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Discussion [Poll] Are Eurocels fakecels?


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Ruined Person. People on here say I have a nice VO
May 24, 2024
I mean, compared to the US:

-less poisoned food
-generally better air quality
-better, easier public education (Finland even outlawed homework)
-most popular sport is fun, easy to understand, and approachable (as compared to American Football)
-no school sports, school doesn't start early in the day
-legalized prostitution in several countries
-free healthcare
-better healthcare
-less government corruption
-actually having a national identity and a sense of community
-lack of shitty environments (none of Europe is desert or filled with incredibly lethal animals)
-at sea level elevation so more oxygen = growing larger
-low UV index so better skin
-less picky standards for foids (180cm vs 6ft)

(I'm obviously talking about Western Europe here, anything east of Poland is probably a different story)
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anyone from any race can be an incel if they are deformed enough
huh? how do any these things that you mentioned prevent inceldom other than better food quality? Everything you mentioned is just a higher standard of living.
how does any of that make anyone a fakecel
they lifemogg the rest of us
What about EEcels?
If america didn’t pay for their defence, they wouldn’t have any of that.
I mean, compared to the US:

-less poisoned food
-generally better air quality
-better, easier public education (Finland even outlawed homework)
-no glorification of violent sports
-no school sports
-legalized prostitution in several countries
-free healthcare
-better healthcare
-less government corruption
-actually having a national identity and a sense of community
-lack of shitty environments (none of Europe is desert or filled with incredibly lethal animals)
-at sea level elevation so more oxygen = growing larger
-low UV index so better skin
-lack of minorities, generally a respectable white culture

(I'm obviously talking about Western Europe here, anything east of Poland is probably a different story)

West europe

Lack of minority

Nicolas Cage Laughing GIF
Which prevents inceldom.
how does me having free health care prevent inceldom :feelsseriously:

and you don't seem to understand that beauty is relative. If 80% of the population looks like this guy:
Images 2

then this guy would be considered chad:
Images 3

Which means that if most people in America ear shit food which makes them more fat and uglier, that also means that woman will have lower standards for what's considered attractive.
I mean, compared to the US:

-less poisoned food
-generally better air quality
-better, easier public education (Finland even outlawed homework)
-no glorification of violent sports
-no school sports
-legalized prostitution in several countries
-free healthcare
-better healthcare
-less government corruption
-actually having a national identity and a sense of community
-lack of shitty environments (none of Europe is desert or filled with incredibly lethal animals)
-at sea level elevation so more oxygen = growing larger
-low UV index so better skin
-lack of minorities, generally a respectable white culture

(I'm obviously talking about Western Europe here, anything east of Poland is probably a different story)
What do you mean by violent sports? You mean phisically demanding/aggressive sports like rugby?
You mean phisically demanding/aggressive sports like rugby?
Isn't that Australian only? I guess what I mean is that the most popular sport in Europe is soccer, which is easy to play, safe, and very approachable. Where as the most popular sport in America is football, which is confusing as shit (seriously, look up the rules if you don't believe me), overly violent, and definitely not approachable. I feel like that's a boon for Eurocels because you would socialize better given the fun sport versus the bad sport.
hen this guy would be considered chad
That's a CHAD? That's guys like a six here. And also, less picky euro foids. 180cm versus 6ft.
Lot of Eurocel copers on here that just don't want to admit that they have it made
That's a CHAD? That's guys like a six here. And also, less picky euro foids. 180cm versus 6ft.
I ain't saying thats Chad, im saying that guy would be considered Chad if 80% of the population looked like the first guy i showed. The guy i showed would be a 5/10 here, maybe 4, that's because we have higher standards for what's attractive. 180 cm is 5'11.
Yeah only in eu they have irresistible urge to fuck incels and chads get ignored crazy i know.

On a serious note like dude wtf hypergamy is still a thing ugly men are invisible no matter where and your competition having higher height on average only makes more difficult for manlets like me i look like even bigger abomination
I ain't saying thats Chad, im saying that guy would be considered Chad if 80% of the population looked like the first guy i showed. The guy i showed would be a 5/10 here, maybe 4, that's because we have higher standards for what's attractive. 180 cm is 5'11.
180cm is 5'10 and 8/10 inches. Shit, I'm only 3/10 inches away from that.

American women aren't hit hard by are shitty lifestyles, upbringing, and environment like men are, because most of it effects testosterone and women obviously don't really need that. So their standards are still sky high, even higher than euro foids.
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Yeah only in eu they have irresistible urge to fuck incels and chads get ignored crazy i know.

