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On "Low effort" Content



Nov 8, 2017
Over the last several months the moderation team has placed a great focus on finding ways to improve the end user experience. In the continuation of that spirit, we would like to address one of the most common complaints we receive: "low effort posting" and the degradation in quality of ID threads. As someone who was an avid poster on Braincels and loved reading High-IQ threads, I wholeheartedly agree that something has gone awry. Long gone are the thoughtful threads exploring the nuances of the blackpill and the nature of the lived incel experience, instead replaced with endless comments like "Who Else High af rn"? While these comments are funny, and I enjoy them, they do not belong on ID. The purpose of this thread is to clarify what kind of content will be considered "low effort" and worthy of warning, deletion, or relocation to Lounge or Sewers.
  • Any variation of "Didn't Read," "Okay," "Who cares," "Cope," or “Not one click”
  • Any variation of "Who else high AF rn"
  • Insults and ad hominems that do nothing to contribute to discussion of an intellectual nature
  • Glow posts that serve no purpose but to gain the attention of IT. These belong in Lounge or preferably Sewers
  • Incel gossip or meta complaints
  • Quotes that add nothing to the conversation
The hope is that by clearing out low effort responses and threads, we can make way for the next generation of 10,000 IQ posts. As always, moderation is open to your feedback, in the appropriate place, so please feel free to add your thoughts and suggestions to the clarifications in this thread.

Thank you,


Addendum: Many cels in this thread have eaten a 4 day ban. This isn’t the place for your shitposting.
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  • Glow posts that serve no purpose but to gain the attention of IT. These belong in Lounge or preferably Sewers
AKA posts that offend normies' feelings?

What is this reddit? Where we can't say anything "offensive"? Even if we put in effort?

You already banned talk of prepubescents, which is fine, but what now, we can't talk about anything that IT may screenshot?

You are basically saying IT has effectively affected the content of this forum successfully, and we should adjust our behavior because of them.
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high quality content implies your NT and prob fakecel,
so I disagree.

This site should be only for KHHVs(exception perhaps for those getting their sex vie escorts, though I'd prefer those types to be at least 25)
not high iq normies
Include clickbaitty TikTok posts, usually it's not so much proving the Blackpill in any significant way but just showing typical Normie behavior - should go in Lounge at least.
AKA posts that offend normies' feelings?

What is this reddit? Where we can't say anything "offensive"? Even if we put in effort?

You already banned talk of prepubescents, which is fine, but what now, we can't talk about anything that IT may screenshot?

You are basically saying IT has effectively affected the content of this forum successfully, and we should adjust our behavior because of them.
Glow posts are generally in reference to anything illegal such as a poster saying he means to go ER in the not so distant future on a particular group of people or it could even be the kind of topic some random typically new and suspicious poster makes asking the community an outrageous question such as “Why haven’t you killed or raped someone yet? You’re supposed to be incels after all” followed by said poster usually chest thumping and implying the rest of the site are pussies for not doing these things or not wanting to do them, while strongly implying he the super duper new and badass poster most definitely has done such in his past and somehow gotten away with it or will do as much “really soon now” which supposedly makes him better and more relevant than us.

So that kind of thing.

Definitely not the hysterical, hyperbole, strawman argument, panic stricken idea you might’ve had in mind, as implied by your post.
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Glow posts are generally in reference to anything illegal such as a poster saying he means to go ER in the not so distant future on a particular group of people or it could even be the kind of topic some random typically new and suspicious poster makes asking the community an outrageous question such as “Why haven’t you killed or raped someone yet? You’re supposed to be incels after all” followed by said poster usually chest thumping and implying the rest of the site are pussies for not doing these things or not wanting to do them, while strongly implying he the super duper new and badass poster most definitely has done such in his past and somehow gotten away with it or will do as much “really soon now” which supposedly makes him better and more relevant than us.

So that kind of thing.

Definitely not the hysterical, hyperbole, strawman argument, panic stricken idea you might’ve had in mind, as implied by your post.
Saying you're going to commit an act of violence or encouraging others to commit a crime is already against the rules, this is simply a clarification. If someone wants to make a pointless shocking thread, they are more than welcome to do it in Lounge.
What about "women deserve X to happen to them?"
What about "women deserve X to happen to them?"
That’s fine.

So long as it’s vague enough where you are not calling for it or advocating someone within earshot do something criminal then legally you’re in the clear.

