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Pedophiles who molest children deserve death

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Nice Guy
Dec 3, 2018
Listen up, pedophiles and pedocels. I don't have a problem with you freaks as long as you keep your sick fetishes in your head. But if you start acting on them, by molesting children, trying to get sexual with them, in real life or online, you are the scum of the earth and deserve death.

"B-but I'm not a pedophile, I'm a hepelobetebesebephile because I like girls 13 years old and up!"
Fuck off pedo. You're attracted to young immature juvenile girls, you're a pedophile.

The ago of consent needs to be increased to 17-18. The current age of consent of 14-16 years, depending on the country, is flawed, because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.

You should generally only be attracted to people who match your maturity level. Could you see a 15 year old being the mother of your children, running the family while you're at work? No, because she's a child herself. Stop being attracted to children, stop being a degenerate.

The only argument I can accept is that girls over the age of 18 are usually non-virgins, and no virgin man should settle for a used up whore. But there are exceptions, and it's on you to find one. It doesn't justify degenerating young girls while they are still pure.
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Underage girls easily get manipulated into sex, unlike adult girls who regularly get pumped and dumped by Chad :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
Most women are never mentally mature
Underage girls easily get manipulated into sex, unlike adult girls who regularly get pumped and dumped by Chad :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
You're not doing any damage by pumping and dumping some adult whore. You're doing a lot of damage by fucking a young virgin girl.
Agreed. Underage girls before puberty aren't developed to have biological basis to give birth, thus fucking them is degenerative and anti nature
16 years old is not a child. Most females are fully developed by that age. I can agree that desiring prepubescent girls is fucked though but not 16. That’s prime.

I think you would fit better at cucktears tbh.

is triggered
I agree 13 if too young but you seriously think that 16 year olds are too young to say yes or no?
I agree 13 if too young but you seriously think that 16 year olds are too young to say yes or no?
Yes. I honestly don't care if some pedo fucks a 16 year old slut who's getting fucked by Chads in her high school, but it's not okay as an adult to go for 16 year old pure virgins.
16 years old is not a child. Most females are fully developed by that age. I can agree that desiring prepubescent girls is fucked though but not 16. That’s prime.

I think you would fit better at cucktears tbh.
You're not doing any damage by pumping and dumping some adult whore. You're doing a lot of damage by fucking a young virgin girl.
Why? Because she couldn't lose her virginity to teenaged Chad like she would have otherwise had it?

All sex is inherently about manipulation. Tons of adult foids get mindfucked by an abusive Chad who mentally scars them for life, but that's not doing any damage, apparently, unlike an incel having sex with a virgin.
Considering how much slutty the current batch of 14-16yo girls have become, and even the 13yo versions in some cases, I can't really understand such animosity. Who cares, we have nothing to gain from playing the hero.
Why? Because she couldn't lose her virginity to teenaged Chad like she would have otherwise had it?

All sex is inherently about manipulation. Tons of adult foids get mindfucked by an abusive Chad who mentally scars them for life, but that's not doing any damage, apparently, unlike an incel having sex with a virgin.
By that logic you could fuck a 3 year old and think it's okay because she will lose her virginity anyway.

It is not okay, and there is a chance these underage girls will grow into pure traditional wives, if it wasn't for pedos taking advantage of them.
Katy perry1

13 year old Katy Perry very developed, you´d be insanely aroused if she took her clothes off in front of you stop virtue signalling, men like young fertile girls.
I agree, they are scum.
The ago of consent needs to be increased to 17-18. The current age of consent of 14-16 years, depending on the country, is flawed, because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.
16 year old girls can drive cars so they can give consent aswell
The only argument I can accept is that girls over the age of 18 are usually non-virgins, and no virgin man should settle for a used up whore. But there are exceptions, and it's on you to find one.
sure no gf in high school no wife later, JFL at being subhuman
you seem like IT:soy: white knight defending foids from muhnipulation tbh
View attachment 89207
13 year old Katy Perry very developed, you´d be insanely aroused if she took her clothes off in front of you stop virtue signalling, men like young fertile girls.
Her body is well-developed, her mind is not. Again, could you see a 13 year old girl being the mother of your children? If not, don't fuck them.
[Serious] Pedophiles who molest children deserve death
no u ;)
i see 21+ chads pumping and dumping 14-16 foids all the time your entire thread is biased we dont even talk with them
go to a friggin hs party your cousin or niece is at, you'll see an old chad 100% of the time getting laid with 3 at the same time
Her body is well-developed, her mind is not. Again, could you see a 13 year old girl being the mother of your children? If not, don't fuck them.
What if the age of consent was lowered to 13 and I had no intention of having children(which I don't), would you still be opposed to consensual sex with her, if so why?
you seem like IT:soy: white knight defending foids from muhnipulation tbh
I'm a traditionalcel, puritycel and monogamycel. I think pure girls should be protected, but non-virgin thots can suffer for all I care. I'm very much anti-IT.
Her body is well-developed, her mind is not. Again, could you see a 13 year old girl being the mother of your children? If not, don't fuck them.
Would you shut the fuck up about mother of your children. You don´t fuck their brains but their fertile young bodies