On a serious note like dude wtf hypergamy is still a thing ugly men are invisible no matter where and your competition having higher height on average only makes more difficult for manlets like me i look like even bigger abomination
So why can't Euro incels just come to the states (maybe look to short states) and then mog? I mean seriously, dude, just move to 8000+ft towns in Colorado and just destroy the local men. Or come to Phoenix and bed a 4'11" latina.
So why can't Euro incels just come to the states (maybe look to short states) and then mog? I mean seriously, dude, just move to 8000+ft towns in Colorado and just destroy the local men. Or come to Phoenix and bed a 4'11" latina.
im still a manlet, asian tier height it doesnt matter
180cm is 5'10 and 8/10 inches.
180.4 cm is 5'11 :feelsseriously: are you gonna claim that 180 cm is 5'10 for 0.4 cm? And if you're 5'11 you can just say you're 6 ft, woman literally can't tell the difference. There's guys who are 5'9 who have lied about being 6 ft and their gf believed them.
American women aren't hit hard by are shitty lifestyles, upbringing, and environment like men are, because most of it effects testosterone and women obviously don't really need that. So their standards are still sky high, even higher than euro foids.
nigga wtf do you not understand? If the guys are uglier, then the standards are also lower.
I dont even get how you made the correlation that if woman aren't affected, then their standards are also not affected, explain this reasoning to me.
And wtf do you mean American woman aren't hit hard? most American woman are fat and they're ugly. If you want to increase your testosterone, then start working out. No one is forcing you to sit on your ass.
American incels have better odds to fuck trashy or fat females at least. We euros have to deal with much more arrogant women. And 'better welfare' just means we get parasitized more by females and immigrants lol. Speaking of immigrants, we are completely powerless against the Africans and we will get completely replaced in a 100 years time, while the americans will probably still have white-only fortresses surviving in Wyoming or something.
American incels have better odds to fuck trashy or fat females at least. We euros have to deal with much more arrogant women. And 'better welfare' just means we get parasitized more by females and immigrants lol. Speaking of immigrants, we are completely powerless against the Africans and we will get completely replaced in a 100 years time, while the americans will probably still have white-only fortresses surviving in Wyoming or something.

No we don't have better odds. We have worse odds because we're smaller and weaker (unless you grew up the midwest).
even if the cels are "better", they are still cels in comparison too chad because they are better as well. and eurocels and USAcels wont compete most of the time anyway, so i dont get the comparison.
even if the cels are "better", they are still cels in comparison too chad because they are better as well. and eurocels and USAcels wont compete most of the time anyway, so i dont get the comparison.
I guess things are isolated. I'm just saying a bunch of the things that made me an incel don't exist in Europe.
I guess things are isolated. I'm just saying a bunch of the things that made me an incel don't exist in Europe.
i suppose. i can see this being relevant for geomaxing, if eurocel gets job in USA, might give a slight advantage, but i dont think so
180.4 cm is 5'11 :feelsseriously: are you gonna claim that 180 cm is 5'10 for 0.4 cm? And if you're 5'11 you can just say you're 6 ft, woman literally can't tell the difference. There's guys who are 5'9 who have lied about being 6 ft and their gf believed them.

nigga wtf do you not understand? If the guys are uglier, then the standards are also lower.
I dont even get how you made the correlation that if woman aren't affected, then their standards are also not affected, explain this reasoning to me.
And wtf do you mean American woman aren't hit hard? most American woman are fat and they're ugly. If you want to increase your testosterone, then start working out. No one is forcing you to sit on your ass.
OK Mr. 6-week-of-paid-vacation and free college (university). I would've already been a doctor had I been raised in Europe. ffs. It's easy mode.
Ofc they are lmfao

Richer, taller, more attractive and living on succesfull welfare states (I'm talking bout west europe democracies).
Ofc they are lmfao

Richer, taller, more attractive and living on succesfull welfare states (I'm talking bout west europe democracies).
Finally someone's who's not coping
how does me having free health care prevent inceldom :feelsseriously:

and you don't seem to understand that beauty is relative. If 80% of the population looks like this guy:
View attachment 1180834
then this guy would be considered chad:
View attachment 1180835

Which means that if most people in America ear shit food which makes them more fat and uglier, that also means that woman will have lower standards for what's considered attractive.
Just cherrypick a deformed truecel theory

Utter retard ffs
Just cherrypick a deformed truecel theory

Utter retard ffs
Yeah, like, dude, they're raised GOOD. Like you'd have to have caring parents that make at least 200K in the nice areas of New England to compare to what child Eurocels get automatically.
Yeah, like, dude, they're raised GOOD. Like you'd have to have caring parents that make at least 200K in the nice areas of New England to compare to what child Eurocels get automatically.
Retard is implying americancels have it better JLF :forcedsmile:

The average western european is more sexually active, taller, happier than the average american male (with exception of WASPs).
Retard is implying americancels have it better JLF :forcedsmile:

The average western european is more sexually active, taller, happier than the average american male (with exception of WASPs).
Like I said, I call this country Shitmerica for a reason.
Go to London

Tell me if 96% of the population is white


40% of new born in France are non white we know this due to skin cell anemia stats

This, here in Portugal the capital is filled with niggers, sandniggers and curries, they're everywhere, got a couple of tents in the middle of parks too...
The average western european is more sexually active, taller, happier than the average american male (with exception of WASPs).
i think that makes it worst when you fail. like you have everything and more too succeed, but still fail. some ropefuel right there
Yes, everyone that has it .004% better than me is a fakecel mogger.
Yeah, like, dude, they're raised GOOD. Like you'd have to have caring parents that make at least 200K in the nice areas of New England to compare to what child Eurocels get automatically.
get what automatically :feelskek: the only thing we get automatically is free health care and education. Do you think you would had been a slayer if you got free education?

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