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Soy Online gaming cringe when foid is on your team


I notice this at work too. Every foid has an army of simps trying to talk to her and make her laugh

The amount of affirmation a woman gets Every. Single. Day. is mind blowing
Yep, literally every step of thier life, even a randomly matchmaked online game and they walk around getting affirmation and shit, holy god I fucking hate this earth and people I swear to god bro.
Thank fuck I never got into online gaming, I'm all about ol' school solo or multiplayer (with actual people with me) playing, so I never had to experience dealing with playing alongside foids (of all creatures). All I know is... once they came into the scene (like any other male-dominated scene) they fuck it all up with their censorship / walking around eggshells shit... it gets old real quick.

This is why foids just shouldn't be allowed to leave the kitchen.
I typically throw those games.
I have absolutely done this a couple times, the simpery just irritates so much that I throw, its also funny to get the reactions of the foids and whiteknights, sometimes the foid gets absolutely pissed so the whiteknights jump in and call you names and stuff, or the foid doesnt care but the betas lose their minds since they wanted to carry and win and impress the foid.

Its funny to cuck/cockblock them, I usually would not want to cockblock someone but I make an exception for online gaming since they are obviously not getting with the foid anyway lol.
guys always go fully simp mode when a foid joins game

its cringe and makes me a bit sad
it’s because they think that’s what’s going to lead them to getting pussy but it’s delusional, you don’t know where this chick even exists or lives yet think an online game is going to make her want you …
it’s because they think that’s what’s going to lead them to getting pussy but it’s delusional, you don’t know where this chick even exists or lives yet think an online game is going to make her want you …
I think it is a little delusional hope, however I think its more that the normies do not get to interact with foids much, so its some of the most interaction they get with foids so they leap at the chance to either act alpha or jestermaxx. I have come to the conclusion that attention from foids and sex is like drugs, which is why normie behaviour can be so erratic.
I think it is a little delusional hope, however I think its more that the normies do not get to interact with foids much, so its some of the most interaction they get with foids so they leap at the chance to either act alpha or jestermaxx. I have come to the conclusion that attention from foids and sex is like drugs, which is why normie behaviour can be so erratic.
that’s true, most normies are practically incels themselves due to how empty they are of female attention
that’s true, most normies are practically incels themselves due to how empty they are of female attention
Yeah, or at least normies can interact with foids through school and work, however its more just kept on polite conversational terms, in those environments its inappropriate to jestermaxx the way you can on an online game, so its an opportunity to make a foid laugh and stuff, I get it because the few times I have been able to make a foid laugh I genuinely popped a stiffy.
Yeah, or at least normies can interact with foids through school and work, however its more just kept on polite conversational terms, in those environments its inappropriate to jestermaxx the way you can on an online game, so its an opportunity to make a foid laugh and stuff, I get it because the few times I have been able to make a foid laugh I genuinely popped a stiffy.
it’s also inappropriate in that kind of environment to shit talk women but you can do that in an online game, I usually do that and kill them numerous times
I get that. I've replayed the mass effect trilogy over 8 times just last year and don't try anything else new since I'm scared to try anything else.
brutal. I've also played the mass effect trilogy more times than I should've. it's just a comfy game, reliable, you know what to expect more or less, reasonably cool and deep sci fi story and fun combat with different classes to try out. I think I've played through modded insanity in me2 with every class at least once :feelsUnreal: a big issue with these games I notice every time is they get easier as you progress when they should be getting harder
brutal. I've also played the mass effect trilogy more times than I should've. it's just a comfy game, reliable, you know what to expect more or less, reasonably cool and deep sci fi story and fun combat with different classes to try out. I think I've played through modded insanity in me2 with every class at least once :feelsUnreal: a big issue with these games I notice every time is they get easier as you progress when they should be getting harder
Agreed. It gets too easy towards the end. I've done almost all classes in me2 on insanity except adept. I hated adept. It's too boring. I also love ME3's multiplayer. I'm working on soloing platinum, but it's taken me forever to get the N7 weapons up to level ten. The RNG is not in my favor. Did you play the multiplayer?
Fuck the notifications to this thread remind me I had more foid on my team cringe just today!

There was a foid on my team, instantly as I get into the lobby 2 guys are speaking to her. One of the guys is being like "oh do you know what my other account is?" of course the foid didnt know because she doesnt give a fuck and has hundreds of other simps. They were also asking for her discord too and stuff and trying to guess her discord name as they thought they knew her or something. Then also cringy jokes like "oh you let me die grrr" and they were also whiteknighting about how some guy from the last game was toxic to her last game and saying how the guy was bad at the game and stuff.
Whenever I get them I usually mute them, propose to vote kick them instantly(if the game has that function) and if not proceed to yell obscenities down the mic and grief/afk for the game
Whenever I get them I usually mute them, propose to vote kick them instantly(if the game has that function) and if not proceed to yell obscenities down the mic and grief/afk for the game
I get muting them but on one hand, they would be the last person on the team I would mute, its the simps that are extremely fucking cringe and do not shut up.

I don't go AFK because I find that boring, I usually just play in silence as I initially intended, I don't want foids and simps to emotionally manipulate me to throw by existing or whatever, but it is still undeniably very cringe, fucking fuck fucking hate simps.
I get muting them but on one hand, they would be the last person on the team I would mute, its the simps that are extremely fucking cringe and do not shut up.