you are a fucking hypocrite if a teenage girl starting coming on to you and touching you, you would consent without a doubt.
yikes and bluepilled :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
I would like to give you some suicide tips and tricks, but if I did knajjd would probably get me banned for "incentive to suicide" or whatever, so I'm just gonna call you a gigacuckboi :soy:-man
What if the age of consent was lowered to 13 and I had no intention of having children(which I don't), would you still be opposed to consensual sex with her, if so why?
Casual sex is bad too and I'm strongly against it. Only have sex with a person who you want to marry and have a family with.
16, most foids can be manipulated anyway, no younger than that though otherwise straight to a death camp
Casual sex is bad too and I'm strongly against it. Only have sex with a person who you want to marry and have a family with.
I agree, if only from a position of personal inclination, however I have no intention of ever having a family. All I want is a gf tbh.
OP should kill himself.

Anything past puberty is fine, these girls are getting banged early as fuck anymore. Virginity is a joke for women.
I'm a traditionalcel, puritycel and monogamycel. I think pure girls should be protected, but non-virgin thots can suffer for all I care. I'm very much anti-IT.
you could have just said you're against degeneracy and pro marriage. But anyways why should age of marriage not be lower like it is in traditional patriarchies - think arab states?
Eh, children are made to be fucked. Why else would they be here other than to suck down an old man's cum?

Don't judge me bro. :p
Wonder how Cucktears is gonna make themselves out to be the victim in this thread.
because she's a foid. It has nothing to do with her age.
You've got a point there, but there's still a difference in maturity between a 13 year old and 19 year old foid. Also the 13 year old is likely pure and virgin, while the 19 year old is already used and ruined. If you fuck the 19 year old, nothing will change for her, but if you fuck a 13 year old, she'll lose her innocence.
By that logic you could fuck a 3 year old and think it's okay because she will lose her virginity anyway.

It's something to consider if you're a dicklet and can actually fit in a three year old :feelskek:

It is not okay, and there is a chance these underage girls will grow into pure traditional wives, if it wasn't for pedos taking advantage of them.

"Pure traditional wives" don't exist. And it's not because incel pedos are perverting young princesses, but because society encourages girls to ride on Chad's cock carousal as soon as they hit puberty.

There are girls who larp as "pure traditional wives," but they're all mentally ill just like any girl who isn't a complete social conformist.

Yes. I honestly don't care if some pedo fucks a 16 year old slut who's getting fucked by Chads in her high school, but it's not okay as an adult to go for 16 year old pure virgins.
Wtf? This 'all teenagers are queens' is the justification used by Bongland to not arrest underage prostitutes.

Mate,look;not all teens enter the prostitution world because they are brainwashed by irresponsible adults.Many entered brothels out of their own propensity and to remove any responsibility from them because they are 'children' is fucking bluepilled shit
you could have just said you're against degeneracy and pro marriage. But anyways why should age of marriage not be lower like it is in traditional patriarchies - think arab states?
Not everything that arab states do with women is good. They also let men have harems, which is very degenerate.
16, most foids can be manipulated anyway, no younger than that though otherwise straight to a death camp
It´s clearly just your subjective morals you are speaking from because this is so brain-dead.

It´s like every adult has forgotten what it was like being a teenager, so you think if an adult have sex with a 15 year old it´s the same as raping an 8 year old? Can´t anyone of you cucks remember what it was like being 15 years old? I sure as hell wouldn´t feel raped if an adult women have had sex with me and it´s not just on this forum it´s everywhere also in real life adults have completely forgotten what it was like to be a teenager and I fucking hate it, the reason why I know sex with an 8 year old is bad (as a counter argument against REAL pedophiles) is because they don´t have sexual feelings and how do I know this? Because I remember being an innocent child with no sexual feelings yet so why don´t you people try and TRULY imagine being 13-16 years old again. As soon anyone developes sexual desires they are no longer a child and then age doesn´t matter the ONLY thing that matters is if they have sexual feelings and desire for sex and teenagers do have that desire.

Also it´s completely retarded to claim anyone with desires for young FERTILE girls is a pedophile and should die for having this natural attraction to youth, our sexual peak even happens in our mid teenage years, I clearly remember how horny I was in the age of 13-16 it was insane even at 12 years old so did nature get it all wrong and your SUBJECTIVE morals got it all right FUCK NO!
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Casual sex is bad too and I'm strongly against it. Only have sex with a person who you want to marry and have a family with.
Based.Casual sex actually curb your ability to bond and make a healthy long term relationship.

Of course incels like us are not going to form any 'long term relationship' unless the West gets nuked by China so i don't know why we should actually bother.
(Unless you are going to form a betabuxx relationship or an open relationship;but to suggest that here is apparently considered 'trolling':feelstastyman:)
It´s clearly just your subjective morals you are speaking from because this is so brain-dead.

