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RageFuel Of the 11 Managers I've had, the Female ones are genuinely Despicable People that I wish suffering upon



Dec 3, 2020
Western society would be better off if women were not given positions of authority because from what I see and experience every single day most women are sheltered, entitled, delusional, passive aggressive, manipulative, and they will not hesitate to flat out lie if it is in their best interest to do so and they don't care one iota if they screw you over, particularly if you are an ugly man. Hell, if you're an ugly guy women basically just assume you're a monster by default. You simply cannot be honest and frank with most female managers, it's a corporate game of total bullshit and the actual real truth apparently makes their sanity fall into pieces.

At my current job alone I've had 6 managers as I've outlasted all of them so far. Sometimes I think they are intentionally trying to get me to quit (I mean, they probably are). I've been in the workforce for almost 20 years across 5 distinct companies and job types.

My current boss is an NPC -- she has a basic reasoning ability that must sit somewhere close to that of a rock or a tree. She will make mountains out of molehills -- make a literal scene I mean over nothing and then act like it's the workers fault. Then when the staff push back she flips out, it's surreal. She said today that the staff should never get defensive when criticized and that we should effectively be polite little golems for them to abuse as the masters see fit. If she were a man, I simply do not believe you could get away with talking to people like that. I've noticed the male managers are far far more emotionally reserved and careful with what they say as well as take on more work and it's because they're actually held to a standard that women simply aren't.

Last week after one of her "text wall" rants at me for just doing my job (the same job I've been doing for the past 5 years) I explained in our team chat very cordially point by point why what she was saying was incorrect, I cited our workflow documentation and gave examples from other veteran coworkers who used the same procedure I did. At the end said something like "I think sometimes you are overly harsh with your criticism". Instead of apologizing or actually considering that she might be wrong for even about one thing she just explodes and goes and lies to the people above her. You know why I have started to hate women so much? Because virtually every woman I have ever met embodies these characteristics. Men usually suck ass too, but the way in which they're lacking differs and the ratio is drastically different. At least I've met decent men in my life. Women that are decent people? I can think of maybe one -- maybe that I have known in all my life. I now think misogyny is inevitable if men actually come to their own conclusions by simply observing women instead of cowtowing to the literal propaganda indoctrination machine that we're force fed since birth.

A very real problem is that women are simply not treated the way men are. Everyone coddles them and indulges them and people aren't honest with them for so many years that the minute you're the person telling them the truth they will not handle it. Something I've noticed. If a woman is below you in the company hierarchy then she's very submissive and acts like a good girl and is sweet and nice etc etc. If you are below that same person and they leave the presence of their boss suddenly their entire demeanor changes and they treat men beneath them like actual garbage. It really is true objectively that women only care about men that are above them in station -- at least unless a man below them is just incredibly attractive to such an extent to make up for such a deficit. Men beneath them in station are not merely invisible, they actively despise you and straight up MAKE THINGS UP when it's convenient. One thing I constantly underestimate in others is their capacity for just straight up delusion, especially women. My own sister will just make up stories and then seems to genuinely believe them. It's madness. And nobody calls them out for this shit.

My female boss has nothing to do all day. They sit around and "organize what problems we'll do next" (lol). This takes about 5 real world minutes with software and then they legitimately do not do anything but sit in pointless meetings where managers pretend that they're relevant and definitely more important than their subordinates. Yet they earn double what the actual workers do and are given comparative status. Everyone below you in the hierarchy sucks you off every day. As a side point this is foundationally the problem with the modern workplace -- meritocracy simply does not exist, maybe it never did. It is almost completely nepotism the whole way down. The company owner inherited the business from her father and sits in their office playing on their macintosh doing nothing all day. And they're a mulitmillionaire. Where I work women comprise probably 5 applications per 35 yet we hire at least 50% women because we're a """progressive""" company. Women like my boss were boosted into a cushy management position despite being dramatically less qualified purely because she has a vagina. But in their mind it's because they're "strong and capable and smarter" etc etc. Fills my mouth with bile.

I'm not ashamed to say that if you are a despicable person who embodies those characteristics I laid out in the first paragraph then I do not care if tragedy befalls you. In fact I wish it would because you deserve to suffer a learn a lesson like others have at your hand. P.S. Also now there's a bunch of trains I have to work with so that's so much fun having to lie all day so you don't get fired because we live in clown world delusion land where the truth doesn't matter. I'm tired bros
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My femoid manager at my first job would go out and fuck her boyfriend during her shift lol.
Western society would be better off if women were not given positions of authority because from what I see and experience every single day most women are sheltered, entitled, delusional, passive aggressive, manipulative, and they will not hesitate to flat out lie if it is in their best interest to do so and they don't care one iota if they screw you over, particularly if you are an ugly man. Hell, if you're an ugly guy women basically just assume you're a monster by default. You simply cannot be honest and frank with most female managers, it's a corporate game of total bullshit and the actual real truth apparently makes their sanity fall into pieces.

