not getting anything in return, but that's not the case for them. Just like in my opinion escort sex is meaningless.

There are tons of these bluepilled incels paying for this combination of sexual services, a sense of female affection/validation, and to reprieve their loneliness. It even happens to guys in dead bedroom marriages.

If a guy pays a women to hug him is he now not a simp/cuck because there was a physical act that took place and it wasn't over webcam?
"The basis of male-female relations has always been about the female trading access to her vagina (sex) for the labor and utility of the male (gifts or services). "
I mean I don't know how comfortable I'd be paying to have sex with a girl who's had sex with tons of other guys. And yes I know you can say the same for normal women.
You are getting a walking talking fleshlight to use for 1 hour at the cost of 100s of $$$. Is buying nudes not cucked too since you are getting something from it?
I still don't like it cuz escorts have roast beefs and are filled with STD
Not to mention the amount of cocks and cum they've had inside, ridiculous sum of money just to get one that could be used in something more useful aka surgery. And last but not least you are paying to foids for being whores.
I have never escortcelled
I think you may be leaving out the fact that you cannot reproduce with a hooker. The basis for male-female relations and the root of sex in general is reproduction. You're just paying for a pleasant sexual release truthfully just like the other sex services. You can hand wave about technical definitions over sex as it is technically "sex", but in truth is the men of the past traded resources for reproduction.

Regardless, clearly sex is not the only need men have from women or there would not be escortcels posting here. Indeed some people even pay for other services with escorts on top of the sex.
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I visit escorts because my IQ drops 50 points when I'm horny. And because I can afford visiting them without it impacting other aspects of my lifestyle.
"The basis of male-female relations has always been about the female trading access to her vagina (sex) for the labor and utility of the male (gifts or services). "
"The men who the manosphere refers to as simps. In the blue pill world these men are referred to as tools. These simps/tools are the equivalents of female sluts because they give away access to their resources, which is the equivalent of female’s access to sexual intercourse, for next to nothing. Even in the blue pill world they are being shamed for it."

If foids aren't trying to rape you, you're a cuck. It really is that simple.

Sub-8 Law, Sub-9 Law, etc.

These red-pilled faggots will always try to justify cuckoldry. No, here's the brutal reality: ONLY GigaChad isn't a cuck.
You are getting a walking talking fleshlight to use for 1 hour at the cost of 100s of $$$. Is buying nudes not cucked too since you are getting something from it?
you can always get nudes for free on the internet, no need to pay like you do for sex

I visit escorts because my IQ drops 50 points when I'm horny. And because I can afford visiting them without it impacting other aspects of my lifestyle.
yup, most people aren't like that
I don't care about being deprived of sex, I care about being deprived of love
I think brocels should masturbate before evaluating if getting an escort is worth their hard earned wageslave cash.
I also think Brocels need to remember that they are directly financially supporting people who do not want them to live, who would not give them a cent if they saw you rotting on the street. Take that as you may, but if escortcelling is the only thing keeping you going, I wont judge.
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prostition still isnt ascension lol
I don't even think money is a big deal in regards to escorts, sound like you are trying to justify it with "lol U por". It is more like a moral standpoint. Putting your pee pee in a hole where many men have is cucked. You would not share a used flesh light no and pay money for it no? Same thing just flesh and blood. You have to be really think of yourself low to even think about touching bodies with a prostitute.
Low IQ, this is the same type of logic applefags use to consoom apple products. You are a just another consoomer coomer fakecel faggot

Truecels can't be escortcels

Escortcels = fakecels
Im never being with one
Low IQ, this is the same type of logic applefags use to consoom apple products. You are a just another consoomer coomer fakecel faggot
You ever tried getting an escort?
Ur paying for something that other guys get for free
Women should pay higher taxes and those taxes would go to incels having sex with whores
Ur paying for something that other guys get for free
Massive Cope

Broke chads who want to settle down get rejected by older stacies who want a family.

