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Experiment On Virginity and Slut Status



Apr 3, 2018
"If she's not a virgin then she's a slut."

Pretty common phrase in the incel community from what I've seen. If any of you believe this or just want to weigh in, feel free. Not everyone in this community has the same opinions so I want to get more of an idea of how it looks to you lot.

Inceldom and the blackpill teaches that hypergamy and survival of the fittest (i.e. Chads proliforating > everyone else) is natures law, which regardless of your level of blackpilled, is somewhat true. Not the point of the question.

So if hypergamy is the natural way, it's likely to be the best way to maintain the fitness and overall health of the species, short of extensive and rigorous scientific genetic manipulation, which humanity is a fairly long way from implementing viably en mass. If anyone wants to disprove this I'd welcome some citation, because as far as I'm aware natural selection is pretty common knowledge anywhere north of bumblefuck no-where.

This means that for humanity as a whole, women being promiscuous and "sluts" is what is most preferable, at least in choosing to have sex with all the chads they want (I also realise this works for chads as well, obviously) in order to sire the "strongest" -or whatever your term is- offspring.
If this is so, why exactly do you guys see "slut" as an insult?
Curious on thoughts, sorry for the more philosophy heavy question.

Happy LDARing
Wtf is this shit. Ban this dude NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Wtf is this shit. Ban this dude NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Literally tried to keep this as impartial as possible to allow the widest range of ideas. Didn't state my personal opinion on anything
Literally tried to keep this as impartial as possible to allow the widest range of ideas. Didn't state my personal opinion on anything
Being a slut must be punished with public humiliation. We must make it unbearable to be a slut.
sorry sluts are sluts no matter how you look at it
Death by stoning for adultery
The more slutty women give in to their primal urges the more they'll fuck dudes based SOLELY on how they look, which as a species is a quality we deserve to have moved past. I'm not saying chads can't be smart because fuck dude I get brainmogged by chads at my uni every day but the fact that slutty women fuck (and therefore at least subconsciously try to procreate) only attractive males is bad for society.
The more slutty women give in to their primal urges the more they'll fuck dudes based SOLELY on how they look, which as a species is a quality we deserve to have moved past. I'm not saying chads can't be smart because fuck dude I get brainmogged by chads at my uni every day but the fact that slutty women fuck (and therefore at least subconsciously try to procreate) only attractive males is bad for society.
But why is this a bad thing? IQ has been proven to be random across socioeconomic status so intelligence wouldn't go down in theory. I don't see why humanity suffers in an objective way because of how this process occurs.
A lot of people still lose their virginity's to nonvirgins. Incels don't have much a choice to take a woman's virginity.

They're people that sleep around, I guess let them be that, no hard feelings.
I'm not saying women should fuck more dudes that have lots of money, I'm saying the species would be in a better place if women fucked dudes who were smarter, more clever, talented, etc. Instead of just having a nice jawline. Obviously jawline + Talent trumps jawline without talent, but raw talent should trump worthless chads any day.

Edit: Jawline + talent obviously trumps ugly talent, but ugly talent should trump worthless attractive people.
I'm not saying women should fuck more dudes that have lots of money, I'm saying the species would be in a better place if women fucked dudes who were smarter, more clever, talented, etc. Instead of just having a nice jawline. Obviously jawline + Talent trumps jawline without talent, but raw talent should trump worthless chads any day.
Not saying I disagree (talent is a very worthy virtue)
but the point I was making came from a biological perspective, and talent/intelligence have been proven to be effectively random. So as I said before, if only attractive people reproduce the collective cognitive ability of the human race would not go down.
So what's your point? The species would remain exactly the same except for maybe an increase in what people perceive as "attractive".

Thank you for completely missing the exploratory point of the post.
I mean what else is their too say, why are you trying to justify it? But okay I'll answer your question.

This means that for humanity as a whole, women being promiscuous and "sluts" is what is most preferable, at least in choosing to have sex with all the chads they want (I also realise this works for chads as well, obviously) in order to sire the "strongest" -or whatever your term is- offspring.

You see the problem with this is human kind gets no where if woman are promiscuous. Primitively speaking woman are supposed to be conservative and choose their mate correctly, Chad, and get his baby. The rest of her time should be spent trying to raise the kid. Hence a woman who is promiscuous is no longer fulfilling her duty.
I mean what else is their too say, why are you trying to justify it? But okay I'll answer your question.

