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Serious On the use of the word "niggercel"

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Jul 31, 2020
The use of the n-word being thrown nonchalantly is just... really? Not to be a snowflake, but this word has such a powerful meaning and I have no problem with the word "nigga" (depending on how it's used) but the word nigger is sometimes used in a derogatory way on this website. Disappointing.


I'm black btw
Why does the word bother you so much? Because you're black?
But there's also chink, kike, gook, sand nigger, cumskin, etc, and no one cares about those.
Why should the word be so much worse because it applies to black people?
Why does the word bother you so much? Because you're black?
But there's also chink, kike, gook, sand nigger, cumskin, etc, and no one cares about those.
Why should the word be so much worse because it applies to black people?
It doesn't bother me necessarily but it's just concerning how such terms are being thrown around.
it is
the internet
people say nigger because nigger XD or something
778E4794 C190 4812 869F E43C5738B56D
“OMG don’t you know how racist nigger is? Black people were called niggers when they were whipped that word has a lot of racist history behind it! You can’t just say that word it’s offensive and demeaning to black people!”

E7A59F27 4E92 44A1 AE5C D89032198DC6

“Lol @vippnor @Hate_my_life @Colvin76 nigger”
you sound like a soycuck + Joined Friday at 5:26 PM
I've been incel for a while I just never made an account until now, I've been posting on the subreddits. Also, I just don't like the word Nigger being overused, simple. I'm not offended or crying over it.
I personally hate the word niggercel, I believe it is more liberating and true to the meaning to use "nigger", "niggress" for females
chink, kike, gook, sand nigger, cumskin

I use all of them regardless. Unlike others, we Incels can take a joke.

But I don't like the hypocrisy of some mayocels claiming we are SJWs for using cumskin as a joke while simultaneously making ethnics. Lmao, we are equally subhuman.
View attachment 308592“OMG don’t you know how racist nigger is? Black people were called niggers when they were whipped that word has a lot of racist history behind it! You can’t just say that word it’s offensive and demeaning to black people!”

View attachment 308596
“Lol @vippnor @Hate_my_life @Colvin76 nigger”
I ain't crying over it, just voicing my opinion on it.
I personally hate the word niggercel, I believe it is more liberating and true to the meaning to use "nigger", "niggress" for females
Yeah, I kind of cringe at the word niggercel.
I use all of them regardless. Unlike others, we Incels can take a joke.

I'm saying why is nigger so much worse than all these?
Why do they get special consideration like you're not allowed to be racist against them but it's okay for the rest?
We can’t even get pussy and u think we have enough motivation left to avoid offending bitxhes?
I'm saying why is nigger so much worse than all these?
Why do they get special consideration like you're not allowed to be racist against them but it's okay for the rest?
I don't like any of them tbh but I'm starting to realize how soy I sound lol
Ok nevermind this was a dumb thread tbh
cookie cutter nigger lover
I'm saying why is nigger so much worse than all these?
Why do they get special consideration like you're not allowed to be racist against them but it's okay for the rest?

I think it most likely is associated with the context of the word nigger.

Like usually I don't give a shit if people call me random racial slurs. But I get so fucking angry is someone calls me a low IQ third worlder who should go back. That shit infuriates me. Most shit I can pass, but calling dumb and low IQ because of my ethnicity is where I draw the line.

I am literally a third generation Arab Australian who scored the top 10% in the state, I worked hard for my shit. Meanwhile some fucking neckbeard calls me a low IQ third world shitskin while he gets a gook/mayo gf. This happened at my old high school. He literally tries to put me down as a degenerate, even though I have done so much to study, hours upon hours of restless study. He also is such a bluepilled cuck as well and his gf cheated on him and forgave him. Thankfully he was also bullied at school more than me.

That is why I have no respect of stormfrontcels, blackpanthercels or any other ethnonationalists, they constantly pin their ancestors achievements as an excuse to feel a sense of superiority. And constant blame on other ethnic groups instead of their own women.
I think it most likely is associated with the context of the word nigger.

Like usually I don't give a shit if people call me random racial slurs. But I get so fucking angry is someone calls me a low IQ third worlder who should go back. That shit infuriates me. Most shit I can pass, but calling dumb and low IQ because of my ethnicity is where I draw the line.