No male can fully escape betabuxxing unless it's a 10/10 gigachad or a chad settling on a 3/10 landwhale who makes 6 figures.
whores in the US are fucking expensive though,when I was there I saw prostitutes offering sex for $300 a night,like what the fuck you must be a fucking 10/10 then,no way I'm paying fucking $300 for that shit I would rather blow that money on games and anime shit.
whores in the US are fucking expensive though,when I was there I saw prostitutes offering sex for $300 a night,like what the fuck you must be a fucking 10/10 then,no way I'm paying fucking $300 for that shit I would rather blow that money on games and anime shit.
I am in the US myself, I flew to mexico
I am in the US myself, I flew to mexico

My country,but that's another thing...here you can pay $20 to some whore for decent sex (I've heard,never escortcelled myself,don't want to)

But amerimutts paying more than $200 for sex is fucking retarded.
Look, giving money to somebody who gives it away for free to others (read: chad) is absolutely cucked. That is an absolute and undeniable fact.

Chad is literally cucking you (by existing) by fucking the same girl - that you pay to fuck - for free. In fact in some cases she pays for him to be there (pays for his Uber, buys the food and alcohol, and even pays for the hotel room, all of it with the money you just gave her. KEK).

Having said this, this act of paying to voluntarily participate in your own cuckoldry, is understandable (excusable). Sex is arguably a stronger drive than survival. You could easily argue that the drive to survive simply means to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes. So the need and desire for sex is not something you can simply compartmentalize away and continue on.

Sex is like a very fucking loud and annoying alarm clock. It's demanding your attention, and it refuses to be ignored.

Escortcels (JFL @ this term, but whatever), you're all cucks. But it's cool, we get it. It's a necessary evil, since the only alternative option is to betabuxx some post-prime land whale roastie. Given those two options, you'd have to be blue pilled to pick the betabuxx option.

Your options are to be a blue pilled cuck or be a black pilled cuck. At the end of the day, you're still a cuck.
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Look, giving money to somebody who gives it away for free to others (read: chad) is absolutely cucked. That is an absolute and undeniable fact.

Chad is literally cucking you (by existing) by fucking the same girl - that you pay to fuck - for free. In fact in some cases she pays for him to be there (pays for his Uber, buys the food and alcohol, and even pays for the hotel room).

Having said this, this act of paying to voluntarily participate in your own cuckoldry, is understandable (excusable). Sex is arguably a stronger drive than survival. You could easily argue that the drive to survive simply means to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes. So the need and desire for sex is not something you can simply compartmentalize away and continue on.

Sex is like a very fucking loud and annoying alarm clock. It's demanding your attention, and it refuses to be ignored.

Escortcels (JFL @ this term, but whatever), you're all cucks. But it's cool, we get it. It's a necessary evil, since the only alternative option is to betabuxx some post prime land whale roastie. Given those two options, you'd have to be blue pilled to pick the betabuxx option.

Your options are to be a blue pilled cuck or be a black pilled cuck. At the end of the day, you're still a cuck.
I'd rather be a "black pilled cuck" than a permavirgin.
Look, giving money to somebody who gives it away for free to others (read: chad) is absolutely cucked. That is an absolute and undeniable fact.

Chad is literally cucking you (by existing) by fucking the same girl - that you pay to fuck - for free. In fact in some cases she pays for him to be there (pays for his Uber, buys the food and alcohol, and even pays for the hotel room).

Having said this, this act of paying to voluntarily participate in your own cuckoldry, is understandable (excusable). Sex is arguably a stronger drive than survival. You could easily argue that the drive to survive simply means to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes. So the need and desire for sex is not something you can simply compartmentalize away and continue on.

Sex is like a very fucking loud and annoying alarm clock. It's demanding your attention, and it refuses to be ignored.

Escortcels (JFL @ this term, but whatever), you're all cucks. But it's cool, we get it. It's a necessary evil, since the only alternative option is to betabuxx some post prime land whale roastie. Given those two options, you'd have to be blue pilled to pick the betabuxx option.

Your options are to be a blue pilled cuck or be a black pilled cuck. At the end of the day, you're still a cuck.

By the same logic, anyone who's watched porn is also a cuck since he's indirecty supporting an industry that pays foids for having sex.

Btw, free sex is reserved only for chad. And that's also not free. Chad pays with his genetics and time. Chad has sex with a foid whereas he could be having sex with countless other foids. His opportunity cost cannot be ignored.
By the same logic, anyone who's watched porn is also a cuck since he's indirecty supporting an industry that pays foids for having sex.