At my current job alone I've had 6 managers as I've outlasted all of them so far. Sometimes I think they are intentionally trying to get me to quit (I mean, they probably are). I've been in the workforce for almost 20 years across 5 distinct companies and job types.

My current boss is an NPC -- she has a basic reasoning ability that must sit somewhere close to that of a rock or a tree. She will make mountains out of molehills -- make a literal scene I mean over nothing and then act like it's the workers fault. Then when the staff push back she flips out, it's surreal. She said today that the staff should never get defensive when criticized and that we should effectively be polite little golems for them to abuse as the masters see fit. If she were a man, I simply do not believe you could get away with talking to people like that. I've noticed the male managers are far far more emotionally reserved and careful with what they say as well as take on more world and it's because they're actually held to a standard that women simply aren't.

Last week after one of her "text wall" rants at me for just doing my job (the same job I've been doing for the past 5 years) I explained in our team chat very cordially point by point why what she was saying was incorrect, I cited our workflow documentation and gave examples from other veteran coworkers who used the same procedure I did. At the end said something like "I think sometimes you are overly harsh with your criticism". Instead of apologizing or actually considering that she might be wrong for even about one thing she just explodes and goes and lies to the people above her. You know why I have started to hate women so much? Because virtually every woman I have ever met embodies these characteristics. Men usually suck ass too, but the ratio is drastically different. At least I've met decent men in my life. Women that are decent people? I can think of maybe one -- maybe that I have known in all my life. I now think misogyny is inevitable if men actually come to their own conclusions by simply observing women instead of cowtowing to the literal propaganda indoctrination machine that we're force fed since birth.

A very real problem is that women are simply not treated the way men are. Everyone coddles them and indulges them and people aren't honest with them for so many years that the minute you're the person telling them the truth they will not handle it. Something I've noticed. If a woman is below you in the company hierarchy then she's very submissive and acts like a good girl and is sweet and nice etc etc. If you are below that same person and they leave the presence of their boss suddenly their entire demeanor changes and they treat men beneath them like actual garbage. It really is true objectively that women only care about men that are above them in station -- at least unless a man below them is just incredibly attractive to such an extent to make up for such a deficit. Men beneath them in station are not merely invisible, they actively despise you and straight up MAKE THINGS UP when it's convenient. One thing I constantly underestimate in others is their capacity for just straight up delusion, especially women. My own sister will just make up stories and then seems to genuinely believe them. It's madness. And nobody calls them out for this shit.

My female boss has nothing to do all day. They sit around and "organize what problems we'll do next" (lol). This takes about 5 real world minutes with software and then they legitimately do not do anything but sit in pointless meetings where managers pretend that they're relevant and definitely more important than their subordinates. Yet they earn double what the actual workers do and are given comparative status. Everyone below you in the hierarchy sucks you off every day. As a side point this is foundationally the problem with the modern workplace -- meritocracy simply does not exist, maybe it never did. It is almost completely nepotism the whole way down. The company owner inherited the business from her father and sits in their office playing on their macintosh doing nothing all day. And they're a mulitmillionaire. Where I work women comprise probably 5 applications per 35 yet we hire at least 50% women because we're a """progressive""" company. Women like my boss were boosted into a cushy management position despite being dramatically less qualified purely because she has a vagina. But in their mind it's because they're "strong and capable and smarter" etc etc. Fills my mouth with bile.

I'm not ashamed to say that if you are a despicable person who embodies those characteristics I laid out in the first paragraph then I do not care if tragedy befalls you. In fact I wish it would because you deserve to suffer a learn a lesson like others have at your hand. P.S. Also now there's a bunch of trains I have to work with so that's so much fun having to lie all day so you don't get fired because we live in clown world delusion land where the truth doesn't matter. I'm tired bros
https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/ Listened to it with the voice Steffan and it was brutal
Followup, at least in the USA, the vast majority of people are basically slaves with a few nice things contingent upon continuing to suffer under yolk of these monsters that look down on you.

Our society is quite literally "Serfdom 2.0". That's what it is. If you work your life away in misery for these fucking cocksucking deluded arrogant pricks your reward is getting to have a roof over your head/food/utilities. That may seem great compared to historical standards, but productivity and output and technology are tremendous now compared to past. But only about a dozen people see the fruits of that while the rest of us are enslaved.

Which might be tolerable if we weren't treated like subhuman disposable garbage. I would be able to tolerate my job if it actually WERE like the family they lie and proclaim it to be. But nobody cares about anybody and I'm just a forgettable disposable and replaceable piece of shit to them. And because of that I wish suffering upon them. I wish that they would experience what it's like to be in our shoes.

