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Blackpill "Our data suggest that male facial attractiveness, but not tallness, is a significant predictor of men’s reproductive success"



Oct 30, 2022
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

Here we examined associations between men’s reproductive success and physical attractiveness from retrospective data obtained from married, divorced, and single samples of Slovakian men. As predicted, facially more attractive and taller men were more likely to engage in marriage. In turn, married men had higher reproductive success than single men. Even when men’s marital status was considered, facially more attractive men had higher reproductive success than their less attractive counterparts. This supports the importance of physical attractiveness in sexual selection in modern humans.

You don't say:feelsjuice:!

Some indicators suggest that male height is also considered as an indicator of genetic quality.


Tall men are more likely to marry (Manfredini et al. 2010) and are more attractive to females (Hensley 1994; Pierce 1996; Mueller and Mazur 2001; Manfredini et al. 2010), which is supported by high response rates of females to male advertisements published in newspapers (Pawlowski and Koziel 2002; Koziel and Pawlowski 2003). In addition, some data indicate that more attractive women have on average taller husbands (Pawlowski et al. 2008).
The majority of works examining associations between physical attractiveness and mating success (i.e., number of sexualpartners) showed that more attractive males reported to have more sexual partners and/or more extrapair partners
Water Stay Hydrated GIF

The fact that both facial attractiveness (Cornwelland Perrett 2008) and body height (Chambers et al. 2001;Silventoinen et al. 2001) are heritable reinforces their potential importance in human sexual selection.
"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Jokela (2009) found that the least facially attractive men had fewer children than more attractive men. Taller men are less likely to be childless than shorter ones (Pawlowski et al. 2000; Mueller and Mazur2001; Nettle 2002) and/or have several different long-term partners (Mueller and Mazur 2001; Nettle 2002).
Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

None of these studies, however, examined male facial attractivenessand tallness simultaneously. Thus, the relative importanceof these two variables in sexual selection in modern humans is less understood.
So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

Multiple logistic regression with having at least one child as dependent variable, facial attractiveness as continuous predictor, and education level as categorical predictor showed that men having at least one child tended to be facially more attractive than their childless counterparts

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."

These results were only marginally influenced by education level


Multiple linear regression (forward stepwise method) with number of children as a dependent variable and marital status, educational level, current age, number of siblings, birth order, height, and facial attractiveness defined as predictors showed that the association between predictors and men’s reproductive success was significant. Only marital status and facial attractiveness were significantly associated with men’s reproductive success. Unmarried men had lowest reproductive success, followed by divorced and married men (Table 1).
We examined the relative importance of male phenotype, especially facial attractiveness and body height, in human sexual selection. Taller and facially more attractive men got married more frequently than shorter and facially less attractive ones. In turn, married men (especially those who were facially more attractive) raised more children than single men.
It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

Men’s educational level, which would reflect their socioeconomic status, was a weak predictor of male reproductive success.
"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Given that both male facial attractiveness and body height are attractive for females, similar effects of these variables on men’s reproductive success are not surprising.

Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

However, facial attractiveness and height are distinct cues that do not correlate with each other (r = 0.04, P = 0.43, N = 499, data not shown), and our data suggest that male facial attractiveness, but not tallness, is a significant predictor of men’s reproductive success.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.

It may be that male tallness is under stronger natural selection (relative to sexual selection) (see Kanazawa 2007) than facial attractiveness, thus the relationship between facial attractiveness and reproductive success was found to be stronger.


A marginally significant association between childlessness and low facial attractiveness


found within the sample of married men indicates that a link between facial attractiveness and semen quality could exist (Soler et al. 2003).

Does it:shock:?

However, there are several alternative explanations for this association; for example, women may be more interested in having sex with their more physically attractive partners.

May be:feelskek:?!

Consequently, couples with attractive men may have sex more frequently, resulting in higher likelihood of conception.

May have:feelskek:?!

Research shows that women report more frequent coital orgasms when mated with attractive males (Thornhill et al. 1995; Shackelford et al. 2000)


and that orgasm is associated with sperm retention and possibly with high conception rates (Baker and Bellis 1995), providing indirect support for this possibility.


Also, a growing body of work showing effects of menstrual cycle on women’s mate preferences (e.g., Gangestad et al. 2007; Gangestad and Thornhill 2008; Jones et al. 2008) suggests that women become particularly interested in having sex with physically attractive men and men with masculine and symmetrical faces and bodies near ovulation, when they are most likely to conceive.

