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Serious People should stay in their home countries

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21219
  • Start date
Yes indeed, get the niggers out yes sirrrrr
Two centuries ago you didn't qualify as "white" if you weren't Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, or Scandinavian. Southern and Eastern Europeans might as well have been semi-white.

Alt-right nutjobs move the bar around to fit their arguments.
lol I know. I'm just saying, my family are more white than most Greeks or Italians lol Blonde-blue eyed granpa, several cousins and sisters with brown/blonde hair w/ colored eyes, and so on.

Some of my other relatives on the other hand look mongolians or N. African. Guess it's par for the course being from a mutted city like Baghdad.
Races should be physically segregated.
But I want an Afghan wife :cryfeels:
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lol I know. I'm just saying, my family are more white than most Greeks or Italians lol Blonde-blue eyed granpa, several cousins and sisters with brown/blonde hair w/ colored eyes, and so on.

Some of my other relatives on the other hand look mongolians or N. African. Guess it's par for the course being from a mutted city like Baghdad.

The copers on Stormfront really do believe that migration and miscegenation is something "new" and "unnatural" and "forced", even though it's something that has happened for millennia.
Makes sense. I have stay in USA till I have more money but after that I might go back to my ancestral homelands
Tbh I want to leave the shithole I'm in known as cuck land (canada). I want to try a place like japan where crime is low and it seems like people always mind their own business instead of looking to be offended, only downside is I hear they dislike foreigners. So hopefully I can just go there for work and live there that way peaceful by myself workmaxxing until the end
End of the day, people should try to stay in their home contries. This will prevent race-based hypergamy and also makes sure that people contribute to developing their own homes.

Sure if whites go back to Europe, blacks go back to Africa, Latinos go south of the border, and Rice and Curries go back. I mean if you want to say Native Americans should go back then sure, but I think they deserve to say.

You have a huge problem with rice and curries, don't you.

You can be honest. We encourage honesty in this forum.
Whores should be able to adjust their interests just like men. Nations shouldn’t have to deport certain minority races just to keep their female population under control. Women are the problem tbh not other races. Especially in the west there would be nothing that would make women more happy than if all minorities were deported in mass. No one hates non-whites more than women. I swear posts like these always just boil down to brown man bad.
If you want to skip the first part you can skip to my actual comment down below. I am glad this did not turn into some spergfest because I am tired of it. I also want to add that this is my final elaborated answer to you because I explained myself enough already. I guess we both can agree to some extend though while o nthe other hand I just want to add that there is really no need to get triggered over "races" and I think this is the main issue here.

Because west is the only other place with substantial black population to have such a movement. Black people are not homogenous, and uniting them for any such concept is impossible in Africa. Especially the concept of "Black Nationalism" which requires the presence of white man to even work.

Like I said, you can start a movement where black people are. It can be of course in The West, but also somewhere else as well.

As I said the media uproar is over an event in THE WEST. This just proves my point.

You did not make a point because you misinterpreted my statement. Once again:
And how is it redundant and meaningless if black people in Africa can cause a medial uproar?

It is about black groups in Africa and not in the West. But let us move on from here please.

It is understandably impossible to unite African under the banner of Black identity and nationalism without the presence of "the west" and the "white man". Otherwise the dialectic wouldn't exist.

That does not make any sense whatsoever. I am not particular saying that all blacks should be united. It is not specifically about "uniting all blacks together". I just used the term "black nationalism" as a general term. You also have different groups when it comes to "white supremacy" or in general white nationalism as well. Even in jewish nationalism for example. You also do not need the presence of "The West" (I do not know why you used " in this place). As you said, white people would interfere, therefore their presence is more an obstacle than anything else. I do not know why you are still coming up with this? Please let us move on from this one. It is just a waste of time to talk about this.

You yourself said that no other identity except race matter. I don't know how else am I supposed to interpret it. The fact is other identities are a reality and are very much tied to race.

And that is the problem. You are interpreting my points instead of just taking it. I said race matters the most and everything else is cope. I would even say, that most ehtnics here would agree and also most white people as well.

Only because a made up identity has made it into reality does not make it realistic within itself since it is nothing more than a made up concept. I am talking about the real deal or in other words that you need a biological figure to create made up concepts in the first place. But please let us just move on from here as well.

Tell me what is a white man who is not christian, who doesn't speak the Indo-European tongue. Can you even call such a person white for his bones and facial structure.

Yes, he is clearly white. Denying that, means to deny reality. Even when he is speaks Japanese, he still white. Speaking Japanese does not turn him into a Japanese man while speaking english does not turn someone who is Japanese into an Anglo-Saxon. He also could be an atheist or even a Muslim, he still would be white though - and this is my point. Yes, religion and language are other factors, indeed, but as you can see, those factors are influenced by other races.
Different race = different language
Different race = different culture

What about white Jews in Israel.

