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Serious On the use of the word "niggercel"

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damn this kind of is a bruh moment with all the bark tier replies
I personally hate the word niggercel, I believe it is more liberating and true to the meaning to use "nigger", "niggress" for females
I like negro and nigra. I think its much classier.
all jokes aside, for at least some period, i think most incels harbored a general hatred towards blacks due to thinking we have an easier time get foids and cant be incel. i wont call it racist, just resentful. of course as a blackcel i disprove that rule. dick to small to bbcmax :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
The use of the n-word being thrown nonchalantly is just... really? Not to be a snowflake, but this word has such a powerful meaning and I have no problem with the word "nigga" (depending on how it's used) but the word nigger is sometimes used in a derogatory way on this website. Disappointing.

Shut up SJW, it's just a word. Jfl at getting upset over a word that stems from the Latin word "niger" which means "black."
all jokes aside, for at least some period, i think most incels harbored a general hatred towards blacks due to thinking we have an easier time get foids and cant be incel. i wont call it racist, just resentful. of course as a blackcel i disprove that rule. dick to small to bbcmax :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Maybe. They mostly say whites have it easiest though.

Shut up SJW, it's just a word. Jfl at getting upset over a word that stems from the Latin word "niger" which means "black."
Yeah read my later replies
let this thread die :feelsbadman:

Shut up SJW, it's just a word. Jfl at getting upset over a word that stems from the Latin word "niger" which means "black."
its less about the word and often more the intent. you can call someone something typically mundane, but say it in an offensive way and get a reaction. not saying its worth getting mad over, just pointing that out.
People here say "nigger" just because they can. You'll get used to it.
Joined - Jul 31, 2020
Yeah read my later replies
let this thread die :feelsbadman:
Sorry, I didn't know you changed your mind.
its less about the word and often more the intent. you can call someone something typically mundane, but say it in an offensive way and get a reaction. not saying its worth getting mad over, just pointing that out.
But the point is to get a rise out of somebody, and that's what the guys here want to do. I am a currycel myself, so while not black, I have faced racism in my life more than most people here ever will. Because I am also Islamic.
Holy shit somebody made a Twitter post about this thread
Well, the Jews claim to be white and to be offended by the word "kike" would be confirming that they are a separate entity from whites.
Jews basically only join in on the victim parades when it's convenient for them. Otherwise they want that sweet white status. Can't deny their cleverness, figuring out how to have their cake and eat it too.

I guess the better example is when we look at why "gook" isn't "the g-word." American soldiers pulled all kinds of shit using the "Mere Gook Rule." Agent Orange is still creating deformedcels to this day. And yet, ricecels are still screwed over by places like Harvard in favor of blacks. :waitwhat:

Don't get me wrong, it'd still be retarded just like "the n-word" if "gook" got the same treatment, but the double standards are interesting.

As for the word "nigger," power is given to the word by those who are offended by it. You could be killed for saying "nigger." You're right to compare it to Voldemort because just saying the word has the ability to send people into a blinding rage. It's counterproductive to give "nigger" more power by banning people from saying it, because now it can be used like a nuclear weapon. We need to stop treating saying this word as if it's a hostile action that deserves violent retaliation.
High IQ.
Holy shit somebody made a Twitter post about this thread
Was it a triggered soy or roastie, like most of the freaks that inhabit Twitter? Link it.
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as a blackcel
54501698 8488 46A6 8608 BDA4754EC21C
everyone is cool w/ it so its all good
Couldn´t care less to be honest. In a place where people often talk about killing and raping do you rlly feel that ofended about some guys saying the n word? Regardless of your race,if you are posting here it´s definitely OVER and the color of your skin isn´t going to change shit JFL.
Only normies are offended by nigger
It doesn't bother me necessarily but it's just concerning how such terms are being thrown around.

