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Venting Overstressed & Burned-out, Due to College.



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
This past year, and semester especially, has been way more fucking busy than usual: I hardly have time to enjoy vidya anymore, I have tons of threads I want to work on & reply to, and I just constantly feel as if I am stuck in this never-ending, relentless, and menial grind. It has been like this for the past few years, yet this year has just been even worse, and is why I said in a thread I made a few months back that things are just going to get worse as this year progresses, for myself & others.

In fact, ever since highschool, my entire life has just felt as if it is nothing more than a meaningless grind: Constantly jumping from one task to the next, only adhering to the value of engaging in it simply because I was told to. In fact, I think this is what planted the seeds of questioning the very "system" as a whole; what actual purpose does any of this "work" have? What will it do to actually benefit me & the collective of the society/civilization I live under?

I'm fucking burned-out constantly, and working a wageslave doesn't help with that, yet I need it to afford copes: I know that many of you live in places far worse than the US, and I am not trying to invalidate anyones experiences, but believe me, there's a reason myself & other UScels -such as @Corvus rip to a real one- call this place nicknames such as "Shitmerica" or my personal favorite, "The Jewnited States of Shitmerica"

Most people here, regardless of occupation, social-standing, etc. report being burned-out constantly, due to the shitty work & education "hustle & grind bro" culture we have here:

  • 41% of employed Americans are currently experiencing post-time-off burnout, with 14% making mistakes due to exhaustion.
4% of employed Americans report that burnout typically sets in immediately after returning from their time off, while 50% indicate it occurs within one week of returning.
  • The top struggles with people who are experiencing burnout after time off are low energy levels (65%), motivation loss (63%), fatigue (58%) and feeling sad (29%) after vacation.

And that's just the workforce, College students say the same thing:

  • Over 4 in 5 college seniors have experienced burnout during their undergraduate experience, marked by chronic exhaustionl and lack of motivation, according to a new survey from early career platform Handshake.
  • The class of 2024 expects to carry those feelings into their early careers. A large majority of respondents, 80%, said they’re worried about burnout once they enter their professions.

I wish I had more time to post here, hangout on discord with brocels, vidyamaxx, read philosophy, learn more history, fap, drugmaxx, etc. yet I can't, and I feel even more utterly defeated by life due to this meaningless, perpetual, and soul-draining grind.
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This past year, and semester especially, has been way more fucking busy than usual: I hardly have time to enjoy vidya anymore, I have tons of threads I want to work on & reply to, and I just constantly feel as if I am stuck in this never-ending, relentless, and menial grind. It has been like this for the past few years, yet this year has just been even worse, and is why I said in a thread I made a few months back that things are just going to get worse as this year progresses, for myself & others.

In fact, ever since highschool, my entire life has just felt as if it is nothing more than a meaningless grind: Constantly jumping from one task to the next, only adhering to the value of engaging in it simply because I was told to. In fact, I think this is what planted the seeds of questioning the very "system" as a whole; what actual purpose does any of this "work" have? What will it do to actually benefit me & the collective of the society/civilization I live under?

I'm fucking burned-out constantly, and working a wageslave doesn't help with that, yet I need it to afford copes: I know that many of you live in places for worse than the US, and I am not trying to invalidate anyones experiences, but believe me, there's a reason myself & other UScels -such as @Corvus rip to a real one- call this place nicknames such as "Shitmerica" or my personal favorite, "The Jewnited States of Shitmerica"

Most people here, regardless of occupation, social-standing, etc. report being burned-out constantly, due to the shitty work & education "hustle & grind bro" culture we have here:

And that's just the workforce, College students say the same thing:

I wish I had more time to post here, hangout on discord with brocels, vidyamaxx, read philosophy, learn more history, fap, drugmaxx, etc. yet I can't, and I feel even more utterly defeated by life due to this meaningless, perpetual, and soul-draining grind.
I can relate. I study law
Can relate I have been doing so much lately between school, work and trying to get a drivers license
Can relate I have been doing so much lately between school, work and trying to get a drivers license
Kek your avi made me think you were @bannedincel unbanned for a second. :feelskek:

Good luck with getting your license btw: It's easy to get in this country, but still requires some adjustment & learning ofc.

Probably why I feel as if I've seen you less lately.
I had two exams on Friday, both worth over 40%.
I had two exams on Friday, both worth over 40%.
Brutal; I fucking hate how a mere few assignments can constitute such a big % of your overall grade.
Brutal; I fucking hate how a mere few assignments can constitute such a big % of your overall grade.
That's a good thing. It's easier to score higher on assignments.
I don't think I'll even have enough energy and/or will-power to reply to some of the stuff I got tagged in or have been idling on for a few days now, fucking heck this is such bullshit; you never get any rest as a sub-5.

Will give a watch later, but man, I just know how fucking miserable the future will be.

I hate this life so much: I should never have even been born, and then I was born in the worst possible time in existence. Too late to explore the Earth, too early too early to explore the Universe; too late to get a tradwife who just wanted me for my house, too early for an AI waifu-bot.

