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Venting Obese woman and female privilege



Adi naa pilla ra... adi naa pilla
Feb 21, 2024
We all know foids are more privileged than men. But I am writing this essay to convince you that fat foids are the most privileged group on this planet from a manlets perceptive.

Statement) Woman get fat because of hORMones
Reply) Only correct answer 'because they over eat' . That's it there is no other answer. Foids and Whales claim that hormones, thyroid and other nonsense. Hormones can only make more hungry and control sugar to fat conversion levels.

It is YOU that are eating more. No matter the hormones and hunger if you don't eat enough food you can't gain weight. It is against laws of thermodynamics.

Also, our body overtime adapts to a particular diet, our genes are that intelligent. If you eat any diet, like any diet over time your body will get used to it and form a equilibrium, you will neither lose weight or gain weight, you won't even feel hungry for more food.

Statement) It is hard for me to lose weight
Reply) Bitch shut the FUCK UP. Even today, after industrial revolution and technological advancement, around 20% percent of population are under weight and don't have proper nourishment. How you are able to swallow your food when there are children starving across the globe is beyond me. You have to be in top 1% of world to afford to be fat and bitch about it. You bitch about global warming and demerits of capitalism all the time, what about now

Muh, Capitalism made me fat :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
I will eat excess food instead of providing them

Statement) Men are fat too...
Reply) At least fat man agree they look like shit and are unhealthy. I have not met a single fat man irl that justifies his obesity. Almost all them admit it being their own fault and agree it would be for best of them to lose weight. Also fat men are more charismatic and not bitchy cunts like fat Whales.

Main Part

Statement) Fat woman are discriminated by society and are disadvantaged
Mens employment is affected by height and for woman its weight (https://www.theguardian.com/science...-height-and-womens-weight-drive-earning-power). The former can't control it and the latter and literally lose weight by diet in 2 months.

So if fat woman are disadvantaged then it's their own fault.

Also woman need to be discriminated for being fat because it can have lead to child development problems when they are pregnant. Fat people in general die faster than normal people, so we are kind of encouraging you to be healthy at this point

Here are how fat women are privileged than men

a) Woman retain their SMV after betting fat, while most men's plummets. Like from tinder experiments it is evident that guys will basically go with any woman irrespective of their weight

b) They don't face as much reparations for their bad health choices. Fat woman have more life expectancy and lesser health consequences like heart stokes than fat men. Is this not female privilege?

c) Jew media is pushing to normalize obesity. Like, nowadays every advert of Jewish Corps is always filled with sheboon nigger with a fat pathetic body. Why the fuck are Jews pushing obesity on us this much?



Are the corps even connected with the people they are advertising, at this point.

They are normalizing:
pedophilia through LGBT shit
unhealthy life style and low life expectancy through normalizing obesity
decreasing fertility rate through birth control and chemicals in water supply
destabilization of race relations with moments like Nigger LIves Matter shit
promoting feminism and faggot marriage to rip apart institution of marriage and family

I think we are looking at societal collapse in next 3 decades. Jews are fucking us over.

Bonus Soy

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/how_society_treats_fat_women

Her username is Hungry_Lobster_1253. You can see the obesity and blue hair through the screen :feelskek::feelskek:

Observe the man-hating, if this was woman the sub would be nuked imediately

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k96l4dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"Being a fat woman, I can tell you that doctors refuse to see you as human" - cause you are not human you are whale

"She won't educate me about the PCOS or teach me what I should be eating. Literally everything I know about it, I learned on TikTok." - FUCKING I'LL KILL MYSELF. This bitch trusts tik-tok more than a trained doctor

"My GP ordered blood tests every 6 months and when they came back normal every single time she would say "I'm shocked you don't have diabetes" based on nothing but my weight." - because you can predict diabetes on food consumption dumb ass

"And people just LOVE to hate on fat people. And it's acceptable in society so it never stops." - First time? Short men have been experiencing this since childhood to whom should they complain them?

