The french were always the first to buy into the humanitarian headway white guilt delicate sensibilities bullshit because of the french revolution, and because french are like all the bad traits of white people with a smug bow on top. They want to keep up appearances for vanity at the expense of god and country. France as women knew it died at around 1990-2000.
Jfl at the vanity of women at the expense of civilization. France, and Italy are complete metaphors for what hollywood should really be making movies about.
The downfall of our civilization is way more pressing than white on nonwhite marginalization/ oppression.
Having some type of old cartoon show that would have moralistic messages... need to be said about the corruption of non whites.
The Jews will regret their decisions in 100 years if the muslims haven't killed them all off already teehee.
Everything about being french is just smugness with unwarranted self importance about their ethnicity. To the point that their complacency has brought about their doom.