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Toxic Femininity Older oofy doofy creates post about being sad that girls weren't into nerdy stuff when he was younger. Nerdy girls show up and shit on him.



KHHDV Wizard Alchemist. Wageslavecel.
Nov 21, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1co55vi/i_wish_girls_had_been_as_into_animecomicsvideo/

An older oofy doofy millenial failed normie laments the fact that girls weren't more into nerdy stuff when he was younger.

95% of the comments are women complaining that their knowledge was being questioned, that they were bullied for it, and that the nerdy men were 'creepy'.

Let's address these one by one:

Being questioned about your knowledge about the hobby: this is normal and exists in some form for literally every single type of hobby. At some point, you will be questioned, you will have to prove what you know. Happens to men, too. Literally no reason to cry about it. Women want to be treated by default as grandmasters without any proof, without any effort :feelsseriously:

Being bullied for being a nerd: men were more bullied than women for being nerds. They were bullied both by the girls, and the guy jocks. Nerdy girls? Eh, not so much. Nerdy girls were bullied by other girls because of their fashion style or some such bullshit. They had no idea about any of the nerd stuff.

The nerdy men were too ''creepy'': We're starting to get some serious blackpills :blackpill::blackpill:
Meeting girls at a hobby is like number 1 of normie gaslight suggestions for finding a girlfriend. It would make sense, right? Mutual interests help people bond. But in reality, nerdy men are nerds because they use it as a cope. Because they are ugly and can't have a normie life.

So of course the nerdy women don't want the nerdy, ugly men. They're ugly, so they seem ''creepy''. A nerdy woman would 100% choose an attractive non-nerdy man over an ugly actual nerd.

But there some comments that really stood out for me:
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Just look at this retarded unhinged bitch sperging out, going off completely unprompted. OP is the nicest guy oofy doofy simp, he wished for more nerdy girls, and this is how nerdy girls truly feel. This comment had 10 upvotes.
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Another foid calling OP a ''sexist twat'' literally for no reason. She could have at least said something like ''because of some men'', but nope. Man hatred runs deep, comment has 17 upvotes.
When we ''gatekeep'', normies always say something like ''Don't you wish there were more girls in your spaces? You'd have higher chances of finding a girlfriend''.

It makes sense on a surface level. But we've seen how nerdy women truly feel about nerdy men. Nerdy men are nerds because they don't have anything else. They're ugly and can't enjoy the normie life, so they cope with nerd stuff. Nerdy men are ugly. And because they're ugly, women are ''creeped'' out by them.

Women fucking HATE nerdy men, it's been proven and confirmed time and time again, within their own forums, within their own posts.

this guy opens his heart a bit and immediately gets harassed and gaslighted by foids

oh well

same old foids

this guy opens his heart a bit and immediately gets harassed and gaslighted by foids

oh well

same old foids
And they are fucking lying those foids are laughing and bullying at him 25 years ago!!!!
It is actually a GOOD idea to exclude women from nerd spaces.

We've all seen what women do to literally ALL franchises when they get into power: they turn everything into gay transgender girl-boss manhating slop.

It happened to Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Ghostbusters and many others.

The funny thing is, when men were in charge, women were seen favorably in the media. Male characters wanted to protect female characters, to defend them, to sacrifice for them, to fight for them, to win their love. Male characters like female characters. A female character dying was devastating. It motivated the male protagonist. Mario wanted to save Peach, he was a brave hero.

And how are males portrayed in feminist media? As dumb, evil, clueless misogynists.
It is actually a GOOD idea to exclude women from nerd spaces.

We've all seen what women do to literally ALL franchises when they get into power: they turn everything into gay transgender girl-boss manhating slop.

It happened to Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Ghostbusters and many others.

The funny thing is, when men were in charge, women were seen favorably in the media. Male characters wanted to protect female characters, to defend them, to sacrifice for them, to fight for them, to win their love. Male characters like female characters. A female character dying was devastating. It motivated the male protagonist. Mario wanted to save Peach, he was a brave hero.

