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Soy Online gaming cringe when foid is on your team



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
I have seen some fellow cels on here discuss gaming.

Obviously multiplayer online games come up with random matchmaking, like CS:GO and Valorant.

In those games you match randomly with a couple other teammates.

Some people say that they can't stand it because you match with normies, I sympathise with that but personally I don't mind.

What I do hate is when I get a foid on my team though.

No I don't hate it because "muh foids are bad at games" (they are but I don't care I just play for fun)

And I don't hate it because I want all foids genocided or whatever.

But it is cringe as fuck when you get a foid with a mic on your team, as the other normalfags on your team suddenly DO NOT SHUT UP. Like brother the amount these guys are talking on the mic and making jokes that are not funny like bro she is not going to sleep with you. It is the cringiest shit ever, honestly next time I online game I might record one of these occurences due to how cringe it is but those of you that have experienced this knows what I am talking about.

@i_want_emo_gf this was what I was going to make a thread about, its really cringe if you have ever experienced it the simping is unreal
guys always go fully simp mode when a foid joins game

its cringe and makes me a bit sad
I always wonder why foids have to play videogames. You have gorillion other hobbies, like fucking Chad or idk. Why play vydia?
guys always go fully simp mode when a foid joins game

its cringe and makes me a bit sad
Yeah it is extremely cringe, its just the state of the world though, these guys are incel adjacent so its one of the only times they get to have fun with and talk to a foid I guess.

I always wonder why foids have to play videogames. You have gorillion other hobbies, like fucking Chad or idk. Why play vydia?
Good point I dont know, I guess they still do that but they play less, cels like us will play for 6 hours a day for 6 months straight so you forget the game is actually fun even if there is other shit to do that is way more fulfilling in life
I don't have interested in playing video games
I always have everyone muted so I don't have to hear my teammates screaming at me. I've only heard a foid once in BF4 and it was some retarded ghetto black woman.
I always have everyone muted so I don't have to hear my teammates screaming at me. I've only heard a foid once in BF4 and it was some retarded ghetto black woman.
Yeah foids only play certain games, I do not know much about games but Valorant and Overwatch have a much higher foid amounts than something like BF4 would.

Muting is based though.
I usually just shoot the female player in the head or kick them from the team
Yeah foids only play certain games, I do not know much about games but Valorant and Overwatch have a much higher foid amounts than something like BF4 would.

Muting is based though.
I think the cutsy artsy design of Valorant and Overwatch attract femoids since gritty games are too realistic for them.
I think the cutsy artsy design of Valorant and Overwatch attract femoids since gritty games are too realistic for them.
Yeah, and they also have characters that are foid friendly like the healers.
Yeah, and they also have characters that are foid friendly like the healers.
I could never play those games personally. They have a very innocent tone and aesthetic, however they're incredibly rage inducing.
I could never play those games personally. They have a very innocent tone and aesthetic, however they're incredibly rage inducing.
I've come to the conclusion all games are shit and just a cope I use in comparison to living life with a GF (I really want to be doing what is in my signature instead of playing games) So I just play whatever I am comfortable with and already know instead of wasting time learning a new game.
I've come to the conclusion all games are shit and just a cope I use in comparison to living life with a GF (I really want to be doing what is in my signature instead of playing games) So I just play whatever I am comfortable with and already know instead of wasting time learning a new game.
I get that. I've replayed the mass effect trilogy over 8 times just last year and don't try anything else new since I'm scared to try anything else.
Ask her if she entered puberty yet :feelsthink:
I get that. I've replayed the mass effect trilogy over 8 times just last year and don't try anything else new since I'm scared to try anything else.
Seems like an incel trait, another user on here said they do the same with TV shows
Yes, when I used to play games, this was happening nonstop. They start simping like little faggots for attention from her.
Yeah oh my god it is so cringe, the vibe completely changes and you know they would not be acting like that if the foid was not there.
What I also noticed is that girls do not like to lose, even more so than guys. They often ragequit when they start to lose, even by a small margin. It could be only my observation, but I think that the conclusion is that they are not used to losing. All their lives, the only thing they are used to is preferential treatment and winning everywhere they go. When this changes, they are not able to tolerate it, even for a short period of time.
Intersting point.