Btw, free sex is reserved only for chad. And that's also not free. Chad pays with his genetics and time. Chad has sex with a foid whereas he could be having sex with countless other foids. His opportunity cost cannot be ignored.

Yes, I've argued in the past that watching porn is also cucked. I watch it too on occasion. Not proud of it in the least. I feel like far less of a man than I am.

The opportunity cost argument isn't as strong here, since you could use that argument with the foid losing out on the lost opportunity cost of seeking a bigger, badder chad.
By the same logic, anyone who's watched porn is also a cuck since he's indirecty supporting an industry that pays foids for having sex.

Btw, free sex is reserved only for chad. And that's also not free. Chad pays with his genetics and time. Chad has sex with a foid whereas he could be having sex with countless other foids. His opportunity cost cannot be ignored.
Not only that, but in some cases (not all), Chad had to put in a tad of work to become Chad. A jacked Chad might only be a Chadlite without muscles, or he might be an athlete who had to work hard to be on the college football team, or he might have to work hard on taking care of his skin, hair, etc.

Granted these are small prices to pay compared to most men, but they shouldn't be ignored completely.
Look, giving money to somebody who gives it away for free to others (read: chad) is absolutely cucked. That is an absolute and undeniable fact.

Chad is literally cucking you (by existing) by fucking the same girl - that you pay to fuck - for free. In fact in some cases she pays for him to be there (pays for his Uber, buys the food and alcohol, and even pays for the hotel room, all of it with the money you just gave her. KEK).

Having said this, this act of paying to voluntarily participate in your own cuckoldry, is understandable (excusable). Sex is arguably a stronger drive than survival. You could easily argue that the drive to survive simply means to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes. So the need and desire for sex is not something you can simply compartmentalize away and continue on.

Sex is like a very fucking loud and annoying alarm clock. It's demanding your attention, and it refuses to be ignored.

Escortcels (JFL @ this term, but whatever), you're all cucks. But it's cool, we get it. It's a necessary evil, since the only alternative option is to betabuxx some post-prime land whale roastie. Given those two options, you'd have to be blue pilled to pick the betabuxx option.

Your options are to be a blue pilled cuck or be a black pilled cuck. At the end of the day, you're still a cuck.

Add in that these girls, only when "off-duty"- also bareback, creampie, kiss, show affection and allow bareback anal sex with their boyfriends (something they wouldn't do for a million pounds with their faceless subhuman clients). They also pay for their boyfriend's lunch, give loans and even pay their rent. One girl, stripper sex worker, told me in college she "loaned" £1000 (of cucked loser's cash) to a chadlite from her escorting, stripping job. He didn't pay her back and she was fine with this, cause he wasn't incel.

Want to see and hear what escorts really think of their subhuman clients?

Watch the first 35 minutes to have two foids confess they are using their money purely to attract Chads and they refer to escorting john's as faceless bookings they forget about the second they leave the room.
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Yes, I've argued in the past that watching porn is also cucked. I watch it too on occasion. Not proud of it in the least. I feel like far less of a man than I am.

The opportunity cost argument isn't as strong here, since you could use that argument with the foid losing out on the lost opportunity cost of seeking a bigger, badder chad.

Foids always look for better chads, thats the hypergamy argument. Both foids and chads have opportunity costs to deal with since they have plenty of options. Obviously, given heavy parental investment from the foid's side, foids tend to be picky while chads not so much.
Prostitution is the root of all evil.
Nothing more cucked and self degrading than paying an escort for sex. I cringe just thinking about it, I understand no one respects us, but you have to respect yourself.

(Tempus-Edax-Rerum is now a confirmed poorcel)
Not only that, but in some cases (not all), Chad had to put in a tad of work to become Chad. A jacked Chad might only be a Chadlite without muscles, or he might be an athlete who had to work hard to be on the college football team, or he might have to work hard on taking care of his skin, hair, etc.

Granted these are small prices to pay compared to most men, but they shouldn't be ignored completely.