I fantasize often about having the tables flipped like it's a movie and now after they were cruel for all these years I'm their boss etc etc. Will never happen obviously and life is just profoundly unfair, but it can be fun pipe dream. Not that that's worth anything.
anytime i've seen incel tier men be friends with women, this also happens. they hang out, its all fine, then once the foid is done with the incel or gets bored of him, she accuses him of sexual assault or tries to ruin his life in some way. you cannot be friends with foids.
Foids in the workplace generally are more petty with shit than guys are tbh
One can only hope that a bunch of brave minecraft gamers rise up and give them what they desERve (that is, a diamond pickaxe of course) :feelsdevil:
Rousseau says that social affairs are not inspired out of an affinity for merit but perpetuated, yet enervated, by amour propre: the influence of what other people believe deserves adulation.

The only merit that remains present in this society is transactional, not superfluous. You acquire citizenship, and the benefits of citizenship, by contributing to the society you belong to.
That’s interesting, thank you green man
anytime i've seen incel tier men be friends with women, this also happens. they hang out, its all fine, then once the foid is done with the incel or gets bored of him, she accuses him of sexual assault or tries to ruin his life in some way. you cannot be friends with foids.
Sadly fairly common yeah. People think that’s hyperbole but the things I have seen women convince themselves of is astonishing. My own sister is chronic liar that has falsely accused several men of rape. She’s a fucking retard, was married to a doctor then screwed it up and now she makes up lies about how awful he was to cope.
Foids in the workplace generally are more petty with shit than guys are tbh
True and men are much more direct and are less riled by minor things. There’s an angle of deceit, manipulation, and actual delusion to my female manager that I never saw before in even my bad male managers.
One can only hope that a bunch of brave minecraft gamers rise up and give them what they desERve (that is, a diamond pickaxe of course) :feelsdevil:
I have no hope for justice or correction. We are too weak and they are too powerful. How it seems at least. If I saw an avenue to change things of course I would but alas this is real life. Many things I could do would just make my life far worse than it is already. Seems like it’s a no win position.
i quit a job at wendys in only 5 days cause the boomer ass foid manager kept cussing at me for not making burgers fast enough :fuk: :feelsseriously:
A very real problem is that women are simply not treated the way men are. Everyone coddles them and indulges them and people aren't honest with them for so many years that the minute you're the person telling them the truth they will not handle it
This is why I hate most men equally tbh. I don’t get how so many don’t notice how we basically coddle women and treat them like children. We on this forum are actually less sexist than society because we want women to be treated like men are, but they simply aren’t.
amazing thread. read every word. agree with everything. women are PURE EVIL in positions of power. i have a lot of stories..
since you're not in US, which country?
If a woman is below you in the company hierarchy then she's very submissive and acts like a good girl and is sweet and nice etc etc. If you are below that same person and they leave the presence of their boss suddenly their entire demeanor changes and they treat men beneath them like actual garbage. It really is true objectively that women only care about men that are above them in station -- at least unless a man below them is just incredibly attractive to such an extent to make up for such a deficit. Men beneath them in station are not merely invisible, they actively despise you
I see that every day.
This is why I hate most men equally tbh. I don’t get how so many don’t notice how we basically coddle women and treat them like children. We on this forum are actually less sexist than society because we want women to be treated like men are, but they simply aren’t.
Nailed it mate
amazing thread. read every word. agree with everything. women are PURE EVIL in positions of power. i have a lot of stories..
I’d like hearing your stories but of course I understand if you people don’t want to give too many details since every site like this is like half honey pot. And thanks, today was honestly one of the worst work days of my life. The people they employee me are actual retards and beyond that they are arrogant cruel and hypocrites. They think they are better they make that so clear but they are in truth deeply delusional people, most without real skills who are just lucky to know the right people and have the right circumstances. As I said in the post my experience has been female managers are fucking horrible people.
i quit a job at wendys in only 5 days cause the boomer ass foid manager kept cussing at me for not making burgers fast enough :fuk: :feelsseriously:
Sometimes I just sit and wonder if these places try to get to people to quit since then they don’t have to pay unemployment. I definitely think corporations do that in an unofficial capacity. Usually if they are super critical about nothing for months they win no matter what because the employee is either so demoralized they leave on their own and even if they don’t they will log all those false complaints for their “evidence” so when you do get terminated they don’t have to pay. It’s rigged.

That sucks dude, I used to work at Burger King lol. It was fine in rural areas but then corporate and new management made what was a chill job for awhile hell. Something Boomers don’t understand is that now everyone understaffs on purpose and everyone tracks metrics and grinds you down to be as productive as humanly possible at all times and they don’t care if they burn through labor. The system fucking sucks ass and nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.
This is why I hate most men equally tbh. I don’t get how so many don’t notice how we basically coddle women and treat them like children. We on this forum are actually less sexist than society because we want women to be treated like men are, but they simply aren’t.
Yeah I hear you — the problem is we’re so deep now and the consequences for being frank with them are simply too high so men don’t do this out of rational fear since they know what will happen.

