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Blackpill (Poll) What was the last straw that convinced you of the blackpill


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Apr 30, 2021
For me it’s chadfishing. It literally made me feel severely depressed for a week. I had already read some blackpill articles and memes and watched faceandlms before, but to see with my own eyes how foids talked to my chadfish was devastating.

As for irl experience, I can’t remember having legit chad classmates back in school so I always thought it was my personality that held me back in dating. I was also suffering from social anxiety so much that I coped with solitary hobbies for many years without every thinking about the root cause of my solitude.
Being bullied by foids, NPCS, and chads.
As well as having a Chad brother.

It's okay brocel, I've been there.
Seeing how foids treat good looking bullies.
Looking at the mirror and remembering that no girl ever showed interest for me
The threads and statistics on this forum.

After reading a lot on here, all of my life experiences made complete sense.
The thing that finay broke me is how I tried to fuck a foid for 3 years and pulled all the ropes, hanging out alone at her house, befriending her brother and getting his help, birthday parties, becoming confidants, getting her drunk and all that got me was barely a kiss one time we both were wasted and a rejection over further advances, however my Chadlite (((friend))) managed to fuck her the same fucking day he met her when we all hanged out.

That was the shit that pushed me over the edge and made me realize lookism is fucking real and women are fucking whores
For me it’s chadfishing.
Same. At first I thought every man had the same online dating experience of bots, flakes, and fatties. Seeing hundreds of women match and throw their phone numbers at a single Chadfish really opened my eyes. A Chad achieves more in a single day on Tinder than I will in a lifetime.
back in school so I always thought it was my personality that held me back in dating.
Same. It's criminal how normies spread the bluepill to keep undesirable males in the dark. It's is incredibly damaging to boys. An entire generation of childhoods wasted worrying about personality instead of accepting that looks matter.
The thing that finay broke me is how I tried to fuck a foid for 3 years and pulled all the ropes, hanging out alone at her house, befriending her brother and getting his help, birthday parties, becoming confidants, getting her drunk and all that got me was barely a kiss one time we both were wasted and a rejection over further advances, however my Chadlite (((friend))) managed to fuck her the same fucking day he met her when we all hanged out.

That was the shit that pushed me over the edge and made me realize lookism is fucking real and women are fucking whores
Brutal blackpill
When I joined blackpill forums in 2019/2020 it just made sense to me, and it made me notice more and more how good tallfags or Chads get treated irl, that shit blackpills you. Chadfishing is just acceptance of the blackpill and suifuel af
Chad sucess with women even when he was not trying to attract attention at all. I could justify women bullying me by thinking "it's just this school and this workplace" . But chad, he attracts women everywhere,
It was gradual. I mean maybe the chadfish experiments are ultimate proof of blackpill. Cant refute that
FacandLMS was my first introduction to the blackpill content, it revealed what was the reality.
I Just spiraled From mgtow to Here , realising its Just your Looks and brutal female hypergamy
Shouldve been multiple choice. Ive seen chads and tyrones operate in person. I also seen my brother slay with ease.
Most black pills can be proven beyond doubt with a good catfish. I'm surprised it didn't get more votes.
I saw in person how I- ugly truecel threated by foids and how it's for good looking men, it's day and night difference
it was when I spent an embarassing amount of money to get clothes and "professional" dating profile pictures and got 0 matches after 3 weeks. Then I chadfished, not even using a Chad, but an average redhaired white guy with bad pics and got about a dozen matches in 3 days with a similar profile.
1. Multiple rejections at university (was really "outgoing" and trying a lot, didn't make a difference, rejected like 15+ times)

2. Elliot Rodger's shooting and the release of his manifesto (when that whole thing blew up I started seeing talk about "the black pill" online, I looked into it and much later I found this forum)

3. The death of a friend that was very much related to his relationship with his current GF

Number 1 was the most impactful though, imagine trying to "date down" and still being rejected by the girl you targeted, I was fucking bewildered, I was in a daze for a few seconds after it happened, confused, it was only when I found the black pill that I was able to come to terms with it and understand what happened

Female SMV is always above male SMV, even if a woman is objectively below your looks tier that doesn't matter because the male libido is high and she has wet warm holes, your SMV doesn't matter she will always have way more options and of a higher tier too
Getting bullied ruined me
Being rejected by Foids irl, faceandlms and chadfishing
For me it was definitely never getting matches or replies on online dating apps. Just to go back I started "online dating" when I was around 19. I never had success with females and a lot of family members (and female classmates/coworkers) kept telling me that I just needed to look harder and the usual
"There is someone for everyone"
"You just haven't found 'the one' yet but keep searching!"

