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Serious Official Therapy Thread



Genetic Failure - Never began
Dec 30, 2018
Per subforum description:
Discuss your experiences, vent, or share anything related to inceldom.

I've made a thread just for that.

Also now IT can no longer say we're not a support group.

Inspired by this:

youre better off PMing someone on this forum as they would do as good a job

Credentials making me suitable for this Therapist position:

Not a woman
Not a blue-pilled cuck
Not Albanian
Completely Free

Open for service. Feel free to post in this thread or PM me. Any other member can chip in or post ITT, this is a therapy thread. Whatever you'd say to a therapist, say here.
We (I) am your therapist.

Please refrain from Insulting or attacking other users. Thanks. :)
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I want to die.
I want to die.
Hello Genetic Dead End.

Tell me about yourself, how tall are you? What is your ethnicity? What would you rate yourself out of 10?
How is the relationship with your family? How is the relationship with your parents? Do you have any friends? If so, How is your relationship with them.

Feel free to post anything. I'm not being paid, but I'll listen.
I wish therapists could prescribe MDMA
I’ve heard it does wonders for anxious or socially awkward people
I wish therapists could make insurance companies cover facial surgery
I've heard it does wonders for asymmetrical or ugly people
Therapy only helps girls who got cheated on by chad. Nobody cares about you on this earth
I wish therapists could prescribe MDMA
I’ve heard it does wonders for anxious or socially awkward people
Are you anxious/socially awkward?

I wish therapists could make insurance companies cover facial surgery
I've heard it does wonders for asymmetrical or ugly people
Are you asymmetrical/ugly?
How do I get a gf and a... life?
Therapy only helps girls who got cheated on by chad.
Yeah but this isn't a bluepill therapy. Go to reddit for advice on how to seek such things.
Why do people hate me before I even say a word to them?
Are you anxious/socially awkward?

Are you asymmetrical/ugly?
Legit Confirmed Truecel Rotting Hopeless Corpse.
Possibly the only enopthalmoscel and brow ridge asymmetrycel on here.
I'm uglier than 95% of this forum and I would rapier duel over it.
How do I get a gf
If you want me to be honest, you need to be attractive. Full-stop.

You need to have some social competence and experience in conversing and getting along with women.
If you were teleport-ed into the body of a conventionally attractive male right now who's on a date with a woman, what would you say?
The lack of experience is a contributor as to why even if you could miraculously get a girlfriend, you wouldn't be able to keep one.

and a... life?
What gives you meaning?

What makes you forget about the pain of the world?

There is no way to have a life and anyone who suggests otherwise is a psychopath.
Your life is whatever you make it.

You want to spend your time on an Incel forum? If that makes you content with your situation: you have a life.
It's different to the stereotypical life you see portrayed on the media, but that's what makes it more interesting.
Why do people hate me before I even say a word to them?
It's probably definitely due to your looks.

There have been studies published that highlighted a correlation between people who were more conventionally attractive and other people associating more positive traits to them - being more intelligent, shall earn more money, more humorous etc.

Legit Confirmed Truecel Rotting Hopeless Corpse.
Possibly the only enopthalmoscel and brow ridge asymmetrycel on here.
I'm uglier than 95% of this forum and I would rapier duel over it.
You need surgery.
What kind of medication would you recommend me?

I have no friends and I'm lonely. I have barely any motivation to do anything in my life
Legit Confirmed Truecel Rotting Hopeless Corpse.
Possibly the only enopthalmoscel and brow ridge asymmetrycel on here.
I'm uglier than 95% of this forum and I would rapier duel over it.
what kind of surgeries would you get if you had the money?
[Based] and High IQ

Actual honest and legit therapist.

5 Stars on Yelp.
Thank you sir. Have a good day.

What kind of medication would you recommend me?
Please see my medical expert @mental_out he's more well versed in medication.

Please tell me more about how you're feeling. Anxious? Depressed? Tired?

View attachment 184712
It's sad that they want us to do such a thing.
I've took heed of their advice and providing support.

I have no friends and I'm lonely. I have barely any motivation to do anything in my life
For the loneliness, it's because you're ugly.
You were dealt a bad set of hands at birth.

