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Only feminists support paying taxes

I’m willing to pay taxes if I get some high-quality pussy. Otherwise, taxation is theft.
it's robbery and a crime if a citizen robs someone

but if officials with authority do it then it's fine
Paying taxes as a non chad man in the west is the most cucked thing you can do. That's why we have to discuss ways to avoid paying taxes to the gynocentric government that robs us.
Yes! We should discuss this and end slavery. End government.
it's robbery and a crime if a citizen robs someone

but if officials with authority do it then it's fine
Its still robbery and wrong doing, it just gets accepted by dumb sheeple.
I was forced to pay taxes at my old job. It's gut wrenching since you work for hours & have some of your hard earned money taken from you.
Paying taxes is cucked
I was forced to pay taxes at my old job. It's gut wrenching since you work for hours & have some of your hard earned money taken from you.
Brutal. I hate this stupid system
Taxes is needed so NEETs can survive off the normies and chads taxmoney Kek
Paying taxes is cucked
Keep paying so NEETs can stay comfy

Wagie wagie get in cagie All day long you sweat and ragie NEET is comfy 410 NEET is cool 417 NEET is free from work and school Wagie trapped and wagie dies NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries 412 414 420 404 418 422 104 422 472 422
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

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Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

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Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.
We need justice, we need to punish those disgusting foul feminist, someday it needs to be put to a stop
Welfare states replace the family with the reliance on the state which then, ironically, leads to less revenue for the state as women have fewer sons to contribute in the future and men without families are satisfied with less income.
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

View attachment 642627


Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

View attachment 642628

Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.
Damn lazy holes should be forced to get job and reped with metal stick!!
I can't believe I've never seen this thread before!

Yes I can confirm - New Zealand is a fairly low wage, high-tax left wing country that is fully captured by LGBTQI+ / global warming / nigger intersectional special victim Olympics. OF COURSE the government is constantly giving money to appease special people.

Our current "conservative", "centre-right" National party government is to the left of U.S. Democrats on most issues.

Indigenous polyniggers are the backbone of all the gangs, indigenous polyniggers rape and murder their own children more or less with impunity, and are given all sorts of funding, bribes and special protected powers to give or withhold planning approvals for building and development etc. If an indigenous polynigger once took a shit near your building site in ancient times, you'll need to pay the local polynigger tribes a "donation" if you want to build anything.

All public (government, or town council) meetings and events begin with an interminable polynigger "greeting" which involves cannibal oogabooga dances and ENDLESS speeches and songs in the cannibal oogabooga language that nobody understands. Those giving the speeches and doing the singing and dancing are from the local polynigger tribe and they are highly paid (by the taxpayer) for their "services."

Recently it emerged that the "Mogrel mob" (a ghetto crime gang of polyniggers) was receiving millions of dollars to run methamphetamine addiction counselling services in one of our cities. Coincidentally the mongrel mob are the monopoly supplier of meth in that city. RACIST if you say anything about this, sweaty!

All of our newspapers and TV media openly and constantly support the left political parties. You are a weird conspiracy theorist if you say anything about it.

All education is provided and controlled by the government. Education is all about how men can have periods, white people stole the land from polyniggers, and polyniggers are still suffering from the TRAUMA of having their idyllic oggabooga world of constant cannibal wars of tribal annihilation BRUTALLY SUPPRESSED by Whitey.

(The only alternative to a woke oogabooga education appears to be if you can afford to send your children to private schools, typically one semester at one of these schools costs about an average year's income. )

All Healthcare is provided and rationed by the government and it is hopeless. If you injure yourself playing sport or being a polynigger, you will probably get patched up for free in hospital within 6-8 hours. God help you if anything serious is wrong with you though, we don't have any funding for those treatments, we spent all the money for this quarter on oogabooga polynigger cultural safety training consultants.

Green environmental transfaggots will oppose anything anybody wants to build unless it is a cycle lane, and even then it had better be a de-colonized intersectional cycle lane.

If you want to make art there is govt funding for almost anything, especially if it is about transfaggotry or how polyniggers were oppressed by Whitey, they will just write you a cheque.
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Cope, seethe and dilate IT cucks.

Don't forget to support your local trans faggot nigger, remember they deserve your money more than you do! :feelsYall:
This thread is poorly titled.

In a fairer world, ugly men would be given tax breaks.
I can't believe I've never seen this thread before!

Yes I can confirm - New Zealand is a fairly low wage, high-tax left wing country that is fully captured by LGBTQI+ / global warming / nigger intersectional special victim Olympics. OF COURSE the government is constantly giving money to appease special people.

Our current "conservative", "centre-right" National party government is to the left of U.S. Democrats on most issues.

Indigenous polyniggers are the backbone of all the gangs, indigenous polyniggers rape and murder their own children more or less with impunity, and are given all sorts of funding, bribes and special protected powers to give or withhold planning approvals for building and development etc. If an indigenous polynigger once took a shit near your building site in ancient times, you'll need to pay the local polynigger tribes a "donation" if you want to build anything.

All public (government, or town council) meetings and events begin with an interminable polynigger "greeting" which involves cannibal oogabooga dances and ENDLESS speeches and songs in the cannibal oogabooga language that nobody understands. Those giving the speeches and doing the singing and dancing are from the local polynigger tribe and they are highly paid (by the taxpayer) for their "services."

Recently it emerged that the "Mogrel mob" (a ghetto crime gang of polyniggers) was receiving millions of dollars to run methamphetamine addiction counselling services in one of our cities. Coincidentally the mongrel mob are the monopoly supplier of meth in that city. RACIST if you say anything about this, sweaty!

All of our newspapers and TV media openly and constantly support the left political parties. You are a weird conspiracy theorist if you say anything about it.

All education is provided and controlled by the government. Education is all about how men can have periods, white people stole the land from polyniggers, and polyniggers are still suffering from the TRAUMA of having their idyllic oggabooga world of constant cannibal wars of tribal annihilation BRUTALLY SUPPRESSED by Whitey.

(The only alternative to a woke oogabooga education appears to be if you can afford to send your children to private schools, typically one semester at one of these schools costs about an average year's income. )

All Healthcare is provided and rationed by the government and it is hopeless. If you injure yourself playing sport or being a polynigger, you will probably get patched up for free in hospital within 6-8 hours. God help you if anything serious is wrong with you though, we don't have any funding for those treatments, we spent all the money for this quarter on oogabooga polynigger cultural safety training consultants.

Green environmental transfaggots will oppose anything anybody wants to build unless it is a cycle lane, and even then it had better be a de-colonized intersectional cycle lane.

If you want to make art there is govt funding for almost anything, especially if it is about transfaggotry or how polyniggers were oppressed by Whitey, they will just write you a cheque.
Dang, Its over

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