Also it doesn’t help all the propaganda and indoctrination that “women are just as smart and capable and rational and exactly the same as men” bunk. You would think more people would really stop to consider obvious gaps in intelligence at the high end — look at women’s chess or women’s esports. Look at the ratio of men to women in actual hard majors like engineering and comp sci. Sure doesn’t seem “equal” to me. People point to exceptions as though that debunks the trend. Nah, I swear why are humans incapable of wrapping their brains around “on average” and “in general” as concepts? That’s one way I think you can basically tell if someone’s an idiot.
Western society would be better off if women were not given positions of authority because from what I see and experience every single day most women are
200 IQ.

Don't need to read the rest, but will do, of course.

passive aggressive,
manipulative, and they will not hesitate to flat out lie if it is in their best interest to do so and they don't care one iota if they screw you over,
Holy fucking check. This brings back some ragefuel memories.
particularly if you are an ugly man.

Hell, if you're an ugly guy women basically just assume you're a monster by default.
The horn effect is very strong.

You simply cannot be honest and frank with most female managers, it's a corporate game of total bullshit and the actual real truth apparently makes their sanity fall into pieces.
Fucking bullseye, brocel. Honesty with women in the workforce will bite you in the ass all the time, every time.
At my current job alone I've had 6 managers as I've outlasted all of them so far. Sometimes I think they are intentionally trying to get me to quit (I mean, they probably are). I've been in the workforce for almost 20 years across 5 distinct companies and job types.

My current boss is an NPC -- she has a basic reasoning ability that must sit somewhere close to that of a rock or a tree. She will make mountains out of molehills -- make a literal scene I mean over nothing and then act like it's the workers fault. Then when the staff push back she flips out, it's surreal. She said today that the staff should never get defensive when criticized and that we should effectively be polite little golems for them to abuse as the masters see fit. If she were a man, I simply do not believe you could get away with talking to people like that. I've noticed the male managers are far far more emotionally reserved and careful with what they say as well as take on more work and it's because they're actually held to a standard that women simply aren't.

Last week after one of her "text wall" rants at me for just doing my job (the same job I've been doing for the past 5 years) I explained in our team chat very cordially point by point why what she was saying was incorrect, I cited our workflow documentation and gave examples from other veteran coworkers who used the same procedure I did. At the end said something like "I think sometimes you are overly harsh with your criticism". Instead of apologizing or actually considering that she might be wrong for even about one thing she just explodes and goes and lies to the people above her. You know why I have started to hate women so much? Because virtually every woman I have ever met embodies these characteristics. Men usually suck ass too, but the way in which they're lacking differs and the ratio is drastically different. At least I've met decent men in my life. Women that are decent people? I can think of maybe one -- maybe that I have known in all my life. I now think misogyny is inevitable if men actually come to their own conclusions by simply observing women instead of cowtowing to the literal propaganda indoctrination machine that we're force fed since birth.

A very real problem is that women are simply not treated the way men are. Everyone coddles them and indulges them and people aren't honest with them for so many years that the minute you're the person telling them the truth they will not handle it. Something I've noticed. If a woman is below you in the company hierarchy then she's very submissive and acts like a good girl and is sweet and nice etc etc. If you are below that same person and they leave the presence of their boss suddenly their entire demeanor changes and they treat men beneath them like actual garbage. It really is true objectively that women only care about men that are above them in station -- at least unless a man below them is just incredibly attractive to such an extent to make up for such a deficit. Men beneath them in station are not merely invisible, they actively despise you and straight up MAKE THINGS UP when it's convenient. One thing I constantly underestimate in others is their capacity for just straight up delusion, especially women. My own sister will just make up stories and then seems to genuinely believe them. It's madness. And nobody calls them out for this shit.

My female boss has nothing to do all day. They sit around and "organize what problems we'll do next" (lol). This takes about 5 real world minutes with software and then they legitimately do not do anything but sit in pointless meetings where managers pretend that they're relevant and definitely more important than their subordinates. Yet they earn double what the actual workers do and are given comparative status. Everyone below you in the hierarchy sucks you off every day. As a side point this is foundationally the problem with the modern workplace -- meritocracy simply does not exist, maybe it never did. It is almost completely nepotism the whole way down. The company owner inherited the business from her father and sits in their office playing on their macintosh doing nothing all day. And they're a mulitmillionaire. Where I work women comprise probably 5 applications per 35 yet we hire at least 50% women because we're a """progressive""" company. Women like my boss were boosted into a cushy management position despite being dramatically less qualified purely because she has a vagina. But in their mind it's because they're "strong and capable and smarter" etc etc. Fills my mouth with bile.

I'm not ashamed to say that if you are a despicable person who embodies those characteristics I laid out in the first paragraph then I do not care if tragedy befalls you. In fact I wish it would because you deserve to suffer a learn a lesson like others have at your hand. P.S. Also now there's a bunch of trains I have to work with so that's so much fun having to lie all day so you don't get fired because we live in clown world delusion land where the truth doesn't matter. I'm tired bros
Ngl, I really, really wish I didn't read the rest of this, because I relate to it too much. It's fucking pure, high octane, military grade ragefuel.
200 IQ.

Don't need to read the rest, but will do, of course.





