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Blackpill Other than your own life what are some experiences that made you blackpilled?



Feb 4, 2025
For me: Chad neighbour getting forgiven after cheating on his wife (she had breast cancer). And hanging out with a Chad once and seeing the difference in treatment :lul: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Girls talking about how badly they want certain guys but never experiencing desiring from a woman myself
The Videos On youtube, by shifty. By and large, the MOST BRUTAL compilations of all time
Swiping through every profile in the entire city on all 3 dating apps within a 60 mile radius and having barely any matches and basically 0 conversations
Guys talking about how many girls they’ve fucked in the past month
Foid behaviour on fagbook was a major blackpill for me
Founding out that if an older woman calls you "handsome" its just her trying to be nice.

:cryfeels: :cryfeels:
these panels from a bash street kids story in the 2004 beano annual

All the women in my family that are married to normie betabuxxers ended up letting themselves go. The ones that married to Chads adopted rigorous fitness regimes and kept in shape, even when they had underlying health issues.
It lead to me getting an inflated ego which led to me getting banned from an entire university campus for trespassing after I flirted with a faculty member. (Im retarded)
Some old ladies have told me too. But there was one who was brutally honest and straight told me that "I looked like I had a great personality" :feelskek: :feelskek:
All the women in my family that are married to normie betabuxxers ended up letting themselves go. The ones that married to Chads adopted rigorous fitness regimes and kept in shape, even when they had underlying health issues.
I just noticed this too :feelskek:
Chad friend from my school telling me looks matter and talking about his experiences
Seeing my autistic friend (we arent friends anymore really but back then) get bullied brutally.
Seeing my autistic friend (we arent friends anymore really but back then) get bullied brutally.
Autism is brutal because you are born without the ability to experience the best things of human life
My 1/20,000 tier mega deformed classmate who also had a 1/10,000 tier horrendous voice
My 1/20,000 tier mega deformed classmate who also had a 1/10,000 tier horrendous voice
Also mega autist, even more framelet than me at 6'1(only makes him look more disgustingly terrifying at his level)

Was born with a clef palate and needed multiple surgeries
My 1/20,000 tier mega deformed classmate who also had a 1/10,000 tier horrendous voice
His face genuinely wanted to make me gag sometimes and i have a high disgust tolerance it was so bad
I was subconsciously race pilled since i was young, seeing hapas mogging locals
It lead to me getting an inflated ego which led to me getting banned from an entire university campus for trespassing after I flirted with a faculty member. (Im retarded)
Getting banned from a campus for appoarching foids? dam, brutal
ugly men in my family basically being cucks and the chads , chadlites getting praised over nothing. Chad gets everything, even in the third world chad rules.
constantly being emotionally toutured by the people around me and just not fitting in normie groups and having them avoid me and also not having the looks and hight that i desire
men being discriminated and mocked for their height
Eggman's 'Chadfishing video' on YouTube fucking CRUSHED me, and my previous bluepilled beliefs about foids. :feelscry:
Wheatwaffles 3 years ago and personal experience. I was 17. I wish i got blackpilled earlier. It would have saved me a lot of efforts...
For me: Chad neighbour getting forgiven after cheating on his wife (she had breast cancer). And hanging out with a Chad once and seeing the difference in treatment :lul: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
my entire fucking life + family history and observing everyone around me.
I always knew but it took me until my 20s before "the great synthesis" happened.
Too many experiences to mention but

- i look ethnic despite being genetically 100% german. Since childhood they treat me like immigrant and retarded person
- foids abusing my ass since childhood and worshiping my bullies
- relentless patronizing and torture from everyone around me, in spite of my obvious health issues
- adults and kids alike watching for years while I was obviously thinking about suicide and dying inside daily

- every single foid in last 120 years of family history being a fucking psychopath with zero empathy
- watching my dad and mom interact since childhood. How my parents would fight and my mom would later say it was basically fun for her
- foid teacher openly giving me bad grades on purpose and even telling me
- foid teacher yelling at me for no reason so bad that even normies were shocked

- constant bullying and accusations despite me doing everything in my power to self-isolate and not cause trouble (total emotional shutdown to point of ego death, hiding in library, on toilet, not speaking at all anymore for extended periods - it did not matter, they still attack)
- nobody wanting to sit next to me, even on crowded bus
- becoming homeless and watching my family eat icecream on whatsapp while I lived in a shelter with convicts - they didnt give a fuck about my well being at all

