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Oldcels (25+) report in



Eternal President of Iraq
May 23, 2020
I'll be 25 soon. I think that is a solid cutoff point tbh. Since 23 or so I've only changed slightly mentally, but in the past few months I can really feel it coming to a stop. I feel like a different person from when I was 20, and 18 is just lol tier, was pretty much a fucking baby then. Imo people younger than 20 don't really belong here (even though that's 90% of the forum).

So yeah, oldcel thread. How old are you, how have your experiences with inceldom been, did things used to be different when you were younger, etc. If you're a kidcel please don't post here saying it's over for you, I don't want to argue with children. Just want a thread for legit incels to discuss their thoughts.
Lol at calling 25 the cut off point just because you're 25. Oldcel is 30+ wizard
am 25 and been bullied and depressed whole life

its over
Lol at calling 25 the cut off point just because you're 25. Oldcel is 30+ wizard
Nah it's not just that. 30+ is definitely a higher level (as you said, wizard) and they are worthy of more respect than just a standard 25 year old incel, but a 25 year old is 100x the incel than a 20 year old is.
I'll be 25 soon. I think that is a solid cutoff point tbh. Since 23 or so I've only changed slightly mentally, but in the past few months I can really feel it coming to a stop. I feel like a different person from when I was 20, and 18 is just lol tier, was pretty much a fucking baby then. Imo people younger than 20 don't really belong here (even though that's 90% of the forum).

So yeah, oldcel thread. How old are you, how have your experiences with inceldom been, did things used to be different when you were younger, etc. If you're a kidcel please don't post here saying it's over for you, I don't want to argue with children. Just want a thread for legit incels to discuss their thoughts.
That's brutal dude in light of COVID-19. You had this entire Spring and Summer, when chicks were blooming, and fate took it away from you.

You should honestly, seriously consider getting a prostitute just to get confidence / sexual experience. You can't be a virgin at age 25 and hope for a date unless you can fake it that long.

I'm too honest and cynical of a person to fake it that long.
Almost 26.
If you turn 21 as a kissless virgin you're beyond saving tbhngl
Lol at calling 25 the cut off point just because you're 25. Oldcel is 30+ wizard
25 is the year that most men, biolgically, stop growing and begin dying. There's no going back, it's all downhill from there in life unless you careermaxx or get a family. You aren't considered a "kid" by any meaningful sense of the word, and you will begin noticing physical changes in your life like hair loss and the fact that you need to stretch before working out.
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42yo guy checking in.

When I was your age, I was washing dishes in UK. It was my first job with a decent pay. I saved money and one year later I had sex for the first time, with hookers in Amsterdam.

Few years later I found a job as a software developer in investment banks. Very good money.

I resigned after two years as the job was boring. I just wanted to do nothing but browsing the web all day. I was living of my savings, not caring about the future, as I thought "something will happen".

Something did happen : I learned about Bitcoin in 2010 and became a big fan of the project. At some point I owned more than a thousand bitcoins but I sold most of it to buy share holdings.

Right now I'm still not working, and I still never had sex for free. I will probably be broke in a few years. I have no idea what I will do then.
That's brutal dude in light of COVID-19. You had this entire Spring and Summer, when chicks were blooming, and fate took it away from you.

You should honestly, seriously consider getting a prostitute just to get confidence / sexual experience. You can't be a virgin at age 25 and hope for a date unless you can fake it that long.

I'm too honest and cynical of a person to fake it that long.
I am basically fucking impotent from finasteride + abusing other drugs lmao, it's beyond over for me. Nothing against seeing prostitutes though.
42yo guy checking in.

When I was your age, I was washing dishes in UK. It was my first job with a decent pay. I saved money and one year later I had sex for the first time, with hookers in Amsterdam.

Few years later I found a job as a software developer in investment banks. Very good money.

I resigned after two years as the job was boring. I just wanted to do nothing but browsing the web all day. I was living of my savings, not caring about the future, as I thought "something will happen".

Something did happen : I learned about Bitcoin in 2010 and became a big fan of the project. At some point I owned more than a thousand bitcoins but I sold most of it to buy share holdings.

Right now I'm still not working, and I still never had sex for free. I will probably be broke in a few years. I have no idea what I will do then.
Agree with the whole do nothing but browse the web all day. I'm exactly the same except a complete junkie too. Fucking brutal about owning that much bitcoin, but at least you can afford not to work for a while. Working full time is the biggest fucking waste of life on the planet. The wageslave pill will hit most here like a fucking truck. So, so much worse than inceldom in general.