It´s like every adult has forgotten what it was like being a teenager, so you think if an adult have sex with a 15 year old it´s the same as raping an 8 year old? Can´t anyone of you cucks remember what it was like being 15 years old? I sure as hell wouldn´t feel raped if an adult women have had sex with me and it´s not just on this forum it´s everywhere also in real life adults have completely forgotten what it was like to be a teenager and I fucking hate it, the reason why I know sex with an 8 year old is bad (as a counter argument against REAL pedophiles) is because they don´t have sexual feelings and how do I know this? Because I remember being an innocent child with no sexual feelings yet so why don´t you people try and TRULY imagine being 13-16 years old again. As soon anyone developes sexual desires they are no longer a child and then age doesn´t matter the ONLY thing that matters is if they have sexual feelings and desire for sex and teenager do have that desire.

Also it´s completely retarded to claim anyone with desires for young FERTILE girls is a pedophile and should die for having this natural attraction to youth, our sexual peak even happens in our mid teenage years, I clearly remember how horny I was in the age of 13-16 it was insane even at 12 years old so did nature get it all wrong and your SUBJECTIVE morals got it all right FUCK NO!
This.Fucking this.Girls are at their peak fertility in their early teenage years and to accuse men desiring them as 'pedophile' is retarded because it dilutes the definition of pedophile and because it is bashing an age preference adopted by many ancient men.

Also,JFL at anyone saying that girl in their puberty are 'unable to make conscious sexual decision'.Anyone unable to take conscious sexual responsibility by the age of 16 is an Aspie and future r/truefemcels user
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It´s clearly just your subjective morals you are speaking from because this is so brain-dead.

It´s like every adult has forgotten what it was like being a teenager, so you think if an adult have sex with a 15 year old it´s the same as raping an 8 year old? Can´t anyone of you cucks remember what it was like being 15 years old? I sure as hell wouldn´t feel raped if an adult women have had sex with me and it´s not just on this forum it´s everywhere also in real life adults have completely forgotten what it was like to be a teenager and I fucking hate it, the reason why I know sex with an 8 year old is bad (as a counter argument against REAL pedophiles) is because they don´t have sexual feelings and how do I know this? Because I remember being an innocent child with no sexual feelings yet so why don´t you people try and TRULY imagine being 13-16 years old again. As soon anyone developes sexual desires they are no longer a child and then age doesn´t matter the ONLY thing that matters is if they have sexual feelings and desire for sex and teenager do have that desire.

Also it´s completely retarded to claim anyone with desires for young FERTILE girls is a pedophile and should die for having this natural attraction to youth, our sexual peak even happens in our mid teenage years, I clearly remember how horny I was in the age of 13-16 it was insane even at 12 years old so did nature get it all wrong and your SUBJECTIVE morals got it all right FUCK NO!

you have to draw the line somewhere, also sexual feelings or not they are retarded children at that age, i understand having desires but acting on them is abhorrent
no u ;)
i see 21+ chads pumping and dumping 14-16 foids all the time your entire thread is biased we dont even talk with them
go to a friggin hs party your cousin or niece is at, you'll see an old chad 100% of the time getting laid with 3 at the same time
Pedo Chads (or mansluts, as I like to call them) also deserve to be hanged.

I agree, if only from a position of personal inclination, however I have no intention of ever having a family. All I want is a gf tbh.
Then you marry your gf and make her your family. You don't need to have children because the world is overpopulated anyway, but you should marry a girl before having sex with her.
I always wonder, if you are a twelve year old and you have a crush on another 12 year old, does that mean you are a pedophile? Is a 12 year old who has sex with another 12 year old committing rape? What's the difference between a 12 year old having sex with another 12 year old, and a 12 year old having sex with a 69 year old?

Because my whole life I've always desired the same type of girl/woman. Do other peoples' sexual tastes change? I liked cake when I was 12, and I still do at 36; does it make me evil that I never stopped enjoying cake? :)
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The ago of consent needs to be increased to 17-18. The current age of consent of 14-16 years, depending on the country, is flawed, because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.
At age 16 you should already have a good head on your shoulders; running a household, managing the family budget and doing chores is something that should be teached to girls at school (unfortunately it isn't) and they should be able to do at least that much by that age.
You should generally only be attracted to people who match your maturity level. Could you see a 15 year old being the mother of your children, running the family while you're at work?
Absolutely. I really see no issue with it. There's no reason why a girl that age can't raise a child. If she were a couple of years younger, then of course it would be right to wait (but there would be no issue with marriage still).
It doesn't justify degenerating young girls while they are still pure.
Yes, because we all know 16 year olds are pure :feelshaha:
They are teenagers for Christ's sake! They have no "purity" once their bodies develop secondary sexual characteristics.
Now, to be clear: I am not in favour of fornication and pumping and dumping young girls (which is what happens today out of their own volition; teenage girls in the west today are some of the most vile degenerate creatures this world has ever seen); I just think marriage and babymaking to create a happy family shouldn't be considered decadent or disgusting.
I always wonder, if you are a twelve year old and you have a crush on another 12 year old, does that mean you are a pedophile? Because my whole life I've always desired the same type of girl/woman. Do other peoples' sexual tastes change? I liked pizza when I was 12, and I still do at 36 -- why is sexual partner preference any different?

Does it make me evil that I still enjoy pizza? :)

shitty analogy tbh

there's a difference between 2 consenting adults and a child in a relationship
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