"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Thus, couples in which a male partner is more physically attractive may have sex more frequently at high fertility than couples in which a male partner is less attractive.

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Another possibility is that less attractive men marry less attractive women (Buston and Emlen 2004; Pawlowski et al. 2008), who are less fertile (e.g., Zaadstra et al. 1993; Manning et al. 1997; De Pergola et al. 2006).

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Alternatively, perhaps less attractive men in this sample were not as financially successful as the more attractive men and, therefore, decided to have fewer children.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Furthermore, it is possible that more attractive men simply got married earlier and have more children. We cannot rule out this possibility, as no data were collected on number of years married.

Could be, but changes nothing.

Male height was distributed nonrandomly between the three cohorts:

You don't say:feelsahh:.

single men were smallest, still-married men were taller, and divorced men tended to be the tallest

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

These patterns indirectly fit with the idea that tallness is attractive to women and favors men in attracting new mates

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

However, in contrast to Mueller and Mazur’s (2001) study, the reproductive success of divorced men was generally lower than those of married ones. Our data either show that taller and facially more attractive men more likely engage in marriage and that facially more attractive men have greater reproductive success than their less attractive counterparts. Considering that male facial attractiveness was a stronger predictor of reproductive success than tallness, we propose that facial attractiveness is under stronger sexual selection than tallness.

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."

In summary, the importance of physical attractiveness (especially facial attractiveness) in sexual selection in modern men exists, which provides further evidence on evolution of body attractiveness via sexual selection. Further research including data from more diverse samples and additional facial (e.g., averageness, masculinity, and symmetry), health, and wealth measures is required.


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
high iq thread as always (am not even done reading it)
Don't matter anyway because I am both short and ugly
lifefuel for tallfags on this site.
Bookmarked. Mods need to start adding research you share to the incel wiki.
lifefuel for tallfags on this site.
"However, facial attractiveness and height are distinct cues that do not correlate with each other (r = 0.04, P = 0.43, N = 499, data not shown), and our data suggest that male facial attractiveness, but not tallness, is a significant predictor of men’s reproductive success."
We are just being repetitive at this point, im just here to shitpost and cope, idc about anything anymore.

Im way too close to roping anyday soon now anyways.
We are so back manlet bros (no we're not)
"However, facial attractiveness and height are distinct cues that do not correlate with each other (r = 0.04, P = 0.43, N = 499, data not shown), and our data suggest that male facial attractiveness, but not tallness, is a significant predictor of men’s reproductive success."
Nobody believing this.
We are just being repetitive at this point, im just here to shitpost and cope, idc about anything anymore.

Im way too close to roping anyday soon now anyways.
Me too bro :feelsrope:
I think that this a bell curve situation, most women would probably not mind an attractive man a bit below average but if he's on the lower percentile it might be over
Bombardment of blackpill after blackpill. This should have been a common knowledge but people like to pretend like they don't know this is the truth. Great thread.
Bookmarked as well. There was never hope for manlets.
So does this settle the Face vs Height debate once and for all, and that Face > Height?
@Fat Link @Uggo Mongo @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 This needs a pin. Everyone has to see this.
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
Lol here I am no kids and all the tall unemployed men have multiple kids with different women. Sounds pretty correct
Bookmarked as well. There was never hope for manlets.
What are you talking about, it literally says that facial attractiveness matters more for reproductive sucess than height
What are you talking about, it literally says that facial attractiveness matters more for reproductive sucess than height
They both matter greatly, but facial attractiveness slightly beats out height, apparently. This is quite the black pill revelation. I've strongly been in the height>face camp, because of all of the additional advantages that height confers (in addition to my own life experiences dealing with manletism), but when it comes to the most important thing - reproduction - face>height.

We don't have to like it, but the facts are there.
Hey IT, wanna touch this one for a change? :feelsEhh:
Thanks for the awesome read as always brocel, I audibly keked a couple times at your brilliant commentary. Funny how they need all these teams of scientists to conclude some obvious ass shit and carefully chose their words to not portray women as shallow and enrage normcucks. :feels::feels:

Also I wonder if there's a study "proving" that nice personality ensures male reproductive success (if there is, they must've jumped through some serious mental hoops in order to portray persoynality theory as something even half-legit, which wouldn't really suprise me, considering how biased and flawed sociological research usually is)
Everyone say it with me IT. WON'T. TOUCH. THIS
Face > height confirmed. Manletbros, we're going to make it
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
Face remains king.
Slovakia isn't known to be manlet haven anyway since most countries in that part of Europe tend to be more homogeneous which means heights will be similar and there won't be a huge difference between men when it comes to height, face however will always be the different
Dumbasses be like: "All the incel stats are American only, if you aren't American it's completely different for you:soy::soy::soy:."