Celebrating violence and saying for example a coal burner gets what she deserves ie death or beating for burning coal are perfectly ok legal and forum approved things to say. :feelsokman:
Quotes that add nothing to the conversation
Quoting someone and putting a ':bigbrain:' as the response is ok because it's positive, and gives credit to the user writing the comment since we don't have reaction buttons. But quoting them and only replying with 'cope' and no other explanation has no purpose in ID.
Celebrating violence and saying for example a coal burner gets what she deserves ie death or beating for burning coal are perfectly ok legal and forum approved things to say. :feelsokman:
The point is not to micromanage content creation, but to create an environment where high IQ discussion is valued and the norm. If that's part of a high IQ discussion, I see no issue. The problem is Sewer like comment and threads.
The point is not to micromanage content creation, but to create an environment where high IQ discussion is valued and the norm. If that's part of a high IQ discussion, I see no issue. The problem is Sewer like comment and threads.
sounds good
high quality content implies your NT and prob fakecel,
so I disagree.

This site should be only for KHHVs(exception perhaps for those getting their sex vie escorts, though I'd prefer those types to be at least 25)
not high iq normies
What the fuck are you talking about? Go fuckin' rot then. I'mma keep myself in tact and have functional mind
AKA posts that offend normies' feelings?

What is this reddit? Where we can't say anything "offensive"? Even if we put in effort?

You already banned talk of prepubescents, which is fine, but what now, we can't talk about anything that IT may screenshot?

You are basically saying IT has effectively affected the content of this forum successfully, and we should adjust our behavior because of them.
Agree 100%. We can't control what IT screenshots and puts on their subreddit. I agree that some of the stuff on IT is material that everyone knows will end up there (@faded) but at the same time we need to protect free speech on this forum otherwise it is going to go to shit.
While I agree that there is some shitty posts on ID, I do not agree with banning people. I don't want to log on to a forum and have to watch what I say every single time I reply to a thread to make sure my reply is "high iq enough". While this forum should be insightful and serve to prove the blackpill it should also be a community where people can come and relax and talk to people in the same situation they are in. There is no other place online that I can talk about these issues other than here.

In conclusion: I'm moving to the sewers full time lmao (unless I have something really good to say)
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Agree 100%. We can't control what IT screenshots and puts on their subreddit. I agree that some of the stuff on IT is material that everyone knows will end up there (@faded) but at the same time we need to protect free speech on this forum otherwise it is going to go to shit.
I think as long as the post is incel AS FUCK and isn't blatantly low effort it could work in ID
I like the IM HIGH AF rn not gonna lie. It’s effort posting for us, believe me.
Tiktok proves blackpill everyday (why I post them)
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: Cry babies can't handle the word "Cope", Blackpill forum by the way.
I agree with the rest, but
Incel gossip or meta complaints
does this means we can't complain about the state of forum on id and can't confront any poster with evidence agianst them? What gossip means here? Talking about things that users did in other threads or outside of forum? Or it just means spreading baseless malicious informations?
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While I agree that there is some shitty posts on ID, I do not agree with banning people. I don't want to log on to a forum and have to watch what I say every single time I reply to a thread to make sure my reply is "high iq enough". While this forum should be insightful and serve to prove the blackpill it should also be a community where people can come and relax and talk to people in the same situation they are in. There is no other place online that I can talk about these issues other than here.

In conclusion: I'm moving to the sewers full time lmao (unless I have something really good to say)
I don't always have the energy or motivation to write essay long replies, it gets tiring after a certain point especially when you already know everything about the blackpill like, what else is there to discover?
You can bring up those studies all you want but in the end it's all the same; genetic determinism, women are whores, NT is king etc.
Not to mention most incels aren't high IQ to begin with, we're supposed to be low ends after all
Good stuff. High IQ threads should be encouraged. Obviously, they aren't always possible or necessary but must read content is thought provoking stuff.

Having the same or similar threads all the time gets boring.
While I agree that there is some shitty posts on ID, I do not agree with banning people. I don't want to log on to a forum and have to watch what I say every single time I reply to a thread to make sure my reply is "high iq enough". While this forum should be insightful and serve to prove the blackpill it should also be a community where people can come and relax and talk to people in the same situation they are in. There is no other place online that I can talk about these issues other than here.

In conclusion: I'm moving to the sewers full time lmao (unless I have something really good to say)
Glow posts are generally in reference to anything illegal such as a poster saying he means to go ER in the not so distant future on a particular group of people or it could even be the kind of topic some random typically new and suspicious poster makes asking the community an outrageous question such as “Why haven’t you killed or raped someone yet? You’re supposed to be incels after all” followed by said poster usually chest thumping and implying the rest of the site are pussies for not doing these things or not wanting to do them, while strongly implying he the super duper new and badass poster most definitely has done such in his past and somehow gotten away with it or will do as much “really soon now” which supposedly makes him better and more relevant than us.