Why is it concerning? Are you a fucking snowflake?
[Niggercel detected]

Look, we are all genetic failures, degenerated shit of society. Why do you care if anyone calls you Nigger? Fuck it. Racism is a nice cope and can be fun.
Only normies are offended by nigger

This. You can only be offended if you have any dignity or value to defend. You Niggercels are the same shit as I am.
Only white, soy, SJW faggots get angry about the use of the word nigger.

whites need one too

cumskincel? too long
cumcel? too gay and doesn't make sense
crackercel? not an insult
cuckcel? makes sense since the vast majority of white men are cucks, but other races have cucked men too
mayocel? not an insult

whites need one too

cumskincel? too long
cumcel? too gay and doesn't make sense
crackercel? not an insult
cuckcel? makes sense since the vast majority of white men are cucks, but other races have cucked men too
mayocel? not an insult

Call them whatever you want. White people are not being offened by stuff like that because they instinctly know they are superior anyway.
Call them whatever you want. White people are not being offened by stuff like that because they instinctly know they are superior anyway.
True. White people are gods
Niggercel is an oxymoron tbh
White people are not being offened by stuff like that because they instinctly know they are superior anyway
Educated people are not offended by insults.
Now go try these on some redneck or white trash from the trailer park
Niggercel is an oxymoron tbh

Educated people are not offended by insults.
Now go try these on some redneck or white trash from the trailer park

Education is cope.
Jews basically only join in on the victim parades when it's convenient for them. Otherwise they want that sweet white status. Can't deny their cleverness, figuring out how to have their cake and eat it too.

I guess the better example is when we look at why "gook" isn't "the g-word." American soldiers pulled all kinds of shit using the "Mere Gook Rule." Agent Orange is still creating deformedcels to this day. And yet, ricecels are still screwed over by places like Harvard in favor of blacks. :waitwhat:

Don't get me wrong, it'd still be retarded just like "the n-word" if "gook" got the same treatment, but the double standards are interesting.

High IQ.

Was it a triggered soy or roastie, like most of the freaks that inhabit Twitter? Link it.
Here lol:
View: https://twitter.com/EXPELincels/status/1290842812188184576
Because liberals got together and deemed blacks to be the most oppressed, therefore you must say "n-word" instead. What stats are their claims based on? I dunno, but do as they say goy.

Seriously, let's use their own logic for a second, and pretend like we believe that the holocaust killed 6 million jews (probably a bullshit number, but for the sake of the argument we'll play along). Why is "jew" or "kike" not given the Voldemort treatment like "nigger"? Have more niggers been killed than jews?

The only retort SJWs usually have is, "If you can say one slur but not the other, then the second is objectively worse." Then when you ask them, "But how is it worse?" These NPCs malfunction and respond with, "Shut up altright nazi inkwell."
1. Jew is not a derogatory term. At least not usually, see "2." .
2. It is dependant on the history of the nation. In the nation, who made the holocaust (Germany) the word jew ("Jude") had almost a voldemord-like aura until one or two decades ago. It was only spoken about "jewish fellow citizen".
The same is like for Nigger in the US. But the word "neger" in Germany has not the same hysteric potential like "nigger" in the USA.
It's just a word. In Brazil, "negro" is the polite one and "preto" (black) is the derogatory one, for instance.
I propose AIDScel instead if it makes you feel better

Shut up SJW, it's just a word. Jfl at getting upset over a word that stems from the Latin word "niger" which means "black."
JFL, just put up with being insulted br0. Bullying is just a string of words br0 why even care. Why care about being incel btw? It's just pp in vag, stop being sensitive
Threads like these continuously seperate the wheat from the low IQ, unselfaware chaff
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OP think of this place as an apartment.

An apartment that houses human trash.

Do you now understand why making this thread was a bad idea?
OP think of this place as an apartment.

An apartment that houses human trash.

Do you now understand why making this thread was a bad idea?
Yeah, read my posts later on on this thread
The use of the n-word being thrown nonchalantly is just... really? Not to be a snowflake, but this word has such a powerful meaning and I have no problem with the word "nigga" (depending on how it's used) but the word nigger is sometimes used in a derogatory way on this website. Disappointing.
I don't understand whats the problem with n word. but I am also annoyed when people use Nigga to appear cool and to intentionally offend some one. Using nigga as a joke is acceptable. Since here everyone calls racial slurr to each other anyway, I don't mind. Should also start using Crackercel
I don't understand whats the problem with n word. but I am also annoyed when people use Nigga to appear cool and to intentionally offend some one. Using nigga as a joke is acceptable. Since here everyone calls racial slurr to each other anyway, I don't mind. Should also start using Crackercel
Now that I think about it, it might just be because I'm new but I've never seen the word "crackercel" before. I heard whites being referred to in other ways though.
So what. Whites get called cumskins, Indians are called curries, Arabs are called sandniggers, and Asians are called chinks or gooks. Everyone is called a racial slur
Nig-Chan for the anime
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