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JFL Pajeets roast niggers to oblivion on twitter

Negros vs curry negros :feelshaha:
Aryan is a curry word, the cumskins stole it from us along with the swastika
It was originally a Proto-Indo-Iranian word. Closest living relatives of the Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers today are Nordics and Tajiks
A few curry ethnicities are more aryan( r1a) than slavic ethnicities
I'm not saying they are aryan or anything but some curries do have r1 component in their genetic ancestry. It's undeniable if u go to kashmir.
This schizo haploshittery is little more than a 4trooner meme. Y-haplogroups look only at your paternal line and are determined by a tiny proportion of your DNA. Autosomal DNA is what matters for determining admixture, and in that metric, no curry caste, clan, or ethnicity is more Yamnaya-admixed than any Slavic one.
Same old shit story

Indians don't "hardly have yamnaya," rather it's way more than expected. They didn't expect more than 5% yamnaya in indians, but it turned out to be as high as 30%(and sintashta in NW goes as high as 40-45%)
Only Jats, Rors, and Pashtuns get as high as 30% Yamnaya, because they inherit a second layer of Steppe DNA from the Scythians. In the vast majority of Indians, Yamnaya ancestry is not really substantial. A Kashmiri Pandit’s 20% Yamnaya component is less than what you’d find in a Maltese person or an Italian Jew
Single Tyrone solo entire curry race IRL
Negros vs curry negros :feelshaha:

It was originally a Proto-Indo-Iranian word. Closest living relatives of the Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers today are Nordics and Tajiks

This schizo haploshittery is little more than a 4trooner meme. Y-haplogroups look only at your paternal line and are determined by a tiny proportion of your DNA. Autosomal DNA is what matters for determining admixture, and in that metric, no curry caste, clan, or ethnicity is more Yamnaya-admixed than any Slavic one.

Only Jats, Rors, and Pashtuns get as high as 30% Yamnaya, because they inherit a second layer of Steppe DNA from the Scythians. In the vast majority of Indians, Yamnaya ancestry is not really substantial. A Kashmiri Pandit’s 20% Yamnaya component is less than what you’d find in a Maltese person or an Italian Jew
No saar we waz Aryan, we waz white saar :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
It was originally a Proto-Indo-Iranian word. Closest living relatives of the Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers today are Nordics and Tajiks
It was in Avestan and Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very much a curry language.

I find it funny that stormfrontcels talk about being pure “Indo European” and other bs and talk about currys being inferior and the first part of what they are proud of is literally INDO
JFL at curries arguing in this thread about who is more aryan, in the eyes of a non-curry you're all shitskin curries the same
That applies to all ethnics just as much then.
Nah even whites admit that Levantines and gulf arabs are different, and that mongols and chinks are different. Curries are more subhuman so they're all lumped together
Nah even whites admit that Levantines and gulf arabs are different, and that mongols and chinks are different. Curries are more subhuman so they're all lumped together
Levantins and gooks yes but gulf arabs no. Many curries I know get mistaken for arabs often.
JFL at curries arguing in this thread about who is more aryan, in the eyes of a non-curry you're all shitskin curries the same
You are an incel here with the rest of us. It doesn’t matter who is “aryan” or not. I’m not a foid and as a result I don’t care
You are an incel here with the rest of us. It doesn’t matter who is “aryan” or not. I’m not a foid and as a result I don’t care
I'm not the one arguing though, they were
It was in Avestan and Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very much a curry language.

I find it funny that stormfrontcels talk about being pure “Indo European” and other bs and talk about currys being inferior and the first part of what they are proud of is literally INDO
the belief is that the indo-europeans who settled in India racemixed and lost their original features. most ppl think nowadays that the indo-europeans originated from the Pontic Steppe, in Ukraine and southern Russia.
but a significant number of neo-nazis, and some nazis themselves, respected and admired Indians for their percieved "aryan" heritage.
Himmler was one of them. he advocated for gypsies to not be sent to camps as he thought that, as an Indian people, they were aryan enough to live in american-style reservations. he also sent people to northern India, around the Himalayas, to measure skulls and noses as he thought the Himalayas were the indo-european homeland
another more modern example is Savitri Devi which adopted hinduism into a nazi perspective
even people like Evola took inspiration from hinduism, like his concept of the Kali Yuga

though modern immigration has made this group of people far smaller
Tfw you realize twitter has more based and entertaining race wars than this forum does

shocked jurassic park GIF
After the takeover by Elon Musk, twitter has become mega 4chan
The best looking Curries are Kashmiris and pashtuns, there's very little Aryan DNA in them, it's probably, because, west Asians migrated there. Not sure.
Pastuns have a significant minority West Asian dna
It was in Avestan and Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very much a curry language.