Holy fucking check. This brings back some ragefuel memories.


The horn effect is very strong.

Fucking bullseye, brocel. Honesty with women in the workforce will bite you in the ass all the time, every time.

Ngl, I really, really wish I didn't read the rest of this, because I relate to it too much. It's fucking pure, high octane, military grade ragefuel.
Thanks mate, it’s nice just being able to vent my fury here sometimes. It’s the one place people really understand. Because there is legitimately no other outlet where you can. Anyone I know in real life is so far in a state of denial for this stuff and I don’t even think the comparison to government indoctrination and having family’s “turn each other in” is far off from reality. No you won’t go to jail here, but you will lose your job and not be able to get another and lose any acquaintances you thought were your friends etc. The reason why men who get it don’t speak out more is because the consequences for doing so in our society are stupidly high.

This has been one of the worst work weeks I’ve had and it’s all because my boss is a stupid bitch who’s just delusional and is straight up making up problems that don’t exist to justify her job or something. I just could not believe that she was upset that staff would dare defend themselves in the face of made up charges. Once management decides they don’t like you on a personal level it’s over. Corporate jobs are just high school and popularity again. It’s all who you know, having the right connections, and nepotism. It’s enraging being mistreated by people above you that are morons who don’t even understand your work.
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I think I would prefer to have a foid boss tbh. We could end up having sex, maybe
I think I would prefer to have a foid boss tbh. We could end up having sex, maybe
The only way that’s gonna happen is if you’re high above them in the company hierarchy. Even then you’d have to be very careful and keep things outside the company/disclose any relationship or that woman will get you fired down the track as soon as she’s mad about something.

The problem is they’ll lie and say because you were their boss they were “coerced” and then you’ve got a lawsuit. Obviously that’s not even true in most cases, women are drawn to men significantly above them in status, but they don’t care they’ll just lie and say whatever gives them most positive attention and outcome. Because they don’t care about the truth or fairness to others, they care about only themselves.

Alternatively if you don’t care about the job and are a giga Chad then yeah you could probably fuck your boss even below them in hierarchy but most of these women aren’t worth it.
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I’d like hearing your stories but of course I understand if you people don’t want to give too many details since every site like this is like half honey pot. And thanks, today was honestly one of the worst work days of my life. The people they employee me are actual retards and beyond that they are arrogant cruel and hypocrites. They think they are better they make that so clear but they are in truth deeply delusional people, most without real skills who are just lucky to know the right people and have the right circumstances. As I said in the post my experience has been female managers are fucking horrible people.

would you mind if i used parts of this post for a video? i think it touches on a lot of things that a lot of men can relate to and should be discussed..
would you mind if i used parts of this post for a video? i think it touches on a lot of things that a lot of men can relate to and should be discussed..
Sure man, no worries. I don’t know what your channel name is but if you happen to remember would be cool if you’d post the link here since I’d watch it :feelsYall: Cheers
niqqa what world do you think you live in`? one can have hope, i guess..
Yeah, that shit never ends well for the man. Usually it only happens if the man is above them in station because women date up/men above them in the hierarchy.

But then later when it falls apart the man gets fired because the woman claims she was coerced (they usually aren’t) and that she feared for her job if she turned him down type stuff. 9 times out of 10 that is just something they made up for generate advantage but companies and people will just fire the guy and take their side even if it isn’t true. Then as the dude your reputation is wrecked.

Same thing with false rape claims. A woman can just lie and make things up and without going to court, without proving anything, your reputation is already done for. I’m honestly starting to think my life would’ve been much better if I’d been born in some Sharia law shithole. Yes life would be very hard in other ways and I’d probably have some deluded views about god(s) but at least I’d be able to have a wife and a family and at least women wouldn’t be actively ruining the entire country and you’re far less likely to get divorce raped. Their culture actually really values commitment to your partner and is dramatically more honest about what women as a group are actually like.

That’s the thing people never focus on — that having “nice things” like a cell phone or electricity doesn’t lead to wholistic happiness and contentment (especially when those “nice things” are contingent upon working a job that makes you miserable to maintain). You need the important things like community/family/love more than any of that. Ideally one could have both of course. I don’t want to downplay how much harder life must be in other ways for other places in the world but much of the USA is basically a soul crushing society with no sense of community and young men either can’t get a partner or have to marry so far down that it’s no longer worth it and all the while earning very little money for a lot of work. And everyone hates each other — some groups being more justified in that hate than others. That is an incredible set of problems.
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Yeah, that shit never ends well for the man. Usually it only happens if the man is above them in station because women date up/men above them in the hierarchy.

But then later when it falls apart the man gets fired because the woman claims she was coerced (they usually aren’t) and that she feared for her job if she turned him down type stuff. 9 times out of 10 that is just something they made up for generate advantage but companies and people will just fire the guy and take their side even if it isn’t true. Then as the dude your reputation is wrecked.