I mean it never ends. I drank the kool aid and blamed myself for all of this until I felt that I had to die to "pay back the debt" I owed my abusers. It was mental.
Brutal. People always think in gypsy despiste being spanish :feelsrope: :society:
you have no idea
shit that has happened to me becaues I look ethnic

- in gradeschool racist teacher mistreat me thinking im ethnic until me met my obviously white, blue eyed dad LMAO
- they thought im not christian in grade school, so religion teacher foid excluded me from shit
- me and a turkish guy were both stopped in a store on the same day and accused of stealing. They asked us to show our bags and shit and told us we cant come in with bags anymore. Meanwhile foids around me all had bags lmao

- countless ethnics assume I am ethnic and randomly speak to me in arab, turkish and also treat me WAAYYY nicer than white people
- white people assume I dont speak german and speak to me in english and shit. Even when I tell them I am german, their fucking hamster brain ignores it and goes "yeah yeah, but where did you learn german?"
- been checked at leaest 30 times by police while homeless, literally the same cops over and over, even thoug they never found anything.
This was because I used to hang out at train station every day to avoid the weather. They just harrass subhumans on regular basis for fun.
you have no idea
shit that has happened to me becaues I look ethnic

- in gradeschool racist teacher mistreat me thinking im ethnic until me met my obviously white, blue eyed dad LMAO
- they thought im not christian in grade school, so religion teacher foid excluded me from shit
- me and a turkish guy were both stopped in a store on the same day and accused of stealing. They asked us to show our bags and shit and told us we cant come in with bags anymore. Meanwhile foids around me all had bags lmao

- countless ethnics assume I am ethnic and randomly speak to me in arab, turkish and also treat me WAAYYY nicer than white people
- white people assume I dont speak german and speak to me in english and shit. Even when I tell them I am german, their fucking hamster brain ignores it and goes "yeah yeah, but where did you learn german?"
- been checked at leaest 30 times by police while homeless, literally the same cops over and over, even thoug they never found anything.
This was because I used to hang out at train station every day to avoid the weather. They just harrass subhumans on regular basis for fun.
Giga brutal. Have you ever wondered if your mother cheated on your dad? Also, do you have ethnic features or just your skin?
Giga brutal. Have you ever wondered if your mother cheated on your dad? Also, do you have ethnic features or just your skin?
I 100% did, so I ordered fucking ancestry DNA test last year I think and made thread about results

the DNA result matches my family history.

my looks

- hunchback
- shorter than average for germany, 179cm if standing straight. Many foids mog me here heigt wise believe it or not
- dark curly hair
- huge penis nose
- negative canthal tilt
I 100% did, so I ordered fucking ancestry DNA test last year I think and made thread about results

the DNA result matches my family history.

my looks

- hunchback
- shorter than average for germany, 179cm if standing straight. Many foids mog me here heigt wise believe it or not
- dark curly hair
- huge penis nose
- negative canthal tilt
You may benefit from geomaxxing and thugmaxxing. Although its sad
Seeing my uncle easily manage to get girlfriends despite being an unemployed unintelligent abusive drug addict.
One time when I was visiting my family, I saw my 6'2, HTN, cousin bring home a girl and treat her like shit. They got into a huge argument, and the whole house had to get involved, trying to make him admit that he was abusive. But in the end, she still slept with him and even tried to come back the next day like nothing happened.

I was in this group chat online full of HTNs and even one Chadlite, when they told me their dating life, screenshots with women and even sextapes with them. I knew then looks can only bring you so far that redpill game could never take you. One guy even fucked a girl while her dad was in the same home. One guy I knew told me he got his ex girlfriend to cheat on her boyfriend with him. This dude was such a narcissistic it was crazy yet he always had different kinds of women laid up with him to flex on the group chat to us even sent a video of her giving him head.

I even knew this one girl online who would vent to me about her dating problems aka being pump and dumped by a highly attractive man sharing him with other women.

That's when I also realized in the moment that it's normal for some guys to have a decent social life with women if you are attractive enough.
incel tv/rehab room and wheat waffles

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