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Blackpill Personality means fucking nothing

I hope bolsonaro exterminate all these SJW filth in Brazil
I did a chadfish experiment where I said racist shit and roastie was like “I have to accept that and we all have different belief”

I called Muslim’s towel heads and niggers. She called me racist but didn’t give a shit
Just like foids think they have 0 obligation to do anything sexual for a guy no matter how much he has done for them, they also don't think they must punish a guy via withholding sex because he said things that upset them.

Foids are solipsistic, their bodies and interests trump everything.
When I see men on the internet arguing how much personality matters, I often see shit like "Now, while I am somewhat attractive..."
When I see men on the internet arguing how much personality matters, I often see shit like "Now, while I am somewhat attractive..."
Their halos are so bright they are themselves blinded by them. I've already had a fucking 6'2 Jared Leto lookalike who fucks cute JBs at 29 tell me looks don't matter :feelswhat:
She's a 4,5/10 roughly, no true Chad will really commit to her in the way my friend does. Specially here in Brazil, we have very few Chads compared to other better looking countries, and needless to say those few Chads monopolize huge harems of high quality pussy.

I remember seeing this YouTube video where this foreign chick goes around interviewing Brazilian girls in Portuguese. One morena kept on boasting about her blanco boyfriend. Brazil must be hell on earth for darkskinnedcels, especially now with Bolsonaro in charge :feelsrope:
I remember seeing this YouTube video where this foreign chick goes around interviewing Brazilian girls in Portuguese. One morena kept on boasting about her blanco boyfriend. Brazil must be hell on earth for darkskinnedcels, especially now with Bolsonaro in charge :feelsrope:
Bolsonaro has never said anything against nonwhites, the media tries to racebait him relentlessly but it never really worked.

As for foids, light eyes are a huge halo in Brazil, and being a white gringo is an advantage, but it's not like SEA by what I've seen, here all races can get some action if good-looking.
I hope bolsonaro exterminate all these SJW filth in Brazil

Cope. He's pro women. He only hates dark skinned males and gays (lesbians are fine though, in his eyes).

Fact is even the most right wing parties and politicians are feminists these days.

Ironically, only China is pushing back against feminism:
I went to jail for handing out feminist stickers in China
Bolsonaro has never said anything against nonwhites, the media tries to racebait him relentlessly but it never really worked.

As for foids, light eyes are a huge halo in Brazil, and being a white gringo is an advantage, but it's not like SEA by what I've seen, here all races can get some action if good-looking.

Her boyfriend wasn't a gringo but a local white skinned, blonde-haired guy.
Bolsonaro has never said anything against nonwhites, the media tries to racebait him relentlessly but it never really worked.

As for foids, light eyes are a huge halo in Brazil, and being a white gringo is an advantage, but it's not like SEA by what I've seen, here all races can get some action if good-looking.

It's over for nonwhitebrazilcels :feelsrope:

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Cope. He's pro women. He only hates dark skinned males and gays (lesbians are fine though, in his eyes).

Fact is even the most right wing parties and politicians are feminists these days.

Ironically, only China is pushing back against feminism:
I went to jail for handing out feminist stickers in China

Her boyfriend wasn't a gringo but a local white skinned, blonde-haired guy.

It's over for nonwhitebrazilcels :feelsrope:

It's over for drug dealer lookalike cels :lul::lul::lul:

Bonus for the verbal tense mistakes.
Puta que pariu, hue.

A moderação aqui vezes é foda. Outro dia um cara sugeriu uma coisa ótima e o sargento deu um fora do caralho nele, não entendi nada.

Cara baixo com mulher, sendo o cara um 7.5/10 em termos de rosto, não é cherry picking - é algo normal, já que rosto >>>>>> altura.

