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Blackpill NT

Saint Cho

Saint Cho

NT is life.
Aug 20, 2021
If you looked at me on the street, you probably wouldn't think that I was a KHHV.

My height is decent, at 183 cm. I'm not a tallfag by any means but it's a passable height in most areas of the world.

My face is very good for an asian. I would say that I facially mog over 90% of asian men I've ever seen. I live in a mostly white populated area though, so by white standards I'm about average in terms of facial attractiveness.

My dick size is exactly 6 inches on the dot. Not really a huge cock, but not something I would get rejected for.

I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.

So what's the problem? What the fuck is wrong with me? Put simply, I'm a social retard. I have 0 friends as of right now. I don't talk to anyone in my age group. Any attempts at socialization have resulted in awkward interactions and eventual ghosting. I just can't seem to function like a normal human, socialize like a normal human. Somewhere along the line, my brain forgot to install the basic social skills software that should've come by default. It's infuriating, because I know that with my physical stats I SHOULDN'T be an incel. Yet here I am wasting my youth away, getting older and uglier as each day passes. I hate myself for it.

To those that say NT is cope, fuck you. Living as a non-NT man is hell on earth.
If you looked at me on the street, you probably wouldn't think that I was a KHHV.

My height is decent, at 183 cm. I'm not a tallfag by any means but it's a passable height in most areas of the world.

My face is very good for an asian. I would say that I facially mog over 90% of asian men I've ever seen. I live in a mostly white populated area though, so by white standards I'm about average in terms of facial attractiveness.

My dick size is exactly 6 inches on the dot. Not really a huge cock, but not something I would get rejected for.

I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.

So what's the problem? What the fuck is wrong with me? Put simply, I'm a social retard. I have 0 friends as of right now. I don't talk to anyone in my age group. Any attempts at socialization have resulted in awkward interactions and eventual ghosting. I just can't seem to function like a normal human, socialize like a normal human. Somewhere along the line, my brain forgot to install the basic social skills software that should've come by default. It's infuriating, because I know that with my physical stats I SHOULDN'T be an incel. Yet here I am wasting my youth away, getting older and uglier as each day passes. I hate myself for it.

To those that say NT is cope, fuck you. Living as a non-NT man is hell on earth.
OK STFU, women love attractive autistic men. You are just a fakecel.
@Zer0/∞ @Sneir @Recluse @Intellau_Celistic i think i’m ready to make that telegram group and just say f this site
actually, never mind just go to a rice country and ascend
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.
Kill yourself :feelsjuice:
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.
@Fat Link
@Fat Link
The rise of the rice
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.
So what's stopping you from fucking them? :feelsseriously:
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.
Moeggels mogs you
Then why don't you learn how to socialize? Watch YouTube videos if necessary, buy a course. You have options.

A lot of you autistic maggots need to understand that everybody is faking it. There is rarely if any real relationships. Everyone's pretending to be funny, talkative and energized all the time. It's the most ironic thing because you're sitting there thinking "oh why can't I socialize just like them?" but in reality they're all faking it, putting on a persona. Do the same if you want to get laid. Play the part.
Then why don't you learn how to socialize? Watch YouTube videos if necessary, buy a course. You have options.

A lot of you autistic maggots need to understand that everybody is faking it. There is rarely if any real relationships. Everyone's pretending to be funny, talkative and energized all the time. It's the most ironic thing because you're sitting there thinking "oh why can't I socialize just like them?" but in reality they're all faking it, putting on a persona. Do the same if you want to get laid. Play the part.
I've tried everything. You name it. I've tried it.

I (hopefully) seem pretty logical and reasonable when I make my posts here, but that's because I have time to look over what I type, make edits, and correct mistakes. IRL, I can't do that. When someone speaks to you or does something to you, there's multiple "correct" responses that an NT person would instantly do without thinking. I have to overthink everything I do, and when I finally decide on a response it's usually autistic and robotic.