I don't go AFK because I find that boring, I usually just play in silence as I initially intended, I don't want foids and simps to emotionally manipulate me to throw by existing or whatever, but it is still undeniably very cringe, fucking fuck fucking hate simps.
They are fucking cringe but they can give some useful comms compared to the foids who literally just talk like theyve been invited to a podcast. I go AFK sometimes (but I end up mostly griefing/trolling because you get funny reactions of them seething) because I really dont care if I derank or anything and even if they win its a free game for me.
They are fucking cringe but they can give some useful comms compared to the foids who literally just talk like theyve been invited to a podcast. I go AFK sometimes (but I end up mostly griefing/trolling because you get funny reactions of them seething) because I really dont care if I derank or anything and even if they win its a free game for me.
Lolz well me personally I have no interest for comms, especially in a lower rank where they have nothing useful to say anyway. Trolling is funny for the reactions though, I used to troll and gried ALOT in my younger years as a teen but now as an adult I guess I am just so apathetic that it wont entertain me so I just play the game like a zombie.
Foids don't play video games
Agreed. It gets too easy towards the end. I've done almost all classes in me2 on insanity except adept. I hated adept. It's too boring. I also love ME3's multiplayer. I'm working on soloing platinum, but it's taken me forever to get the N7 weapons up to level ten. The RNG is not in my favor. Did you play the multiplayer?
yeah sure. really liked the fury and the vorcha sentinel. watched all of bwnci multiplayer guides as well :feelsUnreal: played it from time to time for a few weeks at a time. problem with the adept in me2 is they increase difficulty by giving all mobs protection you can't penetrate so the adept gets worse the higher difficulty it is so I modded it by decreasing shield on trash mobs, increasing health and a few other things I don't exactly remember. I think I also increased shields on medium enemies like collector assassin or blue suns centurion. wanted to make it harder but not in a manner where you get oneshot or huddle in cover 24/7 but rather get overwhelmed by ccable enemies if you just sit and the trash mobs only needed an area overload or slight gunfire to strip

but they really fixed most issues in me3. the ai was more aggressive as well so I only had to mod the dogshit controls where everything is bound to spacebar. story ending was pretty poopoo though
yeah sure. really liked the fury and the vorcha sentinel. watched all of bwnci multiplayer guides as well :feelsUnreal: played it from time to time for a few weeks at a time. problem with the adept in me2 is they increase difficulty by giving all mobs protection you can't penetrate so the adept gets worse the higher difficulty it is so I modded it by decreasing shield on trash mobs, increasing health and a few other things I don't exactly remember. I think I also increased shields on medium enemies like collector assassin or blue suns centurion. wanted to make it harder but not in a manner where you get oneshot or huddle in cover 24/7 but rather get overwhelmed by ccable enemies if you just sit and the trash mobs only needed an area overload or slight gunfire to strip

but they really fixed most issues in me3. the ai was more aggressive as well so I only had to mod the dogshit controls where everything is bound to spacebar. story ending was pretty poopoo though
They use spacebar to sprint, revive others, go into cover, to dodge, it does everything poorly as fuck. I hate ME3 controls. On console, you can't look around when sprinting which is retarded. And I got bored with me2 adept since every enemy has fucking shields. Biotics were shit since you couldn't prime enemies with shields unlike in me3 you could. And that was a good idea to make the medium enemy's stronger, but not overpowered as you said you did.

I also loved the AI in ME3. At least with cerberus. I haven't encountered many games where enemies work adjacently with one another. It was fairly complex. Then Andromeda made it open world and fucked everything up by making enemies as dumb as rocks.
They use spacebar to sprint, revive others, go into cover, to dodge, it does everything poorly as fuck. I hate ME3 controls. On console, you can't look around when sprinting which is retarded. And I got bored with me2 adept since every enemy has fucking shields. Biotics were shit since you couldn't prime enemies with shields unlike in me3 you could. And that was a good idea to make the medium enemy's stronger, but not overpowered as you said you did.

I also loved the AI in ME3. At least with cerberus. I haven't encountered many games where enemies work adjacently with one another. It was fairly complex. Then Andromeda made it open world and fucked everything up by making enemies as dumb as rocks.
andromeda was next level cringe :feelskek: they made the krogan feminists :feelsUnreal:
andromeda was next level cringe :feelskek: they made the krogan feminists :feelsUnreal:
Oh god. The female krogan character models were terrible, along with it being insanely fucking woke. The beautiful asari turned into copy and pasted goblina's with negro noses. Mass Effect 3 asari versus andromeda asari. You can't tell me this wasn't done on purpose.
New look for my Asari adept, I spend way to much time on her lol :  r/masseffect

Cora Harper: Asari Ark Part 1 Mass Effect Andromeda - YouTube
guys always go fully simp mode when a foid joins game

its cringe and makes me a bit sad
Not always honestly. Id say most of the time they ask to drop onlyfans of the girl playing
I get muting them but on one hand, they would be the last person on the team I would mute, its the simps that are extremely fucking cringe and do not shut up.

I don't go AFK because I find that boring, I usually just play in silence as I initially intended, I don't want foids and simps to emotionally manipulate me to throw by existing or whatever, but it is still undeniably very cringe, fucking fuck fucking hate simps.
if they simp too hard or the bitch is too annoying it's perfectly justified to int the match :feelsYall:
I always wonder why foids have to play videogames. You have gorillion other hobbies, like fucking Chad or idk. Why play vydia?
Because they love ruining male spaces
if they simp too hard or the bitch is too annoying it's perfectly justified to int the match :feelsYall:
Absolutely lol, I used to love doing it, its like guilt free cockblocking since they were never going to get the girl anyway kek

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