A moderação aki é de atrasados...basta ver o Sargento. Deve ser um fetiche pelo poder.
This chadlite openly mocks and is mean to the things she likes and yet she rewards him with sex. Do girls not realize why this is a bad thing. He could beat up a gay guy and she still would be sucking his dick. Multiple meteors need to hit Earth.
Personality is the most ambiguous idea ever
I pretended to be Tyrone and could literally say anything. Being mean actually turns them on I believe.
IMG 20181103 090759
IMG 20181103 090818
LOL @ people being PC infront of women
If you're ugly and have a good personality you can be a good friend for her at best
Wait till a chad gives her attention, that chadlite will be a nobody to her.
Even if chad is a white nationalist. She'll throw out the sjw shit out the window and proclaim the ethno state. Foids have no loyalty to political ideology or even nation's only to Chad cock.
Personality will never get you anywhere as a non Chad. You risk being called creepy and annoying if you try to personalitymax. That's why I keep interaction with people in real life at a minimum. You must have become desensitized after decades of inceldom to witness something like this and not be fuming with hatred, envy and suicide thoughs.
If you're ugly and have a good personality you can be a good friend for her at best
This. Personality won't take you further than that
Reminder that the most notorious White supremacist Nazi whom it is publicly known has beaten his ex-wife and verbally abused her as well, is currently dating a bleeding heart liberal roastie.



Personality means fuck all and this post is another example in a long, long list of them. Roasties are fucking evil and only care about Looks, Money, and Status. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idealist to an extreme degree in the face of such stunning examples.
Do Gambler eu só ou falar e vi foto, porra, o cara é pinta. O que tinha de engraçado nele?
Ele fazia uns tópicos GROTESCOS e ele fazia papo de 13 tópicos por dia pprt. Ele superava facilmente o Kointo em numero de posts.
Bolsonaro has never said anything against nonwhites, the media tries to racebait him relentlessly but it never really worked.

Bolsonaro é ABERTAMENTE racista cara.
Usually a foid's politics are malleable. She "believes" whatever her Chad believes.
Looks are everything. Don't let the cucks convince you otherwise.
This chadlite openly mocks and is mean to the things she likes and yet she rewards him with sex. Do girls not realize why this is a bad thing. He could beat up a gay guy and she still would be sucking his dick. Multiple meteors need to hit Earth.
Haven't you seen that experiment where a self-admitted child fucker Chad got tons of matches on Tinder and many foids from IT defended the idea of giving sex to a guy like that? Most foids consider fucking children the worst thing in the world but many will still fuck a Chad who has openly done that and rationalize it.

Women cannot into responsibility. They do whatever they want and then rationalize everything.

Ele fazia uns tópicos GROTESCOS e ele fazia papo de 13 tópicos por dia pprt. Ele superava facilmente o Kointo em numero de posts.

Bolsonaro é ABERTAMENTE racista cara.
Hue. E foi banido por quê?
Quando o Bolsonaro foi abertamente racista? Nunca vi ele falar nada do tipo. A mídia que fica empurrando racebait nele tentando fazer com que ele fale algo racista.
Haven't you seen that experiment where a self-admitted child fucker Chad got tons of matches on Tinder and many foids from IT defended the idea of giving sex to a guy like that? Most foids consider fucking children the worst thing in the world but many will still fuck a Chad who has openly done that and rationalize it.

Women cannot into responsibility. They do whatever they want and then rationalize everything.

Hue. E foi banido por quê?
Quando o Bolsonaro foi abertamente racista? Nunca vi ele falar nada do tipo. A mídia que fica empurrando racebait nele tentando fazer com que ele fale algo racista.
Ele tinha tomado n sei quantos bans temporários por trollagem, gabação e female worship, dai um belo dia ele resolveu fazer a mesma coisa que o Fontaine fez. Permaban.

Bolsonaro já disse que vai metralhar a Rocinha, mediu peso de negros em arroba, disse que os filhos dele eram muito bem educados para se relacionarem com mulheres negras.
Ele tinha tomado n sei quantos bans temporários por trollagem, gabação e female worship, dai um belo dia ele resolveu fazer a mesma coisa que o Fontaine fez. Permaban.