According to most here chad is a god who comes out of the womb and starts fkin foids left, right and center.
According to most here chad is a god who comes out of the womb and starts fkin foids left, right and center.
People underestimate environmental upbringing IMMENSELY on this forum
Foids always look for better chads, thats the hypergamy argument. Both foids and chads have opportunity costs to deal with since they have plenty of options. Obviously, given heavy parental investment from the foid's side, foids tend to be picky while chads not so much.

OK, I'm confused as what exactly you're trying to argue for/against using the opportunity cost argument.

Granted, that argument in of itself is a slippery slope, since that would mean anything anybody does for any reason is lost opportunity somewhere else. I could be learning a new programming language or a new branch of math, but here I am, one 'cel to another 'cel, arguing over whether or not paying a prostitute is voluntary cuckoldry.

A big part of the reason why this is generally a weak argument is something you already highlighted by pointing out that sex for women is more costly from an evolutionary perspective. That is, different people have different opportunity costs for the same activity.
OK, I'm confused as what exactly you're trying to argue for/against using the opportunity cost argument.

Granted, that argument in of itself is a slippery slope, since that would mean anything anybody does for any reason is lost opportunity somewhere else. I could be learning a new programming language or a new branch of math, but here I am, one 'cel to another 'cel, arguing over whether or not paying a prostitute is voluntary cuckoldry.

A big part of the reason why this is generally a weak argument is something you already highlighted by pointing out that sex for women is more costly from an evolutionary perspective. That is, different people have different opportunity costs for the same activity.

For chads with limitless options, why fuck this girl as opposed to many others? Even chad has to reject foids from time to time. So the time chad spends on a foid is his cost.

Same argument can be used for a foid. Incels have zero options and hence zero opportunity cost.
For chads with limitless options, why fuck this girl as opposed to many others? Even chad has to reject foids from time to time. So the time chad spends on a foid is his cost.

Same argument can be used for a foid. Incels have zero options and hence zero opportunity cost.

You're not making sense, brocel. Everything has an opportunity cost, and incels do have options: spend your hard-earned money on the prostitute now and have less to spend on groceries or cheaper copes etc., or spend it on some other thing and have to work more to save money if you want to go the prostitute later. It's just a trade-off.

It's still not clear what point you're making.

Are you saying that it's not cucked by virtue of the fact that everybody - including the foid - pays something? Said differently, if everything has a cost, then everybody is paying something, and the way in which you incur that cost upon yourself doesn't matter. Did I characterIze your point correctly?

If that is what you're arguing, then we have to look at what makes the act of paying with cash cucked and the act of not paying with cash not cucked. That's the root of it.

Sex is generally (supposed to be) something personal and intimate, as are other types of relationships (term used in the general sense, not strictly the romantic sense), like friendships. Money generally depersonalizes interactions and relationships and turns them into financial transactions. Social and romantic relationships become business relationships.

Why does this matter? Because, hierarchically, most value systems place social relationships (family, friends, significant others) above business relationships. To use an onion metaphor, business relationships are on the outer layers, while social relationships are the much deeper inner layers, each replete with their own sub stratification.

Why is this the case? Because social relationships are much more difficult to build and maintain than business relationships. (As an aside, this difficulty is particular to atomistic and very small relationships, and the comparison (social vs business) doesn't scale with the size of the group. Multinational corporations building and maintaining their business relationships, for example, are much tougher than you trying to build your social relationships by making a new friend in the world.)

And so, when we introduce the monetary variable to a social type of relationship, it's inherently devalued (ironically) and lowered one or more rungs on the value hierarchy. In simple terms, paying a woman to fuck her means that you're capping your interaction and relationship with that woman at the business level and can never reach the social (where chad resides). From a principle perspective, you're generalizing the notion of limiting your relationship ceiling from one woman to all women in general.

In simpler terms paying to fuck a woman means you exclude yourself from "ascending" in the traditional, ideal sense. You are, therefore, cucking yourself willingly by paying to fuck a woman.
You're not making sense, brocel. Everything has an opportunity cost, and incels do have options: spend your hard-earned money on the prostitute now and have less to spend on groceries or cheaper copes etc., or spend it on some other thing and have to work more to save money if you want to go the prostitute later. It's just a trade-off.

It's still not clear what point you're making.