Little did I know this was all a ruse. They never wanted to tell me the truth that I was actually ugly and instead kept giving me false hope which led me down a miserable path of 10 years of online dating with no fucking replies. I kept thinking there was something wrong with me (there was. it was my looks but that's not what I mean) or something that I wasn't doing. I was exercising. I was reading for knowledge. I was talking to girls. What was I missing or not doing? THINK PUMKIN THINK! Then around the same time a Chad cousin of mine hit a snag in his life. Alcoholic. "Depressed". Homeless (was living with family so wasnt homeless as in on the streets. He just didnt have a residence). No job. All of this points to he would NEVER get a woman in his life because women want guys with a job. Women want guys that aren't depressed because apparently they can smell depression and it makes their pussy dry. They also don't want alcoholic boyfriends and definitely don't want homeless boyfriends. BUT WHAT DO YA KNOW HE GOT A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!! ON TOP OF THAT SHE PAYS FOR EVERYTHING!!!

It just blew my fucking mind. I blew my fucking lid. How the FUCK did he get a girlfriend through all that? Oh yea he's Chad. She felt sorry for him and actually asked him to stay in her house so she could help him. Literally paid for all his shit and introduced him to her friends and now he has a good job and everything is going great between them. It's not because he is a great catch it's because her pussy gets wet when she looks at him. If he looked like me then he would have died a homeless wreck. I've known literal rapist and child molesters in my family that got girlfriends and literally married wives. Abusers that beat their women yet the women still run back to them. I've known guys that keep cheating or keep fucking gambling all the family money and bitches still will never leave them. WHY? WHY??? WHY THE FUCK DID I LIVE ALL MY LIFE BEING A GOOD PERSON IF I NEVER GOT ANY REWARD FOR DOING SO GOD DAMMIT!!

Women are pathetic pieces of shit and it fills me with glee whenever a woman is having a bad day. Fuck them.
(edit: oh yea so a few months before my 30th birthday i just gave up. actively tried dating 19-29 and never went on a single date. tried IRL asking and online dating messaging hundreds of women. it all came down to genetics. i just don't have the looks. was born to fail. on my 30th was the last time i gave a shit about hygiene and my weight which is why i'm now a morbidly obese fucking loser that spends all his day at home doing nothing. plus around that time i was going bald anyway and was having lots of health issues that sprung up suddenly. just seemed to be the right time to stop trying. literally gave up on life the day i hit 30. what am i going to do? keep trying and hopefully find a 35yo single mom? fuck that. a man has never lived a day in his life if he never partook in prime teenage pussy)
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I was born Blackpilled
Getting bullied ruined me
I think I was pretty lucky to never have been through that shit, I would like to say that I never would have allowed something like that to happen to me, but I was really kind in my younger years, I didn't have the same mindset I have now

It always frustrates me that parents raise their boys to be so weak knowing full well what they might possibly face in life

The average parent is objectively worthless, they aren't honest with their children about how real life works and what you need to prepare for, they all have this lazy "he'll figure it out" mindset

A lot of people need to realize that your parents don't really "love" YOU, they "love" the IDEA OF YOU

The ideal that you represent, you are their legacy, they can live vicariously through you and see you reach heights of success they couldn't, and in some way that makes them successful

That's the mindset of the average parent, you see them protecting, caring, feeding you as something selfless, when really and truly you just don't understand that they are doing it for themselves, you are an investment and you are a symbol for THEIR WORTH IN LIFE

Your parents don't really care if you are happy so long as you "do better than they did" so to all the incels still attached to their parents, grow up, you have to start looking out for yourself and your own dreams and desires, because your parents don't really care if you achieve them
I think I was pretty lucky to never have been through that shit, I would like to say that I never would have allowed something like that to happen to me, but I was really kind in my younger years, I didn't have the same mindset I have now

It always frustrates me that parents raise their boys to be so weak knowing full well what they might possibly face in life

The average parent is objectively worthless, they aren't honest with their children about how real life works and what you need to prepare for, they all have this lazy "he'll figure it out" mindset

A lot of people need to realize that your parents don't really "love" YOU, they "love" the IDEA OF YOU

The ideal that you represent, you are their legacy, they can live vicariously through you and see you reach heights of success they couldn't, and in some way that makes them successful

That's the mindset of the average parent, you see them protecting, caring, feeding you as something selfless, when really and truly you just don't understand that they are doing it for themselves, you are an investment and you are a symbol for THEIR WORTH IN LIFE

Your parents don't really care if you are happy so long as you "do better than they did" so to all the incels still attached to their parents, grow up, you have to start looking out for yourself and your own dreams and desires, because your parents don't really care if you achieve them
Bullying taught me 2 things
1. The morals spouted by adults are fucking bullshit. They themselves can't follow those standards let alone enforce them onto others. They teach you all this shit but irl they don't give a fuck about you. What's traumatizing to kids is childish playing to them. On top of that they have no empathy, you really can't discuss shit with them and expect to be taken seriously. Your problems mean nothing to anyone. All those lessons are just empty words make us behave in this dog eat dog world.

