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Blackpill Study confirms that women care way more about face than body

isnt this knowledge we already know? i mean, unless this thread is directed to the mentalcels/ volcels,/ copers????
looks - money - status, its all females value.
Great that another study has proven that body doesnt matter, gymcel is cope, just dont be fat.
TLDR;Water is wet.
If you're fat than you gotta gymcel to know whether it's really over or not.
damn.. this was my last cope :(
Speak for yourself article, I look at the body and booty first, I could care less about face on women.
Did they control for height at least?
We didn't need a study for this fact.
Speak for yourself article, I look at the body and booty first, I could care less about face on women.
This. If a girl has a well shaped big ass she's a 10/10, simple, unless she has tumors in her face or some other facial disfiguration.
This. If a girl has a well shaped big ass she's a 10/10, simple, unless she has tumors in her face or some other facial disfiguration.

Exactly even if she had tumors on her face or looked like a wilderbeast I could work around it tbh
thats not the point, a good body can only benefit u
if you are single digit bf then you are completely bodymaxed. Muscles only get you respect from men, but do jack shit to attract women.
Gymcels, when will they learn?
thats not the point, a good body can only benefit u

Getting a good body will gain you respect from other men and make them less likely to fuck with you. Also it's good for your health. That's where the benefits end tbh.

In the eyes of women muscles are like the icing on the cake. They help guys that are already attractive become more attractive.
Getting a good body will gain you respect from other men and make them less likely to fuck with you. Also it's good for your health. That's where the benefits end tbh.

In the eyes of women muscles are like the icing on the cake. They help guys that are already attractive become more attractive.
google "shirtless hot guys"

all of them have at least 6 months worth of muscles

u dont have to roid up, simply being low bf% with a little muscles is enough
If they don't have good face + good frame + good height, then it doesn't matter. Muscles are only an enhancement to looks, not a be-all end-all. This is why gymcels are still considered repulsive despite having good bodies. It's like putting glitter on a pile of shit.
this is the entire point stop being so dense, muscles=always a plus (as long as natty)

i never said muscles=insta chad

this is the entire point stop being so dense, muscles=always a plus (as long as natty)

i never said muscles=insta chad

Well no shit.
We've been EXPERIENCING it all along.
No mention of height

worthless post
No mention of height

worthless post
Naturally wide frame tall guys benefit the most from gymcelling given they are not sub4.5 or lower. But for manlet and narrow mfers......
Face > Everything.
If body mattered, gymcels wouldn't exist.
Fuck this. I need reasons for gymceling. This is depressing.
I don't need to read a study to know this
Imo body is like a multiplier. I you have low initial value it won't give much of a boost.
Body would help most in situations were you're shirtless and when you already have a good face. Think about all the tourist locations were girls are down to fuck. In those places of course having a good face would be good but being in good shape would definitely put you above the rest.

another stupid thing guys do is get bloated so they can look big

no woman has ever cared about a guy looking big
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Gymcellers will still damage control and claim they are doing it for themselves and not women lmao.

Face is everything.
Both are shit for me.
Like idiot @Startheon
Your still crying for me huh lil bytch?, there are studies saying Circumcision prevents stds prevent HIV, all these men probably were average height and tallfags you entitled coper
Your still crying for me huh lil bytch?, there are studies saying Circumcision prevents stds prevent HIV, all these men probably were average height and tallfags you entitled coper
Keep coping you can’t even answer me properly
Shut the fuck up you sperg, height is cope.
:feelshaha: You must be another loser failing on tutorial mode lol your not entitled to a foid man go improve yourself
Yes i am a loser, im a ugly schizophrenic subhuman
But your tall so your a volcel, probably self diagnosed fag thinks he's edgy like all the rest
Your really obsessed with me arent you,
turk bitch
I’m not obsessed with anyone, I’m just giving your ass handed to you, you can’t answer in a meaningful way
You wouldn't last a day in my shoes you dumb shitskin.
Your white tooo? Lmao :feelshaha: your the ultimate loser buddy boyo. White and tall still failed:feelskek::feelskek: how incompetent can you get lol
No need to be told the same shit. Im well aware lifes not fair

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