As for the friends, unless you're not neurotypical (even if you are), I still believe making friends is possible (even one), provided you don't want regular face-to-face interactions and are willing to do things online.
The only therapist I need is the rope
I just wish I was loved as a child
Is it over for manlets? At what height would you say it’s completely over? Anything below 5’6”?
I’m going to a real therapists and this thread has had better and more productive advice than him.
I sincerely hope that I'm just a location-cel, but I'll never find out because I can't manage to get a job anywhere else but in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've spent years sending applications to prospective employers all over the country but nobody ever responds. I'm willing to do literally anything even if it's a worse job than what I have now. I live alone in a tiny run-down 500 square-foot apartment from the 1950s that eats up all my salary because it costs $3000/month and i just want to kill myself.
I think about suicide every day. I try to think about other things but when I really consider it, I really begin to tear apart from the inside over how pointless my life is.
Anyone who attended FaceandLMS' livestream can clear it up.


I just wish I was loved as a child
Love is essential for growth.

Children that didn't receive love from both their parents are more likely to lash out in the future and lack empathy towards their peers.
Your parents not loving you has definitely destroyed you and will make it harder for you to integrate within society.

Is it over for manlets? At what height would you say it’s completely over? Anything below 5’6”?
Being a short male, is a huge blow to your perceived attractiveness to women.
I'd like to begin by reiterating it depends on the countries average and the average height of women.
Globally speaking, if any man is below 5'5, regardless of any country he goes to in the world. It never began for him.

5'6 may be OK in some asian countries, provided you're also rich: however this intices women to be with you for your money rather than looks, so for the most part it's still over.

5'8-5'9, is average in a lot of countries but due to the modern day convention of men lying about their height women perceive such men to be 5'10-5'11..

I sincerely hope that I'm just a location-cel, but I'll never find out because I can't manage to get a job anywhere else but in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've spent years sending applications to prospective employers all over the country but nobody ever responds. I'm willing to do literally anything even if it's a worse job than what I have now. I live alone in a tiny run-down 500 square-foot apartment from the 1950s that eats up all my salary because it costs $3000/month and i just want to kill myself.
Let me ask you a question.

If you were to kill yourself, what would it cost the government? Would you put the nation in millions of dollars of debt? Would your death result in a world war?


You'd just be another 1 of the men that die every 3 seconds.

So why do the government imprison you, or ridicule you for wanting to take your own life? That shows how expendable they regard you as. They see you as a means to amass more money for the nation at the expense of your health and happiness.

That's evil in my opinion.

Now about your living situation there's only 1 things you can do: try and find another place to live or share a place for a similar price with someone.

How good is your resume you've been sending out? What is the highest form of education which you have? What industry are you working in?
What is your age?

As I'm not American, I can't exactly comment on prices, so I'm going off other people's posts made on the misc bodybuilding forums and data I've seen online and I'd say you're paying quite a lot.

I do acknowledge you're living in SF which is by no means a cheap place to live, but $3000 a month in rent? That's a lot. Even including Bill's.

Have you considered living in places technically designed for students?

I think about suicide every day. I try to think about other things but when I really consider it, I really begin to tear apart from the inside over how pointless my life is.
What are the triggers to those thoughts?

What would you be trying to escape by committing suicide?
If you want me to be honest, you need to be attractive. Full-stop.

You need to have some social competence and experience in conversing and getting along with women.
If you were teleport-ed into the body of a conventionally attractive male right now who's on a date with a woman, what would you say?
The lack of experience is a contributor as to why even if you could miraculously get a girlfriend, you wouldn't be able to keep one.
Thank you very much for your respond Mr. TheRAPEist.
So it's pretty much over as an un ugly man with no experience or social circle?
What gives you meaning?

What makes you forget about the pain of the world?

There is no way to have a life and anyone who suggests otherwise is a psychopath.
Your life is whatever you make it.