You see the problem with this is human kind gets no where if woman are promiscuous. Primitively speaking woman are supposed to be conservative and choose their mate correctly, Chad, and get his baby. The rest of her time should be spent trying to raise the kid. Hence a woman who is promiscuous is no longer fulfilling her duty.

But the point is since incels proselytize that only chads ever get to fuck (generally speaking), why is it necessary for a woman to be picky with her mate if she's gonna reproduce with a genetically good one anyway?
+women have been having multiple children for centuries, the no longer fulfilling her duty idea just isn't true.
Admittedly I'm a Computer Scientist not a biologist or anthropologist, but I find it hard to believe that talent and intelligence aren't at least partially translated between generations.

But the point is since incels spout that only chads ever get to fuck (generally speaking), why is it necessary for a woman to be picky with her mate if she's gonna reproduce with a genetically good one anyway?

I'm saying that if women were LESS promiscuous and decided to fuck and pairbond with a talented, successful male, then even if the intelligence WASN'T genetically translated, it WOULD be translated through environment much like how the Asians all raise their children to be intelligent or talented.

I still think smart parents produce smart kids though.
Pairbonding with success instead of looks means less single moms who are worthless and terrible at raising their kids and more children raised by multiple parents that are successful and talented and will pass their teachings to their children, bettering the human race.
"If she's not a virgin then she's a slut."
So if hypergamy is the natural way, it's likely to be the best way to maintain the fitness and overall health of the species, short of extensive and rigorous scientific genetic manipulation, which humanity is a fairly long way from implementing viably en mass. If anyone wants to disprove this I'd welcome some citation, because as far as I'm aware natural selection is pretty common knowledge anywhere north of bumblefuck no-where.

You're an idiot.

Hypergamy is a term used by the social scientists, it means that in a social system, a person MARRY another one of higher status than him/her.

You're using the naturalistic fallacy, you're saying that the "sluts" are like that, because they express their nature by being sluts. So we don't have to adress as "slut" a female who fuck all the Chads and then seek for a beta male to have their LTR/marriage.

IF you live in a society with hypergamic female, SO, you live in a society divided in classes.

IF female fuck Chads regardless their social status, they are not expressing any "hipergamic nature" - wich does not exist.

You have to understand that "aestetic hypergamy" is a concept that is born in theese online communityes.
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You're an idiot.

Hypergamy is a term used by the social scientist, it means that in a social system, a person MARRY another one of higher status than him/her.

You're using the naturalistic fallacy, you're saying that the "sluts" are like that, because they express their nature by being sluts. So we don't have to adress as "slut" a female who fuck all the Chads and then seek for a beta male to have their LTR/marriage.

IF you live in a society with hypergamic female, SO, you live in a society divided in classes.

IF female fuck Chads regardless their social status, they are not expressing any "hipergamic nature" - wich does not exist.

You have to understand that "aestetic hypergamy" is a concept that is born in theese online communityes.
thanks for the most well thought out reply thus far. The only thing that I think you're missing is that I'm asking about hypergamy in terms of within its use inside incel forums, which is used quite a lot regardless of its application in the outside world. I'm TRYING to poke holes in it to provoke some actual new discussion which never fucking happens in these forums anymore, it's just one massive circlejerk about the same old ideas.

-ps ty for the ad hominem, best way to start an arguement
Admittedly I'm a Computer Scientist not a biologist or anthropologist, but I find it hard to believe that talent and intelligence aren't at least partially translated between generations.

I'm saying that if women were LESS promiscuous and decided to fuck and pairbond with a talented, successful male, then even if the intelligence WASN'T genetically translated, it WOULD be translated through environment much like how the Asians all raise their children to be intelligent or talented.

I still think smart parents produce smart kids though.
Smart parents DO generally produce smarter kids because they generally raise them better than dumber ones, go figure. Agreeing on that, but it's not down to biology.
Why dyou think people like Ramanujan happen? Kid had *literally* nothing in one of the poorest and at the time, worst educated parts of the world and still turned out a savant. IQ or whatever you use to describe intelligence really is randomly distributed, or at least the POTENTIAL of IQ.
Promiscuity destroys a woman's ability to pair-bond. They're not getting pregnant anyway due to birth control. And any children that do result from it will be raised by single moms or in broken homes. Look up r-versus-K selection theory. There's a reason all functioning societies enforced monogamy.
It's a factual and proven reality that who talks about the nature of a woman, trying to justify her slutty behavior is a fucking idiot.

