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Blackpill "Our data suggest that male facial attractiveness, but not tallness, is a significant predictor of men’s reproductive success"

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
No freakin way!
Personality = 20$ "self help" book
So does this settle the Face vs Height debate once and for all, and that Face > Height?
HEight costs 20 bucks on temu
Face costs 20k from bogdan
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
Jordan Peterson on suicide watch after this one
Now all we need is a study on how to change facial structure to be good looking and we will stop being incels!
I click on the link in your post OP and it returns "ACCESS DENIED". What can you do about it?

Is this posted on Libgen or because you have my interest.
I click on the link in your post OP and it returns "ACCESS DENIED". What can you do about it?

Is this posted on Libgen or because you have my interest.
Interesting, the same happens to me. That said, seems like it’s blocking just the link here, I tried going through the PDF link that shows up on Google Scholar and that works just fine. The entire PDF is also free on Researchgate:

It should also be on Sci-Hub, I just checked and while the PDF didn’t load for me, that’s probably just because of my phone being weak.

The fact that both facial attractiveness (Cornwell
and Perrett 2008) and body height are heritable
Oh wow, a Perrett citation. That surprised me. In Perrett's book which was released in the same year as this study was, In Your Face, he claims that female facial attractiveness was heritable, but male facial attractiveness was not.

I know Perrett is the giant in the new field of studying human attractiveness (with the scientific method). After reading his book, it's playful to see other researchers reference his work.

By the way, if you have not read In Your Face, you ought to. Until chapters 9 to 11 it's no cope blackpill essence. Funny too The "You have a fish face" explanation was both educational (he writes about embryology) and fun.
After 5'9 face matters more all in agreement?
Yes. But that is not to say that the height becomes worthless. It's to say that beyond 5'9 it's diminishing returns compared to the better and better looking man who always benefits more from a more symmetrical face, bigger jaw, bluer eyes.

I think that this a bell curve situation, most women would probably not mind an attractive man a bit below average but if he's on the lower percentile it might be over
I think it's when a man becomes bellow 5'7 that he begins quickly to lose all sexual attractiveness to women he might meet in real life. When I hear 5'6, 5'5, 5'4. I grit my teeth because I know that's a plausible case of legit inceldom. Bellow 5'5, men have to contend with the mental anguish that is being height mogged each and every time they exit the house and height mogged by primary schoolchildren and female schoolchildren.

It's a scale, face is more likely to save a tiny man than height is to save a literal butt ugly man.
It's a balance. An 9/10 face on a body 5'4 isn't going to counteract the visceral disgust that women hiding their pussy have toward manletism. On the other hand, a 6'5 3/10 man becomes repulsive to women once their eyes move up enough. Given either extreme combination, lays will be rare or the man will be incel.

It's worth acknowledging that not all 6'5 men are alike. Frame matters. Waist-to-chest, waist-to-shoulders, hip-to-shoulders are what determine if the frame is beefy and masculine and will turn women on by the sight of it. With a good frame, men will look herculean without stepping foot into a gym once. I think frame needs to be considered more and wherever height is considered.

Oh wow, a Perrett citation. That surprised me. In Perrett's book which was released in the same year as this study was, In Your Face, he claims that female facial attractiveness was heritable, but male facial attractiveness was not.

I know Perrett is the giant in the new field of studying human attractiveness (with the scientific method). After reading his book, it's playful to see other researchers reference his work.

By the way, if you have not read In Your Face, you ought to. Until chapters 9 to 11 it's no cope blackpill essence. Funny too The "You have a fish face" explanation was both educational (he writes about embryology) and fun.
Interesting, never heard of this book.
I found an epub. I will put it here for ppl to download:

We are just being repetitive at this point, im just here to shitpost and cope, idc about anything anymore.

Im way too close to roping anyday soon now anyways.
Yes. But that is not to say that the height becomes worthless. It's to say that beyond 5'9 it's diminishing returns compared to the better and better looking man who always benefits more from a more symmetrical face, bigger jaw, bluer eyes.