Same thing with false rape claims. A woman can just lie and make things up and without going to court, without proving anything, your reputation is already done for. I’m honestly starting to think my life would’ve been much better if I’d been born in some Sharia law shithole. Yes life would be very hard in other ways and I’d probably have some deluded views about god(s) but at least I’d be able to have a wife and a family and at least women wouldn’t be actively ruining the entire country and you’re far less likely to get divorce raped. Their culture actually really values commitment to your partner and is dramatically more honest about what women as a group are actually like.

That’s the thing people never focus on — that having “nice things” like a cell phone or electricity doesn’t lead to wholistic happiness and contentment (especially when those “nice things” are contingent upon working a job that makes you miserable to maintain). You need the important things like community/family/love more than any of that. Ideally one could have both of course. I don’t want to downplay how much harder life must be in other ways for other places in the world but much of the USA is basically a soul crushing society with no sense of community and young men either can’t get a partner or have to marry so far down that it’s no longer worth it and all the while earning very little money for a lot of work. And everyone hates each other — some groups being more justified in that hate than others. That is an incredible set of problems.

legit. u dont shit where u eat theory, even as Chad. seen it go sideways too many times..
niqqa what world do you think you live in`? one can have hope, i guess..
I like to imagine. Sometimes I get interviewed by foids and during the interview I can't stop thinking about having sex with them
It's in foid nature to gain power and then go on power trips because they have spent their whole lives being nothing but worthless sex objects, as they should be.
It's in foid nature to gain power and then go on power trips because they have spent their whole lives being nothing but worthless sex objects, as they should be.


legit. u dont shit where u eat theory, even as Chad. seen it go sideways too many times..
legit. u dont shit where u eat theory, even as Chad. seen it go sideways too many times..
Same but men lose their sanity proportional to how attractive the woman is lol — fuck I think if some 10/10 came onto me I’d probably lose my sanity too at least temporarily. It’s practically programmed into us

Especially if you are desperate and inexperienced as a man with little hope of future options that is a tempting offer despite the very real and high chance of wrecking your life beyond comprehension.
I'm sorry this has happened to you, i just entered the work force and it has been brutal to say the least. Do you have any savings? Do you feel like you can actually get out of this grind shithole eventually?

Because it seems like a lose-lose game. You get to "live" by slaving away and losing your psyche in the process. You feel like shit 24/7 and won't have anything you enjoy.
Nice novel bruh
If people don’t want to read it they don’t have to. Many articles or books are long doesn’t make them bad. Of course it’s true that generally when faced with an imposing wall of text most people will move on or skip it unless they’re really grabbed by what’s being said but oh well. I’m not a professional writer and I don’t spend hours editing my posts.
Yeah I’ve noticed this phenomenon and iirc posted about it a while ago

Female authority figures always have a very high likelihood of abusing their power
I'm sorry this has happened to you, i just entered the work force and it has been brutal to say the least. Do you have any savings? Do you feel like you can actually get out of this grind shithole eventually?

Because it seems like a lose-lose game. You get to "live" by slaving away and losing your psyche in the process. You feel like shit 24/7 and won't have anything you enjoy.
Thanks mate, ditto. I wonder if it was always this bad, seems like it wasn’t and things have progressively gotten worse. Things definitely have worsened on the cost of living/housing/salary front.

If I can stay employed (not a sure thing in any way) and keep my head above water for maybe 25 more years then I could actually retire probably. Not a good retirement, but hopefully enough to cover my costs for a basic studio apartment/healthcare/utilities/groceries til I die. I spend a lot of time on the Bogleheads forum which is focused on financial planning and using low cost passive total market index funds. The idea is you start early and contribute through thick and thin for like 20-30 years and assuming things work out how they have historically you can earn enough to have a decent retirement.

The problems though are numerous:
1) It is a real possibility that the net gains of prior decades will not be matched in the next few upcoming ones, but who knows. Still what’s the alternative? Leaving one’s money in something like a high yield savings account means you are hemorrhaging money to inflation so that’s no solution.

2) Making a sensible financial plan, budgeting, and investing with discipline for a long time isn’t a magic bullet. At the end of the day you need a high income and you need to earn a lot in excess of your expenditure to really get the ball rolling. I’m trying but since I’m not a high earner progress is very slow and also I got extremely unlucky starting out at a bad time and having the global equities market tank like 25% right off the bat but ah well (with inflation factored in too that drop is even worse than it seems). All one can do is wait it out. Historically it always bounces back eventually but I suppose nothing’s guaranteed. On that other forum I mentioned it’s pretty discouraging as most people there seem to be huge earners or have massive windfalls. Even assuming this strategy works (the traditional 3 fund portfolio) you also need literal decades of continuous labor and contribution for it to work and that is crushing if you hate your job. Needless to say I don’t think investment is the priority until one has their debt paid and an emergency fund set up in a HYSA and people should be careful imo not to put anything into the market that they think they might need within the next ~10 years.