Bolsonaro já disse que vai metralhar a Rocinha, mediu peso de negros em arroba, disse que os filhos dele eram muito bem educados para se relacionarem com mulheres negras.
Entendi. É uma pena que tantos usuários bons sejam aspergers malucos viciados em trollagens ocasionais.

:lul::lul::lul: tem vídeo dele falando esse troço da rocinha? Esse eu nunca vi, manda aí se tiver.

O das arrobas foi politicamente incorreto pra caralho, mas o que ele quis dizer é que o pessoal lá tava gordinho e bem-alimentado.

E o dos filhos, pelo que parece ele confundiu as perguntas e respondeu como se fosse namorar gays e não negras. Realmente pareceu assim pra mim.
The actual conclusion is that SJW whores will end up with white men anyway, the very men they rant against.
The actual conclusion is that SJW whores will end up with white men anyway, the very men they rant against.
My Chadlite friend isn't exactly white, I mean, he's white in Brazil, but wouldn't be considered white in the US or Europe.

He's the typical Brazilian white with some small doses of black and native. He even has very wavy, borderline curly hair.

he was an asshole but a based asshole

the problem is, too many self-proclaimed Egoists and/or Stirnerites are social progressives. Lucas Lin (if any of you know him) is one of the few exceptions to this rule. Stirnerist-Lininism is the natural progression of the ideology.

and yeah personality means shit. I'm ENTP, very low inhib but love to debate until the foid gives in. women hate that.
The actual conclusion is that SJW whores will end up with white men anyway, the very men they rant against.

locationpill correlates with racepill. in your area it might be like that, but not in Jewmerica where I live.
My Chadlite friend isn't exactly white, I mean, he's white in Brazil, but wouldn't be considered white in the US or Europe.

He's the typical Brazilian white with some small doses of black and native. He even has very wavy, borderline curly hair.

White-passing is good enough, kek.

locationpill correlates with racepill. in your area it might be like that, but not in Jewmerica where I live.

You know Richard Spencer, right? The face SJWs hate, yet his new gf is a screeching SJW liberal. Proves my point. All the SJWs I have seen on Facebook were also dating white men. JFL.
yeah they're also statusmaxxed and likely rich. the midwest is a very different tale, especially for sub5, sub8 men.
America just isn't the coasts. Flyover states exist too, we're also every international music artists' favorite pincushion too. personally I get tired of it.
Wtf? This type of social encounters always gave me absolute cancer.
I'd say just fuck life but fuck saying just fuck life, just fuck life.
you go to Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Kansas City, etc even as far east as Pittsburgh it tells of a different tale.

the rotted out midwest is full of soys and nogs.
JBW only works if you wiggermaxx, and since I hate most rap music, that causes issues.
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Not surprising. Women will do anything to be with chad. I heard a story about a guy who had necrophilic shit on his desktop. His gf found it one day but never told him about that until he broke up with him. She just ignored it lmao
Bolsonaro has never said anything against nonwhites, the media tries to racebait him relentlessly but it never really worked.

As for foids, light eyes are a huge halo in Brazil, and being a white gringo is an advantage, but it's not like SEA by what I've seen, here all races can get some action if good-looking.
Do you think a good looking fair skinned curry who doesn't look like the typical curry can get action there.
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Not surprising. Women will do anything to be with chad. I heard a story about a guy who had necrophilic shit on his desktop. His gf found it one day but never told him about that until he broke up with him. She just ignored it lmao

Do you think a good looking fair skinned curry who doesn't look like the typical curry can get action there.
Anyone can get action if his face is good enough. The thing with whites is that they're more attractive ON AVERAGE.
Anyone can get action if his face is good enough. The thing with whites is that they're more attractive ON AVERAGE.
Did u go back to Brazil or still in Chadmany?
Nice, I hope you are feeling better now. DO you think hypergamy is higher in Germany or Brazil?
Germany due to the ammount of chads and refuuges unbalancing the gender pool there in comparison with Brasil.

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