I think it's when a man becomes bellow 5'7 that he begins quickly to lose all sexual attractiveness to women he might meet in real life. When I hear 5'6, 5'5, 5'4. I grit my teeth because I know that's a plausible case of legit inceldom. Bellow 5'5, men have to contend with the mental anguish that is being height mogged each and every time they exit the house and height mogged by primary schoolchildren and female schoolchildren.

It's a balance. An 9/10 face on a body 5'4 isn't going to counteract the visceral disgust that women hiding their pussy have toward manletism. On the other hand, a 6'5 3/10 man becomes repulsive to women once their eyes move up enough. Given either extreme combination, lays will be rare or the man will be incel.

It's worth acknowledging that not all 6'5 men are alike. Frame matters. Waist-to-chest, waist-to-shoulders, hip-to-shoulders are what determine if the frame is beefy and masculine and will turn women on by the sight of it. With a good frame, men will look herculean without stepping foot into a gym once. I think frame needs to be considered more and wherever height is considered.
not a bad analysis
Bombardment of blackpill after blackpill. This should have been a common knowledge but people like to pretend like they don't know this is the truth. Great thread.
Neurotypicals are liars that bullshit each other & treat those that stray from the norm as crazy.
Neurotypicals are liars that bullshit each other & treat those that stray from the norm as crazy.
Yeah they have their pretend rules of what to roleplay and not notice the obvious things. Then when someone calls things by their real names, people see him as an crazy hateful person.
Yeah they have their pretend rules of what to roleplay and not notice the obvious things. Then when someone calls things by their real names, people see him as an crazy hateful person.
As an autist I find it aggrevating & strange.
So does this settle the Face vs Height debate once and for all, and that Face > Height?
No. Manletcels like me are forever oppressed we are the last kind to be outed. Common incels.is L yet again
height lol. some 6'3 70 year old guys are better than 5'10 twink chads. no
Yes. But that is not to say that the height becomes worthless. It's to say that beyond 5'9 it's diminishing returns compared to the better and better looking man who always benefits more from a more symmetrical face, bigger jaw, bluer eyes.

I think it's when a man becomes bellow 5'7 that he begins quickly to lose all sexual attractiveness to women he might meet in real life. When I hear 5'6, 5'5, 5'4. I grit my teeth because I know that's a plausible case of legit inceldom. Bellow 5'5, men have to contend with the mental anguish that is being height mogged each and every time they exit the house and height mogged by primary schoolchildren and female schoolchildren.

It's a balance. An 9/10 face on a body 5'4 isn't going to counteract the visceral disgust that women hiding their pussy have toward manletism. On the other hand, a 6'5 3/10 man becomes repulsive to women once their eyes move up enough. Given either extreme combination, lays will be rare or the man will be incel.

It's worth acknowledging that not all 6'5 men are alike. Frame matters. Waist-to-chest, waist-to-shoulders, hip-to-shoulders are what determine if the frame is beefy and masculine and will turn women on by the sight of it. With a good frame, men will look herculean without stepping foot into a gym once. I think frame needs to be considered more and wherever height is considered.
Jfl, ever heard what 20 bucks can do on temu?
He can height fraud 3 inches like all celebrities.
If he has a 9/10 face it would make sense for platform shoes.
Face = everything and height is just a bonus that enhances your already good looking face. You won't make foid to have more orgams just by being taller and having bigger dick you need to have Chad's face.
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: giga IQ thread as always, 100% pin worthy ngl. Should be added to must-read for future generations :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

I will add this must-read thread corroborating that face > body.

