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Now that I have a new phone I can finally prove that I'm subhuman

Ryo_Hazuki said:
jamho22 said:
good morph. went from 5/10 to 5.6/10.
I'd say I made him go from 4/10 to 7/10.
Overrating. He went from a 5 to a 6. Still sexually invisible. He’d also benifit from fat grafts to lessen upperlid exposure.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Here are the changes I made:

1) hairline lowered
2) chin moved forward
3) double chin removed
4) jaw made slightly wider
5) nose made slightly smaller
6) dark circles reduced
7) skin cleared up
8) lower eyelids lifted


I've got a hair transplant booked to get me back to a NW1 in March, so that should address point 1.

Do you know if there's surgery for any of the other stuff you did? I'm pretty new to the cosmetic surgery cope...lookism weren't much help except for recommending a hair transplant. They said other surgery wouldn't be worth it but looking at your morph...if I could even get halfway to that level it'd be worth it I think.

So assuming money is no object...anyway I could get closer to that morph IRL? I'll save every penny I make to contribute towards ascension if it's needed.
itsOVER said:
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Here are the changes I made:
1) hairline lowered
2) chin moved forward
3) double chin removed
4) jaw made slightly wider
5) nose made slightly smaller
6) dark circles reduced
7) skin cleared up
8) lower eyelids lifted
I've got a hair transplant booked to get me back to a NW1 in March, so that should address point 1.
Do you know if there's surgery for any of the other stuff you did? I'm pretty new to the cosmetic surgery cope...lookism weren't much help except for recommending a hair transplant. They said other surgery wouldn't be worth it but looking at your morph...if I could even get halfway to that level it'd be worth it I think.
So assuming money is no object...anyway I could get closer to that morph IRL? I'll save every penny I make to contribute towards ascension if it's needed.
I think you should get lean first.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
I'd say I made him go from 4/10 to 7/10.

big time over rate. Any morph that makes you go from a 4 to a 7/10 is sure to backfire irl. Your morph of him is excellent. He should use it on his tinder profile.
itsOVER said:

I've got a hair transplant booked to get me back to a NW1 in March, so that should address point 1.

Do you know if there's surgery for any of the other stuff you did? I'm pretty new to the cosmetic surgery cope...lookism weren't much help except for recommending a hair transplant. They said other surgery wouldn't be worth it but looking at your morph...if I could even get halfway to that level it'd be worth it I think.

So assuming money is no object...anyway I could get closer to that morph IRL? I'll save every penny I make to contribute towards ascension if it's needed.

All the changes I made are possible.

Rhinoplasty. Canthoplasty. Sliding genioplasty. Hair transplant (you're already getting one).
Octopusgun2 said:
I think you should get lean first.

Believe it or not I'm 55kg at 170cm. Just shitty genetics means I store a lot of fat in my face.
Told you guys he was mentalcel
itsOVER said:
Believe it or not I'm 55kg at 170cm. Just shitty genetics means I store a lot of fat in my face.

Also the receded chin plays a big role. A lot of skinny guys with receded chins still have double chins.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
All the changes I made are possible.

Rhinoplasty.  Canthoplasty.  Sliding genioplasty.  Hair transplant (you're already getting one).

Cheers, gonna do some research. Lookism told me not to bother but I can see a fairly noticeble difference here.

Hoping if I get to a 5-6/10, then I can move to SEA, and the 2 extra points there for being white might land me an Asian Stacy.
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.

You don't look that bad.

4.5/10 you're slightly below average.

Bushladen008 said:
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.


Ryo_Hazuki said:
Also the receded chin plays a big role.  A lot of skinny guys with receded chins still have double chins.

So in terms of priority, would you say a chin implant would be the next step after the hair transplant? Followed by jaw surgery I guess?
Bushladen008 said:
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.


itsOVER said:
So in terms of priority, would you say a chin implant would be the next step after the hair transplant? Followed by jaw surgery I guess?

Yeah, or a sliding genioplasty. That might be a better option.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Yeah, or a sliding genioplasty.  That might be a better option.

Cheers. This might become my cope for the next year. I don't spend my money on anything else except escortcelling so I might as well try and ascend to normiehood (which will be Chadhood in South-East Asia if you're white).
Average, not ugly. If you don't get stares in public or people haven't told you you're ugly, then you're not.
Mods PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ban this attention seeking mother fucker.
R O P E yourself, attention whore
Bushladen008 said:
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.

why were you banned
CopingGymcel said:

With some of the acne gone.
Acne gone + leaner face + light tan + thicker neck = bow wow. A beard would also suit you a lot if you're able to grow one. Just don't lose your hair and you'll lose your virginity this year.