You want to spend your time on an Incel forum? If that makes you content with your situation: you have a life.
It's different to the stereotypical life you see portrayed on the media, but that's what makes it more interesting.
Interesting perspective.
What could be a good life for me?
A good life means to me, that I can travelmax with my gf.
But I'm living the opposite right now.
No money.
No gf (and that will probably never change).
Too high inhib to travel.
No motivation.
Wait, so does being above 6’0” give you more attractive points?
I don't get along with people, they either hate me or dislike me, I can't remember the last time I had a positive interaction,they just hate me without no reason.
I hate my father
maybe this is why you're obsessed with bloating and becoming stronger, to be the father you didn't have.
nah, I hate my mother too and sure as hell I don't want to grow tits
I feel empty and not sure where i am going, what does it mean ?
Life itself is empty.

Let's look at things from a secular point of view.

You're born. You go through life. You die.
The period that will differ for everyone is how: "You go through life".

Now the journey you steer your life on is largely influenced by your genetics, although you still have control.
The analogy I'll use is like driving a car from point A to point B.
Everyone starts at point A, and everyone HAS to go to point B, however there's millions upon millions of different roads, all with different surfaces: different lengths, different amount of lanes.
Some people end up going on the quickest road. This road ever so quickly takes them from A to B (the kids that die at birth), there's people that have a smooth long road, with an unlimited speed limit (the rich that live long).

The point I'm trying to make is, which road you take is determined by your genetics. Once you're on that road, you can only influence which lane you'll be in. There's some lanes if you choose that'll give you a speed boost to point B and there's potentially hidden lanes that could transfer you to another road.

All I can say to you is we all have a common end point regardless of who we are.
The journey we take is currently all that matters and is unique to the individual.

Non-Secular people believe that the lane you decide to take; on whichever road you were placed on: based on your genetics, will lead you to another destination called point H instead of point B.

The feeling you're having is by no means "unique" everyone goes through that.

I'd recommend you try and find something that will fill that emptiness. I know for a large amount of us that would be a Female spouse, although as I've reiterated earlier we've been placed on the road which no matter which lane we take, we'll never have that as an option, unless we get lucky and find a rare RARE hidden road.
I hate my father
Tell me more. What is the source of your hatred?
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I don’t need therapy I need to be Chad.
So it's pretty much over as an un ugly man with no experience or social circle?

I'm sad to say this, but it possibly never began.

Interesting perspective.
What could be a good life for me?
A good life means to me, that I can travelmax with my gf.
But I'm living the opposite right now.
No money.
No gf (and that will probably never change).
Too high inhib to travel.
No motivation.

The mind's an interesting place, the biological intricate nature will always remain a part of us no matter what we do.

You want to travel with a girlfriend, possibly around the world. That's a perfectly valid goal.
I could (I will) give you advice to help you distract your mind from your innate desires, but they'll still resurface no matter what we do.

Take sexual repression through pursuing a period of abstinence from any masturbation or sexual thoughts - commonly known as r/NoFap. If you're young and living a healthy lifestyle, you shall have at least 1 nocturnal release during your abstinence period. Why?
That's our biological nature. Subconsciously our body still creates sperm and overtime release needs to happen and a minor stimuli (perhaps even none), is enough to cause that.
This serves as a reminder of our sexual desires as a human being.

Similarly I will advise you that you find "copes" to divert your mind from situation. Some users purchase the newest gadgets, some people resort to religion, some people commit time to games, some people resort to the gym or other activities. You just need to fill your life with so many coping methods that you won't have time to dwell on how subhuman you are.

You are ugly. You are subhuman. You can't change that, you just need to divert your minds attention from that, however just as I stated with the nocturnal release science above, you'll be constantly reminded of your heartily desires. This can not be avoided, sadly that will remain within us until our Psychological, Mental or Physical being perishes.

Wait, so does being above 6’0” give you more attractive points?
Yes. Numerous data shown has highlighted just that.

Taller males are treated better across both sexes

I don't get along with people, they either hate me or dislike me, I can't remember the last time I had a positive interaction,they just hate me without no reason.

Tell me more about your childhood. Did you have friend during that period? Any possible events you can link to you suddenly having no positive interactions?
Life itself is empty.

Let's look at things from a secular point of view.

You're born. You go through life. You die.
The period that will differ for everyone is how: "You go through life".