I spent about half the money I earnt in my life (not much, like £20kish) on bitcoin, but I just used that to buy drugs off the darknet lol.
I am basically fucking impotent from finasteride + abusing other drugs lmao, it's beyond over for me. Nothing against seeing prostitutes though.
You a baldcell?
Fucking brutal.

I've noticed hairline recession with me and packs of 3-6 hair falling out when I comb, and while I'm still kind of in denial, if I notice a significant change in a few months, I might consider finasteride. I'm worried about getting manboobs, soft skin, and growing a vagina though.
A few years past 30 here, and what can I say, I'm truecel enough to get disgusted looks when walking down the street, even from hetero men. Every moment not spent high on something is immense pain and I wish I could cease life with pure willpower.
31 year old kissless sexless virgin reporting in!
35. I really don't think it was any easier pre-tinder as some like to make it out to be. They had less chads to access versus now where literally every one on the planet is within reach, but it was still very much chad only in school. Never got a yes to approaches IRL and outside of sugar daddy sites I've never gotten a reply to a message or a match. It truly never began for a guy like me (avg looks, no gymcelling, 5'6, awkward and shy) in 2020 or 1920.
Late 20s and I agree. It's 100% over if you're an incel at 25. You might improve your life like I have to some extent, but you'll never regain your lost youth.
You a baldcell?
Fucking brutal.

I've noticed hairline recession with me and packs of 3-6 hair falling out when I comb, and while I'm still kind of in denial, if I notice a significant change in a few months, I might consider finasteride. I'm worried about getting manboobs, soft skin, and growing a vagina though.
Was thinning quite a bit on the scalp and to make matters even worse I'm now getting that fucking revolting horsehoe hairline. Part of me thinks it just HAS to be because of stress or fucking liver failure or something lmao, because I use literally EVERY anti-norwooding method (dut, minoxidil, dermastamp, nizoral) under the sun.

I got truly fucked by fin and dut sides lol. However I can say I really feel like it has actually still improved my appearance. It may fuck some guys' up but I look quite young despite being 24, and who knows, without it maybe I'd be completely bald (grandfather was JFL). Also it slightly decreased my appetite, lost a lot of weight and have a semi gymcel body now. (maybe because it lowers DHT but not T) But yeah it basically made my balls go from being something capable of feeling sexual pleasure into a slightly dull kinda achy useless area.

I legit don't care though. I can't think of many things I wouldn't do to avoid going bald.
Was thinning quite a bit on the scalp and to make matters even worse I'm now getting that fucking revolting horsehoe hairline. Part of me thinks it just HAS to be because of stress or fucking liver failure or something lmao, because I use literally EVERY anti-norwooding method (dut, minoxidil, dermastamp, nizoral) under the sun.

I got truly fucked by fin and dut sides lol. However I can say I really feel like it has actually still improved my appearance. It may fuck some guys' up but I look quite young despite being 24, and who knows, without it maybe I'd be completely bald (grandfather was JFL). Also it slightly decreased my appetite, lost a lot of weight and have a semi gymcel body now. (maybe because it lowers DHT but not T) But yeah it basically made my balls go from being something capable of feeling sexual pleasure into a slightly dull kinda achy useless area.

I legit don't care though. I can't think of many things I wouldn't do to avoid going bald.
Acording to statistics I don't believe 95% have had sex by 25. But theres another study saying 27% of men 18-30 havne't had sex since turning 18. At 25 now, theres not much hope of me ascending especially in my location. If I wasn't a brokecel, I'd ascend in mexico.
Lol at calling 25 the cut off point just because you're 25. Oldcel is 30+ wizard
I think it's 35 , by that time any women younger than 30 won't want you & the women older than 30 are either married, have kids or are looking to settle for billy the beta aka you.
Holy fuck old people :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod: :lul: You guys go back to your nursing homes
31 years here.

I will probably die without having kissed or had sex.

I had a shitty life. Poor in the third world.

Humiliated at school.

I studied law trying to ascend. It was a complete mistake. It only worsened my self-esteem.

Depression and social anxiety. I take prescription drugs.

I live with my parents.
I am a 20 yo boy
Oldcel reporting here. 25 isn't the cutoff if you are in shape. If you are 25+ and FATCEL you are DOOMED. 35+ Should be the cutoff, as I'm gonna SEAMAXX when I make enough money.
34, always felt different & couldn't connect with ppl well, bullying at school & was small coming into a growth spurt later on.