They are most likely Ashkenazi jews.

As you can see, non racial identities do not just exist, they even influence the very way we interpret race.

Those factors might or might not influence other races but it is also the other way around. Races influence language and culture directly:
Language is influenced by races.
Culture is influenced by races.
I think we both can agree on that one.

LOL it will take much more than that. "White" identity is not very strong in Europe. "White people" was a concept created in the backdrop of colonialism to separate the colonialist Europeans from the conquered races with different aesthetic features resulting from huge geographical and hence gene pool differences. Nowadays, Europeans cannot conquer shit. The concept of "white" only exists to separate indigenous Europeans from colored people who migrated to Europe under different circumstances. Those colored people are themselves too small, powerless and disunited to force Europeans into white nationalism. It only becomes a short lived meme with some recent events like mass Arab immigration. The bottom line is, nobody really cares.

You say, that nobody cares and yet here you are using your time to write such a comment? Please do not be a sperg. But I still have to agree here to some extend because today's white nationalism literally is a joke. It is nothing but a meme at this point. I also can confirm it because I am in touch with this scene.

Yes race based hypergamy would end since white race would be no more.

We would still be exposed the race based hypergamy, as you said it for yourself:
Then people would select for those who have "more white genes". Just like what curries and latinos do now.

My actual comment:

I have no issues with that concept. Criticism of migration and making a case for people to stay in their homelands is valid. Its the race aspect which bugged me.

Ok, glad we can both agree here because this is what this topic is about. But I really do not know why the "race aspect" upsets you here because this is literally what it comes down to.
If I would live in Japan and if I would have to go back to my homeland, that would automatically leads to a more homogenous society i.e. races.
It would not only improve the racial situation in Japan but also in my respective homeland as well. This is my approach when it comes to this topic.

Especially that idea of white nationalism, which is downright ridiculous.

Wait, the idea itself is not ridiculous. I do agree though, that today's "white nationalism" is ridiculous because the concept of it and the concept of nationalism has been altered to a point where it is not really about nationalism itself anymore. But like I said, I am really not talking about this.

There is no white nation and the concept of white homeland is vague at best.

That is incorrect. Best example for that would be Iceland:
"The ethnic composition of Iceland today is 93% Icelandic. The largest ethnic minority is Polish at 3% of the population."

We also have Norway as well:
"Norway, of course, is one of the whitest countries in the world. It's residents are 83 percent Norwegian, who are ethnic North Germanic people,
and another 8 percent is European."

I would say this is pretty much close to a white country.

Also, keep in mind how old Iceland is:
"874–1262: Settlement and Commonwealth"

The greater irony is that many races and cultures of today wouldn't exist without migrations.

We still have homogenous societies and almost homogenous societies to this very day.

Example white people would be drastically different or maybe even non existent if not for Indo-Caucasian migrations which brought them civilization.

What? Caucasian people = white people

Also, there are many aspects of racial identity that are made up as well.

But I am not talking about that and you know that. I am not talking about made up identities.

And they are very much influenced by these "made up" political identities.

Yes, people are influenced by made up identities, that is correct though. The best example would be the SJW movement in general but once again, I am not talking about this.
And I guess we both can agree, that this is nonsense. Just because made up concepts are a thing, does not mean that they are based on logic and reason and therefore they are invalid. SJWs are most likely in denial and they are even so delusional that they are somewhat hated by normies now. It is actually a coping mechanism or those people even straight up deny reality in the first place.
Like I said, in the end only the real deal matters. In order to make my point...
If you could choose between those three "white futures":
- Speaking english
- Be Christian
- Be white

I can assure you that a good handful of non-white people would choose to be white instead of being a Christian. That just confirms my point.
Race is the root of all of this. Races are responsible for culture and the variety and not made up identities and concepts. While made up identities and concepts are thing, they are most likely based and influenced by specific races or ultimately the main target of such movements is to deny those traits in the first place. While this is a thing in this world, it is not based on biology or anything that is actual real because they are indeed made up concepts and ideas. I guess we both can agree on that one here as well.

You just have a different point of view and that is ok. You now got my point of view and I understand from where you are coming from. I guess we both can also agree here. Therefore we really should step aside from this before this turns into a spergfest without an ending in sight.
Your fellow Germans don't give a flying fuck about you. Why the fuck do you simp for them?

Why should I support immigration to Germany? Not only white people dislike me but also foreign people as well. Why should I support foreign people who dislike me? I rather deal with the stuff I am familiar with instead of stuff I am not familiar with. It is basically that simple.

The copers on Stormfront really do believe that migration and miscegenation is something "new" and "unnatural" and "forced", even though it's something that has happened for millennia.