gymcopers rn:

failed crash and burn GIF by truTV’s Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters
Not a single of our ancestors had to cope with a stupid gym, they all had average bodies and still could attract a mate because there were not much competition as there is today and requirements of foids are sky high.
Jfl, ever heard what 20 bucks can do on temu?
He can height fraud 3 inches like all celebrities.
If he has a 9/10 face it would make sense for platform shoes.
Valid. But you can't wear lifts everywhere. What's this Chad going to do in the bedroom? Insist he keeps his shoes on. You can't convince me it would not be pussy desiccant if her chosen man suddenly descends (figuratively and literally) 5 inches. She had been with guys who are 8/10 face and tall, why would she compromise when a better fuck is a swipe on her phone and an hour drive away?
Not a single of our ancestors had to cope with a stupid gym, they all had average bodies and still could attract a mate because there were not much competition as there is today and requirements of foids are sky high.

Beginning of "personal" ads, page 114
Pintard astutely identified a new trend in urban courtship. After 1820, even the selection of a spouse was subject to the vagaries of the market. "Personal" ads appeared for the first time in local papers. Many males openly expressed frustration in finding female companions. In the 1840s, for example, young mechanics placed newspaper advertisements seeking the attention of young ladies between fifteen and twenty, reiterating their good moral character and desiring to change their "present solitary lives of celibacy for the more pleasing and social life of conjugal bliss." Admitting that their method was unusual, the young workers expressed the hope that the "irksomeness of introduction, acquaintance and courtship [would] justify [them] in making this public address." By the 1860s, "personals" were a regular feature in New York newspapers.

They both matter greatly, but facial attractiveness slightly beats out height, apparently. This is quite the black pill revelation. I've strongly been in the height>face camp, because of all of the additional advantages that height confers (in addition to my own life experiences dealing with manletism), but when it comes to the most important thing - reproduction - face>height.

We don't have to like it, but the facts are there.
true. I think for social status and everything else height > face but for getting pussy face > height. And that aligns with my own life experience.
You're one of the few users here who fully understand the true nature of the BP.
I find it baffling, borderline mindbreaking in fact, how normies, Redditors, soyfaggots, liberals, etc. will always constantly ask for some peer-reviewed source in any kind of argument.

Meanwhile, we can cite these examples from smaller & supposedly """trad""" countries which show that...well what we say about face, height, etc. being very strong indicators of sexual success & dating are true. It also shows that, well, AWALT.

I think this also does settle the debate, somewhat, of face>height: Though ofc, if you're actually tall(not muh 6'0 like some copers here say) it is a massive halo & can save some folks.

I found the part about how they found a correlation between looks & sperm count/quality quite interesting: One on hand, it does make sense guys who have more & better sex will have a better quality, but it would also be interesting to examine what else could contribute to this.
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29

High IQ Post. Thanks.

I'm the one of those who think that height > face, but only is my personal opinion.

Amazing post.
The average guy who's 5'8 (without old farts and mid age men its probably 5'9
Just get 2 inch lifts and larp 6 inches
just hover in front of her with jetpack like ur fighting a titan theory
The average guy who's 5'8 (without old farts and mid age men its probably 5'9
Just get 2 inch lifts and larp 6 inches
I wear 4 inch elevator shoes to get to 5’11 which is basically 6 foot.
Bookmarked as well. There was never hope for manlets.
You got it wrong, it's facial attractiveness that matters more than height, as the article mentions and as I've seen all my life.
Very depressing. In the US you can at least study medicine or something and become a non-incel because you can compensate there with that big fat paycheck what I've witnessed but in the Europe you will be an incel no matter what you do because of communism. In the EU women no matter how ugly they are can just get chad's seed from the sperm bank and live off as single mothers with the tax moneys we incels and other men are forced to pay.
this post is water
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
Now can we stop the tall hate?
And then we have people like Zac Weedon
We are just being repetitive at this point, im just here to shitpost and cope, idc about anything anymore.

Im way too close to roping anyday soon now anyways.
Get a job
Bla blah bla approaching the 28 yo milestone as a kv meanwhile .is users that are shorter than me keep getting kicked away for having dates, kisses and sex
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29

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