Now the journey you steer your life on is largely influenced by your genetics, although you still have control.
The analogy I'll use is like driving a car from point A to point B.
Everyone starts at point A, and everyone HAS to go to point B, however there's millions upon millions of different roads, all with different surfaces: different lengths, different amount of lanes.
Some people end up going on the quickest road. This road ever so quickly takes them from A to B (the kids that die at birth), there's people that have a smooth long road, with an unlimited speed limit (the rich that live long).

The point I'm trying to make is, which road you take is determined by your genetics. Once you're on that road, you have can only influence which lane you'll be in. There's some lanes if you choose that'll give you a speed boost to point B and there's potentially hidden lanes that could transfer you to another road.

All I can say to you is we all have a common end point regardless of who we are.
The journey there is currently all that matters.

Non-Secular people believe that the lane you decide to take; on whichever road you were placed on based on your genetics, will lead you to another destination called point H instead of point B.

The feeling you're having is by no means "unique" everyone goes through that.

I'd recommend you try and find something that will fill that emptiness. I know for a large amount of us that would be a Female spouse, although as I've reiterated earlier we've been placed on the road which no matter which lane we take, we'll never have that as an option, unless we get lucky and find a rare RARE hidden road.

Tell me more. What is the source of your hatred?
Reminds me of the Road to Damascus, the conversion of Saul into Paul.

“As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.

"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Paul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.”

— Acts 9:3–9, NIV

“Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit." Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength.”

— Acts 9:13–19, NIV
How to go out and find cute teen girls (ar atleast under 20)?
I literally just want friends and a life bro. I hate sitting in my house rotting all day. Fuck man making friends out of high school is so fucking hard. I hope community college changes this but who knows. If it doesn’t I’m definitely ending it. How am I supposed to live my life like this ?
How to go out and find cute teen girls (ar atleast under 20)?
I'm going to tread very carefully with the advice I'll give you and for legal reasons I want to state in bold: I do not support the pursuit of males or females below the age of consent. This will differ by country and as someone currently based in the UK, the age of consent is 16 thus will be going off that whilst also referencing other countries' laws.

I understand why you want a younger cute girl.
There going to be more attractive than they will be when older, they've probably been with less/no men thus, they'll be on the same sexual level as you.
I'm just saying, do not feel ashamed of your desire for youthful girls.

If there was no Male sexual shaming (Look at Leonardo Di caprio), every guy would pursue women in the age range of AGE OF CONSENT IN THEIR COUNTRY to 23.

As society demonises the choices of men, they've been shamed into believing to be a real "strong" man you need to date women of your age or older and should not settle for younger even if the woman is of legal age.

Now for your sir, all I'd recommend is to consider moving to a country with a lower age of consent.
The lower the age of consent: the larger the quantity of "cute teen (LEGAL) girls" available which you could date.

Scroll down to the list of countries and look at the "unlimited column". Those ages you see for the country, are the ages you can do ANYTHING you want with a cute teen girl of your choice.

Like Brazil, you could get married at 14.
The first step to do is to move to a location where you can do such a thing.
Next step is to be stable. Her parents will want her daughters to be safe. DO NOT work in a position of power (Teacher or Government work like Police etc), as this could lead to your job termination.

Thirdly you'd have to connect to them via Snapchat/Whisper and proceed from there.
Make them trust you and you should be good.

I'm not endorsing that you go through and illegal methods of acquiring a cute teenage girlfriend and I'll close by stating above advice must be done entirely within the confines of the local law.
I literally just want friends and a life bro. I hate sitting in my house rotting all day. Fuck man making friends out of high school is so fucking hard. I hope community college changes this but who knows. If it doesn’t I’m definitely ending it. How am I supposed to live my life like this ?

Tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do? What do you not like to do? How old are you? Were you born in the US? How tall are you? What ethnicity are you?

I'll tailor my response to who you are.
Tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do? What do you not like to do? How old are you? Were you born in the US? How tall are you? What ethnicity are you?

I'll tailor my response to who you are.
I’m 20, born in the us, black and 5’8. And i am interested in picking up boxing and to get into making music/beats. But I got no car to take me to the gym and no money for the equipment for music. I’m searching for a job at this moment though. And what I don’t like to do? I guess staying in my room all day even though that’s reality at this moment.
İm an ugly and poor fuck, what am i supposed to do if icant afford the surgeries i need? Im almost 20 and have nothing to look forward, ıts over

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