Today's immigration is forced upon us. I do not know why you are in denial about that. Come on, you are pretty intelligent. Please do not be a sperg.
And only because migration happened back then, does not mean that it was not forced as well.
End of the day, people should try to stay in their home contries. This will prevent race-based hypergamy and also makes sure that people contribute to developing their own homes.
You are right!!!
What if my “home country” does not want me or what if I dislike it?
You are the one who mentioned black nationalism in the first place. I just pointed out its a dumb idea. To think there are no identities beside racial ones is cope as well. This is some middle class shit,if what you say were true, the entire continents of Africa and Europe could be united into single race states. You see how dumb this sounds?
You ever been to a prison? Everyone cliques up based on race
Why should I support immigration to Germany? Not only white people dislike me but also foreign people as well. Why should I support foreign people who dislike me? I rather deal with the stuff I am familiar with instead of stuff I am not familiar with. It is basically that simple.

Today's immigration is forced upon us. I do not know why you are in denial about that. Come on, you are pretty intelligent. Please do not be a sperg.
And only because migration happened back then, does not mean that it was not forced as well.
It’s so emasculating to live in modern Germany as a native. Even if you just do mundane things like buying groceries you get reminded that you are on the loosing side of history.
You ever been to a prison? Everyone cliques up based on race
95% of black Americans vote Democrates. But hey they dont all have the same opinion.
White nationalism is low iq.
You say this because you are afraid to go to your home country.
The copers on Stormfront really do believe that migration and miscegenation is something "new" and "unnatural" and "forced", even though it's something that has happened for millennia.
You just feel comfy in Fish & Chips land. I don’t mind you nor do I mind any incel living in white countries. I mainly hate immigrants who fuck German foids. At least this should be outlawed.
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Whores should be able to adjust their interests just like men. Nations shouldn’t have to deport certain minority races just to keep their female population under control. Women are the problem tbh not other races. Especially in the west there would be nothing that would make women more happy than if all minorities were deported in mass. No one hates non-whites more than women. I swear posts like these always just boil down to brown man bad.

No, i never said brown man bad. My point is that when rice and curries move to the west, they find that their women never settle for them (due to race based hypergamy). This is only going to create more ERs because rice and currycels cant date down (nothing lower than curry foids tbh).
The problem occurs when you have curries and rice immigrating to the west. Their foids hate them even in their home countries. So obv, the foids go chasing for white cock, creating a legion of curry and riceces in the west. This cant be good for anyone.

Well that's a reality they must unfortunately contend with for a higher quality of life.

If you are ugly not even ones in your homelands would want you back. They would want you dead just like the rest.
Well that's a reality they must unfortunately contend with for a higher quality of life.

Why should it come at such a high cost though? If all of them were forced to stay home, they would end up having much better lives

If you are ugly not even ones in your homelands would want you back. They would want you dead just like the rest.

If a good number of people stay in their native countries, race based hypegamy would be minimized. Theyd still have to deal with looks-based and class-based hypergamy, but one less evil in the world.
Why should I support immigration to Germany? Not only white people dislike me but also foreign people as well. Why should I support foreign people who dislike me? I rather deal with the stuff I am familiar with instead of stuff I am not familiar with. It is basically that simple.

Today's immigration is forced upon us. I do not know why you are in denial about that. Come on, you are pretty intelligent. Please do not be a sperg.
And only because migration happened back then, does not mean that it was not forced as well.

What if we restrict immigration so they're the ones supporting you? (which is often the case in much of the West)

Define "forced" -- from what I can tell, you have a pretty expansive definition of "forced".
Your post states.

I don't care who built america. The slaves help build america. Do they get a free pass too?

"Everyone should go back to their own country, except whites guys"

KYS lmfao
Slaves help build pyramides too. Doesn't matter cause if not architects they will never build them cause they were too dumb.
What if we restrict immigration so they're the ones supporting you? (which is often the case in much of the West)

It is not the case in the West. I really do not know where you get this misinformation from. I do not want any kind of immigration. It will never support me or Germany at all. It also a huge drawback for the country who will lose a lot of people due to immigration.

Define "forced" -- from what I can tell, you have a pretty expansive definition of "forced".

How do I have a pretty expansive definition of it? When I say it is forcesd upon us, I mean it like that. There is really no room for interpretation.
We all know blonde blue eyed women are the most attractive.

We need to protect them.
It is not the case in the West. I really do not know where you get this misinformation from. I do not want any kind of immigration. It will never support me or Germany at all. It also a huge drawback for the country who will lose a lot of people due to immigration.

How do I have a pretty expansive definition of it? When I say it is forcesd upon us, I mean it like that. There is really no room for interpretation.

Immigration is awesome. The free flow of labour and capital generally increases market efficiency.

Forced upon you by whom?
Slaves help build pyramides too. Doesn't matter cause if not architects they will never build them cause they were too dumb.
say what oyu will. But white europeans literally built every good society that exists and that's facts
We all know blonde blue eyed women are the most attractive.