I find it funny that stormfrontcels talk about being pure “Indo European” and other bs and talk about currys being inferior and the first part of what they are proud of is literally INDO
Indo European just means they roamed an area from Europe to North India. Nothing else.

Not that they were curries. They were not white either even if they could pass. Whites have a lot of Anatolian farmer genes which Indo Europeans lacked substantially.

Scythians were the purest until they went extinct. Pamiris I think are more of what Indo Europeans were like. Some Tajiks and some Pashtuns in Afghanistan can display their features as well.

Curries are basically abos with some Iran farmer making them more Caucasian skull wise.
It was in Avestan and Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very much a curry language.
And Avestan is an Iranian language. Both Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages got that word from Proto-Indo-Iranian.
I find it funny that stormfrontcels talk about being pure “Indo European” and other bs and talk about currys being inferior and the first part of what they are proud of is literally INDO
That’s completely irrelevant, though. The Indo-Europeans are referred to as such because both the Indo-Iranian and various European language families come from them. They weren’t natives of India but invaders/migrants.
Nah even whites admit that Levantines and gulf arabs are different, and that mongols and chinks are different. Curries are more subhuman so they're all lumped together
I’ve seen some Americans who think there are massive differences between North and South curries or different curry castes because they’ve never seen a curry irl before. Canadians, Brits, and others who have to deal with curries on a daily basis rightfully see us as one brown blob.
another more modern example is Savitri Devi which adopted hinduism into a nazi perspective

The fact that she said this makes anything she ever wrote not worth reading. Pajeetland is utterly devoid of beauty, the place is a total sensory nightmare. Only someone spiritually subhuman could find that shithole aesthetically pleasing.
though modern immigration has made this group of people far smaller
The donkey-flighting subhumans, student-not-students in Canada, and growing pajeet hate on social media will inevitably cause this group to shrink even further
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The fact that she said this makes anything she ever wrote not worth reading. Pajeetland is utterly devoid of beauty, the place is a total sensory nightmare. Only someone spiritually subhuman could find that shithole aesthetically pleasing.
Bro it pains me to hear you say this:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:. Please read out Gupta Dynasty, Tripartite Dynaties, Chola Dyansty and the accounts of Ancient Chinese of our homeland. We are not without accomplishments. We developed a near perfectly stable society during classical era. The various Islamic Sultanates in India were also civilisation moggers.

And even more please brocel take a vacation in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kashmir or Northern Bengal. Those places are beautiful. Not all of curryland is Bihar or Dharavi.:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:

I am not claiming we are uber moggers or something but if you study history you will see we mog South Americans, Africans, South East Asians on a civilisational scale.
Bro it pains me to hear you say this:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:. Please read out Gupta Dynasty, Tripartite Dynaties, Chola Dyansty and the accounts of Ancient Chinese of our homeland. We are not without accomplishments. We developed a near perfectly stable society during classical era. The various Islamic Sultanates in India were also civilisation moggers.

And even more please brocel take a vacation in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kashmir or Northern Bengal. Those places are beautiful. Not all of curryland is Bihar or Dharavi.:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:

I am not claiming we are uber moggers or something but if you study history you will see we mog South Americans, Africans, South East Asians on a civilisational scale.
@Chudpreet is a self hating NRI cumskin bootlicker, that's his only personality. He is basically the "Phull Sappart to Isreal saar :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: " but for whites instead.

He even said he considered converting to Islam once. All he know of India is 4troon memes. It's a waste of time trying to convincing him otherwise

Even with many disagreements I still like him because he is a Telugu.
And Avestan is an Iranian language. Both Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages got that word from Proto-Indo-Iranian.
Btw word Aryan isn't present anywhere in our scriptures. Only the word Arya is
Bro it pains me to hear you say this:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:. Please read out Gupta Dynasty, Tripartite Dynaties, Chola Dyansty and the accounts of Ancient Chinese of our homeland. We are not without accomplishments. We developed a near perfectly stable society during classical era. The various Islamic Sultanates in India were also civilisation moggers.
I know of all these empires but the thing is Ancient & Medieval India having decent history doesn’t come close to making up for how awful modern India is.

Kanging about history is useless if your homeland is currently a dump. At least Nafris and Levantines have the excuse that their countries were decent before they had the shit bombed out of them; curries and nigs don’t.
And even more please brocel take a vacation in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kashmir or Northern Bengal. Those places are beautiful. Not all of curryland is Bihar or Dharavi.:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:
I know not all of curryland is a dump, I’ve been to Hyderabad, Vijayawada, and the town my mom grew up in many times. Idk why you, pajeetsingh, and anandkonda act like I’ve never been to curryland, most NRIs in the JewSA visit frequently.