I am literally a third generation Arab Australian who scored the top 10% in the state, I worked hard for my shit. Meanwhile some fucking neckbeard calls me a low IQ third world shitskin while he gets a gook/mayo gf. This happened at my old high school. He literally tries to put me down as a degenerate, even though I have done so much to study, hours upon hours of restless study. He also is such a bluepilled cuck as well and his gf cheated on him and forgave him. Thankfully he was also bullied at school more than me.

That is why I have no respect of stormfrontcels, blackpanthercels or any other ethnonationalists, they constantly pin their ancestors achievements as an excuse to feel a sense of superiority. And constant blame on other ethnic groups instead of their own women.
Gtfo the forum SJW nigger
But there's also chink, kike, gook, sand nigger, cumskin, etc, and no one cares about those.
Why should the word be so much worse because it applies to black people?
Because liberals got together and deemed blacks to be the most oppressed, therefore you must say "n-word" instead. What stats are their claims based on? I dunno, but do as they say goy.

Seriously, let's use their own logic for a second, and pretend like we believe that the holocaust killed 6 million jews (probably a bullshit number, but for the sake of the argument we'll play along). Why is "jew" or "kike" not given the Voldemort treatment like "nigger"? Have more niggers been killed than jews?

The only retort SJWs usually have is, "If you can say one slur but not the other, then the second is objectively worse." Then when you ask them, "But how is it worse?" These NPCs malfunction and respond with, "Shut up altright nazi inkwell."
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I love the word nigger because it shows you which niggers are worth a damn.
If just a word is enough to make you chimp out then you're a low IQ brainlet, sorry. Guess you really ARE a nigger, huh.

If you brush it off like a civilized non-baby then you're my nigga.
Because liberals got together and deemed blacks to be the most oppressed, therefore you must say "n-word" instead. What stats are their claims based on? I dunno, but do as they say goy.

Seriously, let's use their own logic for a second, and pretend like we believe that the holocaust killed 6 million jews (probably a bullshit number, but for the sake of the argument we'll play along). Why is "jew" or "kike" not given the Voldemort treatment like "nigger"? Have more niggers been killed than jews?

The only retort SJWs usually have is, "If you can say one slur but not the other, then the second is objectively worse." Then when you ask them, "But how is it worse?" These NPCs malfunction and respond with, "Shut up altright nazi inkwell."
Yeah... I regret making this post.
I love the word nigger because it shows you which niggers are worth a damn.
If just a word is enough to make you chimp out then you're a low IQ brainlet, sorry. Guess you really ARE a nigger, huh.

If you brush it off like a civilized non-baby then you're my nigga.
I know I made this post in the heat of the moment but I won't pussy out and delete it, just won't make something like this again.
Gonna give you a pass because fist of north star is awesome, but we do HARSH truths here. What's more racist, the word 'nigger' or fucking niggers over by thinking they are all babies?? Real niggers or any ethnic knows the pain of not being white, when we go hard at each other for not being the right race, we are expressing the truth of our lived experience that is politely tucked away because the (((people))) in charge don't get snipping a word away from the normie's vocabulary does not take away the fundamental racism that will ALWAYS be there. We have no tolerance for soy.
Seriously, let's use their own logic for a second, and pretend like we believe that the holocaust killed 6 million jews (probably a bullshit number, but for the sake of the argument we'll play along). Why is "jew" or "kike" not given the Voldemort treatment like "nigger"? Have more niggers been killed than jews?

Well, the Jews claim to be white and to be offended by the word "kike" would be confirming that they are a separate entity from whites. By claiming that Jewishness is based on religion, "kike" becomes less offensive because people then see Jewishness as a choice, not something you're born with. So it's best for them that people don't look too deeply what kind of "whites" are really the privileged ones in the West.

The only retort SJWs usually have is, "If you can say one slur but not the other, then the second is objectively worse." Then when you ask them, "But how is it worse?" These NPCs will malfunction and respond with, "Shut up altright nazi inkwell."