Today the "slut" offense is used in a systematic way as a moral sentence. Example: The wife who cheats on her husband is a slut.

The "slut" is not a basic hypergamic female. The "slut" is a female judged "immoral" by others.
Promiscuity destroys a woman's ability to pair-bond. They're not getting pregnant anyway due to birth control. And any children that do result from it will be raised by single moms or in broken homes. Look up r-versus-K selection theory. There's a reason all functioning societies enforced monogamy.
fair point. I was just looking from purely biology but I can't deny the whole family unit thing as a better environment for children in general
It's a factual and proven reality that who talks about the nature of a woman, trying to justify her slutty behavior is a fucking idiot.

Today the "slut" offense is used in a systematic way as a moral sentence. Example: The wife who cheats on her husband is a slut.

The "slut" is not a basic hypergamic female. The "slut" is a female judged "immoral" by others.
I was trying to be unbiased to get away from stuff like morality because it's so objective, some incels think women are evil jsut because they're women by design.
Wanted more of a scientific based discussion tbh, muh morality doesn't mean shit when muslims* believe jihad is a perfectly acceptable way to operate to non muslims

*obviously not all of them
The concept of morality changes through time, and so the words that describes the immoral acts.

"Slut" is a wife who cheats on her husband, a girl who has occasional sex; is that whore on the street that has just sent you to fuck-off because you've whistled to her, or that ambitious bitch at work.

I can't scientifically determine the reason why in this website the women are called "slut" while expressing their nature. I can just say that the woman's nature expressed in some cultures can determine the fact that they will be called "sluts". Because of the sense of moral.
Femshits aren't allowed here, "Mr".Trust-me-Im-a-male-goyim-*handrubbing*.
I'd like to know how the fuck you got feminist from this. Literally stated I was remaining impartial and scientific to the best of my ability. Keep your identity politics to yourself please
The concept of morality changes through time, and so the words that describes the immoral acts.

"Slut" is a wife who cheats on her husband, a girl who has occasional sex; is that whore on the street that has just sent you to fuck-off because you've whistled to her, or that ambitious bitch at work.

I can't scientifically determine the reason why in this website the women are called "slut" while expressing their nature. I can just say that the woman's nature expressed in some cultures can determine the fact that they will be called "sluts". Because of the sense of moral.
"I can't scientifically determine the reason why in this website the women are called "slut" while expressing their nature"
that's the point I'm trying to get to, just seems like a way to lash out because of muh feelings to me
As if women even pick the "best" men you faggot. I have seen studies that state that a man's intelligence and IQ are actually negatively correlated with sexual success. If women were allowed to pick their own mates throughout human history we'd still be living in caves.
Trying to have high IQ discourse is brave. A lot of incels here are genetic trash beyond just aesthetics.
As if women even pick the "best" men you faggot. I have seen studies that state that a man's intelligence and IQ are actually negatively correlated with sexual success. If women were allowed to pick their own mates throughout human history we'd still be living in caves.
well I could say that if men always picked the best women and they were still called sluts my original point still stands.
C'mon it's the incel rage.

If i were a Chad i'd fuck those female thate the incels like to call "slut".

For an incel, a "slut" is a female who does not want to fuck with him.
that's what I wanted, opinions on why incels do it.
How about we don't post bluepilled rhetoric and call the entire board population autists.
Trying to have high IQ discourse is brave. A lot of incels here are genetic trash beyond just aesthetics.
thanks, had to psych myself up to deal with the autism
BTW, dumb ass whores will still have sex with what you call "superior" males even if they have something like HIV, AIDS or some kind of genetic disease. So that buttrapes your entire argument, womyn don't give a fuck about genes, they don't a fuck about anything, they only care about status and eyecandy.

What you are saying makes logical sense from an evolutionary psychology point of view.

However, the last line is clearly bluepilled/trolling. I would almost be inclined to believe that you had overlooked the fact that insulting someone because of their biological imperative or genetics in general is exactly what incels go through, and thus there is no mystery as to why calling someone a "slut" regardless of whether or not they were programmed for such is meant as an insult. People judge others about things that the target cannot control all the time, it is part of human nature. However, because you posit it in such a "philosophical" way that effectively puts you in the position of a hypergamy apologist, I am disinclined to extend you that benefit of the doubt.