3) I don’t what I’m going to do to be honest. Right now I have a temporary living situation that helps keep my costs down but it won’t last. I’m also on my own which means no roommates to cost split down the road. Fundamentally one of the biggest problems facing the US right now really is just that jobs don’t pay anywhere near enough to live while the top take more and more for themselves. And people have no choice but to take what they can get because the alternative is literally homeless and starvation. We are just serfs for the masters. I broke my arm recently and it cost me THOUSANDS of dollars (there goes my emergency fund). Wtf do they expect us to do? I hate this country so much it’s unreal.

But yeah, even with a strict budget (which means I’m living very poorly in terms of QOL) and what I hope is a decent long term financial plan — assuming absolutely everything goes right (a big if) i will be working til I’m like 60. I hope for 55 but the math doesn’t really give me hope for that unless I landed a way better job. Costs just keep going up pay remains stagnant. Honestly I don’t think I can keep living like this for so long, it’s not worth it. The only reason I can even start at all for this sort of plan is because I’ve already been a miserable wage slave getting abused for a long time already.
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Western society would be better off if women were not given positions of authority because from what I see and experience every single day most women are sheltered, entitled, delusional, passive aggressive, manipulative, and they will not hesitate to flat out lie if it is in their best interest to do so and they don't care one iota if they screw you over, particularly if you are an ugly man. Hell, if you're an ugly guy women basically just assume you're a monster by default. You simply cannot be honest and frank with most female managers, it's a corporate game of total bullshit and the actual real truth apparently makes their sanity fall into pieces.

At my current job alone I've had 6 managers as I've outlasted all of them so far. Sometimes I think they are intentionally trying to get me to quit (I mean, they probably are). I've been in the workforce for almost 20 years across 5 distinct companies and job types.

My current boss is an NPC -- she has a basic reasoning ability that must sit somewhere close to that of a rock or a tree. She will make mountains out of molehills -- make a literal scene I mean over nothing and then act like it's the workers fault. Then when the staff push back she flips out, it's surreal. She said today that the staff should never get defensive when criticized and that we should effectively be polite little golems for them to abuse as the masters see fit. If she were a man, I simply do not believe you could get away with talking to people like that. I've noticed the male managers are far far more emotionally reserved and careful with what they say as well as take on more work and it's because they're actually held to a standard that women simply aren't.

Last week after one of her "text wall" rants at me for just doing my job (the same job I've been doing for the past 5 years) I explained in our team chat very cordially point by point why what she was saying was incorrect, I cited our workflow documentation and gave examples from other veteran coworkers who used the same procedure I did. At the end said something like "I think sometimes you are overly harsh with your criticism". Instead of apologizing or actually considering that she might be wrong for even about one thing she just explodes and goes and lies to the people above her. You know why I have started to hate women so much? Because virtually every woman I have ever met embodies these characteristics. Men usually suck ass too, but the way in which they're lacking differs and the ratio is drastically different. At least I've met decent men in my life. Women that are decent people? I can think of maybe one -- maybe that I have known in all my life. I now think misogyny is inevitable if men actually come to their own conclusions by simply observing women instead of cowtowing to the literal propaganda indoctrination machine that we're force fed since birth.

A very real problem is that women are simply not treated the way men are. Everyone coddles them and indulges them and people aren't honest with them for so many years that the minute you're the person telling them the truth they will not handle it. Something I've noticed. If a woman is below you in the company hierarchy then she's very submissive and acts like a good girl and is sweet and nice etc etc. If you are below that same person and they leave the presence of their boss suddenly their entire demeanor changes and they treat men beneath them like actual garbage. It really is true objectively that women only care about men that are above them in station -- at least unless a man below them is just incredibly attractive to such an extent to make up for such a deficit. Men beneath them in station are not merely invisible, they actively despise you and straight up MAKE THINGS UP when it's convenient. One thing I constantly underestimate in others is their capacity for just straight up delusion, especially women. My own sister will just make up stories and then seems to genuinely believe them. It's madness. And nobody calls them out for this shit.

My female boss has nothing to do all day. They sit around and "organize what problems we'll do next" (lol). This takes about 5 real world minutes with software and then they legitimately do not do anything but sit in pointless meetings where managers pretend that they're relevant and definitely more important than their subordinates. Yet they earn double what the actual workers do and are given comparative status. Everyone below you in the hierarchy sucks you off every day. As a side point this is foundationally the problem with the modern workplace -- meritocracy simply does not exist, maybe it never did. It is almost completely nepotism the whole way down. The company owner inherited the business from her father and sits in their office playing on their macintosh doing nothing all day. And they're a mulitmillionaire. Where I work women comprise probably 5 applications per 35 yet we hire at least 50% women because we're a """progressive""" company. Women like my boss were boosted into a cushy management position despite being dramatically less qualified purely because she has a vagina. But in their mind it's because they're "strong and capable and smarter" etc etc. Fills my mouth with bile.