Meanwhile, studies from my country be like:

Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men

You don't say:feelsjuice:!


Water Stay Hydrated GIF

"Trust me bro, it's all random, you will totally have Chad sons and Stacy daughters if you manage to reproduce:soy:."

Yes, we know:lasereyes::lasereyes:.

So you guys just did so:feelsaww:.

"Just rizz her up bro. Just hold frame, keep spinning plates and do NoFap, your life will do a 180 in no time, I swear bro, bitches in heat will be throwing themselves at you:soy::soy::soy:."


It's important to drink a lot of water at times like this:feelsEhh:.

Water Douse GIF

"B-bro, trust me, you gotta work on your career first, women aren't that visual they're more about money and hardwork and potential."


Tell any of this to Soydditors:feelsjuice:.

Title drop:feelsjuice:. Tfw this forum was created in 2017, meanwhile in 2011 researchers in small European countries were already solving the face vs height debate:feelshaha:, yet people still think that we've come up with all of this on our own and are just "radicalized" and "divorced from reality" or whatever:feelsclown::society:.



Does it:shock:?

May be:feelskek:?!

May have:feelskek:?!



"What's this "Alpha fucks, beta buxx" bullshit, you incels are so weird and cringy, no wonder no woman wants to be with you, who the hell even thinks of human relationships like this:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Even when alpha buxx, he still fucks more than beta ever does:feelsbadman:.

Even when by some miracle you manage to marry your looksmatch, nature still doesn't want your genes to continue existing:dafuckfeels:. It truly nevER began:fuk:.

Tfw you're so deep in the blackpill that even when trying to cope ("Maybe they just didn't want kids") you can only do that with another blackpill (Money and success = Face + Height).

Could be, but changes nothing.

You don't say:feelsahh:.

Brutal, all that short personality keeping the short guys single. They should take a look at how the tallest guys do that, they have such tall personalities that they even make sure that multiple women can experiences them:feelskek::feelshaha:.

Indirectly, eh:feelshehe:?

Broke: "Your looks allow you to start a relationship but your personality keeps your partner with you."

Woke: "Your height opens a woman's legs to you and your face keeps her coming back to you(r cock) again and again, to, well, come again and again."


@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @FucktheFBI @Ron.Belgrade @Jason Voorhees @ethniccel1 @Biowaste Removal @Made in Heaven @PolskiKartofel @Ci Jey @anandkonda @Kina Hikikomori @weaselbomber @ArcticAngel @Da_Yunez @wereq @Sasukecel @RealSchizo @Gendocel @Mecoja @kay' @AsiaCel @comradespiderman29
High IQ thread nigga. Unfortunately, scamza viewers will still say “nahhhhhh man, looks aren’t everything. You gotta build yourself as a man and hit the gym”. And Soydedditors will say “stop it man women care far more about kindness and how you treat your mom”
This is brutal. Height pill is a nuke pill.

Tall men get the attractive women. Usually attractive women have higher iq. So the babies are good looking , tall, healthy, high iq

manlets at best get the landwhales, unhealthy roasties , dwarf foids. So Manlets children come out Unhealthy, short, lower iq than tall fags, low smv
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: giga IQ thread as always, 100% pin worthy ngl. Should be added to must-read for future generations :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

I will add this must-read thread corroborating that face > body.

gymcopers rn:

failed crash and burn GIF by truTV’s Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters
face >>>>>>>>>>>>> height

actually it's bone structure (which determines facial features) >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
What a waste of resources to explain something that can be explained by mere observation and common sense. Especially since normies are so entrenched in their position that nothing will convince them cuz it's the weird looking big bag inkwells saying it. Oh well.
No one who succeeds is really ugly
Brutalize, punch, spit in Soydditors faces.
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: giga IQ thread as always, 100% pin worthy ngl. Should be added to must-read for future generations :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

I will add this must-read thread corroborating that face > body.

gymcopers rn:

failed crash and burn GIF by truTV’s Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters
Very good as well, just gave it a read:feelsstudy:.
It's a scale, face is more likely to save a tiny man than height is to save a literal butt ugly man.
My height is literally the ONLY reason it took me until 20 to get blackpilled. Because I used to subconsciously think that it could somehow save my hideous face.

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