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k98fh1n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"I’m old enough TikTok wasn’t yet around to teach me about PCOS" - USAcels is your education system this worse that you have to learn though tik-tok?

"In the meantime they “treated” my irregular cycle by prescribing birth control pills." - Exactly they are pushing birth control pills to make woman immfertile.
We all know foids are more privileged than men. But I am writing this essay to convince you that fat foids are the most privileged group on this planet from a manlets perceptive.

Statement) Woman get fat because of hORMones
Reply) Only correct answer 'because they over eat' . That's it there is no other answer. Foids and Whales claim that hormones, thyroid and other nonsense. Hormones can only make more hungry and control sugar to fat conversion levels.

It is YOU that are eating more. No matter the hormones and hunger if you don't eat enough food you can't gain weight. It is against laws of thermodynamics.

Also, our body overtime adapts to a particular diet, our genes are that intelligent. If you eat any diet, like any diet over time your body will get used to it and form a equilibrium, you will neither lose weight or gain weight, you won't even feel hungry for more food.

Statement) It is hard for me to lose weight
Reply) Bitch shut the FUCK UP. Even today, after industrial revolution and technological advancement, around 20% percent of population are under weight and don't have proper nourishment. How you are able to swallow your food when there are children starving across the globe is beyond me. You have to be in top 1% of world to afford to be fat and bitch about it. You bitch about global warming and demerits of capitalism all the time, what about now

View attachment 1075188 Muh, Capitalism made me fat :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
View attachment 1075189 I will eat excess food instead of providing them

Statement) Men are fat too...
Reply) At least fat man agree they look like shit and are unhealthy. I have not met a single fat man irl that justifies his obesity. Almost all them admit it being their own fault and agree it would be for best of them to lose weight. Also fat men are more charismatic and not bitchy cunts like fat Whales.

Main Part

Statement) Fat woman are discriminated by society and are disadvantaged
Mens employment is affected by height and for woman its weight (https://www.theguardian.com/science...-height-and-womens-weight-drive-earning-power). The former can't control it and the latter and literally lose weight by diet in 2 months.

So if fat woman are disadvantaged then it's their own fault.

Also woman need to be discriminated for being fat because it can have lead to child development problems when they are pregnant. Fat people in general die faster than normal people, so we are kind of encouraging you to be healthy at this point

Here are how fat women are privileged than men

a) Woman retain their SMV after betting fat, while most men's plummets. Like from tinder experiments it is evident that guys will basically go with any woman irrespective of their weight

b) They don't face as much reparations for their bad health choices. Fat woman have more life expectancy and lesser health consequences like heart stokes than fat men. Is this not female privilege?

c) Jew media is pushing to normalize obesity. Like, nowadays every advert of Jewish Corps is always filled with sheboon nigger with a fat pathetic body. Why the fuck are Jews pushing obesity on us this much?

View attachment 1075223View attachment 1075225View attachment 1075230View attachment 1075232View attachment 1075234

View attachment 1075235

Are the corps even connected with the people they are advertising, at this point.

They are normalizing:
pedophilia through LGBT shit
unhealthy life style and low life expectancy through normalizing obesity
decreasing fertility rate through birth control and chemicals in water supply
destabilization of race relations with moments like Nigger LIves Matter shit
promoting feminism and faggot marriage to rip apart institution of marriage and family

I think we are looking at societal collapse in next 3 decades. Jews are fucking us over.

Bonus Soy

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/how_society_treats_fat_women

Her username is Hungry_Lobster_1253. You can see the obesity and blue hair through the screen :feelskek::feelskek:

Observe the man-hating, if this was woman the sub would be nuked imediately

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k96l4dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"Being a fat woman, I can tell you that doctors refuse to see you as human" - cause you are not human you are whale

"She won't educate me about the PCOS or teach me what I should be eating. Literally everything I know about it, I learned on TikTok." - FUCKING I'LL KILL MYSELF. This bitch trusts tik-tok more than a trained doctor

"My GP ordered blood tests every 6 months and when they came back normal every single time she would say "I'm shocked you don't have diabetes" based on nothing but my weight." - because you can predict diabetes on food consumption dumb ass

"And people just LOVE to hate on fat people. And it's acceptable in society so it never stops." - First time? Short men have been experiencing this since childhood to whom should they complain them?