As for the word "nigger," power is given to the word by those who are offended by it. You could be killed for saying "nigger." You're right to compare it to Voldemort because just saying the word has the ability to send people into a blinding rage. It's counterproductive to give "nigger" more power by banning people from saying it, because now it can be used like a nuclear weapon. We need to stop treating saying this word as if it's a hostile action that deserves violent retaliation.
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Well, the Jews claim to be white and to be offended by the word "kike" would be confirming that they are a separate entity from whites. By claiming that Jewishness is based on religion, "kike" becomes less offensive because people falsely see Jewishness as a choice, not something you're born with. So it's best for them that people don't look too deeply what kind of "whites" are really the privileged ones in the West.

As for the word "nigger," power is given to the word by those who are offended by it. You could be killed for saying "nigger." You're right to compare it to Voldemort because just saying the word has the ability to send people into a blinding rage. It's counterproductive to give "nigger" more power by banning people from saying it, because now it can be used like a nuclear weapon. We need to stop treating saying this word as if it's a hostile action that deserves violent retaliation.
The problem with being oversenstive to the word 'nigger' is that it's a slippery slope to lump every black into tranny status. Trannies are generally the least respected people in society, I'd put them a notch above pedos, and a notch below furries. It's not just that they are degenerate, it's that they are WHINY as fuck, and demand everyone else to change FOR them. Then every cool ass nigga has to get lumped in with SJW niggers.

(((They))) love to lump blacks in with LGBT like some kind of diversity mule in shows, like why have a diverse cast, if you can throw in 5 levels of diversity in one character. To me, that's REAL bigotry.

> offended by the word nigger
> probably calls ricecels chinks/gooks and curries shitskins and has no problem with it
The problem with being oversenstive to the word 'nigger' is that it's a slippery slope to lump every black into tranny status. Trannies are generally the least respected people in society, I'd put them a notch above pedos, and a notch below furries. It's not just that they are degenerate, it's that they are WHINY as fuck, and demand everyone else to change FOR them. Then every cool ass nigga has to get lumped in with SJW niggers.

(((They))) love to lump blacks in with LGBT like some kind of diversity mule in shows, like why have a diverse cast, if you can throw in 5 levels of diversity in one character. To me, that's REAL bigotry.

Yes, intersectionality is bullshit in general. In fact the spellcheck is saying it's even not a word because it's a fake concept that makes no sense. It's used by black foids and trannies to gain maximum victim points; the collateral damage, like you said, is the black men. (not to mention it doesn't make sense to group a race into a cluster of sexual depravities in the first place)

Tbh, I don't know what's worse: calling someone a nigger or "mis-gendering" a tranny, as in I don't know which has heavier fines and jail sentences in Canada. But yeah, if I was a black guy I definitely wouldn't want to be viewed as someone who goes berserk over being called a certain word like trannies do when they are "dead-named."
I think it most likely is associated with the context of the word nigger.

Like usually I don't give a shit if people call me random racial slurs. But I get so fucking angry is someone calls me a low IQ third worlder who should go back. That shit infuriates me. Most shit I can pass, but calling dumb and low IQ because of my ethnicity is where I draw the line.

I am literally a third generation Arab Australian who scored the top 10% in the state, I worked hard for my shit. Meanwhile some fucking neckbeard calls me a low IQ third world shitskin while he gets a gook/mayo gf. This happened at my old high school. He literally tries to put me down as a degenerate, even though I have done so much to study, hours upon hours of restless study. He also is such a bluepilled cuck as well and his gf cheated on him and forgave him. Thankfully he was also bullied at school more than me.

That is why I have no respect of stormfrontcels, blackpanthercels or any other ethnonationalists, they constantly pin their ancestors achievements as an excuse to feel a sense of superiority. And constant blame on other ethnic groups instead of their own women.
To hone in on this sentiment: I'm not offended by racist words, or even racist ideas, I'm offended by racial IGNORANCE. Just because normies out there are 'woke' on words doesn't mean they aren't racist.
I do not call people racial slurs because I personally find it distasteful, but it's just part and parcel of being on this type of anonymous internet forum tbh. don't see why it's worth making a thread about
I do not call people racial slurs because I personally find it distasteful, but it's just part and parcel of being on this type of anonymous internet forum tbh. don't see why it's worth making a thread about
I know in my earlier posts on this thread I've said I regret making it
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