Even SSA has nice areas, though, so this doesn’t really mean much.
I am not claiming we are uber moggers or something but if you study history you will see we mog South Americans, Africans, South East Asians on a civilisational scale.
@Chudpreet is a self hating NRI cumskin bootlicker, that's his only personality. He is basically the "Phull Sappart to Isreal saar :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: " but for whites instead.

He even said he considered converting to Islam once. All he know of India is 4troon memes. It's a waste of time trying to convincing him otherwise

Even with many disagreements I still like him because he is a Telugu.
Your only personality is starting race wars or caste/region/religion wars among curries.

Regarding me considering Islam at a point, it’s ‘cause I was in a ”trad” masculinity coper phase. No different from normie influencers like Tate or Sneako who did the same shit, save for the fact that they actually converted and I didn’t.

Also, I’ve been to curryland multiple times. You wouldn’t get my disgust because you don’t have a point of reference to compare it with like I do with the first world.
We might mog them in Ancient Civilisation but keep in mind even violent cartel muttoid nigger spic shitholes like Mexico and Brazil are cleaner and have a higher HDI than India. Even Malaysia and Thailand is more developed than India.
One BBC would probably kill 5 curries if he swinged his BBC in their direction
We might mog them in Ancient Civilisation but keep in mind even violent cartel muttoid nigger spic shitholes like Mexico and Brazil are cleaner and have a higher HDI than India. Even Malaysia and Thailand is more developed than India.
Although to be fair these guys had a huge head start because many of the Europeans did settle there and develop industry so not all of the wealth went directly back to Iberia
I know not all of curryland is a dump, I’ve been to Hyderabad, Vijayawada, and the town my mom grew up in many times. Idk why you, pajeetsingh, and anandkonda act like I’ve never been to curryland, most NRIs in the JewSA visit frequently.
Have you ever been to Vizag? It's a BASED clean city. You Andhras need to be appreciated for that :feelsokman:
caste/region/religion wars among curries.
not just among any curries but primarily self hating curries
We might mog them in Ancient Civilisation but keep in mind even violent cartel muttoid nigger spic shitholes like Mexico and Brazil are cleaner and have a higher HDI than India. Even Malaysia and Thailand is more developed than India.
Yeah stop stealing the South Indian taxes then

Also, I’ve been to curryland multiple times. You wouldn’t get my disgust because you don’t have a point of reference to compare it with like I do with the first world.
The difference is we all want to improve our country, which you don't even consider as yours. And bootlick every other race
Yeah stop stealing the South Indian taxes then

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I'm cageing everytime you think I'm a Gangetic Indian :lul:.

You should know there isn't much of Biharis/UPite diaspora, most of them migrate to other places in India not abroad.

I never brought it up because I don't like making fun of other curries, I never made fun of South Indians either (your kind) but you keep bringing up ethnicity and making fun of it. :feelstastyman:
I'm cageing everytime you think I'm a Gangetic Indian :lul:.

You should know there isn't much of Biharis/UPite diaspora, most of them migrate to other places in India not abroad.

I never brought it up because I don't like making fun of other curries, I never made fun of South Indians either (your kind) but you keep bringing up ethnicity and making fun of it. :feelstastyman:
That's why I keep asking which part you are from. I assume anyone who doesn't reveal that is a Bihari
That's why I keep asking which part you are from. I assume anyone who doesn't reveal that is a Bihari
That's not a bad logic, but there aren't many Biharis abroad
That's not a bad logic, but there aren't many Biharis abroad
There are many Bihari niggers in Hyderabad. They spit pan masala everywhere. I want to slaughter all of them :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
My parents were tall for Indians (5'11 and 5'5) but I'm a genetic fuckup.
Gujjus are ultra nationalists and mulla haters. You aren't at all like that.

Why are you self hating? Gujarat is developed and rich right?
Gujjus are ultra nationalists and mulla haters. You aren't at all like that.

Why are you self hating?
This is complicated, but tldr; you have to hate yourself to become better. I'll never become better obviously, but it's beats being arrogant and underachieved
Gujarat is developed and rich right?
For Indian standards the state is mid, as a group we're decent in Maharashtra and abroad
This is complicated, but tldr; you have to hate yourself to become better. I'll never become better obviously, but it's beats being arrogant and underachieved
Hating oneself is one thing, bootlicking every other race is another. That's what I hate in you, Chudpreet and wereq
For Indian standards the state is mid, as a group we're decent in Maharashtra and abroad

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