We need to protect them.

This is what I mean when I say that the alt-right are cucks, why do you simp to "protect muh beautiful Aryan princesses" when they couldn't possibly give a flying fuck about you?
Fuck off pajeet, I am an incel in the west and east. But at least here I can cope with constant electricity. No blackouts whatsoever.
This is what I mean when I say that the alt-right are cucks, why do you simp to "protect muh beautiful Aryan princesses" when they couldn't possibly give a flying fuck about you?
:lul: what a fucking pathetic soyboy cuck. He is like that other guy. JFL at stormfrontcucks. Too bad your precious princesses are getting railed by black guys. :feelskek:
say what oyu will. But white europeans literally built every good society that exists and that's facts
Cavedwelling cumskin IQ.
This is what I mean when I say that the alt-right are cucks, why do you simp to "protect muh beautiful Aryan princesses" when they couldn't possibly give a flying fuck about you?
because they are the most attractive retard look at the average brazilian thats from yeasrs of mixing
Your post states.

I don't care who built america. The slaves help build america. Do they get a free pass too?

"Everyone should go back to their own country, except whites guys"

KYS lmfao
extremely based and high IQ
because they are the most attractive retard look at the average brazilian thats from yeasrs of mixing

And why is that your concern? It's not as if you're in a position to even touch a Stacy without getting the cops called on ya.

Fuck off pajeet, I am an incel in the west and east. But at least here I can cope with constant electricity. No blackouts whatsoever.

:lul: what a fucking pathetic soyboy cuck. He is like that other guy. JFL at stormfrontcucks. Too bad your precious princesses are getting railed by black guys. :feelskek:

Cavedwelling cumskin IQ.
keep coping. 100 tyrones/chadpreets/pajeets couldnt even touch my avi and hes just your average white chad (a relative of mine).
Immigration is awesome.

It is not. At least not for me and other people here in Germany.

Forced upon you by whom?

It is currently executed by the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany or other countries which support immigration towards their own country and shit on their own population by doing so. It is supported by not only green and leftist parties but also by so called "conservative parties" as well.

Barabara Lerne Spectre also explained who is resposnible for that:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G45WthPTo24

The quote:
"Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Barbara Lerner Spectre, founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden
keep coping. 100 tyrones/chadpreets/pajeets couldnt even touch my avi and hes just your average white chad (a relative of mine).

Youre missing the point idiot. Your precious blue eyed women cant stand the sight of you, thats why youre posting here. Given this, why the fuck do you care who they choose to fuck?
Immigration is awesome. The free flow of labour and capital generally increases market efficiency.

Forced upon you by whom?

Immigration does benefit a country's economy. I was coming at it purely from the viewpoint of race based hypergamy and the number of incels (potential ERs) it creates.
keep coping. 100 tyrones/chadpreets/pajeets couldnt even touch my avi and hes just your average white chad (a relative of mine).
Keep coping, he gets mogged hard by a lot of ethnics. Still, your white women won't give you the time of day, but keep simping for them you little soyboy.
It is currently executed by the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany or other countries which support immigration towards their own country and shit on their own population by doing so. It is supported by not only green and leftist parties but also by so called "conservative parties" as well.

So this is what you mean by forced? Were you aware that border controls were rare before the early 20th century? If anything, migration is more regulated now than it has ever been. So, again, while you may or may not have sound reasons to dislike migration, OP's point is bullshit; migration is not "forced" nor is it "unnatural".

Do you believe that the German political system is illegitimate and undemocratic, and if so, why?
So this is what you mean by forced? Were you aware that border controls were rare before the early 20th century?

We have something called "Schengener Abkommen" and Dublin Regulation. Also Germany have laws called 16a and 18 (2). I am very well in touch with this topic. In fact, I do know a lot about this.

So, again, while you may or may not have sound reasons to dislike migration, OP's point is bullshit; migration is not "forced" nor is it "unnatural".

Ok, while you at least can accept my point of view to some degree, you are actually just disagreeing with what @Legendarywristcel is saying. I guess we can at least agree here that today's immigration is at least forced upon specific countries to some extend.

And to the point if it is natural or not. There are plenty of reasons why immigration is happening. People might want to escape from war but then again who is going to protect this country? Is the cause of it natural or not natural? Is war natural? Perhaps? Can war be forced upon other nations in order to trick them? Perhaps? Is this natural?
Tell me to stay in my country while my country has thousands of MALE immigrants coming each year (around 80% of immigrants are male)
Chaddam and Tyrone only is legit

So, again, while you may or may not have sound reasons to dislike migration, OP's point is bullshit; migration is not "forced" nor is it "unnatural".

I never said its forced or unnatural. Stop misquoting what i said. I made the limited point about race based hypergamy and how it creates new classes of incels, men who had they stayed in their own countries would have been better off in terms of sexual opportunity.

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