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k98fh1n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"I’m old enough TikTok wasn’t yet around to teach me about PCOS" - USAcels is your education system this worse that you have to learn though tik-tok?

"In the meantime they “treated” my irregular cycle by prescribing birth control pills." - Exactly they are pushing birth control pills to make woman immfertile.

Expect more landwhales
Social media has given these Whales a sense of entitlement
Social media has given these Whales a sense of entitlement
Meanwhile a fat man wont even make it to vogue or any other fashion magazines, My dad has tons of these mens health magazines lol, Fat men wont make it on there i think, Only landies will make it to the media, Its brutally unfair and not equality at ALL!
Social media has given these Whales a sense of entitlement
The soyddit comments pissed me off. Those whales are so fucking oblivious to their dumbness and ignorance it making me fill with rage. I will watch rape for later to cool off (just a joke btw).
Well written. It's always funny to see them claim doctors are oppressing them when doctors are just giving them valid health advice to not fucking die.
Well written. It's always funny to see them claim doctors are oppressing them when doctors are just giving them valid health advice to not fucking die.
From the comments they trust tik-tok more than FUCKING trained doctor. I can't have that sink into my brain. Is USA this bad?
From the comments they trust tik-tok more than FUCKING trained doctor. I can't have that sink into my brain. Is USA this bad?
Just foid brain. They always follow the herd.
I can take a loan and put 10 million dollars in line to say that those fat women WILL lose weight if they eat less.
I isn't even rocket science. It is common knowledge
I got fat in the last 2 years after getting blackpilled and LDARing. As a 5'5" curry in my slim form it was still over. I am still trying to lose weight though, and acknowledge that its my fault. Fat foids however (in specific the feminists) they don't even try because they know they will have infinite SMV either way.
Same height, me too bro. I am a manlet, I gained and lost 10 kg in past three years. It was not even that hard. Just do 20 hour fasting and done. I was slim again in 3 months. I don't understand why they act controlling weight is such huge task.
Whenever we see one of these ham beasts topics we should all pile in the comments are start trolling.
Meanwhile a fat man wont even make it to vogue or any other fashion magazines, My dad has tons of these mens health magazines lol, Fat men wont make it on there i think, Only landies will make it to the media, Its brutally unfair and not equality at ALL!
There are explanations for that. The goal of the elites is to normalize obesity. Pushing in onto woman is more effective to achieve this goal as

-> It is generally woman who shops for entire family. So woman is controller of cash flow. If they are health conscious then they won't buy excess food.
-> Food habits of children are result mothers' mainly. So, it will pass their obesity to their children
Whenever we see one of these ham beasts topics we should all pile in the comments are start trolling.
Yeah, we should also span "it's not about weight but about personality :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: " under the comments.
It is common knowledge
Their knowledge is what they learn through tik-tok, which has videos removing the blame on them for being fat and instead blames capitalism, patriarchy, beauty standards, hormones, thyroid, PCOS etc
Im not reading an essay about landwhales.

Also you re lucky im not a mod because you would be banned for doing an essay on landwhales.
Im not reading an essay about landwhales.