Just joking, honestly this is a great idea, when users face the consequences of warnings which may eventually lead to a ban if they get enough of them in a certain period of time, they will most likely refrain from polluting the forum with meme shitposts and postmaxxing which doesn’t provide any value to this forum whatsoever and makes outsiders view all of us as abnormal autistic retards when many of us are mentally normal people who are suffering from
Inceldom just because of Our looks.
Way too strict, the forum will die out.
While I agree that there is some shitty posts on ID, I do not agree with banning people. I don't want to log on to a forum and have to watch what I say every single time I reply to a thread to make sure my reply is "high iq enough". While this forum should be insightful and serve to prove the blackpill it should also be a community where people can come and relax and talk to people in the same situation they are in. There is no other place online that I can talk about these issues other than here.

In conclusion: I'm moving to the sewers full time lmao (unless I have something really good to say)

Yes, spamming "who is high af rn" belong to sewers but, banning users for "not being hi iq enough" will turn this forum another boring reddit subreddit, in some serious thread someone would say "cope" as a joke, and it bothers no one, now you'll banned for it.

At least Lounge and sewers are still here so it ok:feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy:
I remember reading the guidelines when I first joined this site talking about how low-effort posts aren't welcome, then when I joined I saw posts that are literally just empty quotes or another comment they agreed with.

Perhaps this tsunami of low IQ posts is because there are not enough sub-forums (like having one for advice and one for criticism of a general misandric concept in society). My impression is simply that some people like to see their "count number" go up as men are competitive in this way.
  • Insults and ad hominems that do nothing to contribute to discussion of an intellectual nature
you do realize that you will be banning one of the oldest and most basic aspects of internet discourse with this right?
The idea is good.
ID threads get derailed by low effort posters way too many times. The threads are also annoying to read because you have to skip so many bullshit low effort replies.

But you shouldn't be too strict on some things.

Insults are part of discussions and can happen in the heat of the action. You shouldn't be too harsh here, if the user makes a valid point and in the heat of the moment drops an insult along the lines, I think it's fine.
Posts that are only an insult and no argumentation are a no-go though.

Ad hominems:
I would be careful with that. It can happen that users are using ad hominems and strawman arguments without even realizing it and without having malicious intents. These things are also part of discussions and can happen. I think it shouldn't be punished, you can simply call it out in the thread/discussion.

Glow posts:
Sounds good, but you have to be careful. There is a fine line between an edgy cry for attention and an honest display of ones oppinion.
I hope that mods make the correct judgement calls here in the future, but there definitly is room for human error with this rule which should be considered.

Incel gossip:
What does it mean? I personally don't even know what that is. Can you clarify?

Yes, spamming "who is high af rn" belong to sewers but, banning users for "not being hi iq enough" will turn this forum another boring reddit subreddit, in some serious thread someone would say "cope" as a joke, and it bothers no one, now you'll banned for it.

At least Lounge and sewers are still here so it ok:feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy:
Yup :yes: I'll see you in the sewers :feelskek:
You're just cherry picking in our favor.
Obviously most TikTok’s are not about blackpill. That’s like saying you can’t post blackpilled YouTube video because people cherry pick the blackpilled vids
It was resolved yesterday. You are aware, yes?
Sup man
Images 33

What was?

Anyway so people don’t need to ask anymore @ERadicator will be back tomorrow and most of the others in four days time due to a combination of their shitposting on ID and posting misinformation here in the ban thread.

@iamsubhuman is going on an extended 1 month’s vacation however since he simply cannot for the life of him learn his lesson to stop posting misinfo. So he gets his own taste of the @Rhaast style punishment.

@Diocel you have nothing to worry about or lay low about as long as you don’t go spam bombing again or continuing to post misinfo. If you continue to spread other’s lies and spam bomb only then will you be joining @iamsubhuman on the incels.is bench for one month. :feelsokman:

So knock it off or don’t, entirely your choice lad. :feelsYall:
So many rules to follow, here and life in general.

Cognitive overload can lead to psychosis.
Thank god bragging about fucking escorts will always be allowed
this low effort law is giving huge anxious headaches and inhib me from posting :feelsseriously:
Pretty much everything blackpill-related that needed to be said has already been said 5+ years ago on PSL, I guess this means forum activity will drop by a lot.
Funny how those modcels with 10k+ post got themselves there by doing just that... shitposting.
high quality content implies your NT and prob fakecel,
so I disagree.

This site should be only for KHHVs(exception perhaps for those getting their sex vie escorts, though I'd prefer those types to be at least 25)
not high iq normies
“low iq content” can be annoying at times but id rather have that than being iqmogged by 16yrolds in “high iq threads” where I, and the average user here won’t have a say in the conversation
[UWSL]If we define "wet" as "made of liquid or moisture", then water is definitely wet because it is made of liquid, and in this sense, all liquids are wet because they are all made of liquids. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]TThat's much better... [/UWSL]

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