He'll look like Crixus from the Spartacus series if he grows a beard kek
Bushladen008 said:
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.


Stop mogging me.
Twisted said:
He doesn’t mog you, his eye area is awful although his lower third is decent. He’s around a PSL 5 assuming he is of average height.

The only thing I have over him is upper eyelid exposure.
Twisted said:
Better nose, MUCH better eye area in general, probably heightmog him and better facial harmony

tbh I'm just not seeing it.
Alright guys, OP gave me the courage to upload my DISGUSTING subhuman face


Another angle, its so OVER

wandercamp said:
Alright guys, OP gave me the courage to upload my DISGUSTING subhuman face


Another angle, its so OVER


2.5/10 PSL, OGRE. Time to rope.
You look like a Nazi id see in a video from ww2, definetly not ugly.
Twisted said:
Better nose, MUCH better eye area in general, probably heightmog him and better facial harmony

Yeah you're right , he does heightmog me aswell, I'm 5'10.
Bushladen008 said:
Yeah you're right , he does heightmog me aswell, I'm 5'10.

There's no advantage to being 6'1" over 5'10". Girls really don't care.
Framecel222 said:
There's no advantage to being 6'1" over 5'10". Girls really don't care.

Don't forget I'm 24 and you're 18. You can easily reach Chad/Chadlite level by 24.
Bushladen008 said:
Don't forget I'm 24 and you're 18. You can easily reach Chad/Chadlite level by 24.

I'm 19 now. But damn, I totally thought you were my age. If you're a virgin at age 24 it definitely is an uphill battle.

 Your looks aren't what's holding you back though.
Framecel222 said:
There's no advantage to being 6'1" over 5'10". Girls really don't care.

3 inches that's a lot
like have you ever seen height reqs?
they want at least 185cm (About 6')

also you're 19, check your growth plates
mizukage said:
3 inches that's a lot
like have you ever seen height reqs?
they want at least 185cm (About 6')

also you're 19, check your growth plates

I'm probably done growing. Last time I went to the doctor I was 6'1.43" and 2 years before that I was 6'1.25".

Also girls care more about that on Tinder than IRL.
Lol the whole forum is trolling you. It's over for you, welcome to the club.
jordanbirdett said:
you're prettty bad at morphing

You're pretty bad at posting.

Go back to lookism with your retarded "MUH NERDIC!!!" meme.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
You're pretty bad at posting.  

Go back to lookism with your retarded "MUH NERDIC!!!" meme.

just joking
incelkingkong said:
Lol the whole forum is trolling you. It's over for you, welcome to the club.

Don't worry, I'm aware of this.
jordanbirdett said:
just joking

Why do you people have to come here? You have a forum where you can shitpost to your heart's content...why do you have to shitpost here?

Look, I'm not completely against people from lookism coming here. In fact some really good posters have come from there, like FACEandLMS/Invisible. But if you lookism guys are going to come here, you need to assimilate. Don't make unfunny autistic shitposts like you do on lookism.
overlystinkypants said:


I actually LOLed. That's a top-tier meme right there. I could totally see this catching on.
19yo 6'1 with that face

proof most users in this site are fakecels
Bushladen008 said:
Let me show what subhuman eye area looks like , my dead tired recessed eyes with dark circles is the sole reason why I can't get a girlfriend. They even manage to make my nose more bigger lol. They make me look tired and depressed and girls avoid depressed guys like aids. Framecel got potential for lookmaxing because his eye area is normal.


You look like youre avatar tbh mix between bush and binladen
Framecel222 said:
Yes I got BTFO. My pics were shitty but that hardly matters, Chad/Chadlite could upload basement selfies and get 1000 matches.

A 10 Chad on tinder can use a selfie of him eating a bloody dead dog's leg already half-eaten with the entire dog's corpse in the photo and wearing girls underwear and women will still be asking him to just fuck them.

Themisterpepsi said:
Grow a beard or something

Hope you got one of them holiday deals on Oculus Rift. Bit of jerking off, bit of gaming, ton of rotting.
Another normal looking dude, what a joke. I bet you have white normal teeth aswell lol

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