Also you re lucky im not a mod because you would be banned for doing an essay on landwhales.
Read the soy at the end, you will pull your hair at the dumbness of these foids
Oh, what you did not agree with on just one single point, don't you know you are a fascist Nazi who is advocating for genocide of marginalized groups :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
don't you know you are a fascist Nazi who is advocating for genocide of marginalized groups
no shit
calling someone a fascist in that context is what libtards do, that's why i put the :soy: there
no shit
calling someone a fascist in that context is what libtards do, that's why i put the :soy: there
Nooo, sweaty I am the revolution, silence is violence
I enjoyed this, especially the bonus soy :feelshaha:
Remember that landwhale looksmatches are rotting alone (or with parents) and are awaiting for death saving for insufferable pain, physical and mental.

Tbh whenever I go outside I see only obese female, obese men are rarity.
I enjoyed this, especially the bonus soy :feelshaha:
There are thousands of such soy on soyddit, it makes me so angry when I read dumbshit.
Tbh whenever I go outside I see only obese female, obese men are rarity.
That's because all the obese men die quicker than obese foids. This is the natures principle always lower standards, consequences and judgements for females.

Check this out.

Check this out.
Wtf, niggers be nigging. Why are black guys standards so low for white woman, sheboons look so much better than these white whales.
It's funny how she put 'TW: weight' in the first one :feelskek:
Must be aware of how disgusting pig she is and even thinking of her body can make others feel unease
It should be triggering since its fatphobia that she experienced, such a unjust discrimination and prejudice :soy::soy:
We all know foids are more privileged than men. But I am writing this essay to convince you that fat foids are the most privileged group on this planet from a manlets perceptive.

Statement) Woman get fat because of hORMones
Reply) Only correct answer 'because they over eat' . That's it there is no other answer. Foids and Whales claim that hormones, thyroid and other nonsense. Hormones can only make more hungry and control sugar to fat conversion levels.

It is YOU that are eating more. No matter the hormones and hunger if you don't eat enough food you can't gain weight. It is against laws of thermodynamics.

Also, our body overtime adapts to a particular diet, our genes are that intelligent. If you eat any diet, like any diet over time your body will get used to it and form a equilibrium, you will neither lose weight or gain weight, you won't even feel hungry for more food.

Statement) It is hard for me to lose weight
Reply) Bitch shut the FUCK UP. Even today, after industrial revolution and technological advancement, around 20% percent of population are under weight and don't have proper nourishment. How you are able to swallow your food when there are children starving across the globe is beyond me. You have to be in top 1% of world to afford to be fat and bitch about it. You bitch about global warming and demerits of capitalism all the time, what about now

View attachment 1075188 Muh, Capitalism made me fat :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
View attachment 1075189 I will eat excess food instead of providing them

Statement) Men are fat too...
Reply) At least fat man agree they look like shit and are unhealthy. I have not met a single fat man irl that justifies his obesity. Almost all them admit it being their own fault and agree it would be for best of them to lose weight. Also fat men are more charismatic and not bitchy cunts like fat Whales.

Main Part

Statement) Fat woman are discriminated by society and are disadvantaged
Mens employment is affected by height and for woman its weight (https://www.theguardian.com/science...-height-and-womens-weight-drive-earning-power). The former can't control it and the latter and literally lose weight by diet in 2 months.

So if fat woman are disadvantaged then it's their own fault.

Also woman need to be discriminated for being fat because it can have lead to child development problems when they are pregnant. Fat people in general die faster than normal people, so we are kind of encouraging you to be healthy at this point

Here are how fat women are privileged than men

a) Woman retain their SMV after betting fat, while most men's plummets. Like from tinder experiments it is evident that guys will basically go with any woman irrespective of their weight

b) They don't face as much reparations for their bad health choices. Fat woman have more life expectancy and lesser health consequences like heart stokes than fat men. Is this not female privilege?

c) Jew media is pushing to normalize obesity. Like, nowadays every advert of Jewish Corps is always filled with sheboon nigger with a fat pathetic body. Why the fuck are Jews pushing obesity on us this much?

View attachment 1075223View attachment 1075225View attachment 1075230View attachment 1075232View attachment 1075234

View attachment 1075235

Are the corps even connected with the people they are advertising, at this point.