I'm not ashamed to say that if you are a despicable person who embodies those characteristics I laid out in the first paragraph then I do not care if tragedy befalls you. In fact I wish it would because you deserve to suffer a learn a lesson like others have at your hand. P.S. Also now there's a bunch of trains I have to work with so that's so much fun having to lie all day so you don't get fired because we live in clown world delusion land where the truth doesn't matter. I'm tired bros
Make AI porn of them and post it on every porn website you can find, extra points if you get a vpn, throwaway email etc and send some of it out.
Make AI porn of them and post it on every porn website you can find, extra points if you get a vpn, throwaway email etc and send some of it out.
I wish VPNs weren’t so stupidly expensive now. My fear in doing this is that somehow they will trace it back to me even with a throwaway email and a VPN. But they definitely deserve it. I don’t know much about using that kind of AI technology so it could turn out poorly/obviously fake to boot. It would be justice served sending something like to her husband though. Fucking cunt makes everyone miserable and is a fucking lying piece of shit so of course people want revenge on you.
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Do a fight club and beat yourself up in her office
Do a fight club and beat yourself up in her office
Lol that worked in the movie when he beats himself up but irl managers always leave the door open now and cameras/recording audio is everywhere in the modern world so it would be unlikely to be pulled off sadly.

It’s actually very hard to think of plausible routes for vengeance or clawing your way to a better life because we’re so far progressed into this system time wise that many loopholes have been plugged and the consequences for getting caught are massive. If my department head and this bitch left for another job my life would improve by a factor of 10 lol. I’ve already been looking another job myself but they all have so many fucking ridiculous requirements even for jobs a monkey could do. The decent jobs do I mean. I can’t even pay for a studio apartment working at McDonald’s or something so that can’t be an option.
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Hmm interesting insight. How do other Male coworkers talk about your boss?
Thanks mate, ditto. I wonder if it was always this bad, seems like it wasn’t and things have progressively gotten worse. Things definitely have worsened on the cost of living/housing/salary front.

If I can stay employed (not a sure thing in any way) and keep my head above water for maybe 25 more years then I could actually retire probably. Not a good retirement, but hopefully enough to cover my costs for a basic studio apartment/healthcare/utilities/groceries til I die. I spend a lot of time on the Bogleheads forum which is focused on financial planning and using low cost passive total market index funds. The idea is you start early and contribute through thick and thin for like 20-30 years and assuming things work out how they have historically you can earn enough to have a decent retirement.

The problems though are numerous:
1) It is a real possibility that the net gains of prior decades will not be matched in the next few upcoming ones, but who knows. Still what’s the alternative? Leaving one’s money in something like a high yield savings account means you are hemorrhaging money to inflation so that’s no solution.

2) Making a sensible financial plan, budgeting, and investing with discipline for a long time isn’t a magic bullet. At the end of the day you need a high income and you need to earn a lot in excess of your expenditure to really get the ball rolling. I’m trying but since I’m not a high earner progress is very slow and also I got extremely unlucky starting out at a bad time and having the global equities market tank like 25% right off the bat but ah well (with inflation factored in too that drop is even worse than it seems). All one can do is wait it out. Historically it always bounces back eventually but I suppose nothing’s guaranteed. On that other forum I mentioned it’s pretty discouraging as most people there seem to be huge earners or have massive windfalls. Even assuming this strategy works (the traditional 3 fund portfolio) you also need literal decades of continuous labor and contribution for it to work and that is crushing if you hate your job. Needless to say I don’t think investment is the priority until one has their debt paid and an emergency fund set up in a HYSA and people should be careful imo not to put anything into the market that they think they might need within the next ~10 years.

3) I don’t what I’m going to do to be honest. Right now I have a temporary living situation that helps keep my costs down but it won’t last. I’m also on my own which means no roommates to cost split down the road. Fundamentally one of the biggest problems facing the US right now really is just that jobs don’t pay anywhere near enough to live while the top take more and more for themselves. And people have no choice but to take what they can get because the alternative is literally homeless and starvation. We are just serfs for the masters. I broke my arm recently and it cost me THOUSANDS of dollars (there goes my emergency fund). Wtf do they expect us to do? I hate this country so much it’s unreal.

But yeah, even with a strict budget (which means I’m living very poorly in terms of QOL) and what I hope is a decent long term financial plan — assuming absolutely everything goes right (a big if) i will be working til I’m like 60. I hope for 55 but the math doesn’t really give me hope for that unless I landed a way better job. Costs just keep going up pay remains stagnant. Honestly I don’t think I can keep living like this for so long, it’s not worth it. The only reason I can even start at all for this sort of plan is because I’ve already been a miserable wage slave getting abused for a long time already.
Do you work on IT? With the ammount of experience you have it's curious that you do not have a management role and tower over foids. I just started to work and i'm wondering how to stop working lmao, i don't see myself working 9-5 for 40 years just to retire and be dead. There has to be a way to work 4 hours and earn a decent living...

If not you're just basically living to work, and it's meaningless. I want to enjoy my copes if i cannot get laid, why should i also contribute my life to this retarded system?

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