I find foids either don't care when they lose, since their life is already so amazing getting fucked by chad and what not it completely does not matter.

Or like in your point they completely lose their minds when they lose and cannot tolerate it due to their tutorial mode lives.

Theres no inbetween for foid gamers.
yeah my sister experiences this first hand. The moment she joins vc all the guys wanna talk to her and start talking over each other etc.
This is 95% of guys btw. Absolute clowns.
yeah my sister experiences this first hand. The moment she joins vc all the guys wanna talk to her and start talking over each other etc.
This is 95% of guys btw. Absolute clowns.
I hate it bro the absolute simping, its like everywhere you go an army of simps is trying to make life fun and easy for foids while guys get nothing.
Yeah foids ruin everything, they mere presence annoys me.
I used to love obliterating women on online gaming. Usually they run around with a white american man who
is trying to keep his cool.
I have seen some fellow cels on here discuss gaming.

Obviously multiplayer online games come up with random matchmaking, like CS:GO and Valorant.

In those games you match randomly with a couple other teammates.

Some people say that they can't stand it because you match with normies, I sympathise with that but personally I don't mind.

What I do hate is when I get a foid on my team though.

No I don't hate it because "muh foids are bad at games" (they are but I don't care I just play for fun)

And I don't hate it because I want all foids genocided or whatever.

But it is cringe as fuck when you get a foid with a mic on your team, as the other normalfags on your team suddenly DO NOT SHUT UP. Like brother the amount these guys are talking on the mic and making jokes that are not funny like bro she is not going to sleep with you. It is the cringiest shit ever, honestly next time I online game I might record one of these occurences due to how cringe it is but those of you that have experienced this knows what I am talking about.

@i_want_emo_gf this was what I was going to make a thread about, its really cringe if you have ever experienced it the simping is unreal
yes it's unreal. all women do is ruin any male-dominated spaces
SBMM sucks. much more fun when it's 100% randomized with a bigger team (12v12)
Foids and chads killed gaming.
I always grief when there’s a foid with her mic on my team
Your fault for playing those new sissy games, never heard a girl vc on halo or fifa I can tell you that
Whenever a foid joins the VC i just start making foid jokes because they start seething very easily
And the other simp teammates start screaming at me defending her :feelskek:
Sometimes they join in tho which makes it better :feelsokman:
guys always go fully simp mode when a foid joins game

its cringe and makes me a bit sad
Yes, always, and it's unavoidable. It's why I don't even bother playing online anymore, unless it's purely competitive and I don't have to listen to anyone's shit.
I play mmos mostly solo , so No foids
The main issue with foids playing games is the influence they have on the men. It will turn into a competition for winning her and it's probably the main cause of the smurfing and boosting problem.
They're good little jesters for their potential princess.
Me personally I start a votekick
Thats why i rarely play online games
Whenever a foid joins the VC i just start making foid jokes because they start seething very easily
And the other simp teammates start screaming at me defending her :feelskek:
Sometimes they join in tho which makes it better :feelsokman:
Based, you can't lose either they join in (win) or you can laugh at the pointless white knighting (also win and she is not gonna sleep with you bro)
Isnt it obvious? Attention.
Yeah true I did not think about this, but they must get constant attention in every game they load up.
But it is cringe as fuck when you get a foid with a mic on your team, as the other normalfags on your team suddenly DO NOT SHUT UP. Like brother the amount these guys are talking on the mic and making jokes that are not funny like bro she is not going to sleep with you. It is the cringiest shit ever, honestly next time I online game I might record one of these occurences due to how cringe it is but those of you that have experienced this knows what I am talking about.
This is exactly why foids have invaded gaming, which was a exclusive male hobby and they used to make fun of gamers. They do it for attention, like pretty much everything else they do.
Only fakecels play multiplayer games
It’s so fucking sad seeing a foid say “hey does anyone have a mic” and then every single person in the lobby start chatting the whole fucking game, but when two dudes say it in the beginning it’s crickets rest of the match
Multiplayer gaming is beyond saving since 2016
I always have voice chat turned off.
So, I’m not sure how often this happens in the games I play.