No bluepilled crap on these forums, thank you.

EDIT: Saying you had to "psyche yourself up to deal with the autism" of this board clearly demonstrates to me that you think you're above it all. This is not the case. Your warning has just been increased.
What the fuck is this cucked faggot shit? Since when do we allow degenerate normshits to interview us? Get the fuck out of here right now you absolute gigacuck.
What you are saying makes logical sense from an evolutionary psychology point of view.

However, the last line is clearly bluepilled/trolling. I would almost be inclined to believe that you had overlooked the fact that insulting someone because of their biological imperative or genetics in general is exactly what incels go through, and thus there is no mystery as to why calling someone a "slut" regardless of whether or not they were programmed for such is meant as an insult. People judge others about things that the target cannot control all the time, it is part of human nature. However, because you posit it in such a "philosophical" way that effectively puts you in the position of a hypergamy apologist, I am disinclined to extend you that benefit of the doubt.

No bluepilled crap on these forums, thank you.
sorry if it came across as bluepilled, was trying to be funny. guess jokes don't fly here either
"Slut" is a bad thing because love, fidelity, and home stability are essential to a happy and functioning society. This has been a primitive truth since the dawn of civilization and the reason sluts have been ostracized for thousands of years.

Gosh, I'd really love to gouge the eyes out of degenerate apologists like you. Please behead yourself.
sorry if it came across as bluepilled, was trying to be funny. guess jokes don't fly here either

It's unfortunate that I had banned you right after you posted this, because I don't feel that it's right for me to respond to you when you cannot respond back, but saying "oh I was just kidding it was a joke haha forgot the /s" is the oldest trick in the book.

If it flies, you don't say shit. If you get called out, you backpedal and say it was a joke. In fact, you even continued to say "that's what I wanted, opinions on why incels do it." At what point did it start being a joke? When a moderator came in and called you out on your bullshit? Or were you still continuing the same joke in the guise of serious posts throughout the duration of this thread? No sir, this autist is not falling for that.
that's what I wanted, opinions on why incels do it.

Sorry there's no science to explain.

I think the problem is not to marry or have al LTR with a woman who has fucked many men, the problem is having to get married with a woman used and thrown away by others.

This is the demonstration of the incel personal inadequacy. The incel have to compensate what doesn't get him into bed with women with his commitment and his resources, while Chad fucked the women without all the incel commitment.

I don't know the personal motivation that drives any incel to call "sluts" those who don't want to fuck with him. I think the reasons are explained by the same old complexes, like Agar-Sara or something.

And, of course, the sense of moral of the incel should be considered to answer that irrelevant question.
Sorry there's no science to explain.

I think the problem is not to marry or have al LTR with a woman who has fucked many men, the problem is having to get married with a woman used and thrown away by others.

This is the demonstration of the incel personal inadequacy. The incel have to compensate what doesn't get him into bed with women with his commitment and his resources, while Chad fucked the women without all the incel commitment.

I don't know the personal motivation that drives any incel to call "sluts" those who don't want to fuck with him. I think the reasons are explained by the same old complexes, like Agar-Sara or something.

And, of course, the sense of moral of the incel should be considered to answer that irrelevant question.

I think you have no fucking idea what "incel" means. Lurk more before making stupid posts like these kthnx.
I think you have no fucking idea what "incel" means. Lurk more before making stupid posts like these kthnx.


But there are fakecel, mentalcel, etc...

But there are fakecel, mentalcel, etc...

Good job reading the rules. Now go and learn why we really call sluts "sluts".
I'll give you a hint : It usually revolves around them fucking 10 different guys in a week
Good job reading the rules. Now go and learn why we really call sluts "sluts".
I'll give you a hint : It usually revolves around them fucking 10 different guys in a week
If not 10 different guys a day
Good job reading the rules. Now go and learn why we really call sluts "sluts".
I'll give you a hint : It usually revolves around them fucking 10 different guys in a week

That's ok. If i was one of those 10 who fucked the so-called "slut" for me there would be no problem with the girl in question. But since im not fucking, for me all the sluts are off-limits. I call them "sluts", because i can't fuck them.

I don't have any other answers. If you're a long time incel answer why you like to call the women "sluts".

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