What a misERable existence, why even bother attempting anything?
That´s what I experienced roughly 1 week ago.

Know that you are not alone, and the overwhelming majority of men feel like you.
Whether you are still in college or a corporate Slave, it doesn´t matter.
Society views Subpar men as disposable objects.
You are essentially an ´ATM machine´ for the state, you´re here make money, serve the system and die.
The only ones who benefit from this corrupt system, are the top tier men and the ones higher up in the echelon.
I´m not NEET and work Fulltime, but really hope this corrupt rotten structure will crumble down, like Rome.

The future looks rather interesting though....
Gen Alpha is literally addicted to social media, and their brains are fried because of it.
Most of them will never work a normal job, that´s my guess.
We need Blue collar employees, they are the backbone of society.
What major and degree if you don't mind me asking?

USC was famously called "University of Spoiled Cunts" and UCSB "University of California's Spoiled Brats" by Elliot Rodger.
just quit nigga
Just checked, and I may have more shit I need to do soon; I'm fucking done with this bullshit life fuck everything & fuck my parents for having me selfish cunts.

And now with war being instigated against Russia, China, and Iran by the Jew-media, I may have to deal with getting my fucking draft-papers in the mail: I, however, will not fight for a country which has made my life worse in every way possible, has caused my mental health to spiral even worse, instilled more resentment within me due to the shitty "popularity culture" here promoted by Hollywood, has told me I should feel guilt just for being White, wants to systematically replace me just for being born White, has offered me no future opportunities, and is full of foids who would rather fuck dogs than even give me a moment of thought.

No Russian has ever called me "White trash," no Chinese has ever mocked me for my looks and/or Autism, so why should I die in a pointless war?

Fuck the United States & fuck the retarded, ignorant, and disgusting "Walmart Americans"
Just checked, and I may have more shit I need to do soon; I'm fucking done with this bullshit life fuck everything & fuck my parents for having me selfish cunts.

And now with war being instigated against Russia, China, and Iran by the Jew-media, I may have to deal with getting my fucking draft-papers in the mail: I, however, will not fight for a country which has made my life worse in every way possible, has caused my mental health to spiral even worse, instilled more resentment within me due to the shitty "popularity culture" here promoted by Hollywood, has told me I should feel guilt just for being White, wants to systematically replace me just for being born White, has offered me no future opportunities, and is full of foids who would rather fuck dogs than even give me a moment of thought.

No Russian has ever called me "White trash," no Chinese has ever mocked me for my looks and/or Autism, so why should I die in a pointless war?

Fuck the United States & fuck the retarded, ignorant, and disgusting "Walmart Americans"
The older I get, the more I understand why my dad was always in such a bitchy mood after work: Truly, work culture in this shithole is soul-draining.

A saying I heard once, is that "Europeans work to live, Americans live to work" and the older I get, the more I really comprehend it.

Perhaps, what is the most depressing about it all, is just how content so many here are with it: We will never have some kind of nationwide, mass-scale protests, uprisings, or whatever demanding for a change to this system, because most Shitmericans are content with living their meaningless lives of consumerism & materialism, another reason I resent this country.

It gets worse as you get oldER trust me

Nothing to really look forward to, just grinding responsibilities that have to be done no matter what
college is preventing me from creating my very own incel ideology :feelsUgh:. maybe ill work on it more during the summer
It gets worse as you get oldER trust me

Nothing to really look forward to, just grinding responsibilities that have to be done no matter what
I think I may be roping before 30, as opposed to after it at this rate. :fuk::cryfeels:
That´s what I experienced roughly 1 week ago.

Know that you are not alone, and the overwhelming majority of men feel like you.
Appreciate it brother, I just wish we all could just for once, set aside any differences so we can all address this issues as a whole.
Whether you are still in college or a corporate Slave, it doesn´t matter.
Society views Subpar men as disposable objects.
We exist to keep the wheels of civilization grinding, which in itself isn't bad necessarily: However, when we don't have basic needs met & are treated as literal disposable cattle, then it becomes an issue.
You are essentially an ´ATM machine´ for the state, you´re here make money, serve the system and die.
The only ones who benefit from this corrupt system, are the top tier men and the ones higher up in the echelon.
I´m not NEET and work Fulltime, but really hope this corrupt rotten structure will crumble down, like Rome.
The future looks rather interesting though....
Gen Alpha is literally addicted to social media, and their brains are fried because of it.
Most of them will never work a normal job, that´s my guess.
We need Blue collar employees, they are the backbone of society.
I remember making a thread on this awhile back, which will contribute to the overall behavioral sink.
college is preventing me from creating my very own incel ideology :feelsUgh:. maybe ill work on it more during the summer
Great minds think alike; I've been wanting to do the same, yet I've been incredibly busy.
Endless perseverance and grind without just reward is the story of all subhuman men who aren't gifted enough to accomplish things with ease. Get ready for a decade of constant grind without any reward in sight.

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