I have it off because I don’t want to get verbally abused.
Agree, the simping is ridiculous. Don’t know why it’s basically a given that at least one guy will start simping over voice.

Also, I hate when guys will try to play “the leader” over voice, happens often when foids are around too, maybe trying to impress them. I stopped doing voice with randoms for this reason, this annoys me much more than the simping.
luckily for me I don’t really play many video games so I don’t have to deal with shit like this
It’s so fucking sad seeing a foid say “hey does anyone have a mic” and then every single person in the lobby start chatting the whole fucking game, but when two dudes say it in the beginning it’s crickets rest of the match
Yep, once you play enough online games you realise that to be extremely true lol
I always have voice chat turned off.
So, I’m not sure how often this happens in the games I play.

I have it off because I don’t want to get verbally abused.
It happens pretty much all the time if a foid decides to get on the mic
Agree, the simping is ridiculous. Don’t know why it’s basically a given that at least one guy will start simping over voice.

Also, I hate when guys will try to play “the leader” over voice, happens often when foids are around too, maybe trying to impress them. I stopped doing voice with randoms for this reason, this annoys me much more than the simping.
Yeah if its not the jestermaxxing then its the leader(maxxing?) (idk XD) because muh alpha male or something. Worse is they usually are not good at the game in the first place to be leading.
luckily for me I don’t really play many video games so I don’t have to deal with shit like this
Yeah but its just another example of how foids get preferential treatment all that bullshit etc. a really cringe example if someones experienced it themselves alot like I have. The funny thing is the match I was in that prompted me to make this thread, the foid sounded 14 years old to me, yet it didnt stop these normgroids from jestermaxxing over them, the jestermaxxing was EXTREME, I am honestly going to record this stuff next time.
Yep, once you play enough online games you realise that to be extremely true lol

It happens pretty much all the time if a foid decides to get on the mic

Yeah if its not the jestermaxxing then its the leader(maxxing?) (idk XD) because muh alpha male or something. Worse is they usually are not good at the game in the first place to be leading.

Yeah but its just another example of how foids get preferential treatment all that bullshit etc. a really cringe example if someones experienced it themselves alot like I have. The funny thing is the match I was in that prompted me to make this thread, the foid sounded 14 years old to me, yet it didnt stop these normgroids from jestermaxxing over them, the jestermaxxing was EXTREME, I am honestly going to record this stuff next time.
I mean it’s mostly incels who play vidya so it makes sense. A bunch of touch starved loners will go crazy when they hear a foid, it’s just how it is. Only real solution is to raise the next generation of men better and to teach them to stop simping for women. Show them what feminism has done to the dating scene and how skewed and unfair it is for men and hopefully they won’t want to contribute to it anymore
I mean it’s mostly incels who play vidya so it makes sense. A bunch of touch starved loners will go crazy when they hear a foid, it’s just how it is. Only real solution is to raise the next generation of men better and to teach them to stop simping for women. Show them what feminism has done to the dating scene and how skewed and unfair it is for men and hopefully they won’t want to contribute to it anymore
Yeah incel adjacent normies that barely get foid interaction, so their 15 minutes jestermaxxing on the mic is really exicting to them. This is due to the gynocracy where males are second class citizens so non chads dont get to be around foids much.
I hate it bro the absolute simping, its like everywhere you go an army of simps is trying to make life fun and easy for foids while guys get nothing.

I notice this at work too. Every foid has an army of simps trying to talk to her and make her laugh

The amount of affirmation a woman gets Every. Single. Day. is mind blowing

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