And how are males portrayed in feminist media? As dumb, evil, clueless misogynists.
And they just won't stop, mang. They double-down constantly. Female-led marvel movies and series flop constantly, are a financial disaster. You've all heard about The Marvels flop. WOMEN DON'T WATCH THESE MOVIES. 90% OF ALL NERD FANDOM IS STRAIGHT AND MALE.


They keep gaslighting us, mang. THEY KEEP SAYING, that women are into nerd stuff, too! But they're clearly not. It's 90% straight men.

He's forever orphaned by the teenage ramances he's never had.
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Holy fucking shit, just look at this. Admittedly just 1 upvote in 3 hours, so they may not all agree with it, but what the fuck is wrong with these foids??? They claim nerdy men are hateful misogynists, yet comments like this exist.
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No comments needed here.
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this guy opens his heart a bit and immediately gets harassed and gaslighted by foids
Just look at this, mang. Absolutely unbelievable :dafuckfeels:
A foid had already called him a Nice Guy earlier, I was actually thinking if we will see a foid call OP an incel. And there we have. 5 upvotes.
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Bro, what the fuck is this. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS UNHINGED CREATURE???? She just goes fucking APESHIT, mang. Over nothing.

They say nerds are toxic evil misogynists, but just look at this entire thread, mang. The nice guy oofy doofy nerd wanted to SIMP to nerdy girls, and they just fucking hate his fucking guts. Pure, PURE HATRED.
Lying, gaslighting women claim the reason we haven't seen nerdy women is because they got ''bullied'' by creepy male nerds.

But male nerds were HEAVILY bullied for being nerds, and yet you still saw male nerds. They existed.

NAH, THIS IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT, MANG. How convenient that women nerds have an excuse for not existing. ''Oh, well I was bullied for it, that's why you didn't see me''

Bitch, so was every single male nerd, yet we clearly existed. Holy fucking shit, WE LIVE IN A SIMULATION. THIS ALL A JOKE :feelsclown:

Woman fans

Oh my god :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

These bitches really need some sense slapped into them... Literally using objective linguistic terms to describe reality such as ''female fans'' is now seen as ''dehumanizing''.

A friendly reminder that Chads and Chadlites constantly beat, abuse and rape their girlfriends and wives, and no one cares. Women remain in relationships with them because they're attractive :)

Meanwhile, ugly nerd says he wants to have more female fans in his hobbies, immediately gets piled on and called a dehumanizing vile misogynist creep :)

Nah, this ain't real. I'm in the matrix. I'm in the simulation. I'm currently plugged into a machine. They create these unrealistic, stressful situations for me to see how I react. They like to make me stressed out with these crazy, unhinged scenarios.

This can't be real.

Woman fans

That can't be real :)
It' cant possibly have 10 upvotes :)
That's a fake account created by an incel running 10 virtual machines and 10 VPNs, liking his own post :)
It just cannot be real :)
That can't be real :)
It' cant possibly have 10 upvotes :)
That's a fake account created by an incel running 10 virtual machines and 10 VPNs, liking his own post :)
It just cannot be real :)

Woman fans

There used to be a time when they only complained about the word ''female'' used as a noun. They didn't like the term 'female' being used interchangeably with 'woman'. They said it's dehumanizing. They said it's supposed to be an adjective.

Well, here is the guy using ''female'' as an adjective and he gets treated like literal ER. As a dehumanizing, evil monster.
There used to be a time when they only complained about the word ''female'' used as a noun. They didn't like the term 'female' being used interchangeably with 'woman'. They said it's dehumanizing. They said it's supposed to be an adjective.

Well, here is the guy using ''female'' as an adjective and he gets treated like literal ER. As a dehumanizing, evil monster.
And that's a male feminist, btw :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Trying so hard to find a way to defend le mlady, hoping to get some nice pussy crumbs
There used to be a time when they only complained about the word ''female'' used as a noun. They didn't like the term 'female' being used interchangeably with 'woman'. They said it's dehumanizing. They said it's supposed to be an adjective.