They are normalizing:
pedophilia through LGBT shit
unhealthy life style and low life expectancy through normalizing obesity
decreasing fertility rate through birth control and chemicals in water supply
destabilization of race relations with moments like Nigger LIves Matter shit
promoting feminism and faggot marriage to rip apart institution of marriage and family

I think we are looking at societal collapse in next 3 decades. Jews are fucking us over.

Bonus Soy

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/how_society_treats_fat_women

Her username is Hungry_Lobster_1253. You can see the obesity and blue hair through the screen :feelskek::feelskek:

Observe the man-hating, if this was woman the sub would be nuked imediately

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k96l4dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"Being a fat woman, I can tell you that doctors refuse to see you as human" - cause you are not human you are whale

"She won't educate me about the PCOS or teach me what I should be eating. Literally everything I know about it, I learned on TikTok." - FUCKING I'LL KILL MYSELF. This bitch trusts tik-tok more than a trained doctor

"My GP ordered blood tests every 6 months and when they came back normal every single time she would say "I'm shocked you don't have diabetes" based on nothing but my weight." - because you can predict diabetes on food consumption dumb ass

"And people just LOVE to hate on fat people. And it's acceptable in society so it never stops." - First time? Short men have been experiencing this since childhood to whom should they complain them?

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/17uuy1n/comment/k98fh1n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

"I’m old enough TikTok wasn’t yet around to teach me about PCOS" - USAcels is your education system this worse that you have to learn though tik-tok?

"In the meantime they “treated” my irregular cycle by prescribing birth control pills." - Exactly they are pushing birth control pills to make woman immfertile.

ahaha imagine how morbidly obese she is that she gets refused surgery for it :feelskek: and has pcos (hairy woman) as well :feelskek: but continues coping instead of losing weight :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I wish my problems were that simple that I could solve them by just not eating
We can tell
Funnies thing is these foids themselves are a product of capitalism and most of them are against it. Like the second third foid is a regular poster of r/LateStageCapitalism , r/EatTheRich , r/LeopardsAteMyFace.

This is an example of people hating capitalism not realizing when capitalism makes a fool out of them.
Last edited:
ahaha imagine how morbidly obese she is that she gets refused surgery for it :feelskek: and has pcos (hairy woman) as well :feelskek: but continues coping instead of losing weight :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I wish my problems were that simple that I could solve them by just not eating
Right, image growing taller if stopped eating for a while.... It is literally sounds like something out of a fairy tale or something. Even then foids are lazy and blame everyone except themselves.
Funnies thing is these foids themselves are a product of capitalism and most of them are against it. Like the second and third foids are regular posters of r/LateStageCapitalism , r/EatTheRich , r/LeopardsAteMyFace.

This is an example of people hating capitalism not realizing when capitalism makes a fool out of them.
Yes, literally all they do is consuming (it's meant to be a joke on their weight but idk if it works in english)
Wtf, niggers be nigging. Why are black guys standards so low for white woman, sheboons look so much better than these white whales.
It's really brutal that a girl with that amount of blubber still gets top tier guys. That would never be the case for a man.
Right, image growing taller if stopped eating for a while.... It is literally sounds like something out of a fairy tale or something. Even then foids are lazy and blame everyone except themselves.
the complaining is the funniest part. manlets can't complain about manletism that is out of their control but holes will complain about "mistreatment" caused by voluntary goyslop consumption 24/7 :feelskek: there is not a day that passes by where I don't hate w*men more than the last :feelsYall:
still gets top tier guys
Only niggers though. No white chad will lower their standards, niggers for some reason will fuck anything that is white
Only niggers though. No white chad will lower their standards, niggers for some reason will fuck anything that is white
Niggers are fucking crazy Bro! They are animals, savage and wild.

She doesn't even deserve a nigger.
but holes will complain about "mistreatment"
Next time they complain we should tell them it's because of their toxic personality and poor hygiene :feelskek: :feelskek:

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