Normal people don't take courses on how to act like a functioning human because those skills come naturally as you grow up during childhood, adolescense, and young adulthood. Mine just never kicked in.
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus
:feelswhat: Something’s fishy here
:feelswhat: Something’s fishy here
I'll just repeat myself since some of you didn't get the memo the first time.

K. I have never kissed a female.

H. I have never held hands in a romantic fashion with a female.

H. I have never hugged a female.

V. I have never engaged in sexual activity with a female.
I'll just repeat myself since some of you didn't get the memo the first time.

K. I have never kissed a female.

H. I have never held hands in a romantic fashion with a female.

H. I have never hugged a female.

V. I have never engaged in sexual activity with a female.
You said you get messages from foids, which on tinder statistically only happens to generally attractive people. Unless you’re that socially inept, it seems like you’re just not trying
All of my conversations die.

Probably. I'm not a mogger by any means. I already mentioned that by white standards, my face is average.
How many likes u got
This thread can stay up I guess but it’s still likely a form of humble bragging so I gave OP a slap on the wrist warning for it guys as he’s no terribly outrageous rule breaker or anything.
I wouldn't know as I'm NT as fuck.
Kill yourself you fucking chink faggot
Shit, man, what were you thinking when you created this thread... Nobody here likes something like that, you should have known that, and you know it, i hope


Well, thats what non-nt does to a man - you knew that you gonna get powerful backlash, but still done it

yeah, hard to be non-nt in current times, and i do not have any advice to you, except - think twice before doing anything that can be labeled on as a "controversial"

Good luck, man, you are good
Only 10%? What a fucking joke… you can brag as much as you want but it’s all good cuz your non NT. Hope you burn in a fire you pathetic waste of space. This is an INSULT to NTcels like myself
remember the thread about the autistic kid posting on omegle. the NTniggers just hated him for seemingly no reas0n even though he seemed to be socializing normally on paper. autism is death
I agree with you. Being NT is important af.

Fuck every retard that says anything different. I can't even hold a conversation due to being a social retard.
I occasionally go shopping at a local mall with my mom. It's a busy mall with a food court so there's tons of guys with their GFs. Plenty of these guys are shorter than 6'0 and have average or sometimes even ugly faces. Yet they still ascended because they have social circles, friends, and NT.
NT is important, but OP probably wants white bitches. ER had a similar problem.
Exactly. A lot of users here probably don't go outside. I can see that everyone can get a gf, as long they're NT (except for teenage romace, that's Chad only).
Truth be told, highschool is the easiest time to ascend. Lots of girls are still clueless about their true power level and date ugly subhumans. I've actually seen it firsthand at my school. JBF(just be first) is fucking powerful
Nah, I don't agree with that. It's actually true that males lose their virginity later and female more early. They just lose it to Chad.

I can see it everyday. Those guys look like stereotypes as well
Don't womens standards increase with body count though? Say let's compare an 18 year old virgin girl (1 in 1 million nowadays but bear with me) and an 18 year old slut with a body count of 300. Who would be more likely to give an unattractive man a chance? All other things being equal, my bet would be on the virgin. The slut is the equivalent of a spoiled brat who's already had the best of everything and won't accept less.
Body count isn't age.
Well yeah, but as women get older they accumulate more bodies.
When they're young (I would say until around 20) they have gigantic standards. Their standards start to drop, because they slowly get ready to settle down and dont just go after looks (and instead maybe focus on the guys income instead).
Fair point.
I've made a tinder account using my pictures and got likes & messages from average looking girls. Not landwhales, but average beckies you'd see walking around a college campus.
he only got 10% for this post btw
It feels like people here need to understand that just because a female gives you attention, it doesn't mean ur not an incel or that she likes you. Have an old classmate who checks my stories constantly and best response I get from a DM is nothing. Shame because I liked her.
Brags about above average height, apparently far above average face, above average dick size, matches and likes on tinder (which is impossible for anyone below 6/10) and only a 10% warn? did whoever gave that mistype 100%?

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