Well, here is the guy using ''female'' as an adjective and he gets treated like literal ER. As a dehumanizing, evil monster.
They’ll keep going until we use goddess
Never ever open your heart and show weakness to these worthless stupid lying foids as long as you're not Chad.
They hate ugly guys. Sub 8 nowadays. It's their fucking nature, and they hate it even more if ugly subhumans begin to complain or just to beg.
Apart from that, they have no real interests either. They join a topic/theme when it gets popular or Chad has joined. Since nerd stuff has become popular and some Chads are into it, too, foids became "interested" in that stuff.
Water is wet..
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It's actually really easy for a foid with a genuine interest in something to get into a hobby due to foid halo as long as it comes with a genuine interest or reasonable amount of skill level in the hobby, these holes are just retarded
men do nerd type shit to cope bcs they got a shitty life, thats why nerdy men are usually below avg looking. Whores do it to get simps & more attention, fucking whores would have never been into some of this shit years ago they only jump into it once it becomes more mainstream.

When you got guys complaining about shit like this, women are ENRAGED because they want to be victim 24/7, even though they along with normie fags are the ones who treated guys like this shit in the past.

I am really glad there are still some things that haven't been infested by normal fags and whores. I dont think cunts will infest my mega cope, TF collecting because they wont be able to pay for their other gay shit if they do it, also its a mega truecel hobby jfl.
And that's a male feminist, btw :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Trying so hard to find a way to defend le mlady, hoping to get some nice pussy crumbs
A male feminist? Wtf. Cut off his little balls (of course only in GTA V) if he didn't do it himself already. Fucking Cuck.
I am really glad there are still some things that haven't been infested by normal fags and whores.
Unironically, what hasn't been? They are EVERYWHERE, like cockroaches. Games, TV series, movies.

Even in your niche transformers hobby, you encountered that female who sells transformers, they are EVERYWHERE.
A male feminist? Wtf. Cut off his little balls (of course only in GTA V) if he didn't do it himself already. Fucking Cuck.
Yeah, an EXTREMELY annoying one. He desperately wanted to find a reason to be a white knight for pussy crumbs.
Yeah, an EXTREMELY annoying one. He desperately wanted to find a reason to be a white knight for pussy crumbs.
That's truly one of the lowest life forms a man could choose to be. He will never get any leftover pussy crumbs from one of Chad's cum dumpsters. What a fucking retard. It would be better for him to rope.
I hate reddit writing style kek
"we were all into that shit" bizarre amounts of lying
"we were all into that shit" bizarre amounts of lying
They're trying so hard to rewrite history. They want so bad to make it seem as if women absolutely made exactly 50% of nerd fandoms, but because of the evil male nerds's misogyny, they had to hide it. Rewrite history + blame men, it's absolutely perfect.

Sure, there may have been one or two women who could have been described as nerds in the real sense of the word. But for every nerdy woman, there were 200 nerdy men.

It's so obvious even today that most nerds are male. Look at the recent Marvel movies. Look at all the female lead Marvel movies, they all flop, no one watches them. Not even the ''female nerds'' watch them. And male nerds still get the blame for that, somehow. For 'review bombing' or some shit.
If only this supposed bullying for shit hobbies happened today, I remember only losers being into this sort of shit back when I was in school now it is widespread like the tranny and faggot parasites.
They're all larping.
When we ''gatekeep'', normies always say something like ''Don't you wish there were more girls in your spaces? You'd have higher chances of finding a girlfriend'
Every spaces which get infiltrated by women get destroyed, see the example of gaming, imageboard and anime
It is actually a GOOD idea to exclude women from nerd spaces.

We've all seen what women do to literally ALL franchises when they get into power: they turn everything into gay transgender girl-boss manhating slop.

It happened to Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Ghostbusters and many others.

The funny thing is, when men were in charge, women were seen favorably in the media. Male characters wanted to protect female characters, to defend them, to sacrifice for them, to fight for them, to win their love. Male characters like female characters. A female character dying was devastating. It motivated the male protagonist. Mario wanted to save Peach, he was a brave hero.

And how are males portrayed in feminist media? As dumb, evil, clueless misogynists.
That thread is completely brutal and blackpill
This is why gatekeeping exists and normalfags ruin everything.
The level of projection from foids is insane

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