2. There is no justice. That's pretty self explanatory.

My life experiences turned me into a cynical fuck. You ever watched Game of Thrones? My favorite character was Tywin Lannister. I would get weird looks from others when they found out my favorite character is that old fag villian. But I was enamored by the aura of power, respect and FEAR he carried. When he killed the MCs it was not sad to me, it was exciting.
Didn't need to be convinced. I felt it was mostly self-evident. I was blue pilled about the moral integrity of foids (they have none), but the lopsidedness of standards was readily apparent and it was obvious I didn't fit the mold.

I think I was pretty lucky to never have been through that shit, I would like to say that I never would have allowed something like that to happen to me, but I was really kind in my younger years, I didn't have the same mindset I have now
Bullying likely plays a big part in the formation of the hopeless romantic cels you've criticized. They have their sense of value obliterated and long for a gentle foid to repair it. Some of these guys are at the stage where they don't think they have any right to summon a prostitute for relief, they need pre-emptive validation to think they deserve sex at all. The notion understandably comes off odd to non-bullied cels.
Bullying taught me 2 things
1. The morals spouted by adults are fucking bullshit. They themselves can't follow those standards let alone enforce them onto others. They teach you all this shit but irl they don't give a fuck about you. What's traumatizing to kids is childish playing to them. On top of that they have no empathy, you really can't discuss shit with them and expect to be taken seriously. Your problems mean nothing to anyone. All those lessons are just empty words make us behave in this dog eat dog world.

2. There is no justice. That's pretty self explanatory.

My life experiences turned me into a cynical fuck. You ever watched Game of Thrones? My favorite character was Tywin Lannister. I would get weird looks from others when they found out my favorite character is that old fag villian. But I was enamored by the aura of power, respect and FEAR he carried. When he killed the MCs it was not sad to me, it was exciting.
Favorite character is definitely Petyr Baelish (Little Finger)

He is literally an incel

He was called little finger because of how small he was as a child

He got rejected by Stacey who chose Chad over him despite how much he loved her and how far he was willing to go for her

Wealthmaxxed himself into being the owner of brothels, a spy network, etc, even became a lord

He's the perfect wealthmaxxed incel story

The notion understandably comes off odd to non-bullied cels.
It would come off odd to me even if I was bullied, it really doesn't make sense, its not like I never got taken advantage of or teased, when I say I wasn't bullied, I'm thinking about the stereotypical shit like having your lunch money taken away as a norm or being stuffed in a locker, the lower tier shit did happen to me though and no it still won't make sense

Probably because of my personality type, I'm what I would call a "yearner". When I want for something I want for it more strongly than most other people, I realized that after years of observing others and comparing their actions to myself

When I eat people always have to tell me to slow down even, I enjoy food a lot, you could even say too much, I'm a glutton, and when it comes to sex I'm lecherous, I just want to strongly to ever have the mindset to deny myself anything, to me it just doesn't make sense

The problem is that these guys don't have any desire, if their desire was strong enough all the excuses they are making wouldn't make a difference to them

The downside is someone like me will have to be very conscious of his decisions all the time and limit himself, because its very easy to go overboard and fall into temptation

I got fat real quick when I started working at a place with various food outlets, and right now with this whole COVID thing I can't really eat much of anything so it is torture lol

The reason why I even went to a prostitute the first time is because the yearning got so strong I thought about killing myself, I'd be up all night trying to fall asleep but just thinking about sex and unable to fall asleep, it started to affect my work, etc, so to me it was like I had no choice but to do it

I'm a walking pit of desire, I'm not trying to get rich because I "just want to get rich", I'm trying to get rich because I know I could not stand living if I was poor, there's just so much I want to do and I know I'd just want to die if I couldn't do it, I couldn't live without it, I definitely can't live without sex
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Number 1 was the most impactful though, imagine trying to "date down" and still being rejected by the girl you targeted, I was fucking bewildered, I was in a daze for a few seconds after it happened, confused, it was only when I found the black pill that I was able to come to terms with it and understand what happened

Female SMV is always above male SMV, even if a woman is objectively below your looks tier that doesn't matter because the male libido is high and she has wet warm holes, your SMV doesn't matter she will always have way more options and of a higher tier too
Yeah that’s just brutal. A lot of incels, especially incels in denial, still think that their lack of success with women is just related to their reluctance to find an ugly woman, which they consider a last resort. Fact is even women as ugly as or uglier than an unattractive man want nothing to do with him. Faceandlms nailed it here:

View: https://youtu.be/bprpXiT11kU


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