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Blackpill Oldcel LDAR here with a message for Youngcels. Brutal consequence of the NEET lifestyle. (18yo in a 30yo body).

Great picture i like it, it's true. What if you work part time 24 hrs? What does that make me?

well i work 20 hrs a week too, so i guess that makes us a half pepe half wojak abomination
25 here. Can relate. Although I have to work to buy food and pay rent, 100% of my free time is spent on my computer. Wouldn't even know what to do without it.

People my age are on their XXth relationship, some are married, some have babies. They have careers and can actually afford things like cars.
No wonder I think this old guy sounded younger
I hang with incel teens so that should tell you everything
just dont go out youre incel bro
I'm one year older than you but not a NEET.

From a non-neet perspective and a dude who spent some of his life around normies, I would say that your feelings are pretty common. This is because adults are viewd as some sort of unfalliable know-it-all being to children. Truth is that most adults are just 18 year olds with experience. I would say most adults don't really feel grown up, but most people just don't think about it. It is easier to obsess over how you don't feel like an adult if you are a neet, though.
Meanwhile femoid neets travel the world and live a carefree Instagram life all paid for by their stinky roast beef..
Nice try,Shlomo.
It’s not wageslavery we hate, but the fact none of us can get a job worth enjoying. We’ll never be some guy in a nice suit, looking good on a cruise ship or a dude wearing a plaid button up taking photos for 60k a year.

Instead we will work jobs nobody wants to work like telemarketing, dishwashing, manual labour, underpaying tech jobs. Jobs worth working are reserved for the NT and the goodlooking
It’s not wageslavery we hate, but the fact none of us can get a job worth enjoying. We’ll never be some guy in a nice suit, looking good on a cruise ship or a dude wearing a plaid button up taking photos for 60k a year.

Instead we will work jobs nobody wants to work like telemarketing, dishwashing, manual labour, underpaying tech jobs. Jobs worth working are reserved for the NT and the goodlooking

message for youngcels just keep LDARing
LDAR is not the solution.

Many people here think going NEET is giving the finger to society, but you only hurt yourself. Society isn't going to crumble because a few thousands Incels decide not to work.

I work full time so I can at least enjoy my copes. You don't have to "play the game". Chose a simple job with low stress and a modest income.

This is just my advice from a guy in his 30s. If you go full NEET remember this; society will not miss you. You are not part of a rebellion. You are just poor and bored.
I'm gonna be frank here, going NEET only works for a small percentage of people. You also gotta wonder if those people talking about how good they have it are being candid.

Humans are social creatures. Even if you're an incel with autism or severe social issues you probably still need the company of other humans. Walking away from our consumerist society and the way they expect us to be is not bad at all. The problem lies in denying yourself things that bring you fulfillment whether you know it or not.

I also think most people who promote going LDAR are just using that as a cope itself. I see many arguments trying to convince people that they will never get a good job, or live a fullfiling life, or anything like that, but that's just taking agency off incels. Who says that you have to be stuck working a job you don't like? Get training on something you actually do enjoy, or maybe start a side business. LDAR thinking is just lazy thinking.

In the case you don't feel like putting in the effort for anything, why not just rope? no point in living a life of suffering.
I wouldn't recommend going down that path though. Just live a life in which you take the good things from a both a normie and a NEET life. If you don't wanna follow society's standards, why would you live following the standards of some NEETs on the Internet?
I think LDAR/NEET exacerbates the "elderly adolescent" thing, but isn't the root cause of it.

Shit, I made it to 50 almost and though I've been very busy all my life, I still haven't matured worth shit. I still lust after JBs, I still have immature interests - i.e. if I'm not working or traveling, I can game entire weeks away without ever going outside. I unironcally get excited about anime. I collect toy soldiers FFS. I don't have a single mature hobby or interest that a guy my age is supposed to have, and everyone who has same interests as me is now literally from a different generation. I can't even pull off the "cool old guy" act because I look like a cross between Lester from GTA V and Chris-Chan.

It's fucking lonely.
i don't think normies are in a better situation than us. imagine being a normie and having to go through all the insanities that come with dealing with retards at work, abusive and entitled wives and retarded kids that play fortnite all day.

its just the other side of the same coin. if things are fucked up in general it doesn't necessarily mean that others benefit from it
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