Are you saying that it's not cucked by virtue of the fact that everybody - including the foid - pays something? Said differently, if everything has a cost, then everybody is paying something, and the way in which you incur that cost upon yourself doesn't matter. Did I characterIze your point correctly?

If that is what you're arguing, then we have to look at what makes the act of paying with cash cucked and the act of not paying with cash not cucked. That's the root of it.

Sex is generally (supposed to be) something personal and intimate, as are other types of relationships (term used in the general sense, not strictly the romantic sense), like friendships. Money generally depersonalizes interactions and relationships and turns them into financial transactions. Social and romantic relationships become business relationships.

Why does this matter? Because, hierarchically, most value systems place social relationships (family, friends, significant others) above business relationships. To use an onion metaphor, business relationships are on the outer layers, while social relationships are the much deeper inner layers, each replete with their own sub stratification.

Why is this the case? Because social relationships are much more difficult to build and maintain than business relationships. (As an aside, this difficulty is particular to atomistic and very small relationships, and the comparison (social vs business) doesn't scale with the size of the group. Multinational corporations building and maintaining their business relationships, for example, are much tougher than you trying to build your social relationships by making a new friend in the world.)

And so, when we introduce the monetary variable to a social type of relationship, it's inherently devalued (ironically) and lowered one or more rungs on the value hierarchy. In simple terms, paying a woman to fuck her means that you're capping your interaction and relationship with that woman at the business level and can never reach the social (where chad resides). From a principle perspective, you're generalizing the notion of limiting your relationship ceiling from one woman to all women in general.

In simpler terms paying to fuck a woman means you exclude yourself from "ascending" in the traditional, ideal sense. You are, therefore, cucking yourself willingly by paying to fuck a woman.

I agree paying to fuck a woman who has zero sexual interest in you is less than ideal. However, ive had some great experiences with escort foids so far, to the extent that its not obvious to me if they were "acting" for money or genuinely interested.

Secondly, what chad has cannot be used as a general benchmark since we know women pick from the very top, leaving others to cope in different ways. How can true " love and affection" that chads receive from foids be the standard when foids find around 90% of men unattractive? Its like looking at the american economy and wondering why most guys arent as rich as warren buffet or bill gates. In reality, most guys would be happy to live a decent life with all the basic needs + little extra.

Thirdly, the cost of fkin a hooker is not the same and depends largely on your income. If youre a richcel, you could have the finest escort at a negligible cost to your lifestyle. On the other hand, a poorcel saving for months together to fuck an escort is pretty cucked, as hes placing the escort on a pedestal by sacrificing his lifestyle to pay for her services. The latter is, arguable more cucked, than the former.
According to most here chad is a god who comes out of the womb and starts fkin foids left, right and center.

:feelshaha: ... with giga IQ right from the womb too, which only exponentially grows in time as "he just exists"(probably being on another side of the spectrum spending most of his free time fkking/hunting tinder sluts is the main reason for this). Too bad I never saw a really smart chad in RL, haha.
I've noticed a lot of people hear saying "prostituion is cucked", this is stupid for many reasons. First of all, the literal definition of a cuck is someone who's wife or girlfriend is cheating on them. Second, the people who donate to twitch thots or camwhores are "simps" because they aren't getting anything in return. But escortcels ARE getting something in return.

"The basis of male-female relations has always been about the female trading access to her vagina (sex) for the labor and utility of the male (gifts or services). "
"The men who the manosphere refers to as simps. In the blue pill world these men are referred to as tools. These simps/tools are the equivalents of female sluts because they give away access to their resources, which is the equivalent of female’s access to sexual intercourse, for next to nothing. Even in the blue pill world they are being shamed for it."

Now, a common saying by anti-escortcels is that "I'm not gonna give my hard earned money to some whore, I work all week and to just blow it all for 30 minutes, no!". The flaw with this mindset is assuming all hookers are super expensive and/or that other people don't have disposable income to purchase hookers. Think about it this way, if you won the lottery, 10 million dollars, would you honestly not spend a cent on hookers? For most, they would be willing to pay hookers, because it wouldn't be a difficult investment. So by calling others "cucked", it's actually a cope that you're "better" than them, when in reality it's simply not easy for you to access these hookers, so you have to insult the ones who do.
Accurate post.

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