Got a feeling I might be autistic around mid twenties, finally saw a professional & was diagnosed asperger's at 33, explained so many failings.

Grew up a whitey English in poor immigrant heavy part of London, mother with diogenes syndrome, low intelligence, hoarding tendencies, lack of hygiene & would do a ritual of searching you before being allowed out, had to climb out a window to get out a few times, she had bipolar & would bang her head against the wall at times, every day saying today was worse than the previous & wishing she was dead.

Father is high functioning autistic that never got diagnosed as it wasn't really known back then, about 5'6 in prime, deadbeat never worked a day in my entire 34 years of life, was addicted to valium at one point laying in bed until 3pm, high anxiety & can't make eye contact, would always be out gambling or playing sports.

I'd go to primary school unwashed, holes in clothes & had to claim free school meals. Not really vocal & wouldn't initiate conversation. One thing I recall is there was a spell where as each class would get called in to the cafeteria I'd hide behind a tree to avoid going in as I found the noise overwhelming, eratic behaviour of others & talking with mouth full of food, some food textures & food trays having old crusted food on or hairs not particularly pleasant & so was anorexic.

Racial bias didn't become a factor until secondary school, attending a school full of predominantly Kurds & blacks.

After a lack of familial & friend support on top of the bullying & not understanding wtf was going on other than knowing this don't feel good I felt depressed & suicidal, (so called friends turning on me for their own gain being quite common) I ended up dropping out of school & as such for the most part am hikikomori.

I didn't want to do stuff that I felt would upset my patents as I felt their lack of interest in I was due to faults in myself but only realized later on on life it was due to their mental illness & difficulty in coping with everything, if I'd known that then I would probably have lashed out at the bullies but that self-restraint for wrong reasons combined with not being taught assertion & sticking up for myself/fighting strategy by my father leas to what it was. I've made steps for work & such before but just hasn't stuck & it's more a case of putting up with it rather than enjoyment having to go out to interact with others. It doesn't get better, just seems like life becomes more grey.

There's a bunch more I could write but I cba as this is long enough, not a woe is me, just telling how it was.
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26 but i knew it was over 10 years ago
26 here. Ever since turned 24 noticed a gradual decline in sexual libido. Maybe it was fin I took for 6 months. I didn't know the side effects would be permanent. I am almost ed now. That youthful lust is gone. I masturbate only to relieve stress not because I absolutely have to, like I did before.

Of course norwooding on top of being ethnic. Can feel that my body has started to decline. Physical activities do not come as easy as they did before.

Now realising that even if I ascend with foids my age, they would be declining too. Foids in mid to late 20s are simply not as attractive as young teens early 20s peak foid. Any relationship with younger women would now be considered "creepy". Also foids at this point are looking to settle with betabuxx. The days of mindless frolicking are over and I never even got a taste of it.

Its truly a lost youth. When other boys were getting into relationships, getting their dicks wet at peak of their sexual prime with peak foids I got nothing. And now its too late. My second greatest regret is not escortcelling when I turned 22.

Also did not achieve my dreams and goals and the time is gone. Now everyone expects me to betabuxxmaxx and take "financial responsibility" as a wageslave in a job I hate.

I wish I could get those years back. My only advice to youngcels here is...... if you are KHHV by age 22, escortmaxx hard.
I'm 38 now. I agree that 25 is a good cutoff age. You kinda need to get through college age years and at least a few years of real world experience to know things won't change for you. up until then you should at least still be trying as so many do ascend in early 20's.

as far as experiences, it only got worse the older I got. You see people around you progressing through life with dating, marriage, family, etc and you're left behind. It becomes harder and harder to relate to people as you never went through these normal steps. Before you know it you're too old to catch up and you just kinda gradually accept the way things are. Gradually my social circle shrank and found myself as a middle-aged loner. So no chance to attract a woman at this point and just try not to think about it. So guess the only difference in my youth compared to now is that I used to have friends and a social life. However, failing with woman has been a constant. I did see plenty of people eventually ascend in early 20's so it's worth trying through at least 25.
I feel like people setting "cutoff" points are giving bad advice. Some youngcels have the ability to ascend. It might be rare, but you shouldn't be LDARing at fucking